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Status Updates posted by Abaddon

  1. wow, I step away from the forum for a few days, and it seems to lose the understanding of compassion and acceptance, go figure.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Whiteshade


      always a good read

    3. Starshine


      Try General Chat Thread, we got plushies

    4. Abaddon


      oo plushies

  2. Well I guess I'm back, got lost in anime in infinity blade. Anypony still up?

  3. How is everypony doing? One more day until Friday!!!!!!!!!!

    1. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      in a paradox world, it is friday:3

    2. Abaddon


      Oo, do you by chance have a portal or machine that would be able to take me to this paradoxical world? I wounder if there is a "other" version of me out there.

    3. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      i do, but you can't see it. it was stolen by this wierd pony who calls himself a "time lord"... i think his name is Dr.Hooves..

  4. I'm finally home! I got a new job and have been working since last night, well I also went to a sobriety support group...but now I'm finally free to do whatever I want. Except, I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open *fail* How are you all doing? I hope your Wednesday is going well :)

  5. Why is everything going wrong today? No matter what I do, I have fucked everything up...\

    1. Rochambo
    2. Abaddon


      exactly...thanks for commenting though.

    3. Rochambo


      No problem. I know that feel. Hope you get over it soon.

  6. How is everypony's monday going? I hope it was restful and pleasant : )

  7. It is almost my bed time, when it hits 6:30 am I will be able to sleep, until I must play more infinity blade 2, or maybe DC Universe for the ps3-I just downloaded this game and I'm curious to see if it is any good.

  8. time to take a break from the forum, I'll be back on later tonight. I hope everypony is doing well :)

  9. My head has finally quieted down....but now what, it is so quiet up there :(

  10. Argh, I guess I was tired, I woke up at 6pm...depression is still clouding my mind though....*sadness*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abaddon


      awesome song, thanks this does help a bit, i've never heard of ferry corsten before I will have to look up more....

    3. Whiteshade


      Try the Tritonal remix of the same song. It's even better

    4. Abaddon


      *brain explodes*


      you're right, this is great....I'll have to expand my techno tastes, I usually only listen to happy hardcore (dj ravine/dj cotts)

  11. Time to take a break, Ill be back in a few hours, need to recharge and think about my existence and hope what I find is worth fighting for.

    1. Abaddon


      thanks for the comments and kind words, I'm glad to hear that your friend's father found him...the only thing that stops me from killing myself is the pain it would cause my parents and sister, if it weren't for that, well I don't really want to think about that.


      And you are right, I need to preoccupy myself with other things (if only I did have a partner, but alas I'm alone, and that makes me even more depressed), I've gotten back into anime so I've...

  12. Lonely and depressed, it feels like the world has forgotten about me once again. FML

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AngryGamer432
    3. Abaddon


      Ya, my life has been a big cluster fuck, I was diagnosed at age 7 and it has only gotten worse since :(


      Sorry, when I get depressed, I start hyper focusing on every little problem of my life.


      Thanks for commenting though, it really helps.

    4. AngryGamer432


      Your welcome and it's ok. I do the same thing

  13. Depressed, paranoid and can't leave my apartment due to fear of the outside world. I really hate my mental illness :( :( :( :( :( :(

  14. My stomach is hungry what should I have for dinner?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Abaddon


      maybe if I sprinkle them on some muffins it will be better.

    3. AngryGamer432
    4. Abaddon
  15. Hooray it's Friday! Now I'm Bored. What video games are you playing this weekend?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      Psychonauts is amazing. I was playing it yesterday, but it kept crashing so I had to reinstall it.

      Really makes me miss good old platforming fun.

      Got my copy when the Humble Bundle was around. :)

    3. Radiance64


      Pikmin 2 probably.

    4. Abaddon


      Platforming games were amazing, and most of the games from the 80's, early-mid 90s completely blow away today's games. It's really sad the direction we are going in. (I'm still really mad at bethesda for ruining the fallout series)


      Humble bundle? is that through steam?

  16. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo hot. Urgh, I'm melting :(

  17. Does anypony love to sleep a lot, or at least sleep more then they should? I love sleeping, it helps me escape...

    1. Whiteshade


      escapism? I still use it from time to time

    2. Abaddon


      I don't know why, but every time I go to sleep it is a struggle, but when I wake up all I want to do is go back to sleep.


      In fact, I can control my dreams (lucid dreaming) and a lot of the times I know exactly what is going on. It's really amazing.

  18. How is everypony doing? I hope your week is going well and I would love to hear about it...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AngryGamer432


      it was more active because I went to Six Flags and New York city and We walked around Manhattan

    3. Abaddon


      Thatpony124: I love six flags, I went to the one in southern cali when I was in middle school. And I've always wanted to go to NYC, I flew over it on my way to DC but I never made my way to NY

    4. AngryGamer432
  19. my back hurts, too much sitting, argh

  20. Must kill the God King!!!

  21. nap time, then Up again at 3:30 am, yay for nap time

  22. uggh I over ate. I can't move :(

  23. Contemplating if I want to watch Kaze no Stigma or play more infinity blade

  24. For the first time in my life I'm participating in a role play, so exciting...why can't life be this exciting...

  25. So much infinity blade, so many deathless to kill!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Abaddon


      especially where the game starts with siris and isa after searching for the worker of secrets, all of a sudden the player is dropped in the middle of the story with very little background.

    3. GrooveBroove


      Yeah the book definetly helps in that reguard.

    4. Abaddon


      cool I'll definitely check it out.

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