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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. And so, the short version of a pony drouight was brought to an end... AND HOLY CELESTIAL MOON! What a way to end it! :D There's so much to analyze that this is going to be HUUUUUUUGE! I'm going to divide this into two parts so as not to make it WAAAAAY too much of a wall of text. This is part one.


    First let me talk about the new introduction in this episode. I thought that Corey Powell was going to be the only new writer to be presented in this season....... I was apparently wrong! Enter Teddy Antonio! He was the one who made the story for what Dave Polsky had written. (Also, Antonio happens to be my first name. B)  But I did wonder, this was the first time I saw Antonio being used as a surname. :wacko: Anyway, getting off topic!). I'm starting to see more combos of writers in FiM, and this was another occasion. And again, it was Dave Polsky who wrote it, but another who made the story. I wonder if there's a reason for this. :huh: Regardless, Mr. Teddy had a very important job at making the story for such an important episode like this, and to me, he did fairly well. My congratulations to him, and I hope we can see more of him in other episodes. :)


    As for Dave Polsky himself, he too did an interesting job with the episode, and I personally think he pulled it off rather well. You could see this was an episode that could characterize his normal type of episodes, as with Discord, the element of zaniness that he so much enjoys he could use almost as much as he wanted. People saw that as far as Mr. Polsky had written Fluttershy, he had written her out fairly well, and I believe it clearly showed here, especially following the fact Fluttershy should be more assertive in a way, and ESPECIALLY when tasked with such a BIG thing by Celestia herself. Once more, congrats to Dave Polsky. :)


    Now, first things first, I want to adress something that has been addressed already by ~Chaotic Discord~ and Dark Qiviut, but I think it's important for people to hear out again. Most have said that the episode felt "rushed". Dark Qiviut said it fairly well. This was a REALLY fast-paced episode. And this is one of those episodes, that MIGHT have worked better as a two-parter, than just with one episode. As CD already stated, watching the episode a second for those that felt it go too fast MIGHT give you a slightly different opinion than you originally believed it was. Some probably felt that they wanted the Discord zaniness to keep ongoing. Others wanted more character development, and I think most wanted an ending that didn't seem so abrupt in their eyes. Regardless, for those that did feel the episode too fast for their own tastes, I suggest doing like CD, and watch it a second time. Maybe the episode will come off as slightly different as it was on the first time.


    Now let's go at the episode itself!


    First things first, Pinkie polished her hooves. Pinkie. Polished her hooves. I had to do a double take on THAT. She polished her hooves due to Celestia coming to Ponyville. I'm thinking Rarity was the one that had a hoof in this because otherwise, the whole short scene made me go a big ol' "Wut...?" :blink: I'm thinking this could actually mean that Rarity has been spending more time with Pinkie too (or that Rarity was OF COURSE going to make someone be more "decent to receive royalty" in her eyes XD). Regardless, as small a thing as it is, it might mean something for their character.


    Then, I am REALLY surprised no one mentioned Twilight's pretty sincere screaming at Princess Celestia. While I obviously laughed my flank off, it also made me think "Well... that's just awesome". Why? Because of a single reason. That scream alone, says that Twilight isn't going to be some mindless drone that will follow all of her mentor's doing without some logical explanation, even if she's basically the pony she trusts the most. And I think this more than great character development, as single as it may be. In "A Canterlot Wedding", something similar could have happened, but she didn't really meet Celestia until the rehearsing (hence all the, justified, paranoia feel on her friends). Plus that with the covering her mouth with her hooves and instantly saying "Your Majesty" honestly made for a very little, but entertaining moment in Twilight's and Princess Celestia's teacher/student relationship. 


    Next up, the fact about Discord's stone form, and the hearing sense. When Discord got out and mentioned all about getting reformed, I stopped the video, because it made me think. "So he can hear while being a statue? And what else CAN he do as a statue?". I didn't actually expect for him to mention he could hear within the statue, but he did. This makes me wonder. Is chaotic magic in the form of disharmony that he can hear, the one that frees him? Or can something else do so with the same disharmony theme in common? And a previous question still stands. Can he do something else, aside from hearing, when being a statue?


    Following through, Celestia wanting to get Discord "reformed". Now, there HAS to be a reason why she thought of this. Maybe she started thinking through on the past events... had seen how Twilight had forgiven Trixie... and decided to give Discord a chance, in as much a controlled environment as possible (even though that's fairly difficult, almost impossible). She probably DID know that Discord was not an exact bad being per se, just so uncontrolled and with a "Ponies, please, I don't give a damn" attitude. Now... what would be my personal belief? Well... I know there's the "Q" from Star Trek thing, and I know Discord is based on that character. But other than that, I believe she did it because she felt another ally (for something big that may happen) would be great, especially someone like Discord. Out of all main villains, Discord was the only one that wasn't really evil, ergo, the best with a chance to get it to happen to reform. Plus, I think this was another test to the mane 6. How much was Fluttershy willing to trust Discord in reforming... and how much were her friends willing to trust Fluttershy and do nothing to Discord in the meanwhile. If all happened, Celestia would have a new ally ("For the most part :P ), and once more, the friendship between the mane 6 would be strengthened. This is also the reason, as to why Celestia left, in my opinion. She wants to see how much on their own could they do without her needing to supervise or give that ominous presence she might give if being all the way with this whole process. That, and that Celestia probably figured out that Discord would be less... "rebel" without her around. (Which makes perfect sense, given their history of she and Luna trapping Discord to stone for the first time) (Although I have the slight feeling that she did supervise anyway from somewhere in Ponyville).


    That's the end of part one. (Great now I feel like one of those cassettes for the English class that I used to have back in school :lol: ). Be back on part two!

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Well, time for me to say goodnight for the day! Tomorrow, I have a big brony meetup that will have pools to swin in, music, and cool stuff like that (like a party!), and I have to wake up decently early. :lol: Night my friends! :)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. there is a undeniable fact that she is still Royalty nonetheless since her brother Shining Armor is married to Cadence and if my memory is correct.

    This is true. So actually a coronation that involves her as well because of this relation is completely plausible too. There are many variables, and I'm thinking that The Hub is doing this on purpose. :ph34r:


    Princess Skyla is returning to over throw Celestia and Luna as well.

    The fanfic potential... oh the fanfic potential that comes from this... I can FEEL it. :P If this would actually happen however... well, needless to say, we're all naming you "Madame HR" for predicting the future. (Because "Madame Harmonic Revelations" is too long. :P ). 

  4. You don't know how long that took to do. Just uploading them is one matter, but adding them to the actual post is another.


    I'm way ahead of ya!

    Probably a lot, but hey, worth it, right?


    Good. If anything happens I asked Usain Bolt to take your flank all the way to Indonesia! ^_^

  5. Though i'm still far behind a professional fan fic writer, and miles away from an "in the business" profession writer, I have learned a few things.  One thing i've learned is that there are several thousand ways to word something and write a scene.  The thing is, I have a theory on our studious unicorn.  It's quite possible that during the coronation for Skyla, they have a smaller "knighting" style ceremony for Twilight.  What makes me think about this is Star Swirl The Bearded, and a possible position he held. 


    Perhaps for over several hundred years, no pony was worthy of holding a position of an Arch Mage that he did, or some similar high magical user position.  Even though Twilight admitted during the Magic Duel she didn't have the power to cast high level spells such as the age spell, she is still quite the potent caster.  Princess Celestia could be training Twilight to fill that role Star Swirl held, with it being a magical guardian/research of Equestria.  The adorkable pony has an even greater potential because she can utilize the elements of harmony alongside her friends. 


    There is only one thing that makes me pause.  That is Celestia sending Twilight off to Ponyville to learn about friendship.  It makes me wonder if the regal mare did this so her student could learn about honesty, loyalty, kindness, laughter, and generosity.  We learned in the return of harmony that if each pony becomes corrupted, the element becomes rather worthless.  With 1 surpreme user of the elements, you reduce the risk of this problem.  If Twilight does utilize all 6 elements of harmony at once, it does make me wonder if she will become an alicorn due to their power.  However, until we see the episode, there is nothing set in stone. 


    All we know is that the finale episode is called "Princess Coronation" and Twilight shall face her destiny.  Both are extremely vague with their ambiguity leaving a lot in the air.  It could certainly be about Princess Cadence being "Crowned" Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess and Ruler of the Crystal Empire. 


    Definition of Coronation off of Webster's:





    At the end of the 2nd episode of S3, we see her leaving the Crystal Empire with Shining Armor.  This probably means she isn't officially the ruler, and some information revealed during the episode makes it so she is a descendant, or is "THE" missing," Crystal Princess.


    It's also quite plausible that viewers could get a surprise as this little filly says "Hello auntie Twilight" with the unicorn fainting from the site of the filly.  Again, it's really up in the air.  However, with all of that said, i'm still going to remain optimistic. 

    If you haven't written a fanfic, do it. NOW. :mellow: I don't care if it ends up being just a "What if" situation. Write it. :D


    Regardless, the knighting thing is actually very intriguing! In the small clip, Twilight is seen with the big crown thingy ( :P ), so actually, something similar to the knighting act, might as well be very plausible. Interesting theory my friend. :D Also, if the bolded part happens. I'll laugh. Loudly. And so will many others. Probably say "D'aww" too. :lol:

  6. If I find another AJ thread in /mlp/, It most definitely won't be my last.   Though, I'm not prone to doing them for anypony, so don't expect many if at all any until that day.

    I never expect them, so I'd be surprised anyway. :lol: Regardless, I wouldn't be surprised if you make a such a huge image dump that it needs its own page. :P





    Dat pic...honestly, why did they have to make 4th and 8th picture so bad for him? :blink: (Let it be said, they reminded me of the episodes... but then...)


    Orlly :L 

    Haven, start running. :P Hi Clarity! :D  

  7. I still need an answer for this question :V

    I think it mostly depends on the situation, but the most probable thing is that she would be anxious. IF she however is standing in front of you, then nervous would probably still apply, IMO. :huh:

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I'll try, but, I dunno how I'm gonna do it . I'm gonna need a punching bag or something.........something.......



    Honestly Spazzy, you need to find some sort of outlet. Something that lets get all the anger out as much as you need. A punching bag might actually not be a bad idea. Then do what Star said. Take it easy. We KNOW that you getting your anger controlled is...well...to use a good comparison, as hard as Applejack not doing something in the day. We KNOW how hard that is. Get some sort of anger outlet, until you start feeling you need it less and less. Of course, this comes with time. Trust me. It can take its sweet, bastard time. I speak from experience. You're gonna have to be patient as well, and that each small thing you accomplish in your goal in not getting as mad, celebrate it, as silly as it may seem. I wish all the luck with learning the control of anger issues. :)


    Did not think I had that many pictures though....

    For some reason, the words "This isn't even my final AJ image dump" came to me, complete with the Frieza voice. :P

    • Brohoof 3
  9.  It makes sense that they would want us to think that the coronation is about Twilight.


    Hasbro and DHX might as well be preparing a very big surprise... now whatever happens, I'm giddy. :lol:



    I think the episode is going to be about twilight and people need just acknowledge that.


    I'm not saying the episode isn't going to be about Twilight. Like this guy said:



    Problem is, the theory still has holes with "Twilight's Destiny"




    The clip from The Hub mentioned one pony finding her destiny and putting Twilight on the spotlight, so it's definitely Twilight's destiny we're talking about. Why not have something big that happens during the coronation of Skyla, that requires Twilight to do something big? After all, it wouldn't be the first time that what was mostly a Twilight episode, introduces new characters, while using a plot that gets very diverse. A Canterlot Wedding did that in a sense.



    Cadance and Shining Armors kid?


    Nobody knows, I believe. However, the idea of Twilight becoming a mentor seems really nice! :D

  10. Yes, I know there's a thread that talks about the Season's 3 finale, any mod can merge this with the existing thread if this needs to be merged. The reason I'm making it a separate thread, is to discuss a particular theory that just occurred to me.


    Now, most of the people are saying something about Twilight becoming a Princess, whether permanently, temporally, or just the chance/possibility of it happening.


    I was glad to find that I wasn't the only one who thought of Princess CADENCE, rather than Alicorn Twilight. :P However, I have a theory that indirectly involves her. And it's with something that came out LONG before Season 3 was even aired.


    Does anyone remember THIS pony?





    Some of you might not, but in an epiphany of mine, I remembered her (probably also thanks to a blog from XrosOver as well, you could say, because the word "baby" when talking about Cadence having a baby brought some memories to me. Thanks man! ^_^ ). But regardless, that's right. Princess Skyla. That toy that came around, according to EQD's timepost of it when it was reported, not sure when was the exact date, AUGUST 8TH. And yet, after all this time, not a single clue about this pony had come. Not a single one.....................................


    What if the Princess Coronation, was not about Twilight becoming a Princess....... was not about Cadence, and her formal presentation as one of the rulers on The Crystal Empire or similar.......................... but rather, about the coronation of Skyla? We still don't know anything about her (or at least as far as I know), but remembering her, and given all this, I'm thinking that her appearance might be the most plausible thing here. :huh:


    So... what do you all think?

    • Brohoof 15
  11. @, The problem with all this Spazzy, is also what people imagine Lyra (or any other BG pony with not much story or personality at all) she is. For example, here's how I think Lyra is.


    I think her to be a chill pony (for Celestia's sake she was drinking a smoothie in the midst of a battle! :P ), and then there's the part of her name. Lyra Heartstrings. I don't think she was given that name because of nothing. If her songs are able to touch the "strings of the heart", then with that in mind, it would be really hard for me to choose between AJ and Lyra.


    I'd personally choose AJ because of her personality slightly more than my headcanon of Lyra, simply, because of what's established. There's also the fact that people might find Lyra more physically appealing than Applejack, if anything (I wouldn't comment on that anyway). Soooooo... yeah...there's that. Headcanon can beat what is really canon, sadly.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. As much as Arcanel had appreciated the kind words of Nurse Redheart, he still couldn't help but feel bad. He could have got there earlier if he hadn't been so distracted. But even though there was that, he felt slightly more preocupied of the face of the nurse when he explained what had been Springer's situation. Even though he saw her nod, he couldn't help but feel a small tinge of worry coming from the nurse's face. However, Dawn's smile had brought him to a small joy again. *Phew... at this rate of smiles and worries, I'm gonna have a heart attack with all this... wait... I'm just 27... u-ugh, I need to STOP feeling old...* he said, avoiding the need to facehoof. However, all of his worries were brought to the train when Vim had called his name as they reached the train.



    "Mr. Arcanel! Where in sweet Equestria have you been!?"



    The mailpony cringed at the tone of worry in Vim's, but he knew he would need to explain later. He also felt slightly strange when he was called "Mr.". "I'm really really sorry Mr. Vim! I got lost around Ponyville!... Um... I'll explain later. Nurse Redheart brought somepony else to help, so Springer should have better chances too!" he said, quickly trying to avoid explaining all that happened in his trip around Ponyville. *Guilt trips can wait. Springer needs help. Now.* He concluded, worry starting to divert to the green pegasus as the nurse examined him.


    The more Nurse Redheart examined the pegasus, the more Arcanel could see her worry grow, and the more he himself started getting worried. *What's wrong with you Mr. Springer...? And why is Miss Redheart getting more worried by the second...?* were some of the questions that plagued the white pony's mind. However, all eyes went to Dawn as she had an idea to what was going on with Springer. He could see her starting to become very sad, and the nurse going to comfort her. *Dawn looked really sad for a moment... I mean, it's not that surprising but... it's as if she was sad by something else as well... nah I'm overthinking this too much.* He pondered, as he saw Dawn step back and prepare a spell.


    The room started getting very bright, and Arcanel was about to ask what was Dawn going to do until he saw the determination in the filly's face. The moment he saw that face, he felt that whatever she was going to do, she felt 120% sure that it was going to work, so he stayed silent and watched as the room got brighter and brigher, until the whole space was filled with the light's color, a very light pink. "Woah..." was all the pegasus could say, as he watched the power that was coming from Dawn. *No wonder Nurse Redheart trusts in her...* he thought, still in awe. After a while the light subsided, and the room returned to its normal color.


    As he watched around the room, he saw the conductor with his jaw slightly agape as much as he was, Dawn slightly tired, and a Springer that was trying to recover. After he lifted himself up, he started apologizing to Vim for being derelict in his duties, and the conductor making a hearty laugh afterwards. When he saw that, Arcanel released a sigh, and gave a big smile. "Phew... I'm so glad that he's okay." He said, mostly facing the conductor. However, before talking to Springer, he went to Nurse Redheart first. *As much as I want to check on him, probably being talked by a stranger before even talking to his boss will probably seem weird to him right now.* He figured. When he reached the nurse, he asked her a question. "Um... Miss Redheart... is Springer now fully okay?" he said, trying to clear out his worries about the green pony who just probably had one of the most dangerous moments in his life. 

    • Brohoof 6
  13. Almost finished reading Background Pony

    Now can you see why I praised that fanfic so much amrite? :mellow:


    Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one hear who legitimately enjoys watching the MLP show itself. x3

    Trust me, you're not the only one who does. :) 




    Okay, I have to admit. I laughed much more than I probably should have with that pic. :lol:


    Love is in the air~

    I love that artist's style. :wub:  Although I did not expect Spike singing I Kissed a Girl. ^_^



    Oh yeah, in case any of you missed it, Feld0 pretty much cleared the banner issue and some other things I couldn't really understand

    I was honestly slightly "Oh...crap...Feld0 got upset" when I read that today. If he ever gets mad, please take me to the nuclear bunker. :blink: Then again, he has every right. There was some serious BS that was spoken in some posts by Obsidian Winter... (Sigh).



    WOOHOO! I finally caught up! :D But it took me much longer than I should have...I am disapppointed with myself. <_< Oh well, none the matter! Hi guys!


    I can also see lots of AJ been spoken these days. ^_^


    And as for who uses most emotes... when was my throne ever threatened on that regard? :P


    And as for mods, I like all of them so far, so have no complaints at all, IMO. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  14. As he finished asking the question, Arcanel released a sigh. He could feel the pressure on his whole body, but he knew he couldn't let it overtake him...even if it was the life of a pony at stake. Then he saw Nurse Redheart open her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, the little light blue filly spoke.



    "Oh no, no, no, no! He's unconscious? That's bad, really bad. We should go, we need to go now! Come on!



    The moment her lips stopped moving, she inmediately galloped to the doors and outside the hospital. The mailpony couldn't help but let out a chuckle. *Well, that's what I call fast service haha!* he thought in amusement. Suddenly, he heard the nurse's voice reach his ears.



    "Yes, I will have to go. Your friend was active when he came out of the box, so he isn't in life threatening danger, but there may some lingering effects due to the lack oxygen. He may need emergency care, and he will definitely need to be looked after. Dawn's right, we need to move quickly."



    "Right! Thank you very much Miss Redheart!" he said, relief overtaking Arcanel's mind. After he had thanked the nurse, he quickly followed her to the doors. But then, the doors suddenly opened making the nurse have to step back, making the white pegasus do the same. He saw that Dawn had come back, but before he could say anything, he heard her saying sorry and asking where to go. *Heh... reminds of a certain somepony.* He thought, remembering when he had left the train station without asking for directions. Dawn was making him feel better through the whole situation so far. Like she lightened his mood. Which was very good for him, as he could use some laughs through the situation to not feel so nervous.



    "Dawn, please take care. Medical ponies can't help others if they injure themselves. Follow me to the train, I heard about it this morning, so I think I know my way to it. If not, then this kind pegasus can show us the way."



    The pegasus felt like burying himself in a hole. *Great. I'm the one who could guide but noooooooooo I have to be the new one here. Sometimes my luck fails to cooperate with me....(sigh).* He pondered, silently cursing his luck, then going to adress the white earth pony. "Ummm... I was going to ask you Miss Redheart if you could guide us. I'm actually new in Ponyville. I came from Vanhoover to deliver a letter and this is my first time leaving the city. And stupid me forgot to ask directions on how to find the hospital or Sugarcube Corner, the building that would help guiding myself as I was told, as I was desperate to go look for help. So... I'd like you to guide the way, if you wouldn't mind." He explained, trying to hid himself as much as he could in his brown mane. *Of all the situations.... Gah, no matter. Springer's life is first and foremost. No time for moping!*



    "Are there any other details about your friend's behavior that we should know? It won't take too long for us to reach the station, so the more information we have, the better we will be able to diagnose his condition."



    He almost didn't realize when Nurse Redheart had picked up the pace and asked him the question. But as he recalled what she asked, he slightly froze. *Ergh... what do I do? It would probably not look good for Springer if I tell all the random things he said and did. But... the nurse needs the information... I'll just have to be as careful as possible.* Arcanel decided, knowing that knowing how to heal Springer was the most important thing. "Well, I barely know Springer. In fact, I met right when he got out of the box and in his... out-of-mind state. But as for what he said... well... he started saying some things about the train rules... then he confused a colt, who is a passenger on the train, for a parent of his, although they did look very similar. He tried hugging the colt, but the conductor, who was present, interrupted by acting as a pony wall, because Springer had tried to fly to the colt. After that, the conductor tried shouting Springer's name again, and this time, Springer reacted, and looked as if he was himself again, and that's when he declared he didn't feel so good and collapsed. Before all this, he looked wild, and didn't seem like thinking rationally. Does that help?" he explained, hoping it was enough for the nurse to get the gist of it. While he didn't feel comfortable telling all the events that happened during Springer's crazy moment, he felt he did good enough to not make it sound so bad. As he finished, he went to catch up and keep the pace of the nurse's.


    After a small while, he heard a voice that seemed like Dawn's but he couldn't hear her. Then, he heard her voice again, but this time it was directed to him, making him look to her, and strange enough, it was like a whisper.



    "Mr. Pegasus, sir, could my cat ride on your back? She promises that she won't be bad, she likes feathers and she likes to fly, so... Would it be ok if you carried her to the train and maybe hovered a bit?"



    While, he was slightly surprised by the request, the moment he saw the eyes of the filly, he almost melted. *How could I even say no to that face?!* he mentally screamed, using all of his willpower not to d'aww right then and there. Then he answered. "Sure, why not! Besides, I can see that she likes feathers, if when she swatted mine was any indication haha!" the mailpony laughed, as he gently picked the cat up and put her on his back. It was slightly weird though. *First, I have to take a train to make a letter deliver on my first trip outside Vanhoover... then I presence a very crazy moment... then I have to go look for help for the poor pony... then I get lost... and now this... this is one of my strangest days for sure.* Arcanel concluded, before spreading his wings and taking flight.


    With the guide of Nurse Redheart, they made it to the train much faster than he thought, and he was able to see it after a few minutes. *Yes! I can see the train! Springer, hang on!* he thought, praying to Celestia and Luna that he was okay. As they made it to the train, Arcanel landed, and got Dawn her cat back. "Here Dawn, I hope Flo enjoyed the ride!" He cheerfully said, before getting serious and shouted for Vim. "Mr. Vim! I'm here and with Nurse Redheart! She's going to help Springer out!" he explaimed as loud as he could. As he entered the train, his only thoughts were about Springer. *I only hope he's okay... and that we're not too late.* He thought, praying once more that the green pegasus would be okay.

    • Brohoof 6
  15. Huh. Its not too bad, but it feels too much like a light rock to me.

    Personally, I love it. I love the trumpet's use in this genre. There are so happy songs. And yet, they can be talking about whatever. That "Let's move it bro!" feel...it's awesome. To me at least. I do believe that you like harder styles of music or electronic, right? 

  16. Uuuh, question. What exactly is Ska?

    In my country, ska is a more common, so I'm more used to it. As for how to describe ska...hmmm...that's not exactly an easy question. But I could tell you, that it's...like...jazz + rock, in a sense. It's also characterized by the frequent use of the trumpet. It also uses Here, let me show you other samples.



    And a much more clear one.



    Best part, is that this song is really happy, but the lyrics are clearly telling you "Sorry, you're on your own pal!" ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Dude, is there anything about him that we know of was not a facade?

    There is...it's just difficult to find...I think... :ph34r: 





    Each time I hear more ska music, I love it even more. :wub: BBBFF in ska is awesome!


    However...this is probably one of the most bizarre combinations I've ever seen:


    -Not-so-bad Pinkie PMV

    -Ska cover of a song. Raining Blood from Slayer. :blink:


  18. Meh... I love white chocolate, and milk chocolate is good too. But dark chocolate... It's so bitter, and leaves a bad aftertaste in my mouth... x.x I'm sure Dusky would disapprove of my opinion on dark chocolate, though...

    Probably so. :P He'd probably think that white chocolate is "a blasphemy to such a delicacy" or something like that. :lol:

  19. >not liking chocolate What has this world come to



    You have no idea what you missed



    This... This is so freaking true! I can NOT stand dark chocolate... But white chocolate? LOVE THAT STUFF!!!

    My friend, ANY chocolate is good. My favorite is white, but any chocolate is always, ALWAYS appreciated. :mellow:  

  20. He's a shapeshifter as far as I know. But Scoots claims he's so much more. I don't know how Scootacool's mind works... 

    Does ANYONE know how Scoots' mind works? :lol:


    Shit... So the pony form really is malleable. Kinda weird he couldn't change his own voice to avoid recognition.   What's stopping him to stay in Griffon's mode and fly to the north? I guess the non-pony forms are hard to maintain?

    I don't think Dusky would be here, if he didn't have a plan. Besides, I think his griffon "persona" is another facade...


    Well, if the shadow thing in Trixie's room was indeed Dusky, and if he was partially honest that time... There is a chance that the transformation itself is quite painful to him. He dreamt of flowers... Ah fuck that noise. Lock the door and bar the window when you're going to sleep D:

    The flowers thing was totally unexpected. I mean...the hell? :blink: But...there MUST be a meaning...he wouldn't be having them...unless...huh... 

    • Brohoof 1
  21. Oh, and I'm looking for somepony to review something that's not a story I'm writing...

    What's the story about Ganny?



    I just had a massive mindblow moment: Carrot Cake of MLPFiM, Matau and Onewa of Bionicle, Vegeta of the Dragonball Series, and Garu of Pucca have one thing in common...

    I must say, you got me there. I have not a single idea. :blink:

  22. Hey there, you crazy ponies! What's going on in here?

    Me finishing getting distracted so I can get an RP post written. :P Hi Bolt! :)




    I meant my about me section...fingers are moving quicker than my brain I see

    Ohhhhhhh, now I understand. :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  23. Wonderful! I finally got around to editing my MLP page this morning. It's like cute overload!

    Nice! :D Although what do you mean by MLP page? You have your own page taht you're the admin or something like that? :huh:

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