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Status Updates posted by PlunderSteed

  1. Is it just me, or is this entire site overrun with overly sensitive children?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DubWolf


      Avatar changes*. It is quite scary!

    3. Panne


      It happened to me when I was reading a post he made in a thread and I jumped because I was learning close to the screen.

    4. 7th Boss

      7th Boss

      Hmm, looking at that evil luna face while my computer lags for an hour makes her not all that scary

  2. Downloading "Left Behind" for the Last of Us. It's 5.3GB. This will take a while.

  3. Just now felt a terrible pang of regret when I found some Deviant Art posters for the Terminator Season 3 that never happened :*(

  4. Oh, you kids and your attempts to pass off walls of rambling text as "debate". Gotta get some sleep now. Will make popcorn and catch up tomorrow.

  5. It's almost 2am. I'm drinking absinthe and creating a truly vile music video.

  6. Luna have mercy. I've turned to 4Chan for help with covert art for my next music video. This should be...interesting.

  7. On this day, the 22nd of December, I created a monster. Ugh, I can barely look at it...seemed funny when I came up with the idea, but now that it's here, it's just fucking horrifying.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, guys.

  9. Done. I'm reasonably satisfied with its structure and overall delivery, although every time I listen to it, I can still hear a dozen things that ought to be fixed. http://mlpforums.com/topic/75137-original-metal-song-feedback-would-be-great-d/#entry2003904

  10. Sixth and the finishing touches are done. This video is taking fucking forever to process. Easily twice as long as any other video I've made. I'll post it to the dedicated thread in a few minutes (once it's live on YouTube).

  11. Fifth beer is carrying the 2nd verse. Good thing my dog seems to give zero fucks about me "singing" death metal. The cat seems scared shitless. Poor guy. When I'm done I'll give him tuna or something.

  12. Fourth beer carried the "left" channel in the monologue. It feels like a pirate radio signal from the back of a camper parked in a rebel outpost.

  13. Third beer carried the "right" channel in the monologue. I was pleased with the effects: like a loudspeaker in a stadium.

  14. First beer got me in the mellow metal mindset. Second beer got me thinking about the structure of the bridge, and how it should be two competing monologues.

  15. 6 beers + 5 "I Wills" + 4 more vocal tracks + 3 hours left + 2 crazy metal heads = 1 (hopefully) completed demo tonight.

  16. Just got back from Germany with a case of Weinachstbier (Schwaben Brau). Good times. Time to screw around on the Eve test server and scheme up a devious "it's a tarp!" loadout with the new Marauders and Interdictors :)

  17. You guys are killing me. Gotta wind down and get some sleep, though. Stay awesome, my friends.

  18. Slept a solid 8 hours last night. Felt great all day. I should make a habit of this. ;)

  19. too late to keep browsing/reading...must sleep

  20. Feel so good...this week I got a lot done with work, with music and with misc. other pony projects. MLP forever!

  21. Dragging myself to work for a few hours -_-

  22. Gah...time to quit screwing around and come up with some lyrics. It's too early to brain! No matter...I had a feeling from the start that this song would be about struggle.

  23. It's 10:30 in the morning, and I'm on my second beer. Normally that would make me an alcoholic, but it actually makes sense, given my schedule. Tonight at 8:30 I have to go in to work for a few hours. At least I'm sleeping well enough these days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlunderSteed


      How do I know I'm not an alcoholic? Alcoholics go to meetings. I go to this forum :)

    3. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      heh, right? People I meet that are "alcoholics" drink because they think it numbs pain. I drink because it tastes good AND can wake you up like coffee.

    4. PlunderSteed


      lol, good points sir. The only time I can "wake up" from drinking is if it's got Taurine in it. Hell, these days when I drink Red Bull straight, I can't help but think "hmm...it's missing something...Oh yeah, vodka!"

  24. For the past week or so, I've been ending the day with vague feeling of unsatisfied restlessness. Like I must hunt, but the prey has already been spooked.

  25. Good goddess, I've been reading up on some of the more obscure Kipling poetry and I must say it's maddening in its simple ferocity.

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