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Lord Pretty Pie

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About Lord Pretty Pie

  • Birthday 1994-01-20

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  • deviantART

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  • Interests
    Well, aside from the obvious one(MLP), I enjoy video games, reading, juggling, Riding my Unicycle(Or at least attempting to), and drawing.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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    1. Lord Pretty Pie
    2. TheRockARooster


      Hey, saw you on myprofile and I thought I would greet you.

      Nice to meet you

    3. Lord Pretty Pie
  4. Sorry to necropost, but Hey! That's me! So random, I was watching a Cringe Comp with my friend recently, and I kept making the joke "Oh hey, that's Me!" But then I remembered that there WAS a photo of me that has been in a couple cringe comps, and decided to try looking it up, and saw This thread. I haven't been active in the fandom in Years, but I knew I had an old account here that I promised a bunch of request drawings on and never finished (Yeah, I'm probably not gonna finish those, so if you're still waiting... Uh, sorry... Although, I did think it would be pretty funny to suddenly show back up after ten years with all the requests done, but I'm much too lazy to pull that off... Anyway back to it:) So I decided to log back in and say hi! Mostly positive responses from you all, and I appreciate it, even if Most of you Also haven't been on here in years. I'll try my best to answer some of the questions I've seen, or just what I think people Might wonder about: First, Why? Pretty simple that one, I thought it would be funny. I didn't Always carry her around, but I thought it would be good for a laugh, maybe start a conversation or two with the people brave enough to approach me. At the time I had one for Each of the Mane Six, and also four of the CMC (Including Babs, but this was well before Gabby was a thing). I actually had them made by a woman selling them on here, though it looks like she hasn't logged in since 2013. As for the fedora... Well, unfortunately that was Unironic. I wouldn't say I Regret wearing it, but it certainly was a phase that I eventually grew out of. This was a night class at the university I was attending. I honestly don't even remember the subject of that class, I think it was Sociology? I actually dropped that one not too far in, I just had no interest in the topic. The person who Took the photograph originally posted it on, I wanna say Instagram? Not certain of that, maybe tumblr? IDK, wherever it was, I remember it had a caption to the effect of "Sign up for night classes they said, it'll be fine they said", and I actually reached out to her. I said That I wish she had asked first before posting my picture online, so that I could at least be smiling in it, and she apologized saying that she had no idea it would gain so much traction. I don't know if she was Sincere, but she seemed nice enough, and I don't actually mind. I did it for a laugh anyway, and I don't mind being the butt of the joke. If anybody has further questions, I'll try to answer, but honestly I don't know if I'll remember to check here again later. I'll bookmark the page, and I guess we'll see!
  5. First and foremost I want you all to know that I still plan on doing the requests. It's just that as soon as I decide to sit down and get it done, something else happens, and I gotta say, it all really sucks. I wont drag you down with the details, but suffice it to say that it has all left me with very little free time. Anyway. Without getting your hopes up too much, I am, starting now, seriously getting down to business on these requests, barring even more distractions that is. I just wanted to let you all know that I didn't die, and I didn't forget, and I'm really very sorry for how long this is taking me. So, even if you already said "Screw it, I didn't even care that much about my drawing request in the first place" Too bad, it's going to happen. If I have to quit my job and stop sleeping and completely isolate myself from all other living things, that's damn well what I'm going to do. Actually, I probably wont do that. I don't even know you guys, that'd be crazy. But I WILL get it done! Eventually! That's like my catchphrase now. I'm gonna put that in my signature or something. Oh, and I am going to stop taking on new requests. Good thing I'm not getting any anyway, because I haven't even checked this site since, like, my last post on here. I'm thinking I'll open up again when I'm done and just do silly MS paint things that take like 30 seconds like I did for that one guy. Those don't do much for learning experience, but they sure are funny. I'm a regular Oliver Age 24 over here. Ramble Ramble Ramble. Ok, really, I'm going back to work now.
  6. That's a really good idea. I should do that. But I'm not going to. I've never been one to have "good ideas".
  7. Wowzers, the requests just keep on building up! I feel bad about how little progress I'm making on them. But! AS soon as I get my freetime back, I'll definitely start getting something done, and you two have been added to my list! Honestly though, when I started this thing, I figured after a week I'd have one or two requests, tops. This is cool beans.
  8. Oh! Well, lookie here! Even more star gazing! It sounds like a nice setting, but I'm not so sure how well I could do water. That said, I'm totally gonna try, and even if it looks simply horrid, you'll have your picture.. Eventually.
  9. Alright, I think I'm following you. I hope you're prepared for a bit of a wait, but I'll certainly add it to the list! Ah, more stargazers. As of now, the only request that I've actually finished was a stargazing pony. Thank god yours aren't crystal ponies, because that really threw me for a loop. Anyway, You've been added to the list, so eventually I'll do it. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  10. Hey all of you LOVERLY people, I have a bit of an announcement. I do still have every intention of completing all of the requests made to me, and I realize it's been a little slow going so far, but I've sorta wound up being a full time babysitter for my nephews, unexpectedly. I'll still try to get some work done, but these little rascals are quite the handful, so most days I haven't even touched my pencil. Still, as I said, I will do all the requests, and am still happy to accept more yet, but have to ask that y'all be extra patient, at least till I can pawn these little ones off on someone else. Like their parents. Sorry bout that. Thanks in advance!
  11. I never have before, but I'd like to think I could manage if you want me to give it a shot! I certainly can! It'd help if you linked me a photo of your OC(A higher rez one if that's him in your profile) and told me if you prefer a vector or traditionally drawn image!
  12. But for serious now, I'll get around to it eventually.
  13. Vague and pointless. I can work with that. I'm thinking stand up comedian. Cuz reasons. Alrighty, sorry to all the other's but yours just inspired me so much, I had to do it immediately. I gotta say, it's some of my best work, and you really can't get these kind of results when people limit you with 'what they want'. So, like you said, here's what I wanted to do, and it's freaking fantabulous. Without further adieu, I present to you... This Filly Here!:
  14. Okie dokie Lokie! There look to be a lot of little details that might be lost on a sprite, but I'll give it a shot, by golly!
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