I'd say I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't believe in any religion(but maybe there's one out there though that I like) while some could be true, there is no actually evidence to support that God or any other deity exists. If that is scientifically proven, I'll believe it. I used to be christian since it was forced on me by my mother who is christian and I just thought that was just the way to live, but when I was 10 I was really questioning whether or not the things in the Bible are true and actually happened, whether or not God/Jesus can actually see and hear everything I do and say, if praying even does anything....and look, in no way am I saying that it's wrong to pray, follow the Bible and feel god/Jesus around you and believe in all that stuff because if it helps you, makes you happy, and you're not hurting anyone and respecting everyone else's choices and beliefs, and not being hypocritical, I see no problem. Anyways, I decided that Christianity was not for me. I hated how my mom would say that it is the only truth and she wasn't open minded at all to other beliefs, yet told me to be open minded about her religion. So I was just atheist for awhile, and now I'm also agnostic and a strong believer of science and the scientific method. But I'm also pretty spiritual about auras/vibes/souls/hippie stuff and very open-minded.