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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Deleted3133333

  1. That's not the way it works! You can't just find someone's car and decide it's yours. How is it any different with beds?
  2. All of you are crazy! This is MY bed, and I didn't invite you!!!!
  3. Seriously! Unless you guys are here to fix the cable, I didn't invite you. Why are you all naked in my bed?
  4. Banned because my phone can't load that video, so I can only assume it's the really good song by BlackGryph0n.
  5. *cuts phone line* There, problem solved! No need to keep arguing.
  6. @IronM17 You... you don't know what kettle corn is? I feel sorry for you... it's like normal popcorn, but like ten times better. Here, have some! *hands you the bowl*
  7. Well, I guess that if you prefer it, there's nothing wrong with not wearing any clothes. So I ask again: do you want some kettle corn?
  8. If... if you say so. Just... keep the blanket on, please. Want some kettle corn?
  9. Oh, you... you're not wearing clothes under that blanket...? I'll just... um... come back later.
  10. ... *hides kettle corn behind back* Hiiii, Yumekai... Oh, and apparently there's a ninja here too! That's not creepy at all...
  11. Banned for not banning me. I haven't been to her tea parties either. But I have a friend who has. I just don't know if he's lying about it or not... I seriously doubt there were fireworks.
  12. Banned because I'm not gossiping, just speculating.
  13. Banned for not being invited to her tea parties. They're EPIC! Or so I hear...
  14. What's your favorite Disney performance to put on?
  15. S'alright. So long as you're talking to him, I'm happy. How much cheddar cheese could you fit into the nearest box?
  16. Find a way to talk. Do it. Do it now. Stop wasting your time here. Go out there and talk to that guy and make us all proud. In fact, I'm not even going to ask a question. I take that back. What's his name? (If you don't wanna tell me, that's fine)
  17. Don't worry. I came from the furry fandom. If there's one thing I know how to do, its brain-bleaching away the things that can't be unseen. I haven't really ventured very far into DeviantArt, so I'll have to give that a look-see. 1.) To Play: Soccer. It's one of the only sports I'm good at. To watch: Football. I still don't watch it often, or even watch the entire game unless we make the playoffs, but it's still fun. To watch only for the purpose of trying to figure out what the hay the rules are: Rugby. That game really confuses me. 2.) Semicolon, the programmer's best friend and worst enemy, all wrapped up in one. 3.) Stop blaming yourself for everything. I should probably start listening to it... 4.) Approximently 10^26 atoms. Mostly done via estimation based on the amount of Hydrogen atoms.
  18. I'm imagining it... and it's amazing. We've gotta pool our money to make this happen. I've got about $7 in assorted currencies. What plushie do you want the most?
  19. Well played, Yumekai. Well played. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
  20. My grandma grows tomatoes and they are absolutely delicious. Particularly the grape tomatoes. What's the best ice cream flavor?
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