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The Blueberry Writer

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Status Updates posted by The Blueberry Writer

  1. I just finished a big part of one of my MLP projects, tell me what do you all think?  The Stallion on the Right is one of my OCs.  He is Captain Blueberry Buckaroo.  The inspiration of this character and his personality is a mix between Roy Fokker form Robotech and Baron Munchhausen.   My series of short stories are all mostly from the series I made up for my group of stories in the MLP universe / multiverse.

    BlueberryBuckaroo and Luna semi final.png

  2. The MLP Halloween Campaign has begun, and they world is under attack by Killer Apples!!!

  3. October has begun and to kick it off, I made a Queen Chrysalis montage video showing her off from the MLP Gameloft game.  XD   :orly:


  4. Man this story is awesome and terrible at the same time.  The Mane 7 are Defeated, TIA, Twilight, and Cadence are turned to stone,  Shinning Armor might be a pile of Shadow Crystals now, and the entire Crystal Army are Shadow Crystals now :( 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      I hope Luna does something, she wasn't mentioned at all.:orly:

    3. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      Once again, Luna, a good character with so much potential, being ignored and put on the back burner. :dry:

    4. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer


      Alternatively they could be setting it up that Luna isn't around at all during important events because she secretly is still bad and helping those bad things happen.


      That would be a amazing twist.... but since she is so awesome that would feel like a kick to the stomach.

  5. With Halloween coming up, I would like to share my video with Delicious Halloween, treats, Dinners, drinks, and desserts I made.  One is Princess Luna themed.  I will be doing more this year.  If you want to know how to make something you liked, it is in the comments  :orly:   


    1. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      I accidentally put the wrong video in :lie:, I changed it, the Final one is the best one :orly:

    2. MangoFoalix


      Oh hey, I'll take a look at this after dinner. Looking at the thumbnail it looks neat!

  6. I am done with the Mega Man 5 Wily's Dream Space series.  It was fun but brutal.  The Last Two Thumb nails are also pretty cool in my opinion.  I hope you all like them!  :mlp_yeehaa:



    1. Dashy 4 Ever

      Dashy 4 Ever

      That was actually funny, entertain, and interesting!

    2. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      @Sondash Studios Thank you so much!!!  I worked really hard on these, almost took all day with the 2nd one.

    3. Dashy 4 Ever

      Dashy 4 Ever


  7. A the new MLP Gameloft limited time campaign has started XD  


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rikifive


      It would be a really decent game if Gameloft wouldn't be that greedy and incompetent. :twi:

      Fun times though, it's been ages... :P 

    3. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      True, and what makes me sad is that the fans put way more effort into the MLP games than actual game companies, we could have had real, Mario, or Mega Man, or Final Fantasy style MLP games, and the fans would have loved it.

    4. Rikifive


      Yeah, fans tend to come up with much better games than legit companies who are supposed to have experience at this. Also sweet Celestia, not only these companies create poor, buggy games, they also ask for tons of money. Literally, you could buy many decent AAA games instead of some silly bonuses in a cheaply-made game, that doesn't even work properly. And this is supposed to be for little kids. :P 

      That Gameloft game isn't bad - but the way they handle it is quite annoying. :twi:

      There are many possibilities for good games - For example, Mario covers many genres (platformer, racing, RPG etc.) and it's all in a friendly environment - MLP could totally do the same; the whole adventure can be told in many ways, it leaves tons of potential. Even gameplay similar to Spyro (the original ones) would work.

      But not those silly mobile games, where prices are ridiculous... and it's never enough! :lostit:

  8. This might be my fav thumbnail yet, Princess Luna, my favorite mlp character of all time, possible my most fav character out of everything ever, fights along side my favorite Mega Man character every, Proto Man, to fight m tied for first place evil Mega Man character Dark Man 4, who will win?


  9. Luna is tired of having to fight enemies upside down and so am I lol   This is me doing this, and it is so hard to beat!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vys2Wy3J7C8


    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      "Gravity... is working against me." -- John Mayer

  10. I am sorry I have been away for awhile.  I am working on a special Luna project, trying to beat Wilys Dream Space while making custom thumb art for it, and I have been exercising a lot.  I feel a lot better doing that.  I have missed all of you though.  

    What do you all think of this title art?  XD


  11. I got two new Game thumb nails I created for "Wilys Dream Space"  let me know what you think?  :orly:




    1. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      hey! put poor luna down at once

    2. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      Gravity Man got what he deserved.... after I died a bunch of times, but who is counting XD  :D

    3. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      I think they are awesome! Well done!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The_Gobo


      what on earth was that all about XD
      And where did that clip from the show come from? o3o


    3. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      I just looked up Rarity Princess Platinum scene :D   Its basically one of  MLPs older Christmas episodes.  I had to use a scene with her dressed like that because I forgot I was using that outfit with Rarity in the augmented reality mode in the game.

      Anyway, people on my channel like the augmented reality mode, so I try making some movies with it, while trying to be funny.  XD  I still think my Princess Luna one and the Dashie with Stygian ones are much better.  :orly:

    4. The_Gobo


      Ahhhh Okay

      Thank you :D


  12. I made a new game thumbnail for the Wily Dream Space game I am playing.  What do you all think?  Does Luna blend in better?   Personally I kinda like her more in my first post, it might be the word bubble that was the problem the first time. 


    1. The_Gobo


      That's outstanding XD


  13. Hi everyone.  I haven't been feeling well mentally.  I regret not being on anywhere near as much as I would like.    I have been working on Mega Man and MLP stuff.   I want your honest opinion about this title card I made.   Do you think Luna stands out to much?   Let me know of anything you think I can improve.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      Also for context, the same people that make MLP are making the Mega Man tv show now, and the version of Wave Man you see here is there version, and I LOVE IT, he was already my favorite, but now he is epic XD 


      Oh don't read this if you want to see the Mega Man show....


      But Wave Man has a pet Alligator that escapes, it has a walking cane and top hat.  I get have a crazy idea that his pet Alligator is Gummy!!!    After all the new Mega Man is made by the people making MLP  :laugh:

    3. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      It looks way better than anything I could make. But maybe a bit more opacity would be good.

    4. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      Thank you so much Soren Pergrine XD

  14. I will be posting some of my most fav art from other artists, mainly of Humanized MLP characters.  This piece is by https://www.deviantart.com/laszl


      I love this picture of Human Princess Luna, not only are the colors vibrant, but she looks very much how I think she would look.   Most human Lunas I see do not look how I think she would, oddly enough a popular one has her depicted looking like Jennifer Tilly, it might just be me, but I don't think she is pretty, also every time I see Jennifer I think of her Chucky movies and all the other movies she was in as a crazy evil person.


      There some other Human Luna pictures I think look even closer to how I think she would look but this one is very very good.   She has a haunted look about her, like she doesn't believe she herself is pretty, or deserves admiration.   In the Winter Moon Festival novel she has changed and she actually is not wanting admiration form the subjects of Equestria anymore because she feels unworthy of it.  The novel takes place after "Do Princess Dream of Magic Sheep" and it shows she is working towards getting past the pain she has being Nightmare Moon at one time, but it isn't completely gone yet.

      I love the colors of this picture, one reason I love Luna is because of her color pallet, it happens to have every single type of color I love on her, and this is no exception.  The design reminds me of 80s style box art and or Deadpool retro art lol   But Luna herself... just looks very beautifual, I just wish she wasnt sad.  One day that will be changed, I am sure.


    Anyway, I hope you like my review of this picture.   I had a semi good day, I wore my first every Princess Luna shirt I ever got, it is so AWESOME!!!!  I got it from Redbubble.  They got everything and lots of it... Oddly enough most the Luna stuff they have doesn't show up in the Princess Luna search, you just got to type in My Little Pony, or MLP to get it all.  Still I love my new Luna shirt :orly:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      I think she is one of the most liked, yet Hasbro doesn't have her in the show often nor make much stuff for her, collectables and stuff.  Heck Luna still doesnt talk in the video game :(

    3. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      I know. Luna was one of those characters who had a lot of potential with very little known about her early on in the show, but she was wasted. The writers really took away from how powerful the sisters should be when Chrysalis took out Celestia too. I really liked Horse Play though because it put them at the center of attention, even if it was only for a little while.

    4. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      Its kinda weird we get more from Luna, and TIa really, from the comics and novels.  I loved Tias limited series, I just didn't know it would be so short.  Luna and Tia should get their own series that has a story telling style similar to Star Wars I think.  I think they should be longer also and multiply parters that go longer than just two episodes.

  15. Oh, I can make status updates now.   THE FUN HAS BEEN... Multiplied by 1!!!!!!!!!   :orly:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      I think my status updates were broken, Lord Valtasar told me to ask support, because there was no option at all for me to make them, and they fixed it :mlp_smug:

    3. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      good posting then, status updates are great because they're not limited by any category, they can start as "multiplied x1":confused: and end up as smt completely different
      also that pic is so adorable :adorkable:

    4. The Blueberry Writer

      The Blueberry Writer

      I will get to X10 in no time :wub:      I think I might talk about one piece of Luna art I love once a day, and after that, AJ, Dashie, Trixie, Starlight, Spike, and all my other favs :sunbutt:

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