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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Ice Princess Silky

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Status Replies posted by Ice Princess Silky

  1. oughhh look what my rival Gray got me for Nightmare Moon's costume >:C
    He is soooooo gonna get it.
    But.. the outfit kinda looks cute xP


  2. Uh, hello, Is this thing on? :wacko:

    Good morning, everypony! :eager:
    I've been off the site for a few days because of a lot of occupations, but I just wanted to use my first status update to thank everyone who has been interacting with me, followed me and befriended me. I've had a very pleasant experience being on this site, this is truly a wonderful community. :)

  3. My poll was supposed to close next week but I added another week to it.

  4. *Fights the most annoying fly ever*

  5. *Fights the most annoying fly ever*

  6. I lost track of my notifications :sealed:

  7. That will be so super duper fun! :pinkie:


  8. Aren't they beautiful? :wub:

    Good morning everypony! ^_^ Have a great day! :rarity:


  9. I’m certainly going to miss the summer. :BrightMacContent:


  10. *Fights the most annoying fly ever*

  11. I need somepony capable of making vector file out of full art! D: 

  12. I lost track of my notifications :sealed:

  13. Sorry, guys, but today I will likely forget I even exist. New guitar is finally arriving <3 

  14. I really love this song now. In the last month, I've driven almost 3000 miles. The world is so big, and I doubt I could ever see it all. And that's not even counting outer space and the billions of worlds out there! Goodnight everypony!


  15. I need to go away for a while.

    I'm feeling glum. :( :(

  16. I need to go away for a while.

    I'm feeling glum. :( :(

  17. Good morning.

     I have an appointment today with my therapist and my left arm especially the elbow is sore, I have no idea why.

  18. Good morning.

     I have an appointment today with my therapist and my left arm especially the elbow is sore, I have no idea why.

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