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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. @Samurai Equine, defender of peace and ultimate hug master! Congrats on becoming staffer of the week, I give you three free huggu huggu huggu for being awesome!
  2. Those mischievous crows! I wood have gotten out of the car and complained to them about such inconsiderate actions!
  3. Well well well, look what we have here.... it's the start of a new month, but not just any month... the spoopy month! There will be scares, goosebumps, jack-o-lanterns, and most importantly candy!

    So I wish you all a very spoopy and fun October! :ithastolookpretty:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EpicEnergy


      @Astralshy Hello birb master, I see your excited for spoopy month!

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I read this in the spookiest voice I can make. B)

    4. Astralshy
  4. A Chillet was just minding it's on business in a forest one day, when suddenly an ominous and evil figure appeared out of a tree... Who are you? Give me your soul.... You'll never take me alive! How are you so strong?!?! You're just an ice weasel! I've been trained in the art of combat and am more than capable of defending myself, or I wouldn't have been wandering through this forest alone! Grrr I was hoping for easy prey, consider yourself lucky! The ominous and evil figure disappears into thin air. ------------------------------------ I made this blog entry to test out a little thing I thought of - using small images with character dialogue to make an interesting story. It's short but I had fun making it.
  5. Thanks @Interstellar Sketch! I have something to say to you too.... reverse Uno card! Wait.... that's a mirror not a uno card.... the same concept applies!
  6. *a red button appears*


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine



      (Puts a bunch of "Under Construction" yellow tape around it)

    2. EpicEnergy


      @Samurai Equine How can you resist the urge to press it?!?! This is unheard of!

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      How can anyone resist the urge to be a construction worker?! :squee: Hard hats, uniforms, and yellow tape! Not to mention all the construction tools~

  7. I was browsing YouTube this evening and stumbled upon a video that discusses a math problem from a 7 year-old's homework that is stumping the internet. My built-in "challenge accepted" mechanic went off and I had to attempt to solve it! So I tried to solve it and was stumped as everyone else has been - an undesired but expected outcome. I decided, after trying to solve the problem, to watch the video and find out what the solution to this problem is. I will stop there because I want to let anyone reading this try to solve it too! Answer below: Well, there you have it, a math problem that will stump you!
  8. Yes indeed! I've never been to one, but they still happen!
  9. Where is this at!!!! I want to go there and see Pals irl!!! I need to hug Chillet and ride Grizzbolt!


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good luck. At the rate things are going, Nintendo is going to nuke it all. :please:

  10. Congrats to the floofy-eared pony @Mercury for becoming staffer of the week and being a super-cool pony!
  11. One of my favorite ways of eating! Why bother taking your time when you can just inhale the entire thing! I must have mistaken this for sanitary!
  12. Psst... everypony, there's a new episode of "Misinterpreting Words - In An Epic Way!" :yay:

    I had such a good reception, that I couldn't resist creating another episode! I was expecting no reception at all really, didn't anticipate anyone being interested in such silliness. :Pip-giggle:

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I love these weekly episodes. :kirin:

    2. EpicEnergy


      @Samurai Equine Glad you love them!

  13. Guess what time it is! It's time to misinterpret words once more! Welcome back to "Misinterpreting Words - In An Epic Way!", I'm your host EpicEnergy, but this time you can call me Mr. Hungry! As the nickname suggests, I am indeed hungry, because the topic today is about food - breakfast to be more specific. So let's take some time to really digest the meaning of this word "breakfast", pun possibly intended. Ah yes, breakfast - the meal that people eat at the start of the day, though not me since I wake up near lunchtime. But why is it really called "breakfast"? For those who read the pilot episode of this show, they'll know what comes next - silly and wild guesses and speculations! So let me guess the lore behind this peculiar yet widely accepted word. I will put it in the box below since it's a fairly large read. Ok, so on a scale of 1-10, how accurate do you think my guess of the lore of the word "breakfast" is? Well if you didn't say 10, I challenge you to make a more accurate guess of that lore! Now, lore aside, let's talk about the silliness of this term. It combines break and fast, but this makes no sense because who takes a break at the start of their day! Like most people get up, eat breakfast, do work and stuff, then take a break! You can't take a break from waking up, you just woke up! And fast, well that makes a little more sense because many people have to eat breakfast fast if they wake up late or have lots of stuff to do that day. So I petition for breakfast to be renamed, we must replace break with something else! But "what to replace it with" you may be asking, and I will tell you this - we don't take a break when we wake up, we start the day when we do that. But to start the day, it's important to have breakfast. So instead of breakfast, I shall petition it to be renamed to "startfast"! A much more sensical word than "break"fast! Aahhh look at the time! I've been talking for too long, so the time has come for me to depart! Thanks to all who tuned-in to this epic blog entry, and as always, this is Mr. Hungry signing off! Bonus content:
  14. Congrats @ReverieRiver, you are the river of the forums that supplies us with the waters of roleplay and friendship!
  15. Your help is appreciated! But I prefer silliness, why use the true definition when you can make your own definitions up! Ah you have outsmarted me! I didn't foresee this answer, you have unlocked the game's alternate ending! A wise choice, you have kept your sanity! I eat quesadillas, so I eat you!
  16. ITS HAPPENING!!! Nooo!!!

    Nintendo sues Palworld maker for infringement of "multiple" patents (msn.com)

    The dawn of war is here, gamers must unite and fight against the tyranny of Nintendo! We must defend Palworld against the darkness!




    1. Sparklefan1234


      I'm honestly surprised it took Nintendo this long to do something. :wacko:

    2. ZiggWheelsManning


      Nintendo, #1 jerks of protecting IPs with an iron fist since internet invented:ticking:  

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine



      I'm honestly surprised it took Nintendo this long to do something. :wacko:

      I mean, I was at first too, but I've watched enough YouTube lawyer videos to know that these kind of legal matters don't happen over night like television tends to tell you. There is legal planning and processing involved. The fact that it took this long is actually the right amount of time. I guess it doesn't matter how much money your company makes, the law goes at its own pace for everyone. :dash:

  17. Hey, so I decided to take my usual "vent about words" and turned it into a blog series called "Misinterpreting Words - In An Epic Way!". I'm not actually sure if I'll continue it or not since my motivation and interests constantly move, but it's there! It's just me being silly and intentionally misinterpreting common words for fun. :P

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      As long as you're posting, I'll read each one! :kirin:

    2. EpicEnergy


      @Samurai Equine Nooooo don't read my descent into silliness! :catface:

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      I must! We can be silly together! ^_^

  18. Welcome to "Misinterpreting Words - In An Epic Way!"! I'm your host, EpicEnergy! Or you call me The Misinterpreter for short since I'm going to misinterpreting words! You may be asking 'isn't that nickname longer than your usual name'? And my answer is 'Yes! But... its catchy'! So today we'll be discussing a popular term on the internet know as IQ! Why it is called IQ? Does it stand for Internet Question or I Quit?!?!?! Or how about Inedible Quail? Maybe it has something to do with Quesadillas, like Incredible Quesadilla! Ok so maybe I got off-track and started going on about food, how about something related to gaming - Instanced Quest. Hmm maybe its more of a bedtime term like Indestructible Quilt! Nah I think it might be a historical term - Inhabiting Quebec. You know, I might as well throw Immeasurably Quaint out there! Ok, so I can't actually determine what this term means by guessing, so I'll leave a poll! As a gamer I would naturally vote on Instanced Quest, I think that's the intended meaning of IQ. Thanks for reading, this is The Misinterpreter signing off! Bonus Content:
  19. I want a real-life racetrack to include a track loop that goes into the air like a rollercoaster or Hot Wheels track loop! There has to be Danger Zone playing while they race of course, any other song is unacceptable.
  20. Well you see, John Connor is the only man who can stop this, but if the T-800 kills Sarah Connor before John Connor is born, all will be lost to the machines and humanity's last hope will be nonexistent! So there is hope, but there's also a fight to control the future of this world because of the existence of a time machine.
  21. I think so, and from what my parents told me, I would constantly come back violently sick. 💀
  22. Yes indeed, quite a few to be honest.
  23. 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    1. EpicEnergy


      I was going to post a game where you find the imposter emoji in a field of only two emojis, but instead I ran into a limit of only 75 emojis! Only 75! So I decided to break the limit by copy/pasting emojis with the shortcut keys, posted it, but it turns out it only renders in 75 emojis and the rest turn into text. So much for my game and my attempt to break the emoji limit!!!


    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Really? :huh: I wonder if I have that problem...

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      EDIT: Works for me. :orly:

  24. Welcome back to "vents about words"!

    So today we discuss a sport. Why is it called "ping pong"?!?! Like we don't call golf "wack thud" or basketball "bounce scrunch", why we have to name this sport after the noise it makes when we don't do that to other sports! It's degrading! :glimmer:

    1. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      You can call it "table tennis" if you want.

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      ...You're saying you DON'T call football Tackle Toss? :wau:

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