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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Ice Princess Silky

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Status Replies posted by Ice Princess Silky

  1. *gigglefit*

    Hello, everypony! Remember my post about the "beer" that turned out to actually be applejuice??

    Turns out, I managed to lure one of you out here to come try it with me! And boy was it a blast! He's not a pony like me, but he's definitely super fluffy and kind! It was nice meeting you, Cannon! And even though I'm a pegasus, I'm way too shy and scared of heights as I don't practice flying as much being locked away in my lab studying magic via alchemy.. So, we couldn't go on the ferris wheel in NYC -- but... maybe next time? :coco::ButtercupLaugh:


  2. *dances on your page and sprinkles flowers over you in greeting* c: 

  3. *gigglefit*

    Hello, everypony! Remember my post about the "beer" that turned out to actually be applejuice??

    Turns out, I managed to lure one of you out here to come try it with me! And boy was it a blast! He's not a pony like me, but he's definitely super fluffy and kind! It was nice meeting you, Cannon! And even though I'm a pegasus, I'm way too shy and scared of heights as I don't practice flying as much being locked away in my lab studying magic via alchemy.. So, we couldn't go on the ferris wheel in NYC -- but... maybe next time? :coco::ButtercupLaugh:


  4. Can I have some hugs? :(

  5. Can I have some hugs? :(

  6. *gigglefit*

    Hello, everypony! Remember my post about the "beer" that turned out to actually be applejuice??

    Turns out, I managed to lure one of you out here to come try it with me! And boy was it a blast! He's not a pony like me, but he's definitely super fluffy and kind! It was nice meeting you, Cannon! And even though I'm a pegasus, I'm way too shy and scared of heights as I don't practice flying as much being locked away in my lab studying magic via alchemy.. So, we couldn't go on the ferris wheel in NYC -- but... maybe next time? :coco::ButtercupLaugh:


  7. Goodnight, everypony!

  8. Ballet lessons were fun!




  9. Just bought my ticket to FanX in Salt Lake City this week! :yay: Anypony else ever been before? It's my first time.

  10. Hi all, I want to announce that I'm gonna be naming my OC soon but I'm gonna choose a name from either of those on the poll or from whatever I can find or come up with.


    Thank you all for taking part in this, I love and appreciate you.

    I'm also sorry for wasting everybody's time with my poll and stuff.


    So, I'm never gonna do another poll again, I'm really sorry.

    I hope you can forgive me.

  11. Ballet lessons were fun!




  12. Ballet lessons were fun!




  13. Good morning.

    I got things mixed up, my support worker is not coming today, they’re coming tomorrow.

     I’m an idiot.

  14. Ballet lessons were fun!




  15. Ballet lessons were fun!




  16. Ballet lessons were fun!




  17. Ballet lessons were fun!




  18. Next 2 commissions are done of my Demon Slayer OC


  19. Many, many years ago I gave my cousin one of those magic 8 balls as a stoking stuffer.

    Just a few weeks ago, that same cousin told me that she uses it when she has to make very hard decisions.


  20. Many, many years ago I gave my cousin one of those magic 8 balls as a stoking stuffer.

    Just a few weeks ago, that same cousin told me that she uses it when she has to make very hard decisions.


  21. "Oh no! Bird just stole my seed gem for potion making!" D: 


  22. "Oh no! Bird just stole my seed gem for potion making!" D: 


  23. "Oh no! Bird just stole my seed gem for potion making!" D: 


  24. "Oh no! Bird just stole my seed gem for potion making!" D: 


  25. Goodnight everypony! :wub: See you all in the morning!


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