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Loyal Defender

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Everything posted by Loyal Defender

  1. image.png.0ce323c670eadc6a2500002f38c2c76b.png


    I'm sorry, what.

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Like I said before anything that could be opened up like a wardrobe you can change your clothes in, even if it's something that you store food in like a freezer or refrigerator

  2. I bet you're totally gonna make it your day. :3

  3. With my 3800 turnips, 624,440 Bells is better than nothing!
  4. A baby Metroid evolving to an adult Queen Metroid is like what a baby dumbo octopus grows up into. Don't look up an adult dumbo octopus unless you want nightmares.

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Bah you call that nightmare fuel? It's more weird looking

  5. Sorry I haven’t been on lately. I’ve been super busy and totally forgot to post on here on occasion. Coming home from New York, and am looking forward to resuming playing SNES and NES classics, as well as GBA and the like. I also can’t recall if I mentioned I watched the G5 movie when it released and it’s honestly really good. I definitely enjoyed it.

    1. Tacodidra


      I'm glad to hear you liked the new movie! :yay: It exceeded my expectations, too – I doubt it'll reach the heights of G4 for me, but I'll definitely watch whatever G5 material comes out in the future. :squee:

  6. image.thumb.png.9a2f512d57cc5ef78d73e9c767b8f772.pngNo matter how rough the storm, there's always a rainbow waiting on the other side.

  7. Snapshot_20210916_130810.thumb.jpg.02d65b59ecdddc16d30ca6cf79ba3b0f.jpgCAUGHT THE BIG ONE!

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Well it's actually not the biggest one of all the rare fishes but still pretty big and impressive

    2. Tacodidra


      Well done, my friend! :D


    1. DivineDefender1000


      @Loyal Defender Until Shang Chi comes out? :ticking:

  9. Sonic Colors Ultimate's Digital Deluxe early release comes out in just eight days! I'm so excited! :D


    1. DivineDefender1000


      @Loyal Defender I am very excited for it too! I love Sonic!

  10. The game's just mad cuz I'm doing well on my first ball. :ButtercupLaugh:



    1. Tacodidra


      That brings back some memories. :D I was never very good at the game, but I remember playing it a little on XP.

    2. Loyal Defender

      Loyal Defender

      You can still find it on Windows 10 by searching online, notably from an install guide by GroovyPost.

    3. DivineDefender1000


      @Loyal Defender I remember that game too!

  11. I now know just how difficult it is to get a PlayStation 5 nowadays. There's either stores with none in stock, or scalpers selling them for double the original price. It's pretty frustrating, especially since I couldn't afford to get either model until now, but even then I can't get it because it's...out of stock or being sold by scalpers. Let me say this, though: It's better to try to get one yourself than rely on shipping. A variety of things could happen: The shipper turns out to be a scalper and doesn't ship the object, or it's a trustworthy seller and the package gets intercepted, or something... While it's frustrating that I can't get one online due to this, I'm still going to have faith and patience, even if it's hard to keep patient sometimes. I'm looking everywhere I can for a PS5, and so are my folks. A lot of people are, but I know at some point I'll be able to get a PS5.

  12. Here's some important advice: If you're looking forward to buying, playing, or watching something coming out in the future, make sure you wait to see the reviews first. You don't want to spend money on something only to find out how not worth it the product is.

  13. 3 days until the Project Arrhythmia update, then I can resume work on my level as best I can! I'm so hyped!

    1. Tacodidra


      Have fun, my friend! :yay:

  14. I've been playing a lot of Astroneer lately, and I really feel like it brings out a much smarter side of me. This game is my calling, and if I could have a second Cutie Mark, it would be a rocket surrounded by a * stars and atoms. Or just a rocket and an atom. This game is all about applying the logic of real science into the game, such as combining compound and carbon to make plastic, or connecting multiple power sources to fuel something that runs off of so much power. I've recently had moments of rapidly creating materials to make devices, equipment and machines I'd been trying to work to make. In this game, I always actually feel like I know what I'm doing. It's on Steam for 30 dollars, but to me, it's SO MUCH FUN!

  15. Sorry I haven't said much in a few weeks. I've been busy.


    So after spending a few days watching AugustTheDuck's content, I have learned that there are people in the world that are just unbearable and are slowly killing the faith we have in this world. Highlights are:



    - Dhar Mann, who makes skit videos that teach absolutely awful life lessons, and doesn't put any research into his videos, resulting in plot holes bigger than jupiter, like a teenager working in agriculture, claiming he's earned over a billion dollars, when on average, farmers get around either 37k or 370k a year. Or a skit of a 6 year old boy cheating on a math test that has the most complex algebra you'd ever see. No child at this time or age would be learning complex equations. The stories are all garbage and too damn predictable, and teach lessons no one should be taught. There's also the 'copycats' who are so into Dhar Mann's work that they make videos just as bad as his.

    - The Prince Family. They make videos with clickbait thumbnails and titles, and their videos often have almost no exciting thing in it. They made a video called "Pray for the Prince House" or something, with a thumbnail of a house on fire, police tape, firefighters, the family looking sad.....after over 10-20 minutes of talking, the big reveal of what to pray for happens...a discovered leaky water pipe.

    - Morgz. His channel is hard to even go through, because of the videos he does that are just a total cringefest. So many of his videos are staged, and you can TELL they are, due to moments you'd think would give it away constantly happening. 

    - This one expands between multiple channels but the way they all do it is pretty hard to watch. YouTube Pranks. These people don't do typical pranks like plastic wrap in a doorway, or a whoopie cushion on a seat. No, we're talking much, much worse things. There's too many examples that I don't feel I can list here, but what I will say is one of them is a sibling hiding her disabled brother's wheelchair, and then when she reveals it's a prank, and he's angry at her about it, she tells him to "not be so ungrateful". Disgusting. A prank isn't a prank if someone gets hurt, personal property is tampered with, or it actually causes damage. You can't do something inhumane or horrible and then say "it's a prank bro". No, just...No. A prank is meant to be a HARMLESS joke. The definition is: a practical joke or mischievous act. There's nothing practical or mischevious about doing something like hiding a wheelchair from someone who was forced to crawl around with only his ARMS looking for it. Or, one video of a girlfriend pranking her boyfriend by acting paralyzed, being so concerned, and telling him not to call an ambulance because it was a prank. If you're ever actually paralyzed, congratulations, the length you took the actual paralysis prank to made him think you're faking it and he likely won't take you seriously.

    I've at least learned how to treat people with respect, but these people just haven't. And before you say 'it's just a video, and it's just a harmless prank', then I suggest thinking of how someone would treat you if you did it to THEM. They wouldn't be laughing. If you think justifying how these people act is okay, there's something wrong with you.


    Oh, and I'm not saying any of this to be hateful or spiteful - I'm just telling it like it is.



    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      You Forgot to mention theveganteacher. But then again that's probably a good thing not to mention her

    2. Loyal Defender

      Loyal Defender

      I actually did forget to mention her. But even writing about HER ticks me off to great extents. Plus, I'm sure so many people know about her considering her TikTok was removed.

  16. So people are talking about the Steam handeheld portable library coming out in December, called the Steam Deck. You can play any game from your Steam Library, as well as install new games. There's different tiers, each more expensive than the last. I'm going to wait to see what the reviews are, as well as the pros and cons. One thing I will say, though, is that people need to stop hating on Nintendo just because they think the Steam Deck is like the Switch Pro they never got to have. They need to understand: Nintendo never confirmed there was going to be a Switch Pro. The Switch Pro is just the desires of what someone wanted in a Switch, and they're mad that something similar came to fruition that Nintendo never promised or announced would be happening. We got the Switch OLED model coming out, and people are calling that the '3DS XL of the family.' You have time to be doing things other than trying to diss a model Nintendo is coming out with to please its fans. So please, show respect to the competition, and don't act like one company is better than the other.

  17. I just got PowerWash Simulator, and it's the most fun and satisfying game EVER! Thanks to @Will Guidefor gifting me an Early Access copy, I can enjoy myself and make the world a better, cleaner place for many customers!

  18. image0.jpg
    Now this is how you spiff up a room!


    I just seen something truly bizarre happened outside my window. As the sun was setting, I went out to look at it, and I saw… This. I don’t know what’s causing it but I’ve never seen anything like it before. There’s strips between the sunlight.




    There’s also a star or planet in the image in the sunny part in the middle. 

  20. Now that I’ve seen all 261 episodes of Regular Show, plus the movie, when I get home I’m going to put up a video of me playing each online game based on it! It’ll be a blast! It’s one of my favorite shows, and I managed to see every episode, including the ones I missed in the past before the finale. 

  21. I’m currently rewatching Inside Out, and it’s made me think quite a bit. I put it in a spoiler box cuz it’s long.


    For starters, when Riley is born, I like how they turned the phrase ‘little bundle of Joy’ into a way for the emotion Joy to be created first. The first moments of your life can be happy and joyful, until your needs overwhelm you, and make you cry, which is when Sadness shows up. As you get older, other emotions form and affect the way you think about thinks happening then and happening now. And of course, that’s when memories are made. The console in the movie started out as a simple button, because Riley’s movements and thoughts weren’t as complex, being small and young. 


    But as she grew older and had more emotions, the console was enhanced and complicated more and more, but when used correctly, it could help in a situation that needed part of that console’s functionality. And something to note is that depending on the emotion touching the console, it’ll change to that emotion’s color, and however Riley acts will make a memory combined with that emotion. This, we know. But memories aren’t just little balls of emotion. They change and affect how we see the past, the present, and the future. 


    For example, Riley has a happy memory of playing ice hockey with her friends in Michigan, and if I recall correctly it’s become a core memory, a memory that makes the person who they are. In the present during that time, Riley felt so happy and at home with her friends and family. But moving away didn’t instantly change that memory to a sad one because she could remember the happy times she had. But when the thoughts that she wouldn’t see them again, and that she would have to adapt to a new place caught up with her, this could be represented by the touch of Sadness, who turned that memory into a sad one, resulting in Riley breaking down and missing her friends. 


    The emotions don’t just make that memory a generally affected memory. Sadness doesn’t make the hockey memory completely sad and droopy. Instead it affects how we see that memory when we think of how special it felt, how we hoped  it would positively last forever. But Sadness made Riley realize how much she missed her old home, friends and family, and she broke down crying. The fact Joy couldn’t change the memory back represented the heavy, overwhelming emotions surrounding that memory, and how special it was before could affect how much it affects the person when changed, and how difficult it is to fix if something goes wrong with it. The sadness was too overwhelming to be  undone. It’s also worth noting that in Riley’s mind, Honesty Island could be a part of sadness, because when you break down crying, you’ll likely want to be truthful with how you feel, although it could be out of your control sometimes. Sadness and Honesty Island can go together, and it can work. 


    Riley broke down at the end and admitted she missed her old home, and friends and family, finally opening up about how the move affected her. But it then showed in that moment that you truly can’t be yourself without Sadness. The film portrays Sadness as the accidental troublemaker, but in reality, Sadness is a difficult thing to work around. All of the emotions are. They’re not all completely out of control. Sometimes they take the helm for good reason, other times they take action resulting in a positive or negative outcome. And one emotion could lead to a better moment than could be expected. 


    We all have emotions in us. They affect how we think, act and, of course, feel. They help us make our own memories and parts of our personality - the islands in our mind. And this movie very well portrays how emotions can affect a situation. 


    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Very well put together

    2. Loyal Defender
  22. I've experienced firsthand how hard it is to calmly tell someone that what they offer you isn't what you want simply because you don't want it. I'm so deathly afraid of hurting their feelings that I feel like I'm having an emotional panic attack if I have to speak up and be honest. I think that's what happened, actually - I had a minor emotional panic attack.

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      That's terrible.

      Comfort hug?


    2. Loyal Defender
  23. Me, trying to get all the health extending fruits in Shadow of the Colossus, shoots at one, as it clips straight through a rocky surface, never to be picked up.


    Me, grabbing at the ground desperately and in despair:



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