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Acoustic Cloud

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Status Updates posted by Acoustic Cloud

  1. I was going to say something about procrastination... But I'll do it tomorrow.

  2. Just discovered Inform 7, goodbye fanfics, hello interactive fanfics! It's a lot lazier than C++

  3. I love the smell of napalm in the mornin'

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      One day... This war's gonna end...

  4. Psh, just realized you can make a path in photoshop, copy it to illustrator, and make a vector... Fail.

  5. Best bowling league night ever... Just dubbed our team "The Wonderbowlts"

    1. NavelColt


      In the words of Charlie Sheen, 'winning'.

    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      "The only thing I'm addicted to is winning..."

      -Charlie Sheen


      Yeah it's pretty awesome, we are getting some t's

  6. 30 mins. later and I still haven't gotten off. I now must force myself away from the computer.

  7. Why is it, that whenever I start a fanfic, I think of another one? Curse these random ideas--sleep is what I need. Well I'm off to think of more ideas I guess, goodnight everypony.

  8. Did anyone else see the s3 ep 2 trailer for mlp? Pinkie turned her face into a G3 pony!!!! I think this one is gonna be good for the bronies X3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      i hear silence... the sound of me winning the filly battle.

    3. Clarity


      Or it means that I was offline <.<

    4. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Offline, victory... same difference. ^^

  9. Goodnight Everyone, Best of luck to you late night people who don't see much activity on these threads.

  10. 110 posts 'till pheonix

  11. O, Dictionary.com, you are the site I adore. Putting up the word of the day; describing none other than the best pony. Today's word is "troth"

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      I find myself aggrandizing my lexicon to sedate my convivial hunger, for lack of a better statement, words.

  12. Love the banner for the Veterans!

  13. CMS Christian Northwest was great this year; On the downside... It's in Seattle :P I don't know how you people live in this cold...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Did I mention I'm in shorts and a T shirt? *poor planning on my part*

    3. Evilshy



      I have lost what little sympathy I had for you.

    4. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Lol, happens XP

      I was told I should pack a pair of jeans

      "nah My legs don't get cold"

      ...Stupid me, now my person is cold.

  14. Not getting on here 24/7/365 is really bumming me out, ugh,-- Sudden topic change, I'm going to bed, Goodnight everypony

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      *or 365.24* (details) :P

  15. Love the new user name x3

  16. Agh, kyphosis! I think I'm going to lie down, goodnight everypony.

  17. 14 days on the forums... I'm not sure if I should be dissapointed... or completely proud

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ParsoOfEquestria


      i only have a total of 18 days so i should be more worried than you :3


    3. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      I've been here for nearly 132 days. 14 days is great; 132 is probably a bit on the high side. :-)

    4. Evilshy


      Almost 60 days, here.

  18. I love writing poems :3

  19. Anyone want to help me think of a new youtube channel name?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      can they be that long? plus no spaces.

    3. Nouth


      Ah, I honestly have no idea :D Haven't really used youtube channel except for uploading my single video.

    4. Acoustic Cloud
  20. Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned that If you are grounded from driving, don't lip off or you end up walking in the cold... Now if you'll excuse me; I have some walking to do.

    1. Toothless the Night Fury

      Toothless the Night Fury

      Your faithful student, Rainbow Dashey

    2. Key Gear
    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      yeah, pretty much summed it up.

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