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~Lawful Jordo~

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Everything posted by ~Lawful Jordo~

  1. B....Bionic arms?! How do they work?
  2. known for noticing someone noticing something noticing something that I noticed first, but then someone else noticed before you noticed but after I noticed. Dammit Muffin thief -.-
  3. Is not a real person. You are a figment of my imagination.
  4. Known for being a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.
  5. If it's a good story, it will find it's way around. It's as simple as that. There is no secret formula or anything like that. Quality writing, good storytelling and creativity will get your story noticed. If a story is poorly written or has been done to death, it will rarely get popular.
  6. That sounds awesome ^.^ Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Deal with it :3 Well I've been interesting in human culture for a long time actually. I remember watching the old 'My little Human' cartoon when I was a little filly, (And yes, I love the current remake of My Little Human ). That was just a cartoon though. I really got interested in your culture after I graduated primary school. I just love how diverse and rich human culture is! It's amazing ^.^
  7. Both of you are banned for arguing over worst pony.
  8. Banned for being delusional. :3 Both of you. Pfft, Trixie best pony... How absurd....
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