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Supernova Energy

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Status Updates posted by Supernova Energy

  1. Thanks for giving me a badge! :D

  2. Hey, a bat pony witch! Nightmare Night is definitely just around the corner!

    M-m-magic! by Margony

  3. Hey everyone, I have a bucket load of candy (reactions) I need to give out right now!

    I ordered too much for Halloween, so don't be afraid to ask for a lot!

    1. Phosphor


      Can I have a candy? 

      Apple Bloom smile 2.png

  4. I found more art of the bat pony called Star Struck! I couldn’t ask for better!

    Star Struck by DreamyEevee

    1. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      @Nightmare glim I found this art on DeviantArt (Link). Star Struck isn't my OC though, she was originally owned by someone I can't recall the name of but now she is owned by the DeviantArt user DreamyEevee. She is one of my favorite bat ponies ever!

  5. Red Socks vs Dodgers - I want to Red Socks to win! Not really into baseball, but the Red Socks is my dad's team so they are my team too.

  6. Ahhh, this bat is hurting my ears! Someone needs to calm Shimmerbat down, she is upset for some reason!

    (Tagged with seizure warning on Derpibooru)




  7. This bat called Star Struck is unbearably adorable! Her cuteness might cause me to explode, stand back!

    Bats Squared by DreamyEevee

  8. Bats! It’s that time of year when bats take over everything and looks like they’ve reached my profile! Yep, I was once obsessed with bat ponies a year or so ago, and they remained high on my favorites list since then, but recently I’m seeing more art and it has reignited my obsession. Expect bat pony art status updates on my profile up to the 31st of this month.

    Commission: Platinum Wing by UP1TER

  9. Goodnight everyone! Remember to be cautious of bat ponies, unless you want to become one of them! I think I might have already got bitten, but I couldn't help myself - bat ponies are hard to resist!


  10. The Princess Apple Bloom cometh, behold! Behold!

    [Apple Bloom] Apple Alicorn by Kopcap94

  11. ForgaLorga posted a new pony video on YouTube based around Luna and Celestia!

    It had me laughing and smiling the whole way through.

    What I also love is this part of that YT video:


    Starlight has ascended beyond alicorn status!

  12. I'm ready for Nightmare Night! Changed my profile name and profile picture for the event, I might also keep an eye out for spookier ones to use on the 31 of this month.


  13. Hello everyone! Hope you all are having an amazing day! If not, then here is some Pinkie Pie art that is sure to brighten up your day at least a little bit! It might also make you crave cupcakes and candy. :)



  14. Wow, I just found this great image of Luna wearing Sonambula's outfit! I think she looks amazing in it! The only problem is you can't see her galaxy-dyed mane.

    [Princess Luna] Lunambula by Kopcap94

    1. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Gotta admit, that's pretty good. The Egyptian look just jives with Luna so well. 

    2. CypherHoof


      To be fair, our Princess of the Night would look adorable in anything :)

  15. I finally decided to change my profile picture! I was actually going to wait longer, but I decided to do it now since I would have probably forgotten to later. 

  16. Wow, this is a hard match, Ponyville vs Coudsdale! B) :adorkable:

    Sorry Twilight, but I have decided to vote for Rainbow Dash's team. I love you both though!

  17. Hurricane Michael is over for me, and I didn't lose power thankfully. I got hit worse by Michael than Florence, and almost had a tornado. I'm glad the hurricane is gone though, because I need some rest since it's been a busy day for me.

    1. DivineMist1000


      Glad to hear you and your family are safe, my friend. :kindness: I guess I should be lucky we don’t get hurricanes where I live!

  18. I am currently getting hit by Hurricane Michael, so my power might go out at any time. I sure hope it doesn't though! If it does, I won't be able to get on these forums!

  19. Here is some Halloween Celestia art to start off the day!

    Bat Princess Celestia by MinamiKoboyasy

    Hope everyone is having a great day! I sure am, and after finding this amazing artwork my day is going even better!

  20. Thought you might like this:


    Best image I've seen today so far!

    1. DivineMist1000


      Ooh, that’s a beautiful Luna pic you posted. I love it!!

      Here’s an equally beautiful pic of Celestia to go along with it!


  21. I just found two phenomenal remixes based off popular songs!


    The first is based off the famous "Despacito" song:

    The second is based off the "Let It Go" song:

    It makes me wonder how I never heard of these remixes before. :mlp_huh:

    Anyways, both are going on my favorites list since I love the original "Despacito" and "Let It Go" songs, and I love the content creator "The Living Tombstone".

    Last thing I wanted to mention: this status update is about non-pony songs, but I am about to go listen to some MLP fandom songs, so expect another status update!

  22. I need to go to sleep now because I have a long day tomorrow, goodnight everyone!

  23. Thanks for the follow! :)

    1. TheRockARooster


      You're very welcome, my friend.

  24. Love the new MLP forums banner! :mlp_smile:

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