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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. On the Trixie Train... Well, Asteria is so I guess there will be some kind of conference about shit that happened last night? This gonna be good...   I have no idea Lapis can blush like that

    Asteria is ALWAYS cute Star. :lol: 


    And I know, right? :D This is gonna be great! But what I'm also expecting...is the what may be the Vim/Dusky meeting...and of course, Arcanel's "right now" future. :ph34r: 


    And like I told Berry, who says the logical hearted pony can't be cute. ;) 


    Ohai, Arcy! :3 You gotta learn how to balance Skype and the GCT effeciently.   Umm, who am I forgetting?   Also, I freaking LOVE you for your post in the Fighting is Magic thread! I would have never realized that Mane6 pulled fighter references from freaking all over the place. And a lot of those games are hella interesting! The one thing that confuses me is Pinkie and Eddie. I don't fully see how she is modeled after him. She seems quite different. I'm guessing its his commands for his moves that make the reference, and not how he actually attacks.

    Yeah.....but here's the problem. I have never, EVER been good at balancing stuff. Never. And I don't mean the physical balancing. ^_^ 


    And you're forgetting me silly filly!


    And thank you! :D You can thank Gamespot for the awesome article they pulled off. I was so happy when I read it. :D  Also, the only characters I recognize are Magneto and Spencer, so I couldn't really help you with that thing. Then again, reference involves from fighting style, to actual moves, to they way they are inputted so see if it matches on of those three. :huh:

    He have to use the Octavia avatar for that purpose :V

    Hmmm...true that. *Shrugs* Maybe I could offer for the Octavia avvi. 

  2. Oh dear Celestia, I'VE BEEN GONE FOR TOO LONG!  :( To be honest, the Skype chat has sucked me in too much for my own good. Ganny left in the dust in the posting count. And I haven't been here in almost a week I think...UNACCEPTABLE! :angry: Oh well, I'll do my best. I jsut finished caught up with the 40 something pages I haven't read so I'm okay. :lol: Hi guys! How's it going? :)


    - Arcanel being Arcanel I see that there is essentially three new characters, the nurse, the cat and the blue foal. Seems like things will get a bit rough for Arcanel.

    You have no idea how much Arcanel being Arcanel could be able to doom the white pegasus. :lol:



    Now... We need one Octavia fan and one Vinyl fan, then we can have the background six.

    Isn't Paradox technically the fulfilling for both?  ^_^



    aaaaand here's Abrasion completed.

    Very, very interesting work Viscra. I must say that I really enjoyed the song. I don't know if at the first part without the bass something just felt...empty...but it could just be me. It is really catchy, like Bluetrace said. :)



    How about Maleficent?

    Maleficient pony looks like a perfect match for King Sombra...


    Huh...inb4 Maleficient/King Sombra shipping. Or just working together for a master plan. Mix in Nightmare Moon...everybody fucking run.


    Do you really think anyone here would use an avvy that wasn't rated G 100% all the way?

    ..........*clears throat* Ahem...I believe you're forgetting someone over here. <_<  

    • Brohoof 2
  3. http://www.gamespot.com/features/the-most-unlikely-fighter-youve-never-heard-of-6402004/


    Guys check this out. I know it's an article instead of images or videos (although it IS an article by GAMESPOT of all places, which is very cool), but it also has some interesting things about the creation of the game, and also, some images we probably didn't see before, such as Fluttershy images during a fight new things, and maybe even a new Applejack super. And I know it's new things because if you watch the images, they say "QA Build. 12/21/12A". (You can just enter the article and just watch the images, if you want).



    But however, what anyone interested in the game should read, and that by the way, if they have previous experiences with other fighting games would make it better, is the next things. The paragrphs that resume the whole mane 6 fighting style through each character, what character reference would they have, but the important thing, Fluttershy included. Here, I'll post it for anyone interested.








    Pony Type: Earth
    Weapon of Choice: Lasso
    Character Reference: Nathan Spencer (UMVC3)

    Apple Jack lives and works at the massive apple orchard Sweet Apple Acres with her extended family. She is a hardworking pony who enjoys the simpler things in life: apple pie, apple crisp, applesauce, apple wafers, and so on. In the game, her tomboyish personality lends her a straightforward fighting style. Apple Jack's main tactic is getting up close and personal with her opponent by using her lasso or a speedy dash. Once she's in close, she can lay down the hurt with her powerful normal attacks.







    Pony Type: Unicorn
    Weapon of Choice: Book
    Character Reference: Akuma (SFIV)

    The main protagonist of the show, Twilight Sparkle is chief librarian at Golden Oaks Library. She is assisted by her friend Spike, a baby dragon, who helps keep her in correspondence with Princess Celestia, her mentor. As a unicorn, Twilight Sparkle has magical abilities, which manifest as projectiles and traps during a fight. With good special and normal attacks, as well as the ability to teleport, Twilight Sparkle is a very well-rounded fighter.





    Pony Type: Pegasus
    Weapon of Choice: Hooves
    Character Reference: Magneto (UMVC3)

    As a pegasus, Rainbow Dash has the gift of flight and is responsible for maintaining the local weather. The most agile of the six, she uses her wings to lift her upper body off the ground and fights from a boxing stance. Similar to Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash wants to get in close and rush down her opponent. But unlike Apple Jack, she can use flight and a quick (rainbow) dash to close the distance.





    Pony Type: Earth
    Weapon of Choice: Presents
    Character Reference: Teddy (P4A)

    Far and away the most cheerful of the cast, Pinkie Pie is a baker and professional party-thrower. At the drop of a hat, she can throw together a celebration for almost any occasion. In the game, her spontaneous personality makes her a very unorthodox fighter. Pinkie Pie's arsenal of attacks includes reverse-input charge attacks, multidirectional teleports, and a randomized present cannon. All this makes her difficult to learn, and even more difficult to fight.





    Pony Type: Unicorn
    Weapon of Choice: Gems
    Character Reference: Nu-13 (BlazBlue)

    With an air of elegance and an eye for fashion, Rarity is the group's most fabulous pony, as well as a fashion designer. Similar to Twilight Sparkle, Rarity also has magical power, but her fighting style is more indirect. She can assault her opponent with gems that strike from behind or from an upward angle or that rain down from above. With a projectile for every situation, Rarity is an adept keep-away character.





    Pony Type: Pegasus
    Weapon of Choice: Animals
    Character Reference: Eddie (GGX2)

    The last thing Fluttershy would ever want is to get in a fight. She is a pegasus, like Rainbow Dash, but she is extremely shy and prefers the companionship of woodland critters over fellow ponies. Appropriately enough, she works as an animal caretaker. In battle, those same critters come to her aid and do much of the fighting for her. Her pet rabbit, Angel, leads the charge and can swing along the hair of her mane for some far-reaching heavy attacks.


    Since Fluttershy's strength comes from her animal friends, she has the ability to summon them to the battlefield. Some animals, such as the ferret, will attack on command, while others, such as the porcupine, act as traps to ensnare foes. By working in concert with her woodland allies, Fluttershy can put pressure on her opponent from multiple angles at once. She may be shy, but this pony is still a very versatile fighter.




    Hope you all like this! It's about time we got something imformative with Mane6. :lol:

    • Brohoof 3
  4. Oh mah goodness, Arcy. I both love you for this and hate you at the same time. Please, please, please, PLEASE don't make me change my name because of this fact. I do rather like it.
    I am both repulsed and intrigued by this... Go on.
    Me likey
    Oh, and don't fucking encourage him! D:
    But you have to agree those names are good
    :| Good names or not, Me no want be shipped! Of any kind! :| Me thinks...

    Why thank you Star! :D Still, Haven, let me explain you how this works.


    Bari: Is a very unusual name, which makes it more attractive at the reader, and can work for it's certain poetic appeal too.

    Starshine: This needs no explanation. A lot of the poetic things refer to stars. They are very poetic objects for poets to use.

    Haven: You just happen to have a name that is both an object, AND the poetic feel. Tough luck brother.  :P


    Ergo, you three can combine to make interesting things. And I swear, one of this days, I'll write a shipping fanfic with at least one of you involved... :ph34r:

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Vim spoke fast. "Arcanel, you may want to get clear. There's something wrong with this box..." Vim trailed off and stood, shocked with his gaze fixed on the strange inhabitant of the box.



    The moment Arcanel heard those words, his first instinct was to inquire why would Vim say that. But then he saw that the conductor's face was a very serious one, and he also remembered the other pony's almost fighting stance, so he took a few steps backwards while still looking at the box both ponies were staring at, just in case. *Enough times I've learned to act instead of think...*




    As he took his last step, the box suddenly opened and a pony sprung out from it. "What the...?!" was all the mailpony was able to spurt as a green stallion with a blue mane came out of the box. He had a disheveled mane and looked as if he had been inside the box for quite some time. But the most anormal thing in the moment was the pegasus' behavior. He looked completely insane and spoke things that made sense... yet were very random at the same time. *What in the wide wide world of Equestria is wrong with him?! It's like, he totally lost his mind!* were the thoughts of the white pegasus. He didn't stop keeping an eye on whatever the crazy pegasus would do. He then heard the conductor's voice in the room, also hearing a name.


    This made him wonder slightly, faintly looking at the conductor before returning his gaze to Springer. *Does Vim know this pony? Is this Springer a friend his? A passenger even?* he pondered, trying to figure out what was going on as well. When he had entered and joined the train, this was NOT the entrance he imagined. *It's like that storm in my first day all over again, only this is definitely weirder.* Arcanel thought as he remembered his storm on his first day in the job all those years ago. The situation got even stranger when the green stallion, or rather Springer, spoke to what could have been his almost younger self, as the colt had the same colors of mane and fur, as if the colt was his mother. *Wha-... I can only imagine what that colt is going through...* had been the white pony's only thoughts, as he silently praised for the colt to be okay after all this ordeal. That's when Springer spreaded his wings, which while looking slightly beaten up, looked still functional and went straight to the green colt.


    "Oh no you don't!" shouted Arcanel as he went to interrupt and block Springer, only for Vim to stand right in front of the colt and blocking Springer with his body as if it was nothing, which threw Springer to the ground. "Woah..." was all Arcanel could let out as he saw how the conductor had taken an impact from a full grown pony and shrugged it off. *I mean...Springer looks weak... or... so I'd think, compared from him's to Vim's current state, but still... for his age, that could have gone worse... note to self: Do NOT underestimate Vim. Ever.* He mentally noted, still in slight shock by the show of Vim's sturdiness, despite his age. After the small moment, Springer got back on his feet and started spurting more words, claiming it to be fun. *Okay... this is starting to get scary now...* Arcanel thought, as his worries increased. That's when he heard the voice of Vim, who seemed like he was disappointed and angry. Always a bad combination. But instead, the words brought the white pony an interesting tibdit of information. *Wait a minute... Springer... to be a conductor? And he has a career? That means... he is probably working right here on this train... but... why was he in the box...?* he wondered in confusion. Why would someone who was working in the train be trapped in a box? *Unless...* before Arcanel could think of anything else however, Springer spoke once more. But this time, he sounded sane, and not wild and mad like before. And after he finished spoking something about taking a leave of absence and feeling unwell, the green pegasus colapsed.


    At that moment, the mailpony released a sigh he didn't know he was holding. *Well... I'm glad that's over but... whatever happened to him? And is he okay?* the white mailpony pondered, trying to figure out a reason over what had happened. It was all too strange, and Springer, when he had calmed down, had actually seemed like a perfectly normal pony. Before any other thoughts invaded his mind, he heard more words from Vim, which this time made the mailpony turn to look at who he was talking to, only to find the orange stallion speaking to the green colt who was almost assaulted by Springer. Hearing what Vim said, brought a lot of things to Arcanel's mind. *So... Springer was in a airtight box... which is probably why he was insane. The lack of oxygen in his head probably ended up making him go mad. Then, the green colt is called Electrobolt... which is good, as now I can properly introduce myself to him when we meet in the train, as now I'm fully sure he is a passenger... and... without the hug? What does th-... ohhhh..so that's what Springer was going to do... since he had called Electrobolt his mommy, a hug would technically make sense in his head. Now I understand.* He thought. The white pegasus tends to be a good listener and gets the small details, and given his thinking mind, can think something from them very fast. Something that sometimes had caused him to space out too much in front of people. However, before any other thoughts formed, Vim spoke once more, but this time to him.



    Without looking away from Springer, Vim addressed Arcanel. "Arcanel, you remember when you said that you wanted to help out. Well, could you do a favor for me, now? I need you to go check with the station master and see if you can get a doctor, nurse, or something over here to check on him. He's still breathing, but I need to know if I'm going to need a new assistant conductor for this journey. I'd go myself, but... I think I need to make sure nothing crazy happens between him and any other passengers when he gets up again."



    While this was unexpected and shortly surprised Arcanel because of being asked something so important, he didn't think it twice and answered. "Yes I can Mr. Vim, I'll do my best!" the mailpony shouted, making a salute sign with his right foreleg, and promptly exited the train. While he thought it silly to make a salute to someone he had barely known yet, the conductor had shown a lot of trust in him after he told him his story, and now had given him a very important task. It was his way of telling the pony in front that he would do it. He also learned one last piece of information. "Wait... Springer is the assistant conductor?!... That explains why Vim knew him... but the question still stands... why in Equestria was he in the box? What happened to him? Or even... who could have put him there?" were all questions Arcanel had said out loud, but for now, he had to focus on getting help for the same pony, and so went to clear his head and focus on his task.


    After he got out, he went straight for the train station to find the train master. This however, proved to be a more difficult task than he initially thought. "Ooooookayyyyy... so this station is much bigger than I thought it was. This might be slightly difficult. Especially because this is my first time in Ponyville." The white pony groaned, realizing this was going to be much harder than he thought. This wasn't exactly how he expected to go sightseeing in Ponyville after all. "Well, I first thought I'd have time to slightly go look in Ponyville before leaving. Now I do, but with a time limit, so to speak. Well, gotta look at the positive side." He reminded himself and started looking around the station. He also took around the way the building was constructed. While it looked like the train station in Vanhoover, or rather had the "train feel" he remembered from it, the construction was different, It looked more rustic and less of a city which rumbled with ponies everyday. "Well... as far as I know, Ponyville isn't a big town exactly... but...  this definitely looks nice!" he exclaimed, getting slightly lost in the architecture of the building and the light brown colors of the building, as this was still the first time he had left Vanhoover.


    However, he shook his head and regained focus. "Come on Arcanel... you have a job to do, and a very important at that. You'll go sightseeing on another time." The white pony reminded himself once more, and went faster in looking for the pony who would look like the train master. With not such luck initially. "Argh... where in Equestria IS that pony! It's only my luck that it's so early that barely anypony is around here so I can't ask them where he would be." Arcanel lamented before letting a sigh. "But I can't let that stop me! There's som- oh wait I think that's him!" The pegasus interrupted himself as he saw a pony with the kind of hat anypony working to something train related would have. *If that isn't him, I swear I'm going to scream.* He mentally said as he was getting tired of looking for the pony in the station and trotted to the pony's position.


    When he came up to the pony he tried to get his attention. "Um, excuse me... are you the train master of the station?" the white pony asked, in hopes of finally finding the pony he was looking for. As the pony turned to look at him, he looked back to Arcanel with a small confused face before answering. "Er, yes I am. Do you need anything?" the stallion, who had blue fur and a white mane, asked back with a small smile. The second Arcanel had heard those words, he silently shouted in joy. *YES! I FOUND HIM! GREAT CELESTIA IT TOOK A WHILE!* was his joyful, loud mental shout. This however, did not avoid him from letting a somewhat big sigh. After it though, the white pony composed himself and spoke again. "Um... sorry. I had been looking for you for a big while now. This is the first time I'm here, actually." He quickly said, trying not to speed his speech and somewhat succeeding. Before he could speak again, he took a small breath, and spoke again, not even letting the other pony react. He felt himself in far too much of a hurry. "Excuse me for bothering you sir, but do you know if there is a doctor, nurse or similar around? I'm kind of in a hurry. The train that just stopped has a crew member in need of assistance right now." He explained as fast as he could. While it seemed Springer would be mostly okay, he wanted to get assistance as fast as he could. The pressure however, tended to make him speak too fast.


    Meanwhile, the train master, could only look in slight surprise. "Oh... ummm... sure... er, I think the local nurse, Nurse Redheart is somewhere past Sugarcube Corner, I believe..." the blue stallion answered with a small delay in his response. He was still slightly shocked that such a request came to him at this early in the morning. After Arcanel had processed the information, he quickly spoke to the train master. "Oh, thank you very much! Thanks for the help!" and promptly exited the station he so wanted to go out of after looking so much through it.


    The train master was left with his eyebrows slightly raised. "Well, that was interesting. Wait... if this is his first time here, will he even know how to get there?" he suddenly thought out loud. But when he looked to find the pegasus, he was gone. *Well... I can only hope he will find the way... I know Ponyville is a small town compared to others but still...* he thought as he prayed to Celestia to guide the pegasus through Ponyville before returning to his activities.


    "Well, that's done! Now all I need... to... do... is... DOH!" was all the white pony could exclaim before strongly facehoofing. He had forgotten something very important. "I have no idea where Sugarcube Corner is... (sigh) me and my impatience. And my lack of focus. And my- COME ON KEEP IT TOGETHER ARCANEL!" the mailpony had hoofed his head in the midst of his guilt trip before shouting to himself. "I need to stop doing that. (Sigh)... gotta keep focused. I will probably take a whole while to find the train master again, and I don't want to waste more time. Well... I would think that a place called Sugarcube Corner is easy to find, right?" he said, filling himself with hope. "Well, no time like the present to find out!" the pegasus exclaimed raising his hoof to the air before spreading his wings and start searching for the place where Nurse Redheart would be.


    What started as a hopefully easy search however, turned into something much more difficult for the second time in the day. Arcanel had gone street through street trying to look for a place that could even look as "Sugarcube Corner", only to find nothing at all. He had even almost wondered into the forest that was in the outskirts. "I still can't believe I almost got out of town. How did I even do that?" the white mailpony asked himself, trying to find an explanation for his luck. "I mean, I SHOULD see the outside of the town. Right? Gah... no matter. I still haven't found something even remotely similar to something called "Sugarcube Corner". What am I going to do?" he said, starting to believe he was never going to find Nurse Redheart. He had also underestimated the size of the town. While it was definitely smaller than Vanhoover, it was bigger than he expected. "Then again, this IS my first time out of Vanhoover, so I don't really have any comparisons to make..." he sighed, his mood getting down very fast. And that was not the only thing happening, as he also heard his stomach growl. "Argh... not now stomach... please..." the white pony begged looking down to his stomach. As in response, his stomach growled again. "Yes, I know, I haven't eaten anything big in a good while, I also haven't drank much in a while, and I'm also getting tired. But come on! We've been through worse than this!" he exclaimed, as if his stomach was another pony. Truth be told, he didn't remember if there had been such a worse situation, but he had been doing this job for years, so he supposed he had. His memory was always a tricky part of his mind.


    After flying a bit more, he went to land so he could rest his wings a bit and try to locate the place. It was then when he saw a place that looked as if it was made of candy. Once more, his stomach growled. "No, bad stomach, bad! That's a building, not candy! Although... it does look delicious... NO! No time for that! This is probably Sugarcube Corner, which means I finally found it! YES!" he shouted, giving a small backflip in the air to celebrate. After he did that, he squinted his eyes to see if he could see a sign that a hospital was close, and sure enough, he saw a red cross down the street. "WOOO! I finally found it! Mr. Springer, hold on!" he exclaimed, starting to run to the place. While Springer was the one pony who looked completely insane before, he now knew it wasn't his fault and he WAS the assistant conductor, and he also didn't want anything bad happened to the green pony.


    As he got to the brown door in the grey building with the red cross, a place that looked slightly small for being a hospital, he calmed himself down and entered the hospital. As he entered he saw what looked like the typical grey walls of the hospital back in Vanhoover, complete with receptionist. As he saw the pony, he realized that there was a white mare with a pink mane attending in the hospital. *Good thing this is a hospital, where it is technically always open.* He thought before walking up to the receptionist. "Um... excuse me... do you know where Nurse Redheart is? I'm kind of in an emergency." He said, trying to calmly explain this time, as opposed to before. *Last thing I need is for the ones in the hospital not to understand me.* he reminded himself.

    • Brohoof 7
  6. I just realized that it seems people like to friendship/pair me with peeps..

    My dear Haven, if you didn't know, you have one of the most easy to use for a shpping name, because yours is quite a positive object. :P 


    As a fanfic writer, I know a good lot of the title names can be composed of three things: The object, the name, and the poetic sounding word, whether an object or a name.


    In your case, I can EASILY pair you up and make a triangle love fic title with you, Berry and Star. Name?


    Bari's Haven: After the Starshine

    Loss of the Bari. Gain of the Starry Haven

    A Haven of Despair. The Star of a Bari


    And I can go on, and on, and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on... and on


    Mua...ha...ha :ph34r:



    • Brohoof 5
  7. Okay, now I know THAT'S a lie. I don't want to go through the great amount of brony musicians that I have that have lots andf LOTS of happy songs. And I can tell you many of them. Some have happy songs, sad songs, creepy songs, energetic songs etc.


    And also, you're forgetting one important fact. Some of those songs actually carry a deeper meaning other than the headcanon imagination for it. A Final Twilight, the song you mentioned, was made because the guy who made it was leaving for the basic training in military, and this would basically mean he'd be away from the fandom until he came back a lot of time later, which was why he was sad. Using Twilight and his song is a great way to express it. So no, not all of the sad songs are just imagination. Sometimes the music carries not only imagination but the current feelings of the musician. :(


    So yeah...trust me. There is NOT a majority of sad songs. :mellow: In fact, most of the instrumental songs that I know of, which would be the ones with most potential to be sad, are actually with different feelings, not even counting electronica genre.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Bon Bon means "candy" in French, or something like that. I don't think it was a specific reference to South America.

    I didn't know the French thing (which doesn't surprise me, but I thought "bon" in French meant "good" as in "good day" like "bonjour"), but don't worry. I know it wasn't a reference to that. If it was, trust me. ALL the bronies in Argentina would be literally screaming like fillies, myself included.


    And now I distracted myself. Again. Eh, sleep now, think later.

    • Brohoof 1

    1. Berry Punch's name is made up of real words, so when I type her name, spell check doesn't place those annoying red lines under her name.

    Actually, here in Argentina and some of South America, there's a sweet called Bon Bon, which ironically, has a mostly yellow wrap.


    You can imagine how I felt when I saw how she was called. :lol:

  10. @@Starshine,@, Less worries about the future's end, and more worries about the present's state. Joy should come for that which makes us happy. Not the worry for that which would make us sad, that is yet to come. :)


    And with that, I go to sleep guys. Goodnight and may 2013 have a nice present for us all! :D  

    • Brohoof 3
  11. I laugh at your vain attempts. :3 Doctor whooves couldn't hurt anyone if he tried. And you're just soulless to even think of torturing two innocent mares for nothing. PS Rarity ees beetch.

    He has a TARDIS. And is hundreds of years old.


    I could also bring Hulk if you wish. He beated Loki's ass after all


    And yes...but how about your two fav mares torturing you THEMSELVES. Just a little Discording and VOILA!


    And oh, Rarity can kung-fu your flank so actually, you're screwed.




    Well, I do have this Plasma Rifle...

    Meh, it's useful enough.


    *rolls dice**gets 2* PHEW! Close enough. Now...points to Haven* SURPRISE MOTHERBUCKER!

  12. Correction: I do know them as of late and don't like them either. Also, please try. You can't truly burn water. ;3



    Yo Starshine? Do you think you could ask any of your buddies over at WH40K if they have any bigass guns? I could use one right now.


    Jinx, please, use your usernamesake on Haven, if it is possible.


    Bluetrace, if you can find me Doctor Whooves and Rainbow Dash somewhere around to smack this filly, over and over it would be nice.


    Meanwhile, I'll just try to make him stay wideeyed while he reads comics and fanfics where AJ and Derpy get tortured together, while hearing endless rebouts of Bohemian Rhapsody



    • Brohoof 3
  13. We need an avid Bon Bon fan in this thread, then we can have the background four (Derpy, Carrot Top, Lyra, and Bonnie)

    I would like to participate, but I sadly I can fulfill that desire of yours.


    >Led Zeppelin Fuck. That.

    You hate The Beatles...you don't like Led Zeppelin...you don't know Queen.


    Trace, pass me the damn bonfire. THERE'S A FILLY TO BE TORCHED. 

    • Brohoof 3
  14. Well uhm... sorry you lost me here... 

    Sorry, didn't really word it well there.  :blush: I think I could resume that, Spike wants to repay and help Twilight as much as he can, but it can still feel like a chore to him, meaning, that he doesn't like it so much. If it weren't for Twilight and his long relationship with her, he'd probably do nothing. Yes, this also sort of applies to his "duty" with Applejack, but this time his overzealousness blinds his mind. Is that slightly clearer? :huh:


    There is one problem with that. We are not talking about putting a small character detail or an Easter egg in the episode and let the audience figure it out themselves. No, this is a MAJOR character attribute we're talking about, an attribute that has already been established and the writers decided to downgrade... and not to make a point, but just to play it for laughs. It was basically this: "Look at Spike, he is a good assistant, BUT NOT NOW! lolololololol, he is a walking disaser!... Isn't that funny? LAUGH!!"   It is like if they decided to downgrade Rainbow Dash's flying skills from the start, to such point that she can't fly for 5 seconds without crashing with something, and playing that for laughs... and most of the episode is Dash being a klutz, for no reason other than rule of funny.   I understand the mindset change argument, but in this episode Spike's incompetence was so forced that I could not believe it, it is simply bad writing. 

    Hmmmm...I think I found a bit of what happened here, and that's also hit-or-miss.


    The combo of writers that went here. 


    Dave Polsky made the story, and he is well known for having lots and lots of chaos and funny moments in his episodes, given he wrote Feeling Pinkie Keen, Over a Barrel, Too Many Pinkie Pies, and now this. And if you see, all of them have lots of disasters/funny moments.


    Merriwether Williams is the one who wrote the episode, and she tends to take a trait from one character, and exploit it as much as she can, which can be hit-or-miss. The best examples are The Mysterious Mare Do Well, where it was Rainbow Dash's hunger for glory the main trait, and Putting Your Hoof Down, which takes Fluttershy's shyness (and subsequent opposite) in this case. (She also wrote Dragon Quest, Hearth's Warming Eve and Wonderbolt Academy).


    This chapter definitely took both of the writers' main traits and fused them into this episode. In my case, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and to me it went fairly well with this episode and I didn't feel it forced, but I can see what you mean as distracting.


    In the end, I truly believe that this episode is one of those which the opinion is more than highly subjective, in my honest opinion.


    Oh man... I wish I can believe that Spike is not the least popular character. But sadly with my time that I've spent watching pony fanart, fanfics and forums, the impression I get is that Spike is not very liked. Bronies tend forget him a lot. 



    Do I have to smack a filly?! :angry:


    Just kidding. :P But seriously though, trust me when I say, that Spike IS. NOT. The least popular character. He is less forgotten than you think he is. And I've been exploring the lands of art and more since more than one year. Trust me. I'd realize if he was forgotten I assure you. :)

  15. Nuh uh.


    And that's good. Its too rainy for me to enjoy anything today. :/


    Eww, fails. Those are like a last ditch effort to find something funny at 3am or later.

    Don't deny it. ^_^


    I was home all day, so it was the same for me. :lol:


    To me? Always funny no matter when and where. :mellow:

  16. Mehbeh. *stare pony*



    Hai, Arcy!

    How are you today?

    SP corrupted you. :P


    And I'm quite fine! Enjoying the day! (And hopefully, soon to play some games :D )


    There are bigger fails, though...

    I know. You're are not the only one who has watched hours of fails compilations my friend. :lol:

  17. I am finally here, yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Hello GCT! How's everyone doing? :)



    I just woke up. c:


    Are you Sugar Plum? :P Hai Haven!



    Oh yeah...


    Well...that was one of the biggest fails ever, ever, ever. Period. Also, hi Ganny! :)

    • Brohoof 1
  18. I haven't started making my own tulpa (Sadly), but I want to make an opinion on this.


    First, faith and religion are NOT the same thing. They are completely different.

    Second, most of the medical mental illnesses ARE visible to other people. For the most part, Schizophrenia and Multiple Identity Disorder, are both illnesses that, normally, are visible enough enough for others to wonder if something was wrong with them.


    Third, even if people thought this was just one of the most complex trolls ever, does people REALLY believe that others would be doing this for months on end? Or even years? I don't really think so, and there's enough people that have tulpae to show that they couldn't ALL be trolls, even if the were.


    Fourth, the term tulpa is a tibetan word that means "construct/to construct" and the especific technique of concentration comes from ancient tibetan monks from thousands of years ago, hence why the word comes from there, and so why this whole idea didn't come out of absoulte nowhere.


    Fifth, the main idea of the creation of a tulpa, is to take a portion of your own conscience and give it a life ot its own KNOWING, that it's still part of your consciousness. To me, and given the amazing abilities the brain can show, this doesn't sound like an illogical thing to think of. The traits come from YOUR mind, the thoughts come from YOUR mind, the form comes from YOUR mind...it all comes from your own mind. Besides, it's easy to know why tulpae couldn't even hurt you mentally. The primitive idea of survival that is carried through every single part of the mind, tulpae included.


    And sixth, there is a LOOOOOOT of people involed with the whole tulpa thing, and it has been ongoing since some years ago in the recent times. Too many to believe it's not real, in my opinion.



    So please, whether you believe that it's harmful, good for you, or something you'd like to do is up to you. But don't just come and say it's fake just because. Do you want proof of a tulpa? Sorry, can't give it to you. Why? Because I don't think there are machines that can give visual images of one's own mind. Or at least, not yet. So yes, tulpa users can't exactly give you papers of it. But it's no reason to go and discredit it for that same reason.

    • Brohoof 7
  19. I don't know... But in the Crystal empire episodes, it showed us that Spike really likes to help her around to the point that his worst fear is Twilight telling him she doesn't need him anymore, besides at the end of that episode Spike was more worried about Twilight failing the test, than himself being the "hero" of the moment. For me Twilight sees Spike´s assistance as a job, Spike sees this as the only way he can possibly feel needed and loved.

    I'm not denying that (Celestia strike with a bolt if I do...). But what I mean is, that yes, Spike sees his assistant work as, also, a way to repay her for all she did for him initially. And he wanted to help as much as she could...but... he has been doing this for who knows how many years now? Helping Twilight, I mean. The feeling HASN'T disappeared, that's for sure, but even he would feel it as a chore, instead of something else, and he HAS shown wish to go do something else, in repeated sighs throughout the show. This connects to:


    You're probably right there. But the thing is, Spike´s sudden loss of skill was so ludicrous and so over the top, that it shattered my suspension of disbelief, I simply cannot believe what has happening right there. Also, if the writers explanation about Spike's sudden incompetence was this, then they did a very bad job at getting that point across, the proof is that this issue is one of the most common criticisms of the episode.

    This. Remember that mindset change that I mentioned? It applies to what I said before. I think that Williams and Polsky wanted to let the people figure it out on their own, I think. There have been things which these two in their own episodes have left in the air, so I wouldn't be surprised. In the end, it's also probably a hit-or-miss tactic. You either like it or hate it. At least that's how I see it.


    Besides, Spike is the least popular character in the fandom, to the point that most bronies either forget that he is a main character or they simply forget that he exists. And the least thing he needs right now is another episode that portrays him as a load to the mane 6, having to get his ass saved all the time because he is incapable of doing anything else besides being a pack mule and a living fax machine (even as an assistant is not that good either), he is a nuisance that adds nothing to the other characters and he can be forgotten...

    Woah woah woah! Who is saying that Spike is the least popular character?! That's totally not true! It's also a bit in the eye of the beholder as well. But I'm definitely sure that he is not the least popular character out there. Besides, it's not like he hasn't done absolutely anything at all. Many of the things he has done also cause people to laugh...or even praise. Let's see..he did have a hand in saving the Crystal Empire. Spike did let Celestia know about Twilight's ordeal in Lesson Zero and was her voice of reason (even though it didn't really work), his one-sided love relationship with Rarity, and he also adds a lot of the sarcasm and sardonic twinges that make a nice touch for the show. Spike is between main and support character, but I don't think that they think any less of Spike right now, not at all. Plus, most people complained about his actions because they knew he was SMARTER than that, not something different and etcetera. :)

  20. I think what you need to do is find people who have become greatly famous and are doing something very, very good, to demonstrate that being a brony affected them in a good way, or maybe even neither.


    One example, is the famous brony musician, Mandopony. He was hired by the FIM crew to WORK THERE. In other words, the inspiration that the show brought him to make his music, that was FIM inspired, his well connections with Michelle Creber and her family (she's Applecloom's VA and Sweetie Belle's singing voice by the way), AND his talent, got him a JOB. NO ONE can disapprove THAT. Especially since he now can work with people who worked on shows that he probably saw in his childhood. Lots of dreams there I can assure you.


    Or famous brony MictheMicrohone, who worked with previous FIM writer Amy Keating Rogers to make a song for a DISNEY MOVIE. And hosts a lot of the charity things going around.


    Or a LOT of the bronies who have used ponies, for school projects, and actually aced those projects. And also, for example, heard of Double Rainboom, the first fan created episode? The guy who is the director, producer and writer for that project, is doing it to approve his class of animation for his UNIVERSITY. And if it actually works, he'll approve his year.


    All that should mean something to your parents. And if it doesn't...then I don't really know what else I can do. :huh:

    • Brohoof 3
  21. Actually, Arcanel... I don't think that Dusky would despise Arcanel. It all depends on what Arcanel says, but I think that Dusky will respect a pony that demonstrated such diligence in doing their job. It is no accident that Dusky is on Vim's train, you know. Dusky rather admires the gruff older stallion. If Arcanel has Vim's approval, then he will start out on good ground with Dusky.

    Hmmm...didn't really looked it from that point of view... makes sense in a way.


    Get close to Ambrosia and that's when the cracks will begin to appear. 

    Because of the you-know-what between them, right? :huh:  
    • Brohoof 2
  22. Well, to be fair you have to drag in some extras in your next post, you're justified to take about two or three days for that (If I had to do shit like that, you're lucky if I finished writing in one week. I'm a painfully slow writer...)

    Oh, actually, I only need to bring one at most. But yes...meh, maybe I'll post tomorrow if I have enough time. *shrugs* (Writing fast takes practice and imagination ;) )


    Oh Scootie... I can see you have too much fun in there

    When was this news? :lol: 


    Don't be anxious like that! Maybe he will see Arcanel as a useful pawn? :3

    I just want to meet them all already. :P And I dunno...Dusky would ignore everything about Arcanel. Despise him with whatever inch of soul he has left. Except for one thing. The fact he's an orphan. He could have fun with that. :unsure:

    • Brohoof 2
  23. Well, there are some pretty huge limiting factors. All self-imposed. For one thing, Dusky is aiming for a much bigger prize. He isn't really concerned with maddening ponies. In fact, that is the last thing that he wants to do. As far as he, personally, is concerned... He believes himself to be a Lawful Good with a noble vision. In other words, he doesn't recognize his own insanity. 


    You know...I just realized something...Arcanel would get on well with most of the characters................except he would be the most hated by Dusky. ^_^  

    • Brohoof 2
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