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Stealth Protector

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Status Replies posted by Stealth Protector

  1. Cloud? Really? Not anyone from the 6 FF titles that were actually on a Nintendo console???

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      "Although Geno appears in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, he is a registered trademark of Square Enix, as noted in the end credits of the game. They state, "Regardless of the above-mentioned, the copyright of Geno, reserved by Square Enix, Co. Ltd."."


      But either way, he is indeed loved because of that super unfair OP attack! XD

      He just is an all around badass, at least to me. XD

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Cloud? Really? Not anyone from the 6 FF titles that were actually on a Nintendo console???

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      Yeh kinda was odd, BUT it means one great thing! Square Enix are starting to open up to NINTENDO!

      Aka for a lot of nintendo fans, the return of GENO from Super Mario RPG looks WAY more possible now!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. "OHHHH OTTY I LOVE UR MUSIC PLZ OTTY LET ME USE IT IN MY INDIE VIDYA GAM XDDDDD". So many people do this. Like, just stop.

  4. Fuck it. Album is cancelled.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      OH gawd I Dun do that again ;-;

      I wuv your musicz ^^

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. No cola, and I'm too sick to go get some ; ^ ;

  6. 245 Notifs.... OH CRAP.... I am unsubbing from whoever is spamming what.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector


      or any other games really they tend to spam the notif feed :(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. So I've been editing and encoding the same video all day due to encoding problems..(Quality getting crappy each time I encode the video to add an visual overlay)--but I think I found a solution so My first video is going to be up soon...I hope ^^'

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      I will only know if the video is ok in about...6hours ;-;

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. So I've been editing and encoding the same video all day due to encoding problems..(Quality getting crappy each time I encode the video to add an visual overlay)--but I think I found a solution so My first video is going to be up soon...I hope ^^'

  9. Back from Geekfest! Now I have about 5hours of recording to edit :D

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      Well I wish you best of luck ^^I think I'm going to bed now...I'm so exhausted. Goodnight ^^'

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. Back from Geekfest! Now I have about 5hours of recording to edit :D

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      It was it was a rather small convention since it was it's first year, but it was really fun if you can/have the money you should ABSOLUTELY try to go to one! (Plus You can buy some interesting stuff!)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Back from Geekfest! Now I have about 5hours of recording to edit :D

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      A WHOLE LOT! ^^

      FOr my first convention I think it was awesome!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. I am sorry to have been childish and wanting to get attention because I was sad, I deleted my topics because I felt a shamed of me going down to that level but it isn't responsible of me to only erase away my shame like that in life you caN,t only erase away your problems, and so by doing this I didn't take responsibility for my acts and it was coward, I want to sincerely apologies to the people who took their time to talk to me and I want to thank them also.

  13. I am sorry to have been childish and wanting to get attention because I was sad, I deleted my topics because I felt a shamed of me going down to that level but it isn't responsible of me to only erase away my shame like that in life you caN,t only erase away your problems, and so by doing this I didn't take responsibility for my acts and it was coward, I want to sincerely apologies to the people who took their time to talk to me and I want to thank them also.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      In total I made 3 instrumental songs one which isn't really a song and the 2 others being..eh well might be bad(I like them to be honest but It's nothing really good but it's ok... I guess?)...

      But thanks I could try music again I had a digital music making class from secondary 1 to 4(That is when I made the songs)(eh for all middle school and the two first years of high school)^^'

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. I am sorry to have been childish and wanting to get attention because I was sad, I deleted my topics because I felt a shamed of me going down to that level but it isn't responsible of me to only erase away my shame like that in life you caN,t only erase away your problems, and so by doing this I didn't take responsibility for my acts and it was coward, I want to sincerely apologies to the people who took their time to talk to me and I want to thank them also.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      True..|damn pesky attention wanting brain! Ugh sorry it's just annoying how I want to get attention for some reason| but eh Thanks and you are totally right, I'll try out some things ^^ and also: Fantasma Mr.Green: I was trying to be an attention whore, I am sorry for wanting to get attention and you are totally right about it being childish and stupid.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. I am sorry to have been childish and wanting to get attention because I was sad, I deleted my topics because I felt a shamed of me going down to that level but it isn't responsible of me to only erase away my shame like that in life you caN,t only erase away your problems, and so by doing this I didn't take responsibility for my acts and it was coward, I want to sincerely apologies to the people who took their time to talk to me and I want to thank them also.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      --better about myself.Anyways thanks for your support it is really apreciated ^^

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. I am sorry to have been childish and wanting to get attention because I was sad, I deleted my topics because I felt a shamed of me going down to that level but it isn't responsible of me to only erase away my shame like that in life you caN,t only erase away your problems, and so by doing this I didn't take responsibility for my acts and it was coward, I want to sincerely apologies to the people who took their time to talk to me and I want to thank them also.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      Thanks Krenton but my issues are pretty much ''first world problems'', by that I mean not really issues as it is normal at my age(16) to feel useless as I still haven't done a formation yet and cannot do anything of talent(by that I mean art) for the time being, next year(well the winter session of next year) I'm going to Cégep/college to get a professional formation of 3 years on coding when I'm done I'll work on ''real'' projects and feel bett...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. I am sorry to have been childish and wanting to get attention because I was sad, I deleted my topics because I felt a shamed of me going down to that level but it isn't responsible of me to only erase away my shame like that in life you caN,t only erase away your problems, and so by doing this I didn't take responsibility for my acts and it was coward, I want to sincerely apologies to the people who took their time to talk to me and I want to thank them also.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      As it was childish of me of doing that I will un-delete the posts I made(I just saw I could)-and take responsibility for my actions.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. I doN't want to do anything anymore...I was always useless so I guess it doesn't change much....I wish I could help...but I can't I'M never able to help anyone....and the ''projects'' I do are crappy and as useless as everything else..

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      because I think It I only never say it though...also.. I think it's a way to get attention...I'm sorry for making you lose your time...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Really sad atm...my best friend just said he was going away for the summer because of some school stuff...Now I'm alone on the internet for all summer....

  20. I'M BACK!!!!

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      Now I need to re-write that post in: caption the avatar above you >:I

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. My upcoming single's really experimental stuff. I guess I really want to emphasize that this album isn't going to completely be radio-friendly commercial stuff like I usually do.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      Well I can't wait to hear it anyways ^^

      You always make awesome songs X3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Everything is fine I was able to rebuild my little project I'm ok now XD

  23. This new Youtube update sucks more than the last.. Again.

    1. Stealth Protector

      Stealth Protector

      What did they do again...Sometimes I wish you tube had competition because competition is Extremely good like Jamaican Jam. I would go in further detail but I don't feel like writing an essay on: how competition is good... but yeah it's why Youtube is so bad...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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