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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. Take it easy, bud.

    Um...Spazzy? With all due respect, it IS kind of a personal question, you know? It's...not something that should be blurted. But...let's just drop it, okay? No need to bring back that. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. And I wanna come with you Arcy! Cause whats better than two boring dudes? Three of them!

    Aye Aye! :D


    Oh yeah, sorry guys I didn't respond earlier but I was having dinner...and making a ponyfied version of the national anthem of Argentina. I'm not joking. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @@Arcanel, I gotta say that's a damn perfect way to get yourself involved in the RP img-1019911-1-YDwKF.png


    You managed to describe almost every necessary details about your OC and how much he was prepared for things, and what he need to do at the start of the RP. 9/10 img-1019911-2-aZpbg.png


    Thank you very much! It means I'm not a lousy RPer! I can live! :D But seriously though, I'm glad I made an acceptable post. :)


    Not started yet?   Haven may or may not be ready, and Arcanel must be if he's doing an Advanced RP. The truth is, and perhaps I shouldn't say this but.....I'm actually teaching them nothing. All I'm doing is giving them a little bit of information, forcing them to put together an OC, telling them they can do it, and finally, pushing them to do it. It's not that hard. You honestly just learn as you go.

    Since you actually encouraged me in a sense to go try Roleplaying, and what you told me was actually useful, I still consider it worthy of me saying thank you Berry. :) 


    Sweet Mother of Celestia! I knew I was forgetting something important!! XD

    I actually thought you were going to wait until either of us were in the train before that. Guess I was wrong. :P


    Oh and thank you and your brother very much. Now I have to deal with a strange nut and a not-so-amused conductor. :ph34r:


    And reading everything else, it's offical. You're a friggin genius. No wonder Feld0 contacted you! :) 


    Yes, I wouldn't want Asteria to burn Vim out of self defense....

    Aw, that'd be hilarious to see! :P (of course, if it's just a small burn, you know?).


    I knew this from day one. She is the only one I trust. I don't even trust Key Gear.

    Well, truth be told, Key Gear is like an anti-hero rather than anything else. I wouldn't put my trust in her either. Arcanel on the other hand...


    If I did this, then, most likely, the result would be the same as when I did something similar much earlier in life. I rather lost myself for a bit. Trust me, it is better that I keep these characters in their boxes. Safer that way.

    I'm sometime thinking of making a tulpa. I just need the moment to start concentrating to myself. Which sounds rather hard. But in your case, it might be better if not. If you have all those worlds on your mind...um...I think a tulpa might as well mean the same thing as a person coking to your mind and saying "OK PEOPLE LET'S ROCK THIS JOINT!" And then your mind went party 27/7 and went full cuckoo.


    I would pay real money to see the resulting scene, but then maybe not. Vim has a nasty temper when pushed hard enough, and I doubt that Asteria would be willing or able to put up enough fire to burn him out. Probably better to use cold though, he is actually a bit flame resistant.

    Make it a PPV and we'll make it happen. Period.


    Trusting Key is a hit or miss policy. You should always ask yourself, what's in it for her. If the answer is not obvious, then she may be hiding something. Key is good but she is also self-interested. The only character on the train right now that can trust her reliably is Electrobolt, and she will only tell him what he must know.

    Interesting...I was not wrong. I see Key as being a sort of anti-hero, like I told Berry. Since her sense of survival is still somewhat her principal, I wouldn't be surprised if this kind of characteristics come out.


    They are intellectuals, and as such deal with problems logically and reasonably. But that does not mean they are pushovers. Lapis has had to hurt things. Cousin Silver taught Lapis how to fight through example... And Asteria has her spells. But it makes me sick at heart to think they could hurt anyone.

    Aye. Never underestimate the power of an intellectual, for they may well kick your flank when you least expect it, amen.


    Takes imagination to be a programmer. Lots and lots of it actually. So, that is one of my outlets. I just need to catch up on some sleep and recover my damaged typing mechanisms. Then, I should be able to do interesting things around here.

    I could imagine your job requiring imagination. But you DO need more sleep Scoots. For your sake. ^_^


    I'm a pretty boring guy IRL.

    If I ever go to Houston, we boring dudes we'll hang out and do cool stuff, you hear me?!


    I also wanted to comment about what Applekags said, but then decided against it to respect Berry's wishes and not foolisly bring the subject again. :)

    • Brohoof 5
  4. Nay, I'm just messing with you If she is more than willing to sacrifice others' happiness just for her own, then she doesn't deserve any.

    Aye. I'll still give her props for pulling a great J.J. Jameson. But I still dislike her. :mellow:


    I'm still reading some of the new threads somewhere else, I'm moving in asap :x

    Oh okay. When you do read the last RP posts, if it's not much to ask, I would like your opinion. :)  

  5. It is confirmed. Almost everyone on GCT are crazy

    I thought we had agreed to this a long time ago? :P 


    And...damn you. I don't like Diamond Tiara, but I'm still human.


    Also...um...Star...how do you think I did in the RP, if you read the last posts? :blush:  

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Well, that's nice, but... You know you didn't have to brohoof that, right?


    You kidding me? Given that Diamond Tiara is one of my most disliked characters along with Prince Blueblood, so her being used like that? IT'S FRIGGIN HILARIOUS! :P Plus, my brohoof gave you popular status technically, so that's a well used brohoof too. ^_^

    • Brohoof 1


    There, feelings out. :P But regardless, my favorite cuteness would be QUITE difficult. Besides, I think there's another factor you're completely forgetting. Fillies (and now babies as well). But I'm going to imagine you're ignoring that point and instead focus on the grown mane 6. So, let's get started!


    Personally, I have never found Rainbow Dash to be adorable while I do find her to be awesome. HOWEVER, her fangirl squee at The Best Night Ever, and when she was on the floor after finding her sonic rainboom was the cause for her friends' cutie marks in The Cutie Mark Chronicles are in the top 10 of cutest moments ever. Oh and her huggles with Scootaloo of course. :)


    Fluttershy. Do I find her adorable? HELL YES! And her more visual adorableness always makes me melt. She would probably be in the top 4 of adorable scales, probably within the first two. Probably fav cute moment was...either in her bunny spy suit, or her small squee in Dragonshy after getting ignored by Twilight. There really isn't much to say aside from that. I'm one of the consumed if you wish. :lol:


    Rarity. Whoo boy, how difficult this gets when she is fav pony to me. ^_^ But regardless, she definitely has had her fair share of cuteness. The most notable being probably her "Somebody has to help us" with adorable voice in Magic Duel (My daww's were only higher in Sleepless in Ponyville). She'd probably be 3 in my scale, or somewhere along the way.


    Pinkie Pie. Oh come on! She IS just as adorable and would fight for one against Fluttershy in adorable matter. Her mane aside and her plenty of adorable moments (I think the one that always stuck with me is the face she made in Luna Eclipsed when she got shut by Twilight). Aye, pink pony be very cute. :mellow:


    Twilight Sparkle. Well, She has had plenty of adorkable moments, that's for sure enough to battle Rarity and her pouts. I don't even need to say anything because everything has been said. Fav moment? Probably her moment in Dragonshy after crashing with Fluttershy. THAT. WAS. TOO. MUCH. FOR. MY. HEART. HNNNNNG! :wub:


    And then Applejack, who sadly I can't remember that many cute moments of her and would be 6th in my ranks (I feel so horrible...). HOWEVER, Applebuck Season totes had plenty of those and would stay with many of them! :D


    While most of mine are those to be called the more visualones, I like how you portrayed each cuteness CD and I totally agree. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  8. But then I wouldn't get to visit you. :3   Well, thats the only time I like red. Because I absolutely love Christmas. Its a total love-hate thing because of it.

    Touche... then I'll just torture yo, but leave you alive. :3


    And I see how that is somewhat complicated. :lol:


    Also, heads up guys, we're less than 100 posts away from million post.

    • Brohoof 1


    I'd actually like you coming here because you'd visit me. :)  But no, I'm not spending money for that. I'll stick with chocolate flavor, which is best flavor anyway.


    Totally understandable.   It was saddening for me, was what I was saying.

    I understand. 

  10. Strawberry flavored powder mixed into milk or milk substitute.



    Are you kidding me?!

    Its the best flavor of milk ever! :D







    You have to find some and try it! Naow!


    I recommend the mix itself since you can choose how much to add which determines the amount of strawberry flavor in it.

    Um...Haven? Ask any guy from Argentina, and they won't have a single idea of what that is. I'm pretty sure it's non-existant over here. ^_^

  11. Oh dat shit is delicious on so many levels.

    What in the world is Strawberry Nesquik? I didn't even know that type existed.



    As an insult of course.

    Oh I know that too...just...why from Smosh...oh nevermind. ^_^

  12. Fine enough. If it rhymes to you, nothing I can say will change that. You can't make someone do something they do not want to do. They must want to do it on some level. And I doubt you'd wish to believe that what you think rhymes does not. It would be a betrayal of your own perception of reality. If it sounds right to you, despite all that I know and believe in on what does and does not sound right, who am I to debate it.

    Aye. It would be silly to get into heated debate over this.



    This is how I've always seen it as well.

    I never knew the whole word was supposed to rhyme.


    If that's the case, then rappers are fails at rhyming and should find a new day job.

    It isn't as there are different types of rhymes.


    And yep that's what it would be. :lol:


    Best fruit:

    Eh, I'm indifferent to strawberries.



    I hate rhymes anyhow. And puns. Puns and rhymes. Can't stand them. Well, songs are okay I guess, but songs don't rhyme much these days.

    It's from a Smosh video. 

    I see.


    And I know that. I just wanted to know, why call Zoop that? ^_^

  13. What the hell? It's 3 on 1 now? How is that fair?


    Metrosexual Hipster Zoop, Old Member Nico, and Arcanel want to battle!


    Zoop sends out Magikarp!

    Nico sends out Wailord!

    Arcanel sends out Abra!


    Who will you choose?


    Scootabloom: Go, HO-OH!

    Sorry. You're on your own until at least Star gets here. :P And wait, Abra? Aw, I wanted Latias. :(




    No, they don't rhyme. Or at the very least, in a way you would rhyme to make something catchy and attract costumers.

    Well, this isn't about customers, but rather showing the pride of the post office. At least when I say it, it sounds good to me.




    We aren't out of the woods yet on this, Arcy.

    Apparently its 2:2 on if it rhymes or not.



    Aye, we need either more writers and RPers, or at least the ones from the Trixie Train RP. And Scoots. Definitely Scoots.


    Either way, it is all about the context. In a company slogan, if something were to rhyme, it would be a perfect rhyme. The common person would not recognize it as a rhyme if it does not actually rhyme, and it would not appear as catchy.

    Maybe so, but while a full rhyme would seem more impressive, it fully depends on what the pony would be willing to hear. Given that the last letters are always what people hear in a rhyme, should they hear those, the "-er" sound would be the one that stuck out the most. At least that's how I see it.




    Wait what

    I prolly want to know why he used those words myself. :ph34r:




    It seems like every few days we get into an argument about pineapples.

    We have people who worship pineapple and people who hate them. What do you expect? :lol:

  14. You know what it is? I feel like your writing style is similar to my own, and I can't read my own writing without feeling it is always lacking something.

    Well, the wording wasn't clever and differentiating. 

    It does not rhyme. I even asked my friend to confirm it.

    I see, and you're not alone on that aspect.


    Well, I don't know what "clever and differentiating" would mean in this context, to be completely honest with you. :huh:


    And yes, it DOES rhyme. It's a literal rhyme that is composed of the last two letters of the words, EVEN THOUGH, the syllable itself doesn't fully rhyme. As far as I know, that's a literal rhyme, right? :huh:









    To hell with Pineapples! How could you like that vile fruit!?

    Do we send Scootabloom to food hell for using such a fruit to contaminate something as delicious as pizza? :ph34r:

  15. To hell with these two

    I would be inclined to agree with them, since I HATE pineapple, and I can't understand how it can go with pizza. :P 



    Actually, yes. Yes it does.

    Thank you, I was starting to get scared. :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  16. It was fine enough. English isn't your first language, correct? I can forgive the mistakes, and the content was not too bad. I did not become bored, so you did well in that area. It did lack in some parts, such as certain things were rushed. It lacked poetic flow. Also, that thing that your character claimed rhymed did not rhyme.

    Well, good enough for me. :) And yes, English isn't my first language. When I posted, I didn't have enough time to preview the whole thing, so initially, it had some mistakes. Then I went back and corrected. I THINK there shouldn't be anything wrong with it now. And rushed?...Hmmm...can you tell me what exactly, for example? As for the poetic flow, that's my probably my fic writer coming up, as in some times, I couldn't help but feel I was in a fanfic, but I hope to properly differentiate the feelings with practice. And wait, doesn't "Vanhoover" and "later" make a literal rhyme in the "-er" part?

    • Brohoof 2
  17. Well, despite the whole thing, getting the million post is a task in itself. Are we up for it? ^_^ 


    Hi guys! How are y'all doing? :)


    @, So...um...how did I do in the RP...? 

    I've got plenty of cynicism for those who have earned it.

    Now that sounds better! :)

  18. Well, this was an interesting day so far and it still has half day to go. First I post my first RP post ever, which capped at almost 10000 characters, and apparently got approval so far (SUCCESS! :D ), then I go to drum class after 2 weeks because there were some things that prevented me from going and was great, then I didn't want to go to the brony meetup because my parents were worried about the current situation around here and didn't want me to go for safety (organized robberies to supermarkets and such have recently been happening and it's getting pretty nasty and shady), and then I had to stop at half the new episode because I NEED the subtitles, or else I won't be able to understand HALF of what is said. :lol: But all in all, it seemed like a nice AJ episode so far! :D


    Today I went swimming with my cousin's husband at the local pool in Rennes. Although it's overcast, it's quite nice in Northwestern France in December.

    That sounds really nice Blue. Wish I could go to France sometime. :) 


    I find out that the Apple Family Reunion episode is today, and I hear tell from one opinion that it's boring. (Now I try not to have a strong opinionation on the overall quality of a given episode; I take the whole show as a contextual whole.

    Well, the first thing about going to see something new. Never go with commentaries on your mind. Just a clear, fresh head. :) Plus, to be fair, the newest episode seems to be quite a change from the whole season overall, as in, far less action that most episodes so far. But in half the episode, I wouldn't say boring at all.


    Some person also picked up the subtext in my story on FIMfiction the emotion I had in making the story: conflict as to who to ship Big Macintosh and why. I guess my written expressive ability has its limits, but it's a weird feeling when someone points it out to you.

    Well, in a sense, it's better when someone tells you what you already know for that kind of things, because it helps you confirm it, in a way. When you get that confirmation, and you're sure it's the correct one, you start working on it and try to make it better. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  19. 1. Is it wrong that I think that what I wrote was short? ^_^


    2. More people need to make ponies deliver mail to Derpy instead of the other way around.


    3. I only have two words to say to poor Vim and Berry Nut at instances of Arcanel:


    C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!!!!!! :P



    Eeyup. I prefer the Key Gear approach to butterflies though. Stomp them. They sound funny when you crunch them up.


    I would worry about you more if I didn't know your mind is a different world in itself. :lol:



    Well posted! It was great! I look forward to having you on board.


    :D I'm glad that I did great! And I hope I can make things interesting within the train!



    I will get a response up before too long. I might wait just a bit for Something Interesting... He is also working on a response at the moment. This should be a fun day...   x)


    *clears throat* Allow me.



    • Brohoof 2
  20. The sun was coming out in the outskirts of Ponyville. The grass slowly became clearer, and the tress started looking more lively. Everything seemed to be coming to life as the celestial body that was controled by Princess Celestia slowly came out. Meanwhile, a white pegasus was flying across the landscape.
    "Phew... I'm finally about to reach Ponyville. It feels as if I had been flying for days. Although that may be me getting older. But if I say that when I'm just 27, then I better start doing some exercise other than just mail delivery!" the pegasus laughed. The pony was a single mailcolt named Arcanel, who was currently flying to Ponyville for a delivery he had to make.
    "I still can't believe I'm making these deliveries. And it will be pretty exciting to finally go to other cities!" the pegasus beamed in joy and excitement before calming down and sighing. "Don't get so excited yet Arcy. First things first, to deliver this letter to Ponyville and then to Los Pegasus. I can go sightseeing afterwards. Still, this wasn't exactly what I was expecting when I got called." He pondered as he recalled the moment he had got the call from his boss the day before.


    Yesterday. Vanhoover's Post Office
    An old pegasus with a dark green coat and black mane was sitting in his chair, waiting in front of his desk. Archive filers covered most of the space within the office, some having papers threatening to come out from their placements in the drawers. And behind was a window that provided the light to the room. And on his desk, just a small lamp and a quill with an ink bottle close by were placed. This was the office of Fast Post, the boss of the Vanhoover's Post Office for more than 30 years.
    Suddenly, his ears twitched as the sound of the knock of a door came up"Come in." he said. As his permission came out, the door was slowly opened and a white pegasus started coming in. *Good. Arc is here* he thought in relief.
    "Um...hello Mr. Post. Did you call for me?" the pegasus asked in a somewhat confused manner.


    "Yes I did Arcanel. I know I don't normally personally call anyone, but this was an special occasion I decided if you knew from my own voice." The stallion said in a calm voice. This brought even more confusion to Arcanel's mind. There rarely is a special occasion in the post office, and even if there are, he wouldn't be called for them, despite having several years under his wings, because for the most part, almost every other pony working in the post office was more veteran than he was. So why would his boss call him for a special occasion? After a small pause to let the information sink in, the dark green pegasus continued talking. "Recently, we just got two letters that correspond to ponies outside Vanhoover. We don't normally get letters that need to go so far away from here, but we just got these two, and they needed to be delivered by tomorrow. The reason I called you, is that I want you to go and deliver them, if you are willing of course." he finished. The moment Fast Post had finished speaking, all the gears inside Arcanel's mind started turning.


    "...Wha...?" he babbled, unable to say anything else more coherent and dropping his jaw. *Is he serious?!* he thought in disbelief. He had never been called out for any post deliveries outside Vanhoover, because they rarely got them and Mr. Post could always get somepony better than him to go and get them, and most of the times, he felt he wouldn't have been able to accomplish them anyway. So he only answered with the only thoughts he could form at that point. "But...Mr. Post...forgive me for asking but...why me? Wouldn't it be better if someone else who's more used to them did them?" he asked, trying to see the logic of it. While he was confident in his abilities to deliver mail by this point in time, and that itself had taken quite some time, he always thought somepony else better than him should do it. The post office leader was quick to answer.


    "Heh...I know that we have more veteran ponies than you Arcanel, however, I have decided to let you have your first deliveries to outside. Think of it as a test. The places you need to deliver are Ponyville, and Los Pegasus, which are cities pretty far away from here. And I also know that you're prety tough to throw off even through a storm. So, the question I'm asking you is, do you think you can do it? If you don't want to, I can ask somepony else, don't worry. But you need to decide now, because the letters are to be delivered, like I said, tomorrow. And you know how I am about punctuality." The old stallion replied, knowing the reaction that his employee would have. He had always liked Arcanel since he came over here, and saw the enthusiasm that the colt had back when he first applied some 8, 9 years ago. A simple delivery was his test, and for all the worse things that he could have, a storm was what he got. And yet, he overcame it, got his cutie mark, and delivered in time. He wasn't about to let such a determinated and responsible pony go. *Let's see if we can up the ante to him*


    Meanwhile, Arcanel had his jaw dropped even more than before. His mind was in complete ecstasy. *Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh, oh Celestia!* was all he was able to think. He was going to cities outside Vanhoover! Which means to places he has never been as well! This couldn't be better for him. But the white pegasus also knew that Fast Post was VERY keen on punctuality, as would be expected from a pony his age and with so much time working in the post office. *Okay... this is it. Just like that time when I first applied for the job. With any luck, I'll be able to prove myself again.* While this probably wouldn't have been that much of a deal for many, Arcanel usually got excited at doing new things, he had always wanted to visit other cities, and he was able to prove himself to his boss. He had made his decision, despite some lingering doubts in his mind.


    "I will do it Mr. Post. I will make the deliveries. You can count on me!" Arcanel cheered in determination to his boss, lifting his right hoof to make a salute. This put a smile on his boss, but only for a small time and went to his normal, serious face again. "Very well. I'm glad you acepted. You know where to find the letters for you. Good luck." he said, wishing well to his mail deliverer, who in turn responded with a "Yes sir" and promptly exited the office. And so the green dark pony was left alone once more to his own thoughts.


    "I hope he can do it without troubles." Was all the pegasus could say before returning to his duties. Knowing the story that Arcanel had gone through, he had become slightly attached to the young stallion. He could only wish that nothing happened to him.




    Later in the same building.


    "Okay, am I ready?" Arcanel said to himself in the small zone of the post office he called his home, thanks to the generosity of his boss, who was impressed by his first day and decided to let him live in there, so long as he promised to be clean and organized, and always did a great job at his deliveries, which he had accomplished so far. He had already gone to get the letters, which had earned a smile and small praise from some of his co-workers, to which he had simply returned with a small sheepish reply. Despite being an important job, he always felt slightly modest when getting even the smallest of praise, even though he had known most of the mailponies for years now. "Ugh, enough pondering! Come on Arc! Letters first, worries later!" he said, lightly hitting his head with his hoof as if to shake the thoughts inside his mind. "Okay...I got food and water enough for at least the one-day travel to both cities. Now to look at the map and see where is each city." he said, having a determined look in his face, and going to look at the Equestria map in the wall that is mandatory for every mailpony. However, when he looked at where Ponyville and Los Pegasus were, his eyes opened wide, and his jaw dropped for the second time that day.


    "... Oh... my... Celestia... okay... so it's not exactly close from here... and I'll probably have to leave in the night... well... wings, body, don't you dare fail me now." He said, looking to his wings and body and looking determined, despite gulping the moment he saw the distance. But he wasn't going to let down his boss. Oh no. May Celestia and Luna turn him to stone before he lets that happen. And so, after much mental preparation and slow breaths, he head out for what would be one long travel, and that he knew this would also be the first time he would have to leave in the night to make it in time to his destination.




    Back to the present


    Arcanel only shaked his head. "Come on Arcanel. Focus. You need to be focused if you want to do this. Plus, you're almost there." the white pegasus reminded himself. He always had a habit of talking to himself and thinking out loud, and while it had brought some embarrasing moments in the post office when he didn't realize he was alone, it was always useful when trying to cheer himself up. After a few more minutes of flying, he finally reached Ponyville, and landed so he could rest his wings. "Okay guys. We made it. You deserve some rest." He told his wings, or as he called them sometimes, his trusty companions. Even on his first day on the job, he had always thanked his wings for hanging in there, despite some situations he had encountered through his job. Despite what anypony may believe, being the mailpony is more dangerous than it sounds when you happen to have the bad luck of a not-so-nice receiver, or a storm comes your way. And nopony in the post office wanted to break the punctuality that is known of the Vanhoover's Post Office, partically thanks to the leadership and firm hoof of Fast Post.


    After taking out the letter and asking some ponies about the directions, he had managed to take the letter to its rightful pony, a letter delivered to the local mailpony, Derpy Hooves, and got his thanks and even hugs for his job well done. While his shyness somewhat kicked in after receiving a hug from a complete stranger, he still smiled and as always, told the mare the motto of the post office. "You can always trust the mailponies of Vanhoover. We will deliver in time, and never later" it recited. He was glad the motto was actually pretty good and rhymed, as sometimes they can be way too cheesy in his mind. But despite the happiness for a job well done, he found a problem. Two actually. Although it was the morning, and he could totally reach Los Pegasus today if he went out now, he doubted he could get out now. It had been a long travel from Vanhoover and Ponyville and his wings were quite tired. And whenever your wings are tired, you NEVER force them, let alone if you have to make a long travel again. Every mailpony learns this to heart when joining. The job is always first, but you never sacrifice your body to do it, unless you have no choice. His other problem was of a different kind and came after checking his small brown saddlebag every mailpony has to keep the letters and packages.


    "Wait... I only brought THIS many bits?... Ugh.. me and my obvious distractions at home..." he said, in complete disbelief and facehoofing. Bringing little money when doing long distances is a BAD idea, and it's nothing more than a matter of common sense. But as a mailpony, flying without supplies for the way to slowly use them as he flies is another bad point. He could use the money to buy himself some breakfast and and fly without supplies, which is bad because flying such long distances tend to tire one out very fast, very quick, especially if you don't have a lot of stamina like himself, agility aside, or he could use the money to buy supplies for the trip and eat while flying, which is a bad idea since the balance of food and water really is sensitive matter while flying so you don't get any stomach problems or such while in the middle of the flight. "Now what in Equestria am I supposed to do?" he asked to no one, trying to figure out what to do to travel without having any problems during it. Maybe if he had some sort of transport...


    That's when he saw the train that was stopped not far away from him. *A train... but it may not go to Las Pegasus... well, right now that's my best choice in this moment, and I better ask now before it gets even more late.* He decided, hoping to Celestia and Luna that the train would be able to let him in, and that it went to Los Pegasus.


    @,@@Something Interesting,


    As he got closer to the train, he saw two ponies standing close to it. One was an orange stallion that looked stronger than his age probably would imply, and a blue stallion standing right in front of him. They both seemed to be quite happy to talk to each other. Arcanel could only sigh. "Well, I can only hope that I don't bother too much..." the white pony said in dismay. His shyness was going to kick in and would want to hide in his dark brown mane, but he needed the information as fast as possible, so he slowly approached the ponies.


    "Um... excuse me... I'm sorry to interrupt but, do any of you know where the conductor of this train is? I need to speak with him fast." he said, trying to sound as less desperate as possible, and not completely achieving. He could only hope that everything would go okay, but also, that these stallions had an idea of where the conductor of this train was. One of them at least seemed to come from the train at the most least, so what's the worst that could happen?

    • Brohoof 6
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