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Motion Spark

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Blog Entries posted by Motion Spark

  1. Motion Spark
    I don't know if you have a Dairy Queen near your house, but i seriously think that they have the best frozen beverages ever. Even with it's limitations.
    I've never seen these ice cream cupcakes and just had 2 of them and they are awesomely delicious, the picture actually doesn't make it justice! I had to take a picture of it before I ate it. However, don't let it's small size to fool you, these are difficult to eat, because they're so delicious you want to take big munches but the ice cream is so cold that it can froze your mouth lol.
  2. Motion Spark
    I went with my cousin (which is getting married) to this store to buy a suit for me on his wedding because I'm one of his best mans. I had a limited budget so I couldn't buy just any suit.
    A saleswoman working there helped us to find, some suits on sale and the first one that she showed us seemed to be the most perfect and it was on sale, 59.99$, the price was perfect! it was a 42 formal coat with 36 dress pants. I tried the coat first. And to my surprise, it was tailored fit, it was perfect on my shoulders, a little bit big to give it more space, but not to much and it was perfect on my waist. I was relieved because I didn't want to try on a lot of stuff to find the best suit for me.
    And I kinda hate to try on lots of stuff anyways.
    Anyways, the dress coat, was perfect, and now it was the turn of the pants, I tried them on, and they didn't fit me, it closed very easily without struggling but it was a little difficult to pull the zipper up. When I came out of the dressing room, the saleswoman stared at me for a while and asked me if it fitted me nicely. It did but it was kinda small on the pelvis are and my thighs.
    She turned around and looked at me on the back, and my cousin started giggling, and he was about to talk about me having thick thighs, but she said that my butt stood out a lot in those pants x_x (it was slightly uncomfortable but funny)
    And it makes sense because at the level of my hip, there was a gap between my back and the back of the pants, but lower, at the pants' pockets level, it was really tight, not uncomfortable tight, but tight nonetheless. How come the coat was perfect, but the pants not? it's like I have 2 different bodytypes in one body, the size that I use for shirts doesn't match the size that I use for jeans or pants. And I've been dropping weight since I'm doing cardio from 4 to 6 days a week, so I've been losing in my torso, but I don't seem to drop weight in my ass or thighs.
    Anyways, I tried on a lot of suits (FML) to end up buying the first one LOL.
  3. Motion Spark
    I won't be quitting as an artist but it is pretty much what the thread's title says. Recently, I've been feeling a big disconnection with the site. It can be due a lot of different factors that I won't get into because that's another separate issue, or just not about them at all. The important thing is that I don't feel interested.
    I keep logging on, but my routine is always the same, daily I always log on, but keep my mlpforums tab in the index for hopes of new notifications, as expected, nothing. And it makes sense because I don't post a thing during the day, yes, a few posts here and there in the pictures thread. But what I'm saying is that I have no interest, no will to discuss the show or other things in the forums, not even the forums games. I really don't know if I am in that phase of "growing up". This seems like a good bye blog entry but it's not, because I feel like I still have a connection with the fandom, and I do it through art, I love drawing ponies and it became like a natural thing of mine, drawing pony bodies over everything else.
    Why am I mentioning all of this? well, the lack of posts of mine have had it's consequences and affects when I make an art thread, I feel like a stranger, like a new member when I post art now because only the veteran members know me, but not the new ones.
    I remember when I used to post art threads in a frequent pace, it was thrilling to see your comments and feedback, and I always will be thankful for your appreciation, really. But recently the feedback that I've been getting while it wasn't bad, it was poor, yes it was very poor compared to the feedback that I used to get before.
    I seem like an attention whore, yes I am, I seem like a prideful bitch, yes I am, Butthurt? yes I am!
    I'm like this because you convinced me that I was a good artist, and I bought that from you and I believe it, not only that, but I have gotten better over the months. And then, when I'm back to posting some stuff I don't get the reception that I expect. Yes, I do have expectations. When I was used to get like 25, 30 broohofs and 2 pages of comments, now I get like 8 brohoofs, and 5 or 6 comments. This seems like nothing, but it does affect me and it upsets me greatly, especially if I make my post look creative and also post one of the best artworks I've ever made. Getting a golden star at the corner of my post because I got roughly 10 brohoofs it's just not enough, I know it sounds selfish. I appear to be upfront and direct when I talk to other users but deep inside I'm fragile, even the things that you wouldn't expect to get me affected, they actually do. And each time I post something on my deviantART, I think, should I post this on MLPforums? before, I posted most of my artworks here, but now, I think about it a lot and end up not doing it, and I feel like I don't want to experience more disapointment, I know I am making look bad the people that commented on my threads, but I want you to understand me as an artist.
    When you're at the peak, and you see yourself falling down without any advice, you feel bad, sad and vulnerable. So yeah, I won't be updating here my new artworks, if you want to be updated about it, check my deviantART or tumblr, both on my profile.
  4. Motion Spark
    I rarely dream, and most of my dreams don't make logical sense at all, that's why I usually forget about them in the middle of the day.
    This moring, I opened my eyes, I was awake, but didn't want to wake up yet, so I closed them again, and went back to sleep. I was sleeping yes, but my sleep was much more lightweight because I just woke up once and I could be woken up by anything even a dream, in this case... a nightmare.
    Well, I don't know how it started, but I remember that I was in a room, and some fiber glass debris from the ceiling started to fall on me, I have a trauma with that material, so I started to feel all itchy, I think I even felt itchy in RL.
    After that, my dream morphed and instead of me, there was Milla Jovovich standing in the same dark room, with a very cute short dress and looking at the camera (I wasn't there, but I could see it like it was from a screen, but I don't recall myself looking at any screen, I didn't exist, but I could see everything, hope that makes sense).
    Anyways, the same debris feel on her head, and she started to shake it off, when out of nowhere the ceiling fell apart above her revealing 5 snakes, that stretched themselves to where she was, and all of them bit her on several part of her body, and not only that, after they bit her, they used their fangs to hang on her and they started to pull her off the ground, she was screaming in pain, but they kept on pulling her. Then, bazillion of mini snakes started to fall from the ceiling and started to feed themselves with her, all of that while she was being pulled. at this point, they already ate her arm, and one of her legs.

    When she was on the ceiling, the bigger snakes started to vomit acid on her, her lower torso started to break off in 2 halves, I even saw her panties, they were black, and they started to feed as well. Her lower torso fell off, slowly, like it was some kind of mucus kind of material. It was shocking, it was disgusting, it was terrifying and horrible. After ALL that, she was still alive.
    *blur* *blur* *blur*
    Scenario change, she was inside a car, screaming because the small snakes were still feeding on her, she had like 100 snakes on her, surprisingly she had her lower torso back, but she was still missing and arm and a leg. She was screaming the name of a man, I don't remember now, she got out of the car, and started running (with 1 leg) to the street trying to shake off the snakes, and screaming the man's name, when a fucking truck (it was late at night, means NO traffic at all) ran over her, I still can remember that horrible sound when the truck hit her, she was completelly blown up to several pieces, arm, leg, head, organs, everything! flying meters away from the place of the accident.
    When that happened, I opened my eyes, I didn't wake up abruptly, because I wasn't completely sleeping, but my heart was pumping fast. I hated this dream, I don't know why my brain has to do this to me

    I don't care what you think of her and the RE movies, she's my favorite actress and the RE movies are among my favorites. She's beautiful, she's kind, she can kick ass, and she's awesome, why would I have to dream something like that? However, there some people that I would like to take her place in that dream haha x)
  5. Motion Spark
    I recently woke up from a nap, feeling a...ummm... kind of pleasurable pain in the palm of my hand and I realized that I had my hand closed the whole time while my nail was stabbing the palm, yeah it hurted a little bit 30 min ago, now I am OK
    Have it happened to you that when you sleep and you wake up you have weird marks (some of them may look painful and red and some of them are just soft marks) in parts of your body or in your face, due to the weird ass way of how you slept the night before?
    yes, picture is related.
  6. Motion Spark
    I'm soo fricking stupid *sigh*
    this morning the water supply was cut off in my neighborhood due to some "manintenance" work nearby
    I opened the kitchen and bathroom sinks' lids to hear when the water comes back again, the pipes usually make a very strong noise when the water is coming back, so that would be the warning I needed to know.
    I was in the kitchen's table with my laptop all distracted when I heard the kitchen sink making that noise at 12:00am or so, I was like "yay! water's back"
    I kept minding my own business but I forgot to close the lid in the bathroom! not after 1 hour and 30 something minutes, I decided to get up, when I see this huge puddle of water all over the living room
    first reaction: "is that water?"
    second reaction: "ewwww toilet water (I was barefoot) MUST not stand in there ew ew ew ew"
    third reaction: "oh shit! the lid!"
    fourth reaction: "my mom is going to FUCKING KILL ME c:"
    when I got to the bathroom, the water was spilling out of the sink, heck, the little trash can that was under the sink was spilling water too (the can was completely empty, mind you) ... I was like shit! this is the end of me
    long story short, I took the carpet out because it was soaking wet, nothing important got wet, thanks Celestia, just a white box and the furniture's legs, which is not important. I broomed the floor and mopped it, I'm not an expert in cleaning so I just hope the floor doesn't looks like an iced skating park
    if you don't see me posting anymore is because I got murdered.
  7. Motion Spark
    Over this past week, I'm pretty sure many of you have seen my very... ummm... graphic avatar? well, after a week, I decided to tell the truth behind it. I first must confess that there's no full avatar, what you see there, is actually the full image, I just drew that and this is the file. I planned it with Haven, so I drew his avatar as well...
    One day over skype, I suggested him to use suggestive "cropped out" avatars of our OC's to see how people in the forums would react, I never thought that this many people would actually ask about it or ask me for the full link, I've tried to play along and being flirty about it, but I'm just not very good at lying so that's why I'm making this blog. To tell you the truth because some started to get a bit pushy about the the full image and things just started to get out of control.
    so yeah, I said it...there's no full pic, I'm sorry to disappoint, and actually you should know that I would never EVER draw Motion Spark in such activities, that pony is like sacred to me, and I'd never actually do something like that to him, I rather have a R34 pony for that kind of stuff.
    it's not my style to be a troll, but I got you all, I kinda feel like Discord
  8. Motion Spark
    This time I cooked chicken wraps, that in the end turned out to be chicken fajitas tacos!! D:
    why you ask? because the tortilla was too small and I ended up using a fajitas seasoning mix powder , it doesn't matter though, the result was marvelous, and it tasted very good too
    these are the chicken breasts when I cooked them.
    and this is the result when I added the cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc. love melted cheese *.*
  9. Motion Spark
    If you remember about my latest 'family' blog you would see that I'm not the happiest person in the world, but in the end they are my family and by default I have some sort of care towards them.
    That includes my brother (the middle one), even though he is the person that I disliked the most in my entire life, I admit that we're getting along much better lately, even if it's fake, I don't mind.
    Yesterday, my parents and my oldest brother went to this hotel at the beach because they got invited by my cousin, that meant that I was home alone with him all day yesterday and today (my parents should be returning home as of now).
    I was alone most of the day, because he works until 7:00pm, so I cooked dinner for me and him, he came home at 9:00pm, I believe, with his friend which I don't mind him at all but he's not one of my favorites people on earth. They ate dinner and I went to my room, couple of hours later, there was another friend of him and a girl, and 2 other guys I think, they were hanging out on the porch (I sheltered myself in my room because I don't care about who's outside)
    They were drinking (of course! ) and having a small barbecue. Being home alone was like a paradise to him, because he rarely offers our house for his drunk gatherings with his drunkass friends. Anyways, usually I go to sleep very late, but this time I went to bed at 2:00am.
    I wake up at 10:30am or so, my brother wasn't in his bed, so I assumed that he was sleeping in my parent's room. I go to the living room, and see that the door is completely open, I was like, what's going on? and when I go outside I found my brother completely wasted sleeping on the floor and snoaring like a Snorlax (he usually snores like that when he's drunk)
    I was like *sigh* and instead of thinking how STUPID/DRUNKASS BASTARD he is, I felt sorry for him, like very bad because he is pretty much ruining his life, it's just a matter of time, he gets drunk every single weekend of his existence, and some week days. One day his liver is not going to take any more alchool and he will die.
    I was thinking in many things when I saw him like that, like a garbage bag. My mom would get very upset if she saw him like this, she would get another 2 cancers if she saw him, I realized that she can't handle stress, and I think that the bigger sources are us and my dad, and the house not being clean (like she wants). His fucking best friend, and everyone else left and left him there with the door open, we could have been fucking robbed, raped or killed, now that violence is increasing horridly these days. At least he could have put my brother in the living room and close the damn door
    And him, he is 27 years old, he is older than me, and he's pretty much a piece of shit, and I some sort of care, it's unbelieabable how irresponsible he is, and I feel like if I talk to him he would ignore me or think that I'm stupid for giving him advice, because he doesn't even listen to my mom, it's not like I want to anyways.
    I tried to wake him up, but I had no response, at least he stopped snoaring, I patted his arm and called his name, and it was useless, it was like he was dead, his body was just a dirt bag. I tried to move him around and lifted him so I can put his arm around my neck and carry him to his bed, but he's fucking 234lbs, he's way too heavy, so the best I could do was to drag him on the floor by his armpits to the living room. That small tray was tiring as fuck, I think I lost my breath. I closed the door.
    I rested his back against the sofa, and he re-positioned himself on the floor and put his legs on the wall, and started doing a motion like if he wanted to walk (the wall being the floor fror him ), it was funny/disappointing/sad.
    I was like fuck it, I'm gonna leave him in there, he's used to sleep on the floor anyways, it's not the first time I see him like this. And he is still sleeping as of now. Of course I took pictures!
    I don't know if I should tell my mom, I just wish they could return home now so they can find him like this, that way she would have to give him the usual speech of "when are you going to change your life?" and not me because he pretty much put his life and my life in danger.
  10. Motion Spark
    I don't consider myself a superb chef or anything, but I do enjoy "experimenting" in the kitchen. Sometimes I can make things that are not too tasty , and sometimes I make things so delicious, I can't believe I even cooked them
    when I found out my food is good, I stick to my recipe and convert it into a signature dish of mine. This time I'm gonna introduce you my "cheese" mashed potatoes (because I couldn't think of a better name for it). However, my signature dishes are very few, I'm a "specific" type of cook TBH.
    I can assure you it has potatoes in it, even if it looks like lasagna xD. Watcha think? :3
    yay or nay?
  11. Motion Spark
    This year has a lot of 3's in it for me...
    In my timezone, I am minutes away to the end of my birthday. It is on march 23rd, I'm turning 23 today, march is the 3rd month of the calendar, and we are in the year 2013. I think I'm missing more 3's but these are the ones that I can think of.
    like I said before, my numbers are aligning and it looks like it is 3, it happens once in a lifetime!
    anyways, it's a bummer because my favorite number is 6 ...but I know I'm liking 3 more XD, though 2 times 3 is 6 so that can mean something
  12. Motion Spark
    yes, I'm becoming an alicorn princess graduating, and I'm excited/nervous about it.
    I don't care much about the ceremony, but my family does so this is going to be a special day
    In case you're wondering, I have a degree in software development.
    Anyways wish me luck, I wouldn't like to fall in front of the audience
  13. Motion Spark
    please guys, tell me is a lie, is Birdo a transvestite? I never played much Mario games, but I really did like Birdo and all this time I thought it was a "she".
    What's Birdo story?

    damn you deviantart, always crushing my childhood
    PD: don't search for Princess Daisy on deviantART
  14. Motion Spark
    Hi y'all, and welcome to my second rant blog. This issue that I'm going to address is really delicate and probably risky for my account, but I want to take the risk, because I won't keep my mouth shut when it feels like something it's unfair to me and because this is a problem, that for me, still has the wound open and hasn't fully healed.
    I think that the moderating system has a big flaw. Now, is not about the work they do to keep in balance this forums, in fact, they do an AMAZING job, it blows my mind, and they are less than 50 people that set the boundaries for this site to not to become a wild jungle XD.
    My problem with the moderating system (note I said moderating and not mods) is that they are not consistent and they have different views and actions in terms of moderating which can create a state of confusion and injustice to some users of the forums.
    Let me tell you my story of how I got 225 warning points for posting porn in the forums and then you will decide if this is a lost cause or not, BTW the warning points have been slowly reducing to 175 points now. This issue is a month old, since I got them by the end of october, but didn't do anything about it because I was emotionally drained and weak at the time to argue with a mod about how unfair my warning poinst were. I just accepted them and moved on.
    Anyways, there was this silly thread called "*stares at you*", some of you may know it. The purpose of this thread was to silly pictures of anything staring at you, as simple as that. It was a fun thread. But I just saw a really creepy image of Applejack or Pinkie Pie, I don't remember well, that stared directly at your eyes. It was very well drawn, what caught my eye were the very realistic eyes that gave you a really deep and penetrating gaze. So I thought that it would be funny to post a picture of female feet wearing very fasnionable high heels and panties at the level of the ancle, indicating that they just dropped. That's it, it was merely a picture of feet, nothing else. Well I pasted that image as a reaction of the other picture and quoted "when you look at me like that I get weak on my knees" or something like that. I thought that it was really fun, yes, a tad strong but not even close to be NSFW content.
    Anyways, my post got ignored for about 2 or 3 days, until BAM! I got the warning that my post got deleted and that I was given 225 warning points, instead of reacting like I would normally do, because I thought that this was SO unfair to me, I just accepted them because like I said before, I was feeling down. I didn't even know what mod gave me the wp because we were in Halloween and half forum changed their username and profile picture to something complete different. Honestly I don't care anymore who gave me the warning points because I want to give this message to all the mods on the site equaly. The funny thing is that I saw at least 2 mods lurking in the thread before I got the warning points.
    Well, the reason I got the points was that even though there wasn't any explicit nudity, the image was highly suggestive. Please! I've seen plenty of these kind of images on here and status updates with ridiculous amounts of suggestion and they don't get punished like I did. It's like if I post a picture of a woman wearing nothing but a really big long sleeved shirt and she has a messy hair. Everything is covered up except her thighs and legs, and I would get warning points because even though there was no visible nudily, it suggests that she had sex the night before. That's ridiculous.
    I was even scared to post my drawing of human Rarity wearing a bikini because I thought that it was very suggestive. I want to say loud and clear that do not agree with my punishment and I think that it was unfair to me, but also I want to let know other users what happened to me. If you know me, you may know that I'm kinda blunt, very direct and my words are strong, but I always remain humble and I do not insult anyone when I refer to them. But with things like these, I just not gonna end up doing anything, because it's still bugging me, even it's been a month since it happened.
    Let say, that I agree about my warning points, then, I expect users to get punished for posting "suggestive" content in the forums. I've seen A LOT of these. What I'm talking about, is equal rights for every user on the forums and consistency in the moderating, I really don't want to think that there is favoritism in here. I really don't want to.
    My entry seemed really heated up, but it's not, I'm just being direct and honest to you all, like I always do, I'm not afraid to speak my mind and let you know what I think
    everyone is more than welcome to give me their thoughts on the matter
  15. Motion Spark
    First of all let me say that this is going to be lenghty blog, so if you like reading and enjoyed or hated Mario Kart I recommend to read because I won't be making a TL:DR version of this.
    I want to start by saying that I really don't think that Mario Kart sucks, in fact I'm sure that it's a great game and the best of it's genre as of today, so think twice before raging at me like a sore Nintendo fanboy, I really like Mario Kart and it's really fun to play.
    OK, now heading to the meaty part, wha's the problem that I have with Mario Kart? To me, it always has felt like a incomplete game, like it's great but something is missing, like if nintendo has a great concept on it's hands but don't know how to exploit it and it's frustrating at times, because like I said before, Mario Kart is a great game that I want to enjoy at it's fullest.
    Let me say that after Mario Kart for snes, every tweak or change they added is so innovative and cool but I feel like they were poorly executed for the sake of having one Mario Kart per Nintendo system. They are focusing on quantity and not on quality.

    Let me give you a few impressions of each existent version of Mario Kart
    Super Mario Kart - SNES
    This was the pioneer, the first one, the gem. I never owned a snes, but from what I can remember (because I was really young) I had a great time watching my cousins playing this game, however trying to play this as of today would be the most boring experience ever (not because it sucks, it's because it's really old).
    Mario Kart 64 - N64
    I can't say much about this game, me and my friends prefered to play Mario Party over this one. I hated the graphics of this game, the character looked like cutted out of a low quality image pasted on a piece of paper.
    Mario Kart: Super Circuit - GBA
    This was the first game I had when I used to have a GBA. This Mario Kart was the hardest I ever played, I enjoyed this one much better and the tracks were one of the best of the whole Mario Kart franchise.
    Mario Kart: Double Dash! - NGC
    This was also the first game I got for my NGC. I loved the fact that you could pick from a roster of more than just 8 characters, not only that, I liked the different karts, and the fact that you can use 2 characters at the same time and each character has specials now.
    However with this game, the system pretty much changed overall, the karts were not balanced anymore . I was so angry at this Mario Kart because it could have been awesome.
    Mario Kard DS - NDS
    This game was pretty cool, the tracks however had creativity yes, but lacked the feeling that you were racing in a racing track. Also this was the first Mario Kart to introduce wi-fi gameplay, and it was fantastic, too bad in was for 4 players only and most of the people cheated.
    Mario Kart Wii - Wii
    This game is shit. Nuff said
    Mario Kart 7 - 3DS
    This is the latest instalment of Mario Kart as of today, and it came pre-installed in my 3DS when I bought it. This game is pretty good, it has great visuals and the 3D looks amazing. The roster is very disappointing, only 17 characters to choose from (one of them is your bloody Mii which has a stupid voice, I never thought I would hate myself that much) and I think half of them are useless or not memorable enough. Where's Waluigi, Dry Bones? Birdo? Bowser Jr? why not bring Kamek instead?
    The new tracks are completely out of the norm making this game to feel less of a racing kart game.

    Ok, now that I described some of my thoughts on each Mario Kart I want to discuss why these games can't seal the deal for me.
    This game is about karts racing, but not just kart racing, it's a crazy battle for the damn 1st place using karts, the concept is simple yet fun and entertaining. Here's the thing, not a single Mario Kart has achieved this goal for me, sure there are items you can throw to your opponent, do that makes it crazy and fun? yes, but it's not enough.
    Usually when you play Mario Kart in single player in a difficulty that suits your standars, you only race with the bitch that it's behind you creeping at you at the back. If Bowser (CPU) starts as 8th place don't think ever that he would hop up to the 1st or 2nd place to beat you, he starts last and ends last.
    This seems to be a really silly complaint, but it's very important to me because I can't feel the crazyness of the race, when you really can't tell who the hell is going to win, true there are some exceptions in which shit gets really crazy with so many shells and the racers at the back can gain some momentum but that's very rare to happen, you are just stuck with the 2nd and 3rd place, it feels like you are only racing with 2 people! this situation extends to multiplayer mode as well, and makes the races very mainstream and somewhat boring. This problem is on every Mario Kart (I don't know about the snes version though)
    The problem, I believe is on the items. The items are completelly umbalanced, and I see that in every new Mario Kart the items get more unbalanced than ever.
    The amount of stun caused by the banana peel is ridiculous compared to the red or green shell, and don't make me start on the blue (cheap) shell which is completely broken, there is no way to evade it. The star last almost nothing, that squid-thing item is the biggest shit in the game, I hate when I get it when I'm in fricking last place, I could go on and on with this.
    The karts are SUPER unbalanced, and it became very notorious since Mario Kart: Double Dash!. Since this game the difference in karts is huge, normally heavy karts have high speed but low acceleration, and lightweight karts have low speed but high acceleration. Now, let me please translate this, heavy karts are shit pick the lightweight ones.
    The heavier karts have the same speed as light karts, but they have a horrible acceleration, bad drifting and in Mario Kart 7 the heavier ones usually can drive better on rough terrain, this is false, the kart is equally slow as light karts, now, this mechanic is pretty cool, I love it, but it was poorly excecuted, this would force gamers to pick the same characters all the time and the same karts as well.
    On each new Mario Kart, the tracks gets wider, weirder and less enjoyable, they feel less like a karting track, this issue affects the items, because the characters looks smaller than ever, the items are even more smaller and the tracks are huge, I'm in fifth place and I get a frinking green shell, who the hell am I going to hit if it's incredibly hard to aim the stupid shell, I've only hitted people with green shells because the other racers were too close or I just had luck, not because of ability whatsoever.
    Now, these assumptions are based on a kart game that I used to compare Mario Kart of course, and I played the crap out of it when I was a kid. Still do sometimes.

    Yep! CTR: Crash Team Racing for the original PSN was the best karting game ever made in my opinion, and the last game before Crash Bandicoot became crap, though I really enjoyed Crash Bash. Many of you may think that this game copied Mario Kart 64, perhaps it did, but it surpased it with flying colors.
    This game had a more than just 8 characters to unlock, a very entertaining story mode with boses and extra content between the levels raising the replay value of it. Very decent visuals not great, the tracks and the music behind the tracks are memorable, some of the music of this game marked my childhood forever.
    To keep CTR short, this game was just addicting, I played this game for hours straight, alone! I didn't need anyone else to play it and have genuine fun. The racings were just crazy, anyone could be behind you not just the same character, the items are very balanced and the fact that you can use the wumpa fruits to enhance the items that you get is something that would suit Mario Kart pretty good.
    Well, enough of CTR. Mario Kart has it's good things though, It offers nice visuals and colorful and vivid escenarios, I can't argue with that part, also since Mario Kart DS each Mario Kart has a great online (during gamplay) that feel completely lagless no matter with who you play with around the world, and that's because Nintendo is known for having shitty online games.
    However everything is not perfect, the comunnication errors are very frequent and you can drop the races in just one chance, you can't drop in the menus or during the races, if you drop(by turning off the system) you ruin the game for everyone else. Also you can only choose your character once you join a party, you can't change it in between races.
    Nintendo announced a new Mario Kart for WiiU, and I'm not excited about it, I'm actually expecting more of the same with a few tweaks here and there. For some reason I just prefer Mario Kart on handheld devices.
    *sigh* I wish Mario Kart to be as cool as CTR was to me when I was a kid, or even better.
  16. Motion Spark
    As you guys know, today (or yesterday that is) we got one of the worst news (if not the worst news) that could hit our fandom recently.
    Yes it's about Fighting is Magic, and I don't even have to say what's currently happening with the game, it's pretty clear now.
    Now, I know I've complained about the game in the past, with me not being convinced with some mechanics of the game but therefore I was very excited about it getting released at some point, I've never stopped getting excited about mane6's updates and videos.
    The news hitted me really hard, I have to admit that I am emotionally sad as well because I was very excited about it, not because it was a pony game only, but because I'm an avid fighting game fan, it's my favorite genre and there's notning else I would prefer to play for multiplayer matches, but hope it's the last thing we lose right?
    This issue also triggered something in me that I didn't think I would actually do in the forums, I insulted a member for the first time ever since I joined the forums, I insulted a user without any joking or fun connotation attached to it, and I don't regret my actions, I said "Fuck you" in a very serious manner, and I'm going to reveal this person's identity because I have nothing to hide, right Sugar Plum? which now has another ridiculous name that I don't remember about.
    I know that you self claim yourself as an asshole and whatnot, but at least I had some level of respect for you because I admire your common sense and how realistic you see situations in life, but there's a difference between being an asshole and a heartless, inconsiderate douchebag.
    How you can be like this? would you go to a funeral and laugh at the dead person's coffin in front of their friends and family? how far can people go?
    Sugar Plum and the other users that I don't remember about that acted in a mean way about the possible cancellation of the game, reminded me of the brony haters that says that bronies are the leeches of the internet. Maybe they are right, many bronies are obnoxious inmature guys that request some sort of special treatment from the internet because of their status of bronies.
    These people talk about about us like were some kind of new espcies, like we weren't human, then I wonder why are these people part of a pony forum? why do they pay so much attention to us then?
    I am not this kind of brony that are always in pro of the brony rights, there isn't brony rights in the first place. I'm not moaning everytime Hasbro makes something "that we don't like". I didn't even cared much about this alicorn Twilight thing.
    Then when I heavy react for the first time ever about something that really affected me, I end up being dragged by this popular perception people have about bronies that doesn't fit me at all.
    Let me tell you something haters and lovers, this game was the thing that I was excited the most about this fandom, no art, no animation, no other game made, no music, nothing could be compared to the hype that I had for this game. Ponies and fighting blended together in a game was like it was made for me.
    It sickens me the people who obstruct the flow of ideas, ok you don't give a sh*t about the game being cancelled, cool but at least get out of the way and let the people who care about it to work on ideas to do something about it.
  17. Motion Spark
    Finally got my 3DS on monday afternoon, I just could not help it despite of the price (which is 249.99$). But what really got me to buy it was that the 3DS XL in blue was pre-instaled with Mario Kart 7, which was a very nice touch, because the price I mentioned before was the standard price for the 3DS alone. This is going to be my favorite gaming store after amazon of course, they have very good deals and whatnot.

    Well, I was so excited about that, that I picked up 2 more games. Super Mario 3D Land and Tekken 3D Prime Edition. I wasn't sure of my decision though, I really wanted the Paper Mario one and the Mario Tennis, I think I saw as well, the New Super Mario Bros. 2. The Metal Gear one was tempting, but I plan to get that same remake for PS3.
    Anyways, I am in love with this (HUGE ASS) device <3 <3 <3 the best 3D so far has to be for Tekken 3D, it really pops out of the screen. But both MK7 and SM3DL have very good 3D, it's so good that sometimes I see my laptop's screen in 3D O_o the letters just pop out. I hope I don't get these random headaches caused by the 3D. It would be a bummer.
    Anyways, I want a warm welcome to the 3DS World because I have no friends
    so this is my friend code: 5257 - 9062 - 0775
  18. Motion Spark
    So 2 days ago I retrieved my paycheck with part of the money I get for working in some illegal activities developing some e-learning courses. I have to wait a while until my bank can make tangible the money in my account because the check was from a different bank. I hope they don't take too long
    Ok, here's the deal, I wanted a 3DS so badly, since it was announced, I just fell in love, like it happened to with the DS, but not at first sight, it was love when I held it in my hands and played with it. Anyways, my problem is that the 3DS XL (no way I'm getting the old one, though it looked cuter) is kind of expensive with a pricetag of 249.49$, every single place sells it with this mothabucka price, and when I look in Amazon it only cost 199$, they are stealling 50 dollars from me!
    And on top of that, I still don't see the 3DS with much interesting games, sure I like me some Mario, but Mario is not something I JUST MUST HAVE, but really the 3DS is so gorgeous, that I want to try some Mario and whatnot. The games I like are cool I guess, but they don't make me desperate to get them, anyways the games I have in mind are:
    Super Mario 3D Land
    New Super Mario Bros 2
    Mario Kart 7
    Paper Mario Sticker Star
    Mario Tennis Open
    Resident Evil Revelations
    Tekken 3D Prime Edition/ Dead or Alive Dimensions
    Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater
    Kid Icarus Uprising
    Zero Escape Virtue's Last Reward (before playing this, I want first the DS predecessor)
    Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D (probably won't get this one XD)
    Rhythm Thief (probably not)
    The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D (probably)

    Note the games in bold, these are considered priority like I must have them, the other ones caught my attention but I'm not so sure about them. The 3DS is so cool, I don't understand why it lacks games! I mean good games.
    Would it be better if I just buy it on Amazon? I have a credit card, but I don't know if the shipping end up being as expensive as buying it in here. Another thing can be wait until it gets more games, or wait if it gets another iteration lol, and probably use the money to buy PS3 and WII games (I only need like 5 more wii games to let it rest in peace, the rest is pretty much crap), there are so many 20-something games on Amazon that I always wanted to get, and the cool thing about it is that I can buy a lot of games in one order, rather than if I get the 3DS probably with just 1 game (preferably Mario Kart 7). I have enough money to buy both things, but hell no I would do it, I always like to save money, I'll never know when I can need some money for something really important.
    So yeah, I'm kind of thorn with what to do now, perhaps maybe it's not my time to get a 3DS, even though I want one so badly. What should I do guys?

    ^ lol so true XD
  19. Motion Spark
    I probably went down a lot of blocks in the charm list because of my latest blog, What affected me the most is that I hurted my friend ponyEcho, which I love dearly. I begged him for forgiveness and thank God he forgave me. That blog probably also made me look like a "rich" (LOL I ain't no rich) snobby brat that enjoys to step on other people unfortunate economical situation and just hate on them because they are poor and filthy, end of the story, when in reality I am not like that.
    I can't fix that fact that I looked like an asshole, because the things I wrote in my previous blog were very much true. Many people will dislike that right off the bat and I can't do anything to change it, but what I can change is what I want you to see from my points of view (which they were poorly excuted in my latest blog) from a subjective manner to a more objective and well explained manner of what I trully meant. I let my emotions to speak for me and I'm not sure if I didn't word alright my ideas or I didn't explain myself well, or my lack of proper english words betrayed me, so allow me to fix this, not to mention that I want to apologize for the horrible things I wrote.
    Let me start by saying that I don't like or hate people because they are poor, to be a friend of mine, that's completelly irrelevant to me, but what I do is that I often judge people at first sight or on a first impression, it could be the on the clothing, or how they look or how they behave in the first minute I interact with them or see them.
    I think it's very easy to know when someone's homeless based on just their appearance, or if they are looking for stuff through the garbage, yeah I have seen people doing that. And yeah, as assholish as it may sound, I kinda look at them with a kind of superior attitude. This artwork of Rarity would explain better my reactions. Concentrate on her face.
    I feel bad when I do this. Because it's not fair to just judge or think people is inferior to me just because they are poor. I know this is wrong and I'm aware of it, but I still do, and I hate this of myself. But I'm sure I'm not the only one on here that judges people in X or Y thing. And it would be hypocrytical to call me names when you do the same thing, I'm not trying to find guiltiness, I can only be responsible of myself and my own acts, not for other's.
    I repeat, though a first impression is important to me, it can always change when I get to know that people better, and when they show me how ignorant and stupid I were for judging them, then I start to feel guilt for my actions and for the way I thought of them. My problem is that I fail to be emphatetic, I know there is poverty around the world, I know that there are hunger and people that have no choice but to beg, that life is trully a piece of shit to them. But sometimes I forget about these stuff, I just want them to go away when they ask me for money, how cruel I can be? But I have my moments when I get touched and became generous and lend them some money because I feel like doing it.
    But I'm sure I'm not made of stone, I am ignorant and I am even more ignorant because I never went through the hard life of a poor person or a homeless person. I never slept on the streets, I never beg for food or education, I had what I wanted. So it's hard for me to be on a homeless person's shoes if I am not shown what is like to have a very hard economical situation in life.
    I remember I saw this movie "In search for happyness" with Will Smith, and the scene when he was in a public bathroom with his son because he had nowhere to sleep and he had to lie to his son in why they had to sleep in a public bathroom, and when someone tried to come in, he kicked the door shut still with his son in arms and it was so overwhelming that he had to cry in silence because their future was uncertain and their life was practically shit. That scene broke me inside, and I don't want to see that movie again.
    I saw another movie of a colombian woman who got together with an american man in the US I think, and she had 2 children, he either died or left and she was alone, and on top of that she was illegal, so a shitstorm of bad things happened to these 3 and on top of that she was pregnant again.
    I cried in both movies, and I really FELT for these people (note both movies are based on real events) and it made me feel guilty for how I act sometimes. Now that you see that I am not a heartless monster, I want to explain in a objective way my "thing" with poor people.
    I should have categorized poor people in 2 groups. One group, is the poor people that have no choice but beg (If they have nothing) but they try, looking for jobs or something to get a better life, no matter what cost (this explanation was kind of shitty). And the poor people that use their condition of "poor" to awake feelings of compassion on other people and get what they want in the shameless way possible, that's the people that I dislike.
    Continuing with the second group, these people make a living out of other's charity and they take advantage of it. Let me put convincing examples, so I can show you want I trully mean.

    A parent sell things on the streets, if they don't get things bought they bring up the fact that they 8 kids to feed. Why in the hell you had 8 kids in the first place if you are that poor? And if that is not enough, they bring the 8 kids with them and they put them as well to sell things, and if they don't make enough money, they get beaten up. This is not new of course, and I consider this child slavery (because it is slavery) is not permitted (at least in my country). These kids should be in school studying.
    These guys that sell things in public buses are very popular. Many of them just ask for funds for a random organization that helps a abandoned children shelter house. When they get the money during the day, they usually open the piggies and take the money, it's been confirmed by the newspapers and local news.
    Using the name of God as an excuse of why I should give them money or buy whatever they are selling is often used, when it's obvious that they are trying to manipulate us.
    And the people like this woman that was outside of my house who takes advantage of a kindhearted action of other person, when the cleaning lady gave her a cup of coffee and crackers to eat, she still asked for money to buy gas....Seriously, tell me if that is correct to do. Why didn't she asked her to buy her a house instead.

    Now, I hope you get my reasons, and though I know this will not save me, at least you can be open minded enough to understand me. I'm not a snobby person, I don't firmly believe that I am better that anyone else. I don't have a maid, I have to do home chores, like washing the dishes. I've been taught that money don't come off of trees and that I have to work to get what I want, I have my feets on the ground and I know that if I want a bloody WiiU mommy and daddy will not get it for me, if I want one, I'll have to get it myself. In fact, when I didn't get something when I was a child I never made embarrassing scenes to my parents, if I couldn't get something because it was too expensive or they said no, I accepted it. Now, the poor people (the first group) to believe in this, and what to be successful in one future have my complete respects like I mentioned in my other blog's comments. Because they started with nothing and ended with everything.
    Now if you still believe that I am a fucking asshole, you should see this MTV's show called "My super sweet 16", I've never seen such as spoiled brats as this bitches who just don't get pleased with anything and they are just disrepectul to their parents and friends. At least I'm grateful for what I have and it doesn't hurt myself a bit to say "I'm sorry" or "thank you"
    Well, many will not read because this entry was too long, but I'll use it as a way to say sorry to whoever I offended and that my last blog was poor in content and objetivity.
  20. Motion Spark
    'Ello everypone, welcome to another episode of Motion Spark's rants. I'm going to talk about poor people, now, If you think that I'm always likable and overall a good guy I'm going to confess to y'all something that it may me look like a total scumbag.
    I don't like poor people (I don't hate them all, but I just have a lot of disconfort with them at first sight), yeah I said it, they actually bother me, their presence it's annoying to me and I can't be around them for much time, especially if they smell bad or are ugly, or don't have nice clothes.
    Just a couple of minutes ago, some sort of an old random woman came to my house asking for something to eat. The cleaning lady was outside, and I was sitting with my laptop on the kitchen table. As soon as I hear that annoyingly soothing voice calling "heeeeello". My blood started to boil, and I started to get stressed because I have very little pattience of these people who asks for things from house to house, to rob or sell things that we obviously don't need.
    I stood up and looked through the window to see who was this person, while the cleaning lady went to the porch to see what the hell she wanted, then she came inside and told me that this woman was hungry, that she would get her some coffee, I rolled my eyes, and told her, go get the coffee I'll watch her, like as if I was expecting her to pull out a gun or a knife to threaten us to give everything we own. My mom taught me to not to trust in anyone. While she was waiting outside the house, my eyes never left her while I was looking at her, with despise. Yes, I despised her already, I was thinking. "Why she wasted her life like that, to end up asking for food in random houses?", "why is she so poor?", "where in hell is she going to sleep tonight?", "why my house, damnit!".
    Then the cleaning lady came out with a cup of coffee (the cup was disposable of course) and a pack of crackers and she gave them to her. I even hated the way she drank that coffee.
    If I was home alone, I would probably wouldn't make any sound or just hide so she would thought that the house was empty. Yes, I'm THAT dickhead.
    Also, I can't stand these people who sell things on the streets, or in buses, I think they annoy the hell out of the drivers and passengers who are already stressed with their own problems. And on top of that, if they can't get people to buy their crap they start to mention God or mention how shitty their life is in order to manipulate the weaker of the minds so people can "feel touched" by their stories and naively buy their crap (by crap I meant, crappy stickers, crappy pens or pencils, crappy gums, crappy keychains, crappy everything!). But I'm not buying that bullshit. Also I remember telling my neighbours friends when I was much younger, that I would be ashamed if my dad was a taxi driver, they called me an asshole for saying that, but that was what I trully meant. I fill my mouth saying that I'm humble, down to earth and whatnot, but by no means I would accept to live under a hard economical situation, I guess I am an spoiled kid, which I never dared to call myself.
    I have no right to judge these people because I'm ignorant of what things they are going through and how hard their life is, and I learned in church (wow! I'm quoting church), that I should not give my back to any person because that person could be Jesus in disguise, and I just feel so bad to be THIS judgemental but I just can't help it. Am I right to be like this about them? am I wrong? you know it's an internat battle between morals, justice and what's right and what's wrong.
    But at the same time it's just not fair to put their children to sell things for them. I don't remember the last time I went to the McDonald's auto-mac without encountering kids trying to sell shit to me, and if I refuse to buy, they say that they are hungry and they want money. I always ended up giving them some coins, but it's obvious that they are being manipulated by adults because their words are so mechanical it's very clear they've learned what to say when people don't want to buy their shit. Is this they way they want to succeed in life, their parents teach them to ask for money, and that's what are they gonna do for the rest of their lives. That's the part that make me dislike poor people, because they are not hungry for this world, they don't strive for success. They want everything given to them in their hands, since it's more easier to ask for money. I'll say FUCK THEM ALL, they can be anything they want but they just prefer to have the easier way to get an income.
    UPDATE: The cleaning lady just told me that after she drank her coffee, she was shameless enough to ask for money to buy a gas barrel. See my point here? I'm even more pissed to poor people now
  21. Motion Spark
    This is a very minimal rant compared to my other rants. First of all I want to thank you all for all the possitive feedback that you give me for my artworks, you guys are the reason why I didn't gave up completely on drawing and let me insecurities get the best of me with my abilities, also my deviantART account is slowly growing with pony artworks after 3 years of not submitting literally anything. So thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for that. I'm very thankful for your support.
    But, having said that, please, I ask you, please don't make things hard for me and ask me for requests. If I could, I would make drawings for everyone on here, the reason? I, unfortunatelly have little spare time, because I have a life-consuming job and also because I want to focus on animation. Yes, if you didn't know, I am a flash animator, fairly good to be honest, and I want to push my abilities and maybe make a series of short animations. If everything goes out alright you all will know what I have in mind, and you all will be part of it
    I also, secretly, been handling requests without not much people noticing it, and as I get better my "customers" get more and more picky with what they want asking for things that are out of my boundaries. Instead of saying no, I say "let's see what I can do".
    I'm going to deliver the requests that I have pending, and after that I won't take anymore requests.So, please, I kindly ask you to not send me pm's or quoting me asking me for artworks because I would have to decline.
    Now if you wonder "but, then why you make artworks for this x person or this y person? I'm jealous!", well I like to draw other people's OC's but I do it because I wanted to, not because they asked me, so if I choose you to draw your OC, consider yourself lucky. Hmmm...this last phrase seemed a little bit harsh, but I didn't know what other way I could word these thoughts, but you understand me right? I don't want to be rude with you, but 24 hours a day it's just not enough time!
    I'm sorry and I hope you understand.
    Thanks for reading
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