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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by lua

  1. oh hey this place still exists what are the chances

  2. ay I might come back

  3. hey, whats up?

  4. Hey... Sorry about being inactive, been busy with school, friends, and a ton of video game grinding..

    I'll probably be posting a bit more now though



  6. Hey everypony, i'm feeling much better now. Things like this happen sometimes but whatever :)

  7. today was horrible, I got suspended today from school. But it is my fault, I let my anger get the best of me :( 

    1. Rikifive


      Ouh, that doesn't sound good. :sunny:

  8. I wish I was older and also got into the show earlier, cause I keep seeing old videos when the fandom was in its golden age and well idk

    1. lua


      Also my wrist hurts and i'm kinda tired so if this makes no sense thats why 

  9. Blindly hoping school will get cancelled again because I'm hurt bad and don't wanna deal with it tomorrow :bea:

  10. just finished all the modern challenges in sonic generations

    now onto classic... :bea:

  11. ugh when I was leaving school today I for some reason started to run to the bus and slipped on some ice, ended up with 2 scrapes and I presume a twisted wrist.

    today sucked

    EDIT: its a sprained wrist

  12. I'm thinking about watching the show more (mlp, just to clarify) but idk, give me a few episode recommendations please!

    1. PaulBron


      Flutter Brutter, The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows, Make New Friends But Keep the Discord, The Saddle Row Review. 

  13. sorry about mentioning chris chan again but its too crazy

    the dude is going on another rampage and I probably can't show the tweet cause its too inappropriate but yeah. also he replied to me lol 

    1. CypherHoof


      Those Chris Chan values then?

    2. Lucid_Nightlight


      Whatever is going on there, I just hope the forums is not dragged into it.

      I've seen a video on the guy and people trolling him going too far. I personally don't want any part of it.

    3. lua


      nah its got nothing to do with the forums, i just needed to get that out.. 

  14. yay school was cancelled so I don't gotta go tomorrow 

    1. Rikifive


      Lucky you! :D I also want a day off. :awed:

  15. anyone ever hear of chris chan? he/she (don't wanna offend anyone) is going on a twitter rampage cause he keeps getting blocked by mlp youtubers n such. crazy

    1. PoisonClaw


      I have. I wish I hadn't, but I have. 

    2. lua


      i think they broke him 


  16. Yay 150 posts! i'm gonna head to bed now so goodnight everypony!

  17. I've been on this website for too much time lately.

    But i'm not complaining because its the only time I get to talk with other people who like MLP.

  18. Ugh I gotta go back to school tomorrow, at least we had today off

  19. Just beat Sonic Generations for the third time! Great game, bad final boss though.

    1. Phosphor


      I haven't played Sonic Generations yet. Have you beaten Sonic Mania?

    2. lua


      yeah a few days ago, I gotta get the chaos emeralds though

  20. Good Morning everypony! Or I guess good Afternoon, I woke up a little bit late..

  21. Gonna head to bed, goodnight everypony!

  22. I don't know why but I'm about to play fortnite after like 2 months all out of boredom. I'm really scraping the bottom the barrel 

    1. lua


      now i remember why I quit

  23. I REALLY wan't to watch something to do with mlp (preferably something fan made) but at the same time I feel really weird and I also don't want to. I don't know.

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