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Status Updates posted by PlunderSteed

  1. Sleeping pills...make me fuzzy and myopic. And drowsy and psychotic.

  2. Ugh...I could use a beer right about now.

  3. I went to sleep at 8 this morning, and was woken up at 4 in the afternoon by my boss. He told me that we would be working at 7 the following morning. I guess it's time for sleeping pills.

  4. Spitfire banner? Me gusta.

  5. Vol 3, Ch 6: The dogs were cute, though I'm sure they were glad to see the last of me and my noise machine.

  6. Must...stay...awake...for another 8 hours. Then I can sleep for 12 and be good to go for a 24 hour work shift. x_x

    1. khaine21x3


      time for some caffeine pills

    2. PlunderSteed


      Managed to make it with just a cup of coffee and good conversation with my friends.

  7. Yay! Water is back. It had been out for a couple hours. Some kind of rupture in the main.

  8. Time to double-check weapons and night vision. Time to fly off into the night. I love this part.

  9. Apparently my "about me" page got wiped some time in the past few weeks. Not sure if a glitch or some kind of passive/aggressive hacking or moderation :P

    1. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Can you please open a ticket about it? I'm not sure what happened, but we may be able to retrieve it from a backup.

    2. PlunderSteed


      Sure thing. I'm not concerned about recovering mine, but I know a lot of other users put a lot of work into theirs, and it'd be a shame if those vanished.

  10. Blah...4:30am and I'm on my way to work.

  11. The Brony community is like a Monet: colorful, whimsical and cute from afar, but a horrifying mess up close. Not that I'm complaining. I kind of like it that way.

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      That's the perfect description of your avatar.

  12. Going through falling snow at 300 mph, while wearing night vision goggles, it looks like the warp speed effect from Star Wars

  13. Buck yeah...Ravens are on top

  14. I think I enjoyed the show and community a lot more before I joined this site.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      I'm related to some Honey Boo Boos.

    3. noplsno


      you need a moment of silence than.


    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      You could say that I've forsaken that side of my family.

  15. I saw two sunrises and two sunsets today. Traveling east non-stop for 24 hours is a real mind-fuck.

    1. null1


      That's got to be awesome in the least.

  16. Thanks for helping me put together my first "real" fic submission. We'll see how it does.

  17. What's some math between friends?

  18. While snorkling this afternoon, I came up with an idea for a short story. It disturbed me, so...that's probably a good sign.

  19. Blah...this storm has wreaked havoc on my schedule. I'm about to move to the 5th hotel in 4 days. Stupid Vol 3 requirements.

  20. Freddy Krueger is a marvelous character. Despite his hubris, brutality and appearance, his eyes are always so amazingly human.

  21. The sun is up, and it's snowing. I somehow doubt I'll be getting home on schedule.

  22. Been awake for about 26 hours...flew across the pond...finished a six pack...now watching Sports Center and wondering when I'll fall to sleep

  23. I got back home, after being on the road for a couple months. Very relaxing.

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