Hello everyone. I have this idea for a YouTube Series, and I need people for it to work.
First off I'd like to know if this is a good idea in the first place. I'm thinking of making a parody of the "Bronies react to . ." series. I want to make fun of the fact that the series contains only famous Bronies. The series would be pretty much the same as Bronies react, but with subtle jabs to the people in the original series. This of course well all be a complete joke.
The series will be titled "Not Famous Bronies react." or "Unpopular Bronies react." How prevalent the joke will be throughout the series will be up to the members of the group. We could drop the parody angle and just have a normal reacts series if you guys want.
Here's what I need. I need a group of up to seven Bronies to be part of the show. I already have myself and one friend on broad. That leaves five spots. Anyone can join but girls will get priority, because I really want at least one girl in the series.
There are requirements however.
First rule: You must be NOT famous in order to join the project. If you're a famous person then go join all the "cool kids" at "Bronies react" (That's the jist of the joke right there.)
Everyone who joins, must have a camera that can record in at least 480p. I'd also prefer you to have a decent quality mic to aid in sound pick up. You must have a time and place were you can record without extreme background noise, like yelling in the background and people running around. "Normal" background noise like a low hum is fine, because I can easily get rid of that. In addition you need Skype so we can plan these things. If you have all those things you can join, just leave a comment here.