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Bright Honor

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Status Updates posted by Bright Honor

  1. The 2DS combined with 3DS XL renders the OG 3DS irrelevent imo.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      I might get one..though I already have a 3DS XL.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      So not sure if it'd really be worth it or not.

    4. Krys9


      I would get it mostly for the Nintendo Club points. XD Also to actually be able to try it out. It's cheap and it looks cool so I think it would be worth the investment. :D

  2. Pokemon Y is the bomb.

  3. Getting Pokemon Y later today.

    1. Hydroisback


      I'm getting pokemon Z.

  4. Playstation 4, You will be mine!!!....sometime next year.

  5. Are you seriously 89? 0-o

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rinkitty


      It shouldn't really concern you, now should it?

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Okay I was just asking. Anyway gotta go. Have a nice day!

    4. Rinkitty


      It's cool. We're all curious little monkeys. I will tell you this. I am illegal in most places in America x3


      Anyways, enjoy your trip!



  6. I am getting Pokemon this saturday!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Aww. Which version of the 3DS you getting?

    3. Sweet Dreams

      Sweet Dreams

      Probably the oldest one coz it'll be cheaper. :P

    4. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      2DS, which is basically a tablet shaped 3D-less 3DS, will be $130. :P

  7. Quilladin looks like what you'd get if you crossed a Chespin with Spongebob lol.

  8. Modern comic book events are like hydra heads. You kill one, two take its place lol.

  9. Well cant get the job at mcdonalds because of something i need bit cant get due to government shutdown. Anyone care to put me out of my misery?

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Really getting tired of constantly being screwed over.

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      :( What are you missing but can't get?
  10. Rented Hyrule Historia from the town library.

  11. Twilight evolved into Twilicorn!

  12. Beat Wind Waker HD today.

  13. Godzilla looks utterly massive in the leaked teaser.

  14. Liking the new look. More streamlined and less cluttered.

  15. Anyone here a big Sunset Shimmer fan?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jackleberry


      I wouldn't say I'm a 'big' fan, but I'm definitely a fan. :P

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Not exactly, but she's a smexy pony :3

    4. Nas


      I agree with RD. ;P


      But yeah, I like her character overall, I kinda wish she went back to Equestria.

  16. Thinking up ideas for an ongoing fanfic with my OC Bright Honor.

  17. I kind of want a 2DS, but I have a 3DS XL so :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Why don't you get a 2DS? :P

    3. Nas


      JTP, even has a hardcore Nintendo fan, I won't get it. I will never play it..


      ...what the heck am I saying? Now I sort of want it. :/





    4. Bright Honor
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Winger7632


      well the sonic brand at least.

    3. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      Eh, I hear Colors and Generations both did well. And Lost World looks promising.

    4. Nas


      Sonic has been doing great for the past few years.

  18. Nintendo should fire their marketing team...then again, there's probably no marketing for them at all lol.

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