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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. Happy first day of Autumn everypony! :yay:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Happy first day of fall, Bestie! :please:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my amazing friend. :lookup:

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy Autumn, my friend! :eager:

  2. No because I use keys to increase/decrease the volume most of the time, and the keys change the numbers to only even numbers. If it's on an odd number when I press the key, it still changes to an even number.
  3. I don't know, if I was a girl/woman I would think differently so it's hard to say. I guess I wouldn't have a problem wearing one tho.
  4. Breaking news: Rainbow Dash plays Minecraft! Join her server right now to play with Dashie!


    1. Creepy Scribbles

      Creepy Scribbles

      That's so freakin adorable UwU

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Don't let her see the movie trailer...

  5. I was homeschooled so I don't really have to say about school, but I went to a university once I graduated from high school. Anyways, I have a lesson to teach everyone! As you all might have figured out by now, I'm a gamer, so naturally I would teach about gaming! The golden rule of gaming is to not have a golden rule of gaming because gold isn't a durable material in Minecraft! Rather, you would want a Netherrite rule, and note that I didn't choose diamond because a common fallacy is to assume diamond is the best material when in fact it's not! But having a netherrite rule, or a rule of any kind, would destroy the very purpose of gaming itself - to have fun. Also Mojang is WRONG, the number one rule of Minecraft is allegedly to never dig straight down but it is misleading! You can in fact dig straight down without consequence because all you need is full netherrite armor (to fight off the enemies should you fall into a cave), a feather falling IV enchantment on any piece of that armor (to significantly reduce fall damage), a potion of fire resistance (for anti-lava purposes), and a golden apple (for an emergency if you manage to get half health with the previously mentioned items). Ok so that's kinda alot to ask for, but it negates the potentially negative impacts of digging straight down and therefore makes the number one rule of Minecraft to be misleading! You can disobey it without worry if you have those items! Now I have plenty of lessons to teach here about gaming since I'm a former PvP player and currently serving in the PvE branch of gaming, but I'll spare everyone the wall of text and it's difficult to generalize lessons without specifying specific games and making a bunch of other complications. So I end this here, happy gaming fellow MLP fans!
  6. Eh, flex tape is average. I don't see what's all the hype about it, it's just adhesive and some other materials mixed together. Duct tape is superior, flex tape is rookie material but duct tape is godlike!
  7. Why does each day of the week have "day" at the end of its name? We already know it's a day, why say it! :glimmer:

    I demand we rename the days to have "yay" at the end of them!

    1. Iforgotmybrain


      that's their last name. Mr. Tues Day. Mrs. Fri Day. it's like a whole family.

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Do you want me to answer this to Yay or the next Yay? :sealed:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      AND ALSO FRIES ON "FRIYAY"! ^_^ Why not earn a treat for the week? :P

  8. *raises hand* When you say AI content, does this apply to both media and written content? Does the second condition for partial AI content does not apply to media? Or in other words, I'm wondering if only the first term needs to be fulfilled for AI media since the second term only mentions AI written content. ______ Anyways, that's all the questions I have, I'm assuming these rules apply to all forms of AI content but just wanted to check. Very interesting too, these rules help flavor interactions and content on the site by making it natural rather than artificial.
  9. Oh, so it's called "green burial" because it's environmentally friendly. I still wouldn't do it, doesn't seem respectful.
  10. White t-shirt and shorts, the usual that I wear around the house.
  11. Not really, I'm either too strict or too lenient. However, I'm working on not judging people at all and letting their actions speak rather than my perceptions of those people.
  12. A new week is about to dawn, I anticipate many new opportunities for everypony! Don't be afraid to seize them! 



    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my amazing friend. :fluttershy:

      ...Is that image from an anime?

    2. EpicEnergy


      @Samurai Equine I wouldn't know because I haven't watched much anime, I just found it on DeviantArt and decided to use it since it looks cool!

      Here's a link to it - sunray by mclelun on DeviantArt

  13. I demand choco pizza! And choco hamburger! And choco hotdog! Hmm I feel like I've committed a cardinal sin against food, I must repent and turn from my evil ways.
  14. Kinda sad to return to MMORPGs I played years ago and see that the hubs in them are ghost towns and the queues empty. Like DCUO (DC Universe Online) used to have tons of players in the watchtower, now I'd be lucky to run into two players at the same time in there. And Skyforge wasn't really too full of players when I played it years ago, but now it's a desolate wasteland.

    Ah times have changed, I've redownloaded some MMORPGs I haven't played in years cause I wanted to try them again. Also decided to play the MMO Trove for the first time, but it's kinda quiet in there too. These games would be fun if they weren't lacking players, but such is the fate of many multiplayer games.

    I've seen many games in their glory and many of them in their last days as well, RIP Air Mech Arena, Defiance, and Bless Unleashed. You are still remembered! You were fun while you existed! Ok rant over.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      It's amazing how many things only exist in a moment. And if you aren't there, that moment can pass you by.

  15. Ah glad to see these high-priority, forum-breaking bugs have been fixed!!! You know, I think this will significantly impact the happiness meter of forum users and staff both, it might even attract new users! (sorry, I just like to joke around, but for real it's nice to see the little bugs getting squashed, a few little bugs can lead to an infestation if you aren't careful)
  16. Sophie the stargazer! Very epic and cool! Congrats on being staffer of the week!
  17. Many things will change, but war... war never changes.
  18. I don't pay attention to the news much, but I prefer gaming news since it's something that really interests me.
  19. Depends on how well it's done. Though I would say I've seen more shows and movies with CGI Animation, so I'll go with that even though the other two types can be just as good if not better.
  20. I tried one before, didn't do it much though so I never solved it.
  21. I can't wait to take part in the event where the leaves run! Ah yes Autumn, the season where my family once put so many leaves in a pile that we made a leaf fort that was huge and tall! Wish I had pictures of it.
  22. Sad to see him gone, he will be remembered! I'll probably remember him the most as Vader since I'm a Star Wars fan, such a good character.
  23. Football is integrated into the heart of 'Merica, nothing can separate the two!
  24. It's got to be the predecessor of the hyperdrive! We'll get there one day, I want to walk on the surface of Alpha Centauri or float in Jupiter's great red spot!
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