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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Abstract

  1. That was the end of an incredibly long week. Thank goodness ponies are here to help me relax.

  2. Just realized I've been a member for over 5 years now. How time flies...


  4. Tired of minimum wage; it's my turn to move on up in the world.

  5. Props to my new neighbor for his wireless network being named, "I Watch My Neighbors Shower"

  6. The forums seem to be playing peek-a-boo.

    1. Rascal~


      Its playing chicken with the server

  7. Work in 5 hours...sleep or no sleep? GO!

  8. 5:30 AM. This is what I get for sleeping in 'til 2 PM yesterday. :/

  9. One of the most underrated depressing things; catching up with an old friend, and discovering how much you miss them; but realizing how much the both of you have changed. That you can't get that friendship back, no matter how badly you want it.


  11. Did y'all know it's quite a higher degree of difficulty to play N64 games with a SNES controller?

  12. Majora's Mask on Project64. Fuck yes.

  13. ...Still haven't done a damn thing with "clopperforum.com". Maybe I should just let this mistake go. :P

  14. Drinking and web surfing can be a dangerous combination... apparently I purchased "clopperforum.com"

  15. One of these days, I should probably get around to actually naming all my MLP episodes on my computer. Numbers don't really help when trying to identify one. :P

  16. More than a bit late to the party; I have discovered Porcupine Tree.

    1. TailsIsNotAlone


      I haven't heard much of PT, but I very much like Katatonia, and I hear they are similar. ^^

  17. Well, that hurt like hell. But totally worth it for my cutie mark. :P

    1. Acoustic Cloud
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Wait, that's just a bruise...

  18. Hello MLP Forums at 3:30 AM! WHERE MAH LATE NIGHTERS AT?

    1. Bronium


      Yes! Up at 9pm. So rebel right now.

    2. Crispy


      Welcome to night posting, where the threads are bad and the points don't matter.

    3. Champion RD92
  19. Um... if someone could point me to where I could watch/download the new episodes, I would be forever in your debt. :/

  20. Love not being able to sleep all night due to sickness. At least I'm off today, though I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy it.

  21. Sorry MLPForums... no donation this month. :(

  22. I'm to the point of being unable to remember when days begin and end. Night and day mean nothing. Fuck my sleep schedule. :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abstract


      Yep, switching between graveyards and afternoon shifts at work, I sleep when I can get it.

    3. Crispy


      Brutal. But hey, the hustle don't stop. Best to do it now, while you're young.

    4. Abstract


      Very true, gotta do what you can while you can.

  23. Don't you hate that feeling of drifting away from someone you once loved dearly...

  24. Reason #5374927 I don't use YT; rabid, merciless bronies.

  25. Trying to make a donation to the forums, but for some reason it won't let me log into my PayPal account. It's one thing when you're making a purchase for yourself, but when you're just trying to do a good deed; it's nearly infuriating when things like this happen.

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