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Status Updates posted by AnonyPoni

  1. So, against all odds, I now own a mac....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Awesome One

      The Awesome One

      Surely there must have been some upgrade you could have done to it.

    3. AnonyPoni
    4. Anonymous Old User Who Has Left
  2. I feel like I've come home, but it's now so different here...

  3. It's weird to read my 3 year old "about me" information after so long.

  4. After nearly a year of not really interacting with the community, I went ahead and watched Rainbow Rocks. Lovely Music. Twas great

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC



    2. AnonyPoni


      Still listening to it, actually

  5. It feels like I'm trying too hard with writing....

  6. So I flirted with North Korea...

  7. This morning, I had this beautiful shakespearian scene I dreamt up. Sadely, I forgot it....

  8. So now that I have a decent mic, I plan on starting a youtube channel!

  9. I wonder what would happen if I meet my PM quota....

  10. *sighs* perhaps courting females isn't my forte...

  11. So the guy who works at the bank told me I would not make a good bank robber

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
    2. Quilled Inc

      Quilled Inc

      *Sigh*, everyone's a critic these days.

    3. AnonyPoni


      I couldn't open the door to an unlocked vault, so I just sorta stood there for a few minutes. The guy came over and showed me that the doorknob was just a handle to pull it open (it didn't twist)....

  12. HAHA I stumbled on this in FunnyJunk. I can literally walk to this thing. It's really close to my house! http://static.fjcdn.com/pictures/We+re+dead.+We+re+all+dead_60952e_4933099.jpg

  13. Dammit. I told myself I would avoid developing a crush while I'm in Belgium. It happened anyway <..<

  14. GAH the college emails never cease!

  15. So my writer's confusion continues

  16. The more I think about it, the more I realize i'm the only sane person I know. This probably means I look completely insane to others. Interesting

    1. Quilled Inc

      Quilled Inc

      Indeed. Quite the epiphany you have had, there.


    2. AnonyPoni
  17. That episode.... well that was something

  18. There is a mod for Europa Universalis IV that lets you play as some pony nations :D

  19. So today I learned the CPU i bought from AMD is the last model they'll produce D:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnonyPoni


      AMD FX "Vishera." Apparently, this is their last line of CPUs they'll ever make.

    3. long gone

      long gone

      Actually they're the last FX series CPUs they'll make. They're going to keep producing processors, just not APUs.

    4. Quilled Inc

      Quilled Inc

      Woah, woah, woah, seriously? So AMD is officially backing out now? That's actually kind of sad :( I have fond memories of the Phenom II Black...

  20. I have had just the most insane idea for a story... I'm not even sure if it counts as a fanfic...

  21. Now THAT was an impressive episode

    1. Quilled Inc

      Quilled Inc

      Indeed it was! It may be too early to say, but it is, thus far, my favourite episode of the season!

  22. I'm buying Metro: Last Light!

  23. You know, I think I remember a time when we were excited that the forum might break it's record of 200 ponies online. Feld0 then came by to boast that the forum could handle up to 400 ponies! I thought he was crazy..... Course, now look at the number :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quilled Inc

      Quilled Inc

      Not bad, not bad at all... I wonder how many of them have donated OCs to us, haha!

      Oh, FYI, Leo is nearly finished with his evaluation excerpt. When I have received and gone over it I want to do a group call with the writers about the project and then *hopefully* by the beginning of December we can start truly writing in earnest. Sound good to you?

    3. AnonyPoni


      Very Well. When is this group call?

    4. Quilled Inc

      Quilled Inc

      Leo said he should be done by the 30th, so maybe on the 1st of December. If not, then probably the following weekend.

  24. I should probably do a life advice post soon. I mean, It's not anything life threatening or dangerous, but i should get the thoughts out of my brain

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