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Status Updates posted by PlunderSteed

  1. First...your avatar is adorable. Second, YES I get the White Pony reference (Passenger is a wonderful/haunting song)! Third...Gilda FTW :)

    1. ~Lawful Haze~

      ~Lawful Haze~

      You had my interest...but now you have my attention ;)


      Deftones are my fav band of all time, andN I only discovered them recently enough Xo

  2. The banner is relevant to me today. I just quit an MMO group that has been my friends for the past 2 years. I still love them, and I wish them the best....I just can't sink any more time into an escape from the real world. The planet is just too big to escape from, yet too small to escape its notice.

  3. Bronypalooza footage here. I'm the one with the blue Mohawk and yellow goggles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkPSMdZmvqs

  4. Bleaching my hair so I can dye it as part of my BronyCon costume. Stupid peroxide...now to sit for an hour of itching that I can't scratch.

  5. PM me if you want a free place to crash for Bronycon. Hotel is near the convention center. We'll skype beforehand, so we can be mutually assured that the other is not a creeper or something.

  6. Just finished a 24 hour work shift. Significantly sleep deprived and slightly buzzed...time to pick up where I left off writing that underdog song.

  7. Whoah...badass banner today :)

    1. Wingnut


      Happy birthday NLR! :)

  8. Not a complaint; just an observation: my sleep schedule is a heap of smoldering wreckage. Yesterday I slept from 10am-6pm, due to work schedules. Right now it's 5:15am, and I have to be at work by 8am for another flip/flopped shift. I guess I'll watch an episode, then get an hour and a half of sleep. I've been re-working my way through season 1, and I'm up to Call of the Cutie.

  9. I watched E for about 40 seconds just now. My takeaway: fuck the Kardashians. Clueless. Useless.

  10. Sitting in the theater. 5 minutes until EG starts!

    1. Batbrony


      Well, whether it's good or bad, I hope you have fun! If it's good, GREAT, if not, then hopefully it'll at least be entertaining. Worst thing would be if it's just an OK or boring movie. Let us all know how it is when it's all over! :)

  11. Raining like a mofo right now. Difficult choice to make: run to my car and get soaked or walk down the hall, have a beer and wait it out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      if it lands on its side standing up you just got discorded. lol


    3. PlunderSteed


      Luna says: drink!

    4. PonyEcho


      ^ Luna is a wise Alicorn. *drinks his beer*

  12. Yesterday a major piece of my BronyCon costume arrived in the mail. It came from a company in New York, and I ordered the smallest size they make...but it's still too baggy. *shakes fist at the "norm" of overweight Americans* I'll have to alter it significantly so it doesn't look like a Slipknot jumpsuit.

  13. Feeling lazy this afternoon. So glad we can drink beer at work.

    1. Twiliscael


      Where do you work that you have such freedom?

    2. Friendship_Cannon


      a brewery I suppose :3

  14. Sitting on the balcony, enjoying a cigar and Chianti.

    1. longgone


      Like a true gentleman XD!

  15. It took me 2 years to come to terms with this, but it bears mentioning now: Rarity is fucking hot.

  16. I'm a'headin' for the last roundup. For now, anyways. We ride.

  17. Ugh. My boss has gotten in the habit of offering critique in areas that he himself has no room to talk. Time to go sit next to him for the next 16 hours. -_-

    1. Warith


      I routing for ya. Hang in there. ^_^

  18. Just got the call. I got 8 hours of sleep, but I'm still very tired. Time to start an 18 hour work day.

    1. PlunderSteed


      And then the weather was worse than forecast, so we had to call the whole thing off after a few hours of prep. No big deal...we'll take a day off and try again on Sunday.

  19. Sleeping pills kicking in. Nice and fuzzy. Dulls the hunger a bit. I'll be up in time to see the moon rise, though. That's the part I look forward to most.

  20. You coward. You servant. You blind man. Back to the front.

  21. Hmm...it's been over a year, and now I'm pretty sure this scar from the smallpox is permanent.

    1. Veronica The Miffvixen

      Veronica The Miffvixen

      If you had smallpox, wouldn't you be DEAD?

    2. Nohbdy


      Smallpox? o_0

  22. Schedule is all dorked up, thanks to a noon meeting that interrupted my sleep cycle. Blah.

    1. PlunderSteed


      Buck it. Nap time.

    2. Friendship_Cannon


      your profile gif o_O hory sheet

  23. I'm not sure what day of the week it is.

    1. Nohbdy


      It's the worst day

    2. Just some guy

      Just some guy

      Mondays aren't so bad.Thursdays though...they're the worst.

    3. PlunderSteed


      Alicorn Day? Damn. I didn't even put up the decorative candles.

  24. I got shot at last night. Maybe 10 or 20 rounds. It was awful: I had to fill out a bunch of forms afterwards, and nearly missed breakfast.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PlunderSteed


      I was about to land, flipped up the NVGs, turned on the overt lights, and somebody nearby saw me as a juicy target, and unloaded. They missed. I wish I could dodge the accompanying paperwork as easily.

    3. -Nobody-
    4. PlunderSteed


      I did a pretty thorough walkaround, and at least there was no damage (that I saw). Man...if there were bullet holes then I'd STILL be in the office filling out reports :P

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