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About AppleButt

  • Birthday 1993-04-06

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  • Location
    Mississippi, USA
  • Personal Motto
    Try not to let life kick your shiny AppleButt
  • Interests
    Aviation, weather, the supernatural, and MLP

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  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
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  • Best Mane Character
    RD and AJ
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    Derpy Hooves
  • Best Song
    I’ll Fly

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  1. I hung up on someone at work today, and it felt good!  

    Dude called and asked me for the airline's number.  So I gave it to him.

    He calls back saying it's the wrong one.  Fair enough, I looked at the sheet and realized I gave him the wrong number because it was written down weird, and I read it wrong. 

    So I look online and give him the actual number (which was similar to the first I gave him) and he gets all pissed off saying "That's the same number you gave me earlier!"  I'm like "No its not.  It's written down weird on the sheet, that's why the first I gave you was wrong, online here it says that's the number, it's just slightly different.  Sorry I don't know it by heart, this isn't the airport I normally work at." 

    Then he just goes on ranting, and ranting about how inexperienced I sound, and if there was anyone who knows what they're doing that  he could talk to and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.  Basically Karen, but a guy.  

    I finally just said "Look dude, that's the number, that's all I can help you with.  My job is to just fuel the planes, I'm not an airline agent."  

    Then he just continued to rant and rant.  So I just hung up.  

    Dude should've thought twice about getting pissy with a guy who's under no obligation to help with his specific problem.   

    This is why I couldn't work retail.  I couldn't deal with everyday people.  




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    2. DubWolf


      Hope that wasn’t anybody important though :wacko: .

    3. TotallyNotNyx


      Ooof I hate people like that. There's no point in them ranting, they should have just asked for a manager or something and just left it at that

    4. AppleButt


      @BBolt  Lol.  Yeah it was definitely a risk.   I'm gonna take a guess and say that if he was that important, then he'd have already known who to call to begin with.  :P

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