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Status Replies posted by Literatel

  1. Youtube is down right now, nooooo!!!!! :o#YoutubeDOWN

    1. Literatel


      It says they hired a monkey to fix the problem! I bet you that exact monkey caused the issue. :okiedokieloki:

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Today in top 10 greatest game betrayals:


    1. Literatel


      I wonder if when you get burned by dragon's fire in Skyrim in VR... if you will feel it in real life? :wacko:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Today in top 10 greatest game betrayals:


    1. Literatel


      @Lord Valtasar, One of my favorite pastimes in Skyrim is hunting and catching butterflies (wings). :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

  5. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

  6. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

  7. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Gosh, you sounded a lot like Big Mac there. ^_^

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      "Shut up!"


      *Sighs in defeat* "I lost."


    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      They slap me to shut me up, but all it does is increase my adrenaline. That gets my brain working, producing much more witty ideas. They create exactly what they are trying to prevent. XD

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I'll be fine. I'm a hermit, anyway. ;)

      And get slapped for it? Heck yes! :D

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I suppose you are right. :sunny: REVOLUTION!!! Just kidding. I like being safe. :fluttershy:

      How about this? "That is absolutely fantesticle". XD

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Oh well. At least she isn't forcing her religion onto me. She only says something if I do or say something that is outside of her comfort bubble of sorts.

      Honestly, I don't know how that isn't on a T-shirt. XD

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Does she? Nope. I cannot have a single fantasy book in my house, otherwise she just either sells them or leaves them in the rain. She despises video games (hence why I keep my gaming habit a secret), as she deems them as demonic. Yeah...

      How about this? Say this IRL: Good evening. Would you like a forkin' knife?

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      She doesn't care. If someone is not a Christian, they need to be saved in her opinion. :sunny: She's very religious.

      What kind of batteries do you want?

      Oh, I want some AAA, eh.


    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      My mom supports him, but only because he's a Christian. She can be a little short-sighted... A lot, actually. :P

      Fun fact: Here is how you spell Canada (you have to say it IRL in order for it to sound funny): C-A-N-A-D-A, eh.

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      No. Just no. :P

      I honestly don't even know we have a Prime Minister 99.9% of the time. It's all Trump this, Trump that, you see.

      But I personally dislike Trudeau. He's just a pretty boy; nothing more.

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      What about Sunset? :(

      As do I! Except we are one of the most extreme left-wing countries in the world. ._.

      Okay then. :kindness:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Sounds good. :kindness:

      Rar-i-ty! Rain-bow-Dash! Twi-light... Sparkle. Just say the last part extremely quickly. ^_^

      British Columbia. :fluttershy:

      Are you sure? Just checking, ya know...

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Aww, thanks. :3 Um, what's your name, if you don't mind me asking? :blush:

      I just love those three-syllable chants. XD Fac-to-ry! Fac-to-ry! Fac-to-ry! Batt-er-y! Batt-er-y! Batt-er-y! Po-llu-tion! Po-llu-tion! Po-llu-tion! :P

      I'm about 3 hours behind you, and I'll also be up for a few more hours. :fluttershy:

      I hope you didn't mind that conversation we had, about butts and such. :P :blush:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      It is, but I may be non-binary (I'm not sure), so I may change me name to Sage. :)

      Still, I love living in the middle of nowhere. It's so peaceful here. :fluttershy:

      That's exactly what I said... Copyright!!! :stressed:

      I'm just kidding. :P

      By the way, what time is it for you right now, and how much longer do you think you'll be on? :3

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  21. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Unlike Melody. :unamused: (My first name.)

      Unless you live in a small town, like I do, and the city is over 3 hours away. ._.

      And, in addition to that, enough is never enough. :yeahno:

      Right here is the problem. Men should have the voice, but they cannot speak. Only the sane women can fix these issues, and guess what? Unlike the extreme feminists and such, who have all the funding, supporting, and TIME on their hands, the sane women work all the time, and they either do not pay attention to politics, or they don't have the time, money, and/or support to do anything about current 1st world issues.

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

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