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Everything posted by KirbyFluttershy
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
For those of you guys that are playing animal crossing pocket camp, be sure to keep yourselves active as these events in pocket camp go by fast and i may be asking for help with the quarry entries when i need them. If you're looking for ways to add me in pocket camp, there are 2 ways. 1 is that if you linked your nintendo account to animal crossing pocket camp and i'm on your switch friend list, you can find me as same name as in NH and 2. here's my player code for those that need to find me, but be sure to tell me your name when adding me so i will know it's you, 7676 8236 369. if my code is wrong or a need recap, lemme know. Anyway on to NH topic, it seems the meteor showers is light as i expected. now as for the may day maze, well it's a lot different than last year's, but in this update, we're expecting new items and event re-runs. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
there are no meteor showers? if you're gonna invite us that way, you guys have to update the game before coming in. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
We're in for a update just to let you guys know. It's most likely that we're gonna get event re-runs in case if you guys missed them, but there are new items. they said april 28, but the earliest for us is the 27th. Here's the update information if you guys need to know -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Well speaking of demands, Animal Crossing Sanrio amiibo card packs are high demand than DIYs right now. So far i haven't been able to pick up any further information on this since ppl in the UK have been getting them, but for those of us in the US are still waiting for either the restock or the official word from nintendo, target, or sanrio since they were involved in this mess esp they want the sanrio items and villagers, but still, we haven't gotten any luck so far and i don't know what's the deal here. If they released LoZ items and villagers, then we shouldn't be worrying about that for those with LoZ series amiibo. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Well I could use more fragments. i've been using them to craft some nova lights to decorate the blocks around my island. same with the fragments to use. I wanted to get the Animal crossing sanrio amiibo card packs. it's just that i haven't gotten any luck with the store inventory and/or any information on it. 2 weeks have passed and haven't heard anything from the store, nintendo, or sanrio lately. As much as i like to get to the bottom of this and find out the truth, but i do know someone that can help although i need to find the right time and opportunity to ask him about this problem. Store saying that animal crossing sanrio amiibo card packs are exclusive and high demanding and have no information on the restocks. It could be bad for most ppl that are trying to buy the card packs or rather there will be more angry ppl coming in like this. Of course i want the items since they're orderable, but the sanrio villagers is what i do want as well so that's why i wanted the card packs of my own. I haven't found any information or more ppl and victims that fell into this problem. The other part is that most ppl in the US may be jealous of the EU or UK ppl getting the animal crossing sanrio amiibo card packs or still angry at the target stores for not restocking the card packs. I know for me getting them from japan is my alternative option, but it's a blind bag and contains 2 cards per blind bag. in the US, it contains all 6 cards in 1 pack. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
which camper are you trying to move in? because all i know is that it takes some time, but if they have interest on moving into the island, then they should be able to move in. they won't move in if your island is full unless you have 1 free opening plot or kick (or evict) one of your villagers out of your island. Amiibo villagers including sanrio villagers on the other hand, they require the number of days for them to move in. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
It's possible that a person can get the villager off from you, but they need to kick at least 1 villager from or free plot on their island. if it's a villager you want, then all depends on which villager you want also the villager that you're kicking out or evicting them has to be in boxes. Sanrio villagers can't be transferred over to your island as part of the warning so if you want a sanrio villager, you have to buy the AC sanrio amiibo card pack which is currently out of stock and have been selling out fast. I haven't been picking up any further information on that, but i did find a lot of related posts on it and ppl said that they got fed up with the scalpers, the store, and others stuff like that, but it's getting ridiculous right now and we haven't gotten a word from neither nintendo or target store lately. all i found was some questions and complaints about it from the target's support twitter page and said that they had no idea on when are they gonna re-stock and stuff like that. what should've been done in the 1st place is have the card packs available to the other stores or get'em as a my nintendo rewards or rather the target store should've limit the card pack purchase to 1 pack per customer to avoid the problem. I have been checking back the site often and they haven't updated the stocks. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
it depends on what or who you want and what your current villagers are. if you're after sanrio villagers, then you'll have to wait till the target stores have restocked the AC sanrio amiibo card packs since they've been sold out fast and a lot of ppl are getting angry about this situation. Contacting the store's customer support and asking when are they gonna restock isn't gonna help because their response say that they don't know when they will restock the product and other stuff like that. They said it suppose to restock on march 29, but what i may be finding it as a lie because they suppose to restock on that day and it's been almost a week that they haven't restock the card packs. it's been a week that the card packs have been released, but ppl still wanting to buy them. if it's other villagers you're after, well you can go with either your favorite villagers or the most popular villagers like raymond and audie, but you need a lot of nook miles tickets for that or hope for one you're looking for visiting your campsite on the island. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Well It seems that we're not gonna get any AC sanrio amiibo cards for a reason. the shop's support haven't been any help at all and saying that they don't have specific date on the restock and other stuff like that. I picked up a lot of information and it seems i'm not the only one after it and have the same problem. there are other people that are wanting the AC sanrio amiibo card packs. the store site hasn't been updating the product on the restock lately. something tells me that the store needs to get to the bottom of this problem and tell the truth to their customers about the AC sanrio amiibo card packs right away. All i know is that ppl are blaming the store for not restocking their products. I mean i could go after the items, but the thing is that i want the villagers too, mainly chelsea. The other part is that the staff members of the store are selling the AC sanrio amiibo cards to their friends and family, but they can't do that if it's against the store and staff policy or rather the item shouldn't be reserved for that. Worst case scenario is that i read on twitter posts about ppl staying outside of the store overnight to buy and pick up AC sanrio amiibo cards which it seems highly suspicious to me. What i meant to say is that they should've distributed AC sanrio amiibo card packs to the other stores to avoid the problem. Now to provide more information, i did hear that the price of the AC sanrio amiibo card packs have skyrocketed so it's most likely to be scalpers. I read the article about it on nintendolife. There hasn't been any information from nintendo support as well so if i pick any information from nintendo, i may be able to share that. The other option i can take is get the cards off from japan, but it's a blindbag thing which is randomized cards so there's no telling if i get them all in 3 bags or so since they contain 2 cards per blindbag. also i don't mind if you guys help me with gathering information on the AC sanrio amiibo card packs as well because a lot of ppl that wanted the card packs have fallen into the victim in this case. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Sorry to double post (or bump) around here, but Just to share some news and info Animal Crossing Sanrio card packs are available in the US which it contains all 6 cards so you don't have to worry about getting them separately since the ones in japan are randomized like it was in a blind bags. Now as for the warning part, they tend to sell out fast due to scalpers. i've been picking up information about this and other people have the same problem and felt upset about this mess and said that they should've distributed the card packs to the other stores to avoid this problem (via best buy, gamestop, and others). I'm not in a rush in getting them, but it would be nice to have chelsea. others, i'm ok with that. here's the related article that you guys may wanna read. They said it suppose to limit 2 card packs per 1 customer and they were sold out fast since they were released and now ppl have been searching for them. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Yeah it was pretty crazy since we can get the golden slingshot that fast. Good thing we still kept the eggs for this year. we'll never know what will happen. We're getting some new bunny day items this year though. the only question is that we just need to know which new bunny day items we're getting. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
you don't get the golden net and fishing rod till the next day after completing the bug and fish collection. Anyway The animal crossing sanrio collection pack is limited to 2 per customer, but they tend to sell out fast so if you guys are getting them, you wanna buy fast also as for the sanrio villagers, well you can't obtain them outside of amiibo so whenever they're moving out, they can't be transferred to your island as i know about so only the sanrio items can be obtained from other ppl. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
when you're playing pocket camp, go to social, search, and then go to find a friend. You should find me as a same name as in NH so self-explanatory. make sure your nintendo account is linked in order to find me. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
I don't think there's a mission like that. i just checked my missions through PC app and nothing involved mario anniversary mission. they put the mario items on the re-issue section of the crafting screen so probably they only did that mission in the past. Anyway speaking of NH, Not only sanrio items we can get, but there's also other items to grab as well here's some information. As for the mario items, well it would be nice if they just make the pipes customizable with other colors like red, yellow, and blue pipes. shells, well not only red, but blue and gold (probably with gold nuggets we can use as customization material) would be nice although Pink and teal (like rosalina's color from super mario 3d world). Fire flower, customizable with blue colored like it was a ice flower. I may be looking for friends on pocket camp. some of my friends were currently inactive and i'm gonna run low on friends for the quarry so if anyone here plays pocket camp, please add me. you can simply add me if i'm on your switch friend list without using the player code. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
If you guys are curious about how to get sanrio items, it's the same deal as you get posters with animal crossing series amiibo. here's an article just in case if you guys need to know Anyway we're about to approach aries sooner or later so if you guys need to get pisces fragments and DIY, it would be a good time to grab them while you have chance. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Well I gave you all the trash that i have except for the tires which i need for the lunar rover. the other part is spoiled turnips. that's how i got the fly to spawn in the 1st place. I was thinking it could be rare though. Replacing all the fences with regular blocks is gonna be a pain since the order limit is 5 per day. i don't mind some help as long as i'm willing to pay back for 5k bells for 5 blocks. if you don't want me to pay you guys back for the blocks, then that's fine. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
My new leaf turnip prices just spiked in the morning. I wish my NH turnip prices spiked Here's my NL prices. Monday - N/A (AM) 87 (PM) Tuesday - 131 (AM) 213 (PM) Wednesday - 617 (AM) 164 (PM) Thursday - (AM) (PM) Friday - (AM) (PM) Saturday - (AM) (PM) Sunday (Buying) - 107 -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
I have another idea to decorate the regular, ?, and floating blocks. you can use large, normal, zodiac star fragments, and nova lights on top of them and make them look like star bits. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
I could just take what i can and then drop what i don't need and already have learned so far. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Meteor showers doesn't happen till 7PM PST which is 10PM EST. most likely that i'll open my gates around 8PM PST or so. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
Well I have to check for celeste in that process. If anyone else wants in, lemme know through discord and i'll give the dodo code out for those wants in. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
There are many creative ways to use with the mario items. For pipes, well not just the places i mentioned, but if you have a pipe near outside of your house, it's best to take that one and place it inside so you don't have to walk into your house after coming out of the pipe. if you're planning on placing the pipe inside of your house, well you can place it anywhere inside the house if you like or if you're doing feng shui, place it on the bottom of the room if there's a spot for it. The other spot would be the beach areas if you're fishing so on 1 each side. Edit: i'm in for a meteor showers tonight just to let you guys know. -
gaming Animal Crossing New Horizons (May contain unmarked spoilers)
KirbyFluttershy replied to Will Guide's topic in Media Discussion
I had meteor showers last night, but i lost track of time not knowing my time was past 7PM PST. Anyway as for the mario items, I believe the floating block and ? blocks can be used as a arch-type furniture, but thwomp, well you can't go through it so it's not a gate-type thing. Blocks on the other hand, well they look great for fences. Pipes, well I placed one near the airport, near redd's, and near nooklings, a good spots to get around these places fast. The downside is that you can't place them where you normally get trapped if you don't have a vaulting pole and ladder with you. you can use the rescue service if you like in case something like that would happen. placing more than 2 pipes will randomly teleport you to the pipes you placed and it can be the same pipe too. @HereComesTom - I have both of those paintings donated so probably someone else can have them -