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Status Updates posted by CoconutCake

  1. Long time no see, how are you? :eager:

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      doing just fine, and u?


  2. Gonna make some French Press coffee and stay up all night!

    What’s everyone up to tonight?

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      yay for coffee

      fine and u

  3. Sometimes, nothing is better than a good laugh~ :mlp_icwudt:

    1. EpicEnergy


      Pinkie Pie would approve! :grin:

  4. Hey there! How’s it goin’? :grin:

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      I  *squish*


      what have u been up to......



  5. Good morning y’all! How is everyone? :D 

    1. EpicEnergy


      I'm doing good today, how about you? :grin:

  6. Thanks for the follow! Nice to meet you :) 

    1. SpongeBobsLittlePony


      You’re welcome and nice to meet you too!

  7. Bed time. Goodnight y’all! :grin:

    1. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      Sleep well 

    2. Crimson storm

      Crimson storm

      May Luna bring you sweet dreams

  8. That new game Fall Guys is freaking AWESOME. I saw some bad reviews on Steam and I’m like "huh... well let’s try it anyway" and suddenly an hour into playing I realized why they left bad reviews. They’re sore losers, because the game is really challenging :pout: At least that’s my takeaway because the game itself is pretty great.

    1. strongwilled_pegasus
    2. CoconutCake


      I did! :D Darn my social avoidance! It’s been awhile :) 

  9. Man. I don't know what it is is lately but the past few days have been awful for me! From big things to small things... It's like I stepped on the sidewalk crack or broke a mirror too many times. Seems as if all the bad luck I've accumulated is catching up with me all at once! :mlp_wat:

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Thats good...now you have none:)

    2. CoconutCake


      At least for awhile, haha! It is what it is~ :grin:

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Just look at the good side:) it has less stress

  10. How’s it going? :grin:

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      You came back!     I  just woke up from nap but yeah I'm doing fine how about  you?

  11. Well, guess it’s time for the hot weather to start creeping in. I’m ready! *blasts a/c, whips out the t-shirt and shorts, and avoids the outdoors*

  12. Say hello to my new gaming laptop! I’ve wanted one for awhile, so along with my desktop PC, I’m all set (PC-wise)

    PLUS I saved $130 by waiting a couple weeks! Also ordered a mouse and lap desk. So stoked.

    I know it’s not AMAZING, but I only want it for average-graphics games. My desktop is what I use for high-end graphics.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CoconutCake


      Thanks! So excited! Yeah ugh I suck at consistency lol. How are you? :D 

    3. LegoDashie


      im doing great new name and new persona XD how about you ?

    4. CoconutCake


      Haha yeah I noticed that! It’s awesome  :) That’s good you’re well, I’m pretty great too! Considering how things are lately lol

  13. Getting back into Guild Wars 2 :fluttershy: The game does take a lot of time and stuff but since things are the way they are now, why not?

  14. I feel like all I've been doing since the virus started is eating, drinking booze, cleaning, and gaming.
    Not too bad, amirite? :pout:

  15. Times are intense right now, and since we all can't get to the supermarkets when we want to, I've decided that being slightly overweight is going to work to my advantage! At least in survival in case we get short in food. Thanks, BMI. :proud:

  16. Being home all day = cleaning spree.

  17. *puts on medical mask and takes a drink of vodka to sterilize insides* I am prepared!
    In all seriousness though, this whole virus ordeal is stressing me out. Definitely not leaving the house for awhile...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CoconutCake


      @Kujamih Ah crap... thanks for the heads up. Staying inside, then... :baconmane:

    3. strongwilled_pegasus



      how about a radiation suit?

      I think amazon is selling those


    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Oh no -face palm- youve jinxed it. Now thats the thing those stupid people are gona hoard:Cozy::angry:

  18. WHOA. It's Friday the 13th! Didn't even notice until now. Anyone here superstitious? :baconmane:

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      chi-chi-chi  ha-ha-ha


  19. Got a new doggy today! She loves everyone and all the cats in the household, so that's a plus :D

    1. LegoDashie


      awww so cute ^^

  20. Depression sucks. I just wish my mood would lift already. Meh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CoconutCake


      @EpicEnergy thank you very much, my day is actually getting better! Much appreciated~ :fluttershy:

    3. strongwilled_pegasus


      *big hug*

      hopes u feel better

    4. CoconutCake


      @strongwilled_pegasus *hug!* thank you, doing much better now :grin:

  21. Trying to resist buying Fallout New Vegas...
    I'm confused though, because I could have sworn it was already in my game library. Meh.

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      fallout is calling out to you, to buy it


  22. Well... there goes my attempt to abstain from coffee/caffeine! I just can’t seem to function without it :baconmane: That’s okay though... because coffee is glorious.

  23. Saw this awesome dog the other day, thought he was worth sharing :grin:


  24. Watching MLP never fails to put me in a better mood, no matter how bad my mood is :nom:

    Hope everyone’s morning is going well! :D

  25. First day trying to quit caffeine. So far so good. Hoping I don’t get super tired later on though.

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