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Gone Airbourne

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Everything posted by Gone Airbourne

  1. Comrade Dmitri you know what must be done to this ignorant random man... you know *evil grin*
  2. Naw it is just cause your with luna just relaxing in the clouds or the moon not worrying bout a thing :3 lucky you.
  3. I completely understand where you are coming from. I had a problem my self esteem issues and mood swings the past few months actually. Going from one day feeling confident and good about yourself to the next day feeling like complete crap. I mean I feel kinda intimidated to do any roleplays simply because I feel as if I would just be a burden on others. But you have to throw yourself out there at times you never know until you try.
  4. I know what you are saying in a sense... I went to a very small school pretty much for both middle school & high school. Like there was a total of like 100 kids in my school throughout middle school. & About 400-500 during my high school years. And yeah there are just some really mean people out there trust me I know. I know how somepeople held onto things or whatever it maybe.
  5. I mean if they can't get over it and they are still holding something against you or whatever it may be. Honestly the best thing is to not dwell on it and just ignore it and move on. I'll leave it at that as well.
  6. We all *hug* Scootabloom! seriously hope everything turns out better for you.
  7. Usually with time things usually heal... but if people hold on to things/grudges well not much you can do about that,,, So pointless for others to hold grudges. Forgive & forget
  8. Wtf... wow just browsing through google and typed in general chat & found this :/ weird... Google images is so random
  9. They really need to make a canned-food called Scootacool noodled zoop so tasty... Sorry to hear you had a rough day :/... hope the weekend turns out better for you though.
  10. Yeah I def. would love too sometime but I'll be heading to bed here soon. I'll certainly have to pm you sometime!
  11. Haven't had a fruit pastry in a really long time ._. wonders what they taste like again?
  12. Got to start somewhere and sometime though but I guess the best way to get the hang of it is just to read other roleplays I suppose.
  13. I hate you berry pie I hate you berry much... only because I am hungry and I want some berry pie to eat om nom nom...
  14. That is something I need to get into is *role-playing* :/ bah been so busy as of late I haven't had the time to check it out. But I am really interested into trying it out sometime. Is role-playing fun?
  15. He is def. he doesn't hate you. But I do agree with you and try my best to avoid conflicts... going with the flow helps out alot your right on that.
  16. Who are all theses hobos I see here lol I should of been hanging out here a long time ago
  17. Never seen this guy before 0/10 who is this weird pony licking a human P.S. you now you are a noobie if you don't know who Scootabloom is !!
  18. Power Focking Rangers yeah m/ Power/Rangers rofl 8/10 @ sugar plum Permanent 10/10 for veiled enigma http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtZnMk-CHck&feature=related
  19. 10/10 I am biased towards music like the one above... you see one does not just simply like one irish song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL65oumesqE
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