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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. The good ending could be taken out because it was not "dramatic enough". I hope that's not the real reason though...

    Nah, I don't think the writers would base themselves on drama, they know better than that. My theory is that the return of LD will be made different. If she returns that is. Maybe not as asking for forgiveness...rather just something else.


    Plus, if you look at Season 3, look at ALLLLLL the forgiveness that has been done on this season...sans Lightning Dust. I'm begging to believe there's a reason for that.


    Shit, I misread something again

    Well, Haven proved me wrong on Synth, but Paradox was def heading to the kitchen.

    Why is this song stuck in my head and still playing?!

    I don't know what song is that, I think I'd rather not know. :lol: 



    i'm a bit too tired to do that right now.

    I see. Oh well, running it is for Ganny! ^_^

  2. Synth just got his key from Pine and is in the Lobby after asking him about the smell of food in the air.


    Not sure what he's gonna do now, though. Probably go to his room to check it out.

    Right! Decide on whether his hunger beats his curiosity or his sleepyness. :lol:

  3. How things could have been very different to the girl...

    I have a theory on why they took out that final part, but I would really like to know the writer crew's reasons themselves.


    Paradox and pretty much everyone is already in their own rooms. Haven is still on the lobby,

    Wait, but Paradox is heading to the kitchen, and I think that so is Haven... :huh:  

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Thanks man   Arcanel really like some thinking aloud, isn't he? Welp, now to wait for another pony to post something

    Your welcome. :) Plus I can't post on the Trixie Train RP until Scoots and Electro do anyway. ^_^


    And yep. He does that a lot. Just like me. :lol: Read that stomach thing? That's something I would totally do for sure! ^_^ And yeah...nobody's left right? I mean..everyone is either on the kitchen, in the way to the kitchen or asleep on the rooms. The only ones who should post would be Haven and Paradox, right? :huh:


    what am i supposed to do, lock him out of the bathroom and see how long he can last?

    Wouldn't you pad him or something? :P  

    • Brohoof 1
  5. And in my absence, TTC has came out with a 4M+ rendition of Last Brutal Sister Flandre Scarlet, Direwolf20 has started his season 5 Let's Play series, and I have to pee.

    Hi Ganny! And...Viscra is right. You almost always go saying "I have to pee" at least once. :P 


    your custom title should be "I Have to Pee" xD

    Shouldn't you be supposed to be covering Ganaram by the way? :P 


    @@Starshine, Aaaaaand there! Now the day wasn't that uneventful on the GCT RP. :lol:  

    • Brohoof 2
  6. That was probably just a coincidence. The writers are not allowed to read fanfics, but if they were, they would probably only have time to read a few. This is not the most popular fic out there (but it is one of my favorites) so it's not very likely that they would ever stumble on this.

    Eh heh heh, I should have proably rephrased myself there. :blush: What I meant was, that there have been things that might have appeared as if they were taken from the fandom. But I do know that the writers are forbidden from reading fanfics and such. Doesn't mean the rest though. Otherwise, Tabitha St. Germain, the VA for Rarity, Luna, Granny Smith and more wouldn't have bought a copy of the books of Fallout: Equestria. :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Well...no. I think others have said a lot of reasons but...I'll just add one that is the most important of them all in my opinion. How in the world would the 7th pony enter the close circle that has been formed, from past and present, of the mane 6? Here's what I mean.


    From Season 1 until now, the ponies have had a close bond that has been explored a lot. Cutie Mark Chronicles showed that Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom literally allowed her friends and herself their cutie marks. That is a LOT of deep connection. Their adventures through Nightmare Moon...Discord...King Sombra...Queen Chrysalis...or even episodes that didn't involve villains, just the whole groups as a whole. The Ticket Master...Dragonshy...Bridle Gossip...and those are just from Season 1. I could go on and on about those.


    What I'm saying is, this 7th character would have to some PRETTY FRIGGIN BIG stuff for the mane 6 to allow him/her in the circle. There is too big a friendship to just out of nowhere add a character in that circle. Like others said...it would be too forced, too complicated to be added. And, in my opinion, there's also this:


    (Even though Spike practically makes it the mane 7)

    Chaotic Harmony is completely right on this. Spike has participated in a lot of the adventures of the mane 6 himself. Even if on a lesser role, or barely appearing at all...but he was there. He's almost that 7th character that could be implied.


    So bottomline is...no. As much as I give the writers a lot of credit, even they would have to force themselves, and plus, they probably wouldn't want to break the balance themselves anyway. So it's a no for possibility, and a no for wanting, in my case.


    Don't let a another pony join the main cast, give the screentime to the ones that are lacking good development. *cough*bestpony*cough*

    Oy, AJ has had far more screentime this season than Rarity and you don't see me complaining about it. :lol:  

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Honestly, I have never accused the wrriters of pandering, EVEN THOUGH, there have been things that have done by the fandom that appeared in the show, probably for pure coincidence or such. (For example, remember the Pinkie watching paint dry? That was a fanfic long before the Too Many Pinkie Pies episode).


    HOWEVER, there's also one thing that I believe most people either forget or don't know about. The episodes take MORE THAN A YEAR to make. Meghan McCarthy, the lead writer, showed so herself. The episode concept for "Magic Duel" was delivered on January 2011. Meaning, barely months after the show AIRED.


    And if that wasn't enough, since the start, the episodes' titles have had reference for other things, like "The Ticket Master" and "Boast Busters" (yes, those ARE references, I just found out myself). Which means they have doins small stuff older people would catch from the very, very start.


    However, during the development from the episodes, the writers, the storyboarders, etc, CAN see other things that have come out from the fandom. And frankly, I find it weird how sometimes people forget that they can get INSPIRATION from them. It isn't pandering when outside sourcess give you an idea. That's what writers do a lot of the times after all. Catch ideas from outside, and twist them into something else that becomes their own from there.


    So honestly, unless you count the Derpy thing, nothing really has been pandering. Pandering involves to do something to please. And I'm pretty damn sure that with lots of references they had done FROM THE START, make the crew enjoy themselves. A lot. And I like to give them vredit that they know better than to pander to make an episode. They are capable enough to pander and still make it good very good, however, they also have their own ideas. So I don't really thing pandering has been done. In fact, people forget something about the brony influnce. Do you want to know what's the biggest influence of them all?


    The crew now have far less to worry about what they use and actually can get more creative with it.


    MLP: FIM will forver be a kids/family show at heart. But the best part of knowing your audience, is that you know that what you do might get more appreciated before. For example, I'll say a couple stuff that are JUST from Apple Family Reunion.


    "Oh look, the stars represent AJ's dead parents...this will certainly give older people something to think about. Especially bronies"

    "Oh look, that's a nice 1,2,3,4 in the song......kids are gonna LOVE that thing"


    Those are my thoughts on two of the most called out things from AFR. The first doesn't show us that they are pandering to bronies. Lauren Faust had FROM THE START the idea that AJ (and by extension, Big Mac and Applebloom) had her mom and dad dead. And it also shows that they have the stories of each character well thought out


    The second is that, if they WERE pandering to bronies, they would have probably left the 1,2,3,4 out for sure, IMO. Personally I loved it, but most think it's silly. They forget kids also watch this.


    Anything Pinkie Pie does can actually be consider as herself. AKA being Pinkie Pie. She's the reincarnation of a lot of the Looney Tunes characters, we HAVE seen this, especially after an episode like "Feeling Pinkie Keen". So honestly, why would the hand thing be outside that...when I have seen similar stuff done for the Looney Tunes? Even the FRIGGIN WILHELM SCREAM, which appeared in AFR and Magic Duel sounds like something that FiM's kind of humor has seen to have shown. They are not afraid to use stuff that goes to older people for sure.


    The Alicorn Amulet? Well...ummm...guys? The alicorn amulet sounds something that would come straight from Dungeons & Dragons or similar. We have seen plenty of those type of monsters appear in FiM. And D&D is a company that is owned by Hasbro. I am pretty sure that the crew did their fair share of research before anything else.

    And there are many, many more things So honestly, when people ask if it's pandering or not...I think they should ask themselves the next question:


    "Is what they did so out of character and so out of the questions for the writers to have done, that all that is left to be said is that it was done to please bronies?"




    Scootaloo Episode: Probably you are very right, but what a coincedence it would be if after bronies hinting and moaning about a Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo apprentice/mentor relationship in art and fics, they decided to wait after 3 seasons to deliver a Scootaloo episode. hmmm suspicious?...maybe.


     Ummm...Sparky?... I'm gonna have to correct you slightly on that. If you didn't realize, every CMC member got their own very centric of themselves own episode...one CMC member per season.


    Applebloom. "Call of the Cutie" Season 1. While Appplebloom has had other episodes, she wasn't the absolute star in them, especially not after the CMC appeared.


    Sweetie Belle. "Sisterhooves Social" Season 2.


    Scootaloo, "Sleepless in Ponyville" Season 3.


    So I don't really think that they heard any fan cry calls. Of course, they knew this would please them for sure, but they do it for bronies, also for sure IMO.

    • Brohoof 3
  9. Doesn't look that bad? Really? I thought they made it look like that on purpose to make fun of bad cosplay.

    You clearly haven't seen some other cosplays of Celestia. Trust me. They give FEAR feel instead of hug feel.


    I think my mom took the last of the cold medicine...

    To the pharmacy, NOW!


    Viscra isn't the only one from Sweden?

    Well, no. I can't remember if Jonke was from Sweden, but Libby IS from Sweden, and so is Vicke, that, you know, have wondered the GCT long enough.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. tumblr_m9renqH3041r9x0yoo1_1280.jpg

    Scootaloo "The Show Stoppers" makeup cosplay on a Celestia pony cosplay that actually doesn't look that bad?


    People, this is why, ponycons are completely, and totally awesome.




    I just got out of bed. Not feeling that well again, I think my cold is starting to resurface...


    And we have a lot of people from different nationalities around here, don't we?

    Ouch...had any pills or something for it?


    And yes. Let's see, lots are from USA, I'm from Argentina, some from Sweden, Jay is from England, Star is from Indonesia, P_M is from Canada...did I forget someone?

  11. People are aware of the released script for the alternate ending that wasn't used, right? It gives you an idea for what happened to Lightning Dust, and also shows that Dash -will- come back from the Academy after her week of camp.





    I'm curious why they didn't use this ending. My two ideas ( which aren't exclusive) are that they didn't have time left in the episode and that Lightning reforming so quickly would have felt forced.


    Either way though, it's good to get the scoop on what might have been, especially since Dash being a better flier than Dust is half-canon ( I never doubted it for a second anyway)


    The ending they used does set up a potential return for Dust though, that is unless they don't want to redo Magic Duel. I wouldn't terribly mind if she came back, provided they did it in an interesting way, which I believe they could.



    Yeah, this would be a surprisingly quick refom. But I'm not sure if I would not have preferred the alternative ending after all - now LD it seems that LD gets all the punishment and no chance to redeem herself...  :huh:

    I think that the reason of returning of Lightning Dust would be her return in some other episode. Plus, I still can't pin her last face's true feeling. Was it remorse, or just the disapproval from her dreams?


    The thing about her returning though, is how much it would seem like Trixie right now. Except we don't really know. However if she does return...then there are two ways it could go.


    1. A non-reformed LD who makes a good deed....buuuuut just to try and get the eye from the Wonderbolts after her not so successful pass in the academy.


    Or 2. A reformed LD who ends up making a good deed, and apologizes to those she felt the need to do so. 


    But until I can pinpoint her last face's true feelings...I'm avoiding myself from making any more assuptions. The question is though. What would make more sense for LD to do? :huh:


    But you know, I agree with DashForever. Such a quick reform in the span of maybe one or two days seems slightly quick for someone so hell bent on following her path disregarding everything else...unless LD didn't have the bad luck of something happening to her or others due to her actions...or maybe her backstory is a bit more complicated. Who knows...


    I love this show and their crew. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Wow...been all day out yesterday and there's a whole lot of stuff I missed. Nothing that surprises me by now. I have the timing of the gods. <_<


    Anyway, hi guys! What's up? :)


    don't forget Swedish accent over here.

    Aaaaaaand Spanish people! Thy not forget Spanish!


    What a legend

    Huh... never expected you to post Thierry Henry...not bad. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 1
  13. A couple more images for this thread of pure awesomeness. Only a month into this and I can see improvement on every single drawing. Here's an unnamed pony with awesome stuff. This was started before the last one, but finished recently.

    And then everybody goes "Dawwwwww" or "Poor guy..." whichever fits. :lol: He looks really cute Jinx! And it's great! Honestly, if I had to nitpick, it would be that the trees in the socks of the hindlegs crossover in a slightly weird manner (but I think that's obvious), and that there MIGHT be something off with the tail, but that's probably me again. Excellent work my friend! :D


    Here's Berry Pie's OC Misty Leaves

    She looks nice! :D Just a few curious things of mine. (And I say curious because I'm a stranger to them).


    I'm kind of stranger when looking at spread wings for the most part. I find something off with them, but since I don't know , maybe it's just my lack of knowledge. Do you wish me to tell you anyway? :huh:


    And the other is for the tail. Isn't the the fact that the tail ends without the outer layer of hair slightly...um...weird? :huh: I dunno, if that's an actual tail style, but it just looks... odd IMO. (Although it might be how Misty Leaves is actually or maybe something happened to her and I just didn't know, so correct if it's either)



    I feel so bad just putting nitpicks of mine because they are really good drawings. :( (Plus, you know how much I admire your cutie marks).

    • Brohoof 1
  14. No, these ideas have been with me for a year or two... They are there to stay. :lol:

    I just need help getting them onto paper or onto a Word document. :lol:

    You know, like motivation to, and possibly help developing ideas better. ;)



    If (and when) you decide to help, PM me. I'll add others to that PM if (and when) they want to help. :lol:;)

    Okay, and will do. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Thanks. :blush:

    Yes, they are all my ideas, although, I will say, some songs and MLP:FiM itself influenced parts of some of them.


    The only issue is my lack of motivation to write any part of them... i.e., my procrastination. Help writing them would be really nice.

    I'm gonna have to agree with Berry too. :)


    Well, procrastination is a jerk, pure and simple. :lol: Just do me one favor. Don't force the ideas out. If you don't do that, you should be fine. :)


    Going to sleep guys...my eyes can't handle it anymore at all. ^_^ Goodnight! :)




    Help actually writing, and in giving more idea. Those are the basic premises, and I've started the Hero series and the Revolution series, but I'm kinda... Stuck... Because of procrastination, and in the Hero series, difficulty in deciding how to work things out.

    I'd like to propose my help here, but I'm sleepy so I'll properly help you on another occasion, okay? :3

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Well, I never really care much about Skype, so I only have this lingering suspicion

    Haha, but yeah, the Trixie Train RP has its own group. Most of the RPers of it are there. You'd be surprised how active that thing is. ^_^


    Ok, so to you guys... How do they sound..? I think that a few could be used in several stories I (so far) only have in my head, but some advice could be used, and I trust you all.

    Not bad Nightfall. Not bad in the slightest. Great poetic work. :)  


    Also, what in the world is a squiggly? :blink:


    Only cause me and John weren't there to dominate it.... >.>

    Oh, it's not so much as the EGCT. But rather the Trixie Train Skype group. :P
    • Brohoof 1
  17. Right now, I'd be lucky to do anything on the computer I'm currently stuck with, but it's good to hear from you again.


    I wanna tell you what happened in detail but it would take too long for me to do, so all I can do at the moment is just wait for me to buy an intermediary computer.


    I can't be stuck on the computer that I've complained about for years, because I'd just start complaining about it again. Oh, and I have to pee.


    See ya later.


    (BTW, it takes me about 10-20 times longer to write out a post, so I'm sure as hell to write a super-delayed post.)


    Well, we can only hope that your computational problems get fixed soon. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  18. Herp Derp:

    Have a complete fail over something that was a simple fix in the first place, but took a month to get fixed because you derped, assumed the incorrect, and never brought it to the thorough attention of the right people.


    ^ This lad right, here.

    Hahaha, I'd like to call it another name if you don't mind.


    The Derp Syndrome



  19. Your latest post on the Horror train is also crazy :V

    Crazy? How? :wacko: 


    P.S: I don't normally comment on that kind of pics Star, but that had me laughing too much when I saw the price tags. :lol:  

    • Brohoof 1
  20. Square Enix makes great games. Even the first Mario RPG which was such a great game for SNES. 

    Yeah, I know. :D Well, correction. Square-Enix, and its predecessor, Squaresoft. But you know, even though people complain about some of the games that came from them, there was always one side from their games that never failed to be completely beautiful and awesome. And that is, MUSIC!  :D

    • Brohoof 1
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