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Pearly Marshmallow

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Status Updates posted by Pearly Marshmallow

  1. Hello, friends! :mlp_laugh:

    I want to thank @Denim&Venöm and @Tacodidra for their birthday messages, as well as apologise for not answering on time. Thank you so much! I'm very sorry, but I've been very busy with college and some other duties :(

    But I've finally got some time to visit the forums and show this little piece I've been working on :wub:




    1. Rafa Stary

      Rafa Stary

      Happy Late Birthday!! And Stardust Honeymoon is adorable! :wub:

    2. Pearly Marshmallow

      Pearly Marshmallow

      Thank you so much! :mlp_laugh:

  2. I wanted to do this piece for a long time now, so here it is. "The Rip" and "Deep Water" by Portishead were my main sources of inspiration. :)

    I know I'm almost two weeks late, but happy 2024 to everyone. Forever grateful with all the good people I met last year. Thank you so much for existing, lots of love to you.

    And to the ones that left, lots of love to you too.




    1. Astralshy


      Happy 2024

      Great drawing <3

    2. Tacodidra


      Amazing work, my friend! :rarity: Rarity would be so proud! :grin:

      I hope your year is an amazing one! :eager:

  3. It's been a while... I think it's time for a comeback :lookup:

    1. Tacodidra



      Here's to a truly fabulous comeback! :D

    2. Astralshy


      Welcome back <3

      We missed you

    3. TheRockARooster


      Welcome home to the forums, Pearly. :D

  4. Hi there, friends :)

    1. Tacodidra


      Hi, my friend! :D It's awesome to see you here again! :yay:


  5. I guess it was funny being a brony for the time being 🦄

    I want to express my gratitude towards some of the greatest brony musicians and their body of work, they've been a huge inspiration to me and I truly hope I can contribute to the pony music scene one day 

  6. Happy New Year, everypony! :D

  7. 2021 was crazy and full of unexpected things, with the main unexpected thing being me becoming a brony.

    And I can't be more happy to be in this fandom. The series has evoked a lot of thoughts and feelings on me that I never would've even thought of years ago.

    This masterpiece, along with all the artists in the fandom with their art so vast and diverse that goes from drawings to animations and exquisite musical compositions, have inspired me a lot this whole time in all the senses. I've made a couple of friends as well. Being in this fandom made possible for me to revive glorious moments on the Internet that I hadn't experimented since six years ago.

    All I wanna say is thank you so much to all of you. It's been a very pleasant experience.

    Wishing you all a very happy new year 2022. :D


    1. Astralshy


      Happy New Year

      I can relate

      We are glad to have you with us :>

      Thx and wishes you the same

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happy New Year, my awesome friend! :pinkiecutehat:
      We’re so happy to have you as a friend. :wub:

  8. Hello there, everypony! :)

    It's been a little while since the last time I was active here. Luckily for me, semester's finally over. :toldya:


    How is everypony doing? What have you been up to? :grin:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pearly Marshmallow

      Pearly Marshmallow

      @Astral Soul

      Thanks :D 

      That's perfect! :eager:

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Hi, Pearly! So great to see you again! :D
      Just staying in because of a storm. :squee:

    4. Pearly Marshmallow

      Pearly Marshmallow

      It's great to see you too! :-D


      Oh, I see :o

      Stay safe, my friend!

  9. This year's ofrenda:)
    Isn't it wonderful? :bedeyes:


  10. It is always a pleasure being surprised this way. <3


    1. KaraRara


      OOHHH lucky uwu

      In France we have barely nothing in MLP merch

      All I've got is from internet

  11. So, Facebook has disabled my account today somewhere between 12 — 9 AM for no reason... :blink:


    FOR NO REASON :angry:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      It’s happened to me on Twitter before for jokingly saying I wanted to punch someone. Some people are too sensitive. :dry:

    3. Tacodidra


      *hugs* :sunny: I hope you get your account back soon, my friend!

    4. Astralshy


      I don't use fb :|

      have a hug :>

  12. WHAT?!


    What does this mean? :(


    (Season 10 spoiler ahead)




    1. North Star

      North Star

      hopefully Gen 5 comics? :( 

  13. I still can’t believe this masterpiece is 11 years old now. Time flies and flies... 

    Happy birthday, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. <3


    1. Astralshy


      liike a Rainbow :>

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      It’s so beautiful! :wub:

  14. Thank you so much for the cupcakes! :):blue_baloon:

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      You deserve them! :pinkie:

  15. It's spooky season and that means new avatar. :proud:

  16. I've been out of the site for a couple of days, but I was finally able to catch up with everything. :)

    I must admit these have been hard days... :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cash Ins Toaster

      Cash Ins Toaster

      Sorry to hear that.

    3. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      We're always here for you. Please don't forget that. :adorkable:

    4. Pearly Marshmallow

      Pearly Marshmallow

      Thank you, everyone. I truly appreciate your messages. :rarity:

  17. Lately I’ve been having lots of weird dreams about an old friend of mine I haven’t talked to in almost two years...

    Could it be the time to finally bury the hatchet? :huh:


    Good morning, everypony! Woke up a little late today. :please:

  18. The more I listen to this the more I convince myself it's the best thing I've listened to in years. :proud:


    1. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      Sent you a friend request on discord!

  19. My thoughts on the movie. Might add details or change my mind in the next few days... we'll see. :huh:


  20. Alright! I just watched the movie. I have a lot of things to say and some others still need some time to process. :huh:
    Right now I have an incredible feeling of nostalgia that is almost impossible to describe. :(

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Especially that very first scene that made me cry. :(

      I hope the Mane Six come back like that again because it's a shame the scene ended the way it did. :worry: They looked so beautiful! :wub:

    2. Pearly Marshmallow

      Pearly Marshmallow

      @TomDaBombMLP Absolutely. What a way to hit us with the feelings! :(

  21. Just finished watching the MLP finale in order to prepare myself for the G5 movie...

    Well, now I'm drowning in tears. :(

    Otra serie que termina - Off-Topic - Pacotes

    1. Cash Ins Toaster

      Cash Ins Toaster

      I had my share of liquid pride too.

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      I know the feeling. Even thinking of the finale and the song makes me tear up. :(

    3. Julnt


      I can't wait to finish the finale but umm hella sad too ;v; been taking my time with the ninth season 

  22. This is the best thing ever hahahah <3 


    1. Astralshy


      I want a piece of that cake :>

  23. Since the movie is premiering in other countries already and considering that I already ate a spoiler, I guess it'll be safe for me to stay off social media until it premieres in my country. :)

    1. Cash Ins Toaster

      Cash Ins Toaster

      I've been trying to avoid spoilers like the plague, but now they're just appearing out of nowhere.

    2. Pearly Marshmallow

      Pearly Marshmallow

      @Cash_In I know, right? It was the first thing I saw a couple of minutes after I woke up. :(


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