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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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About Jonesy

  • Birthday 1997-08-14

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    in that one place with the thin, you know? under that other thing which is next to the thing i am in and over me is a big ball of fire called the sun...IT MUST DIE
  • Interests
    Saving Derpy!

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  1. Anypony want to play bf3 on the computer? We need a fourth person to be in our squad. Any takers?

    1. Geohot


      Hooah! My subject:


      Origin name: Prince55Luna



  2. Anypony want to join a random ass skype call? Post skype name and i will add you

  3. Vokun walked over to the scrolls on the wall, "Lets see here, not with AJ or pinkie, Ah there's my name, looks like im with Rainbow." He said to himself, he then went to the training rooms and began to practice using his dagger. Vokun never really like using knifes or swords, but if it came down to it then he would have no problem stabbing one of these devil spawns right in the chest. He eventually gave up on slicing and practiced his throwing which was always his better attack.
  4. i wont be able to post anything today, i have to help clean the house for Christmas, but i will be able to post tomorrow
  5. Vokun got up from the table after he finished his muffin. he had to head over to his new house and make sure he had everything he needed to actually live in it. He had been told that he would need a fridge and a nicer bed, along with a table and some other furniture for lounging purposes, but he would cross that bridge when he came to it. He trotted towards the library as his house was located directly next to it. "Well there is the library, now which house next to it is mine, i could go up to each and try and unlock them but if i go up to the wrong one that would look really weird, i suppose i should just knock on the door and hope for the best." Vokun said to himself as he walked up to the house on the left, he peered into the window to see if there was anyone home, he couldn't see anyone inside but that didnt mean that the owners were away, so he knocked on the door and waited a good long while before he decided that no pony was coming to greet him. So he pulled out his key and put it into the lock, it fit perfectly and he opened the door and stepped inside. "Holy dust cloud." he said while waving a wall of dust out of his face.
  6. "Im Vokun." Replied Vokun. He studied this Pensez Rêve's face for a moment, he saw an expression he knew all to well when arriving...well...anywhere really. "You must be wondering about the bat wings then? I can tell by the look on your face, anyways its a long story, but i was not born with them mind you. I don't know why i now have them but i do and..you know, why not?" He said. From the other room Pinkie came back with a muffin and a chocolate cupcake. "And here are the goodies!" Said Pinkie, "And make sure you two are ready for a party tonight! Its going to have a DJ and everything! O and all the goodies and drinks and games..." noticing that Pinkie was distracted Vokun leaned over and whispered in Pensez ear "lets get out of hear before she takes us to get go-go dancing outfits." He said while putting his money on the table. He slowly backed too the door with his muffin in his mouth and slowly turned out of the doorway and found a bench outside where he began to eat his muffin. "That 'Pinkie Pie' is freaking crazy! a very interesting town indeed." He thought to himself.
  7. The train rolled into the station really slow like, the brakes brought it to a screeching halt. Vokun stood up from his seat and grabbed his saddle bag and strapped it on tight. He waited for everypony ahead of him to leave before he finally made it to the door of the train car. "So much for a luxurious ride." he thought to himself while rubbing his sore neck. He exited the train station after making sure he was indeed in Ponyville and not at Manehatten like the last time he had somepony else scheduled his transport for him. He was in Ponyville to start his life fresh, he had to get away from his old city which bared one to many ill memories of his family. He trotted along until he found the closest eatery to him, it was a quaint little shop called "Sugar Cube Corner". Upon entering he skimmed over the menu to see if they had any muffins, he had quite a hankering for a muffin for no reason what so ever, it just so happened that not only did they have some muffins, but they had EVERY MUFFIN. He approached the counter and rang the bell for service. He was promptly tackled by a pink pony an instant later "HIimpinkiepieyoumustbenewherecauseiveneverseenyoubeforeandiknoweveryponyintownand...." Vokun put his hoof over her mouth. "Yes that's all well and such but im just here for a muffin or two...do you always tackle your customers?" He asked the pink pony apparently named Pinkie Pie. "Only the new ones!" She replied "This town should be interesting." thought Vokun
  8. The last bit is just a title that he calls himself it doesnt really mean anything, it just goes with his back story is all
  9. ill join, my character is in my signature, he has some special abilities too so if he can or cant use those just let me know, there listed in the description for him
  10. ill give it a shot if you'll have me, my OC that id use is in my signature. Just let me know if you want me.
  11. Jonesy

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    It is kind of another Lord of the rings movie, its more of a prequel to the series if anything i guess i didnt see the other thread, i looked but i couldnt find one It is kind of another Lord of the rings movie, its more of a prequel to the series if anything i guess i didn't see the other thread, i looked but i couldn't find one. And i dought that its gonna be better than the other 3 but it is gonna be one hell of an awesome movie sorry for that double post there my computer derped up, its been doing that a lot lately for some reason im trying to fix it. d
  12. Jonesy

    movies/tv The Hobbit

    Just wanted to know if anypony else is going to go and see it. My dad seriously cant wait he has everything planed for tomorrow, he is probably more exited now then when my sister was born...not joking about that actually
  13. Found out how to kill two birds with one stone, its actually very simple. 2 small birds in 1 really small cage...and 1 Tom (giant rock)

  14. Jonesy

    movies/tv Skyfall

    It was an awesome movie, but i mean did they absolutely HAVE to blow up the Aston i mean come on, i haven't cried in a while but that did it right there.
  15. Has this game seriously not come up yet? Its all about Skyrim guys, come on now we all know its true. So long as the people who make the series didn't screw it up
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