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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by ccb20yes

  1. Just got a new puppy. Female. We decided on naming her Rainbow Dash.:wub:

  2. Clinically depressed about the storm.   We live in the charlotte area of NC, and despite everyone telling me nothig bad will happen, im still panicked!

  3. My grandmother......has died.  

    1. Goofyg27


      I am sorry to hear that

    2. Luigi


      My sympathies.

  4. Depressed as hell...My grandmother has a few days left to live.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      I know this is a controversial thing to say, but living is your God-given right, and only you should have the right to invalidate it. But ending yourself over someone else's ending isn't the way to go. Your family will suffer the loss of two members, and you will miss out on all the joys of life.

      Perhaps maybe you should talk with family, or a close friend about this. There is only so much internet strangers can do to comfort you.

    3. ccb20yes


      Ok. I  think i would prefer talking with my old high school friends.   Some of us use facebook.  

      Thanks for helping out anyway.  


    4. ccb20yes


      It would be nice if the ponies were real,  then i can talk  about it with fluttershy and rainbow dash. 

  5. I have been feeling slight pain/discomfort in the center of my  chest where my heart is.:lie:

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Sure it is where your heart is?

    2. ccb20yes


      Yeah, im sure, from the hour i awoke at 6:00, till 2 or 3 in the afternoon. 

  6. its storming here for the 100th time!:dry: Usually, we just get rain and thunder. even if i hear thunder, its rare i see a flash of lightning, and thank celestia we never seem to get air-to-ground strikes!  Atleast Rainbow isnt SUPER angry with me! Maybe it was because i commented on Octavias eyes...

  7. Just recieved a doctors form in the mail.! i need to head up with my dad in october to take a test, then i'll be one step closer to receiving my disability checks.

  8. I found this.


    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Thanks for finding this cute picture of my boy. He'll be so happy.

  9. I had this weird  dream, based on that sarlacc pit scene from star wars. The strange part is the desert was actually Rainbow dash's giant tummy, and her belly button was in place of the sarlacc.  

  10. Im sorry about my last post. im still not sure where certain post usually go. should i delete the post? im really sorry.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ccb20yes


      Ok. i got status updates on. goodnight.

    3. Rikifive


      Basically read descriptions of the sections, these tell what specific areas are about, thus what could be posted there. Use your best judgement to decide if what you're going to post would be something, that the community could discuss, share their own experiences or opinions. :fluttershy: If you want to mention your latest personal experience - basically your 'status' ~ pretty random thoughts - then status updates or blogs are what you're looking for. ;) 

      Don't be afraid of making mistakes, moderators are here to help you. :fluttershy: (though note, that I'm not one of them :P

    4. ccb20yes


      Ok. thanks.

  11. AWWW! I love your baby dash picture! so freaking cute!

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Good night, my son!

    2. ccb20yes


      XD! i cant get over how adorable this is! your username just makes the picture even cuter!!:laugh:

    3. Luigi


      Thank you. Even I can't resist how cute I am when I look into a mirror.

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