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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. Legit explanation? It's more like the artist mish-mashed random common Magical Girl tropes with FiM :c The story is damn weird, and the villain is too one dimensional. Screaming your magic's name? Holy shit

    It's legit enough for me. Plus, it's Japanese style and all that. And it DOES come from a Japanese person, it seems. So...tropes will probably appear. :lol: What you see is a translation, actually.


    We had in one page, a changeling, Discord AND Luna...we need Sombra ASAP. ^_^

    Holy muffins...


    1. Hellooooo, Celeste! ;)

    2. Yay, Pinkie controls water and ice!

    3. Why are their bodies sooo tiny?

    4. That was toooo freaking awesome!

    There are 2 previous pages by the way. Just letting you know just in case.


    1. Why am I not surprised you said that? :P

    2. Now THAT'S the end of the world we were talking about, amrite?

    3. Because Japan. Pure and simple.


  2. Holy shit, the third already came out? o_o I'm not a big fan of magical girls, but that artist is good...

    Yeah, that's pretty fast considering anything. And I normally don't read that much human ponies, but given that it has both the human ponies AND ponies and gives a legit explanation AND has good art, hell yes I want to see more! :D

  3. Guys. My English class may want to watch ponies tomorrow (an episode) because they are now interested in it at least somewhat.


    What episode should I pick?

    Lesson Zero, Feeling Pinkie Keen, Magic Duel, Wonderbolts Academy, Party of One, A Canterlot Wedding, The Return of Harmony. Somewhere along those IMO.




    Perhaps I will figure out a way to make it more visible. 



    Well, I've never used her on her own. This is mostly trial and error until she ends up with Lapis again. She represents my more fun and silly side. So portraying her is strange and new when I think about it.

    That would be nice yeah. You should proably wait until she gets back with Lapis, IMO.


    Yeah, that's probably it. I'm looking forward to see more of Asteria. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Good morning my not-so-little ponies.


    To everyone's disappointment, there is no gigantic meteor or zombies anywhere :c

    I think  laughed more than I should at that image. ^_^  Anyway, hi Star! Have you recovered from yesterday? :D


    And meh, I'd rather get a battle that destroys Earth. Would be more interesting and would let me shoot people without morals intervining. :P

  5. She finds her calling later in life. For the time being, she uses her natural talents to help her out of situations.



    She is a child prodigy. Or something, I don't know. She is smart and attentive. She takes note of the little details of life.


    Ah, good. I feared I didn't portray her right.

    Fair enough, that makes sense.


    Child prodigy?!...Um...I missed that little fact...oh...


    Don't worry. Besides, if YOU don't know how to portray her, then we're screwed. ^_^

  6. @@Arcanel,


    I never noticed that the lines on the nose or mouth were too thin, bu now I can see it clearly. I didn't like how the tail came out, it's bushy on the back end and then flat on the other side.


    I also noticed that the wing is at a separate thickness from all of the rest of the lines. I did like how the shading came out though.

    If you could apply the same thickness that you used with the wings to the rest of Swallow's body, I think that would be the best thing.


    But yeah, the shading was great. I think that was your strongest point along with the cutie mark (you're great with those! :D ). Also, it may be me, but now that I look at where the mane splits when falling to the body, there's something...odd. But again, I'm not even sure on this one.

  7. Well, she is smart, and she knows how to use what she has. She is resourceful and very creative. But she is nothing like Key Gear to my knowledge. Key grew up on the street, so I'd think she'd be tougher. Asteria grew up in a nice little village on the edge of Equestira, or something.


    I imagine it is around this area. Bear with me, I am not an artist.





    And I haven't contradicted her written down personality to the best of my knowledge, so I can properly expand upon her. But she is innocent though. She doesn't get as suspicious of other ponies. If they seem genuine, she'll believe them. That's why Lapis has to keep an eye on her.


    But really, Lapis himself doesn't know how mischievous she is. She acts differently around him, or at least I'll try to make it that way. She did seem different in my initial post to Pony Mystery Theater.

    I see. Though I expected the words "resourceful and creative" mostly around writing, not getting out of trouble. ^_^


    And the reason I compared her to Key, is because of this phrase: "She just neded to be cute and charming. That was what usually worked anyhow." For someone who's supposed to be innocent, that sounds rather like a mastermind at work. :lol:


    Still, I get what you mean though.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. @@Arcanel, Okay, I made the post. Now go read it and tell me all your thoughts on Asteria.

    TL;DR version? :blink: I made the underestimation of the century.


    Long version? I now see Asteria as somehow being similar to Key in some ways. Just as mischievous and just as cute when she needs to be. I seriously thought of her as a bit more innocent. But then again, I think I sometimes forget that she IS 15. When you look that adorable however...cut me some slack. :lol:


    Still, with your presentation of Asteria, her addition will probably make an even more interesting ride in the train, and I now consider the relationship between her and Lapis to also be much more interesting. :D

    • Brohoof 2
  9. Well, the chicken did ask me over Skype, so I would assume so :P And dang... Hope ya pass the test, bro. And has it been raining down there? Because geez... It's raining here... Instead of getting a white Christmas, I'm gonna have a wet one... v_v

    :blush:...  :o ... :wacko: ... :blink: ...there. That's pretty much my emotions over here. I know I wanted to join the RP, but to get an ask from Scootacool himself...well...I don't know if to feel proud...intimidated...or just in a state of absolute wonder over what to do...especially since I first want to approve the test before joining anything. And ironically, I would feel more safe at the RP, than the test (well, that's not a surprise, now that I think about it)...


    And thank you! :)


    And it rained yesterday, but not today...for now. I just hope we get good weather. That we all do. :) But for the record,if it rains enough to flood the streets, all you need to do is bring a sled, have a Santa in it, and start kayaking through the city going "MERRY CHRISTMAS!"....great, now I want to see that happening. :P

    • Brohoof 3
  10. @@Arcanel


    Hey Arcy, what's up? Scoots wanted me to ask if you're just about ready to make a post in the OOC :P This is me asking, but did you pass the test yet?

    Hai Bolt! :D I'm pretty fine over here! (Although I can't say the weather is that fine. Clouds suck Unless they're fluffy of course. But I don't think South America has a habit of breakig physics over here <_< ).


    And is the chicken serious?! :blink:


    And no, sadly, I haven't been able to make a post yet, due to lack of time that I had yesterday to spend on the test. :( But I swear I'm trying to work on it. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 4
  11. He he, sorry about that, Arcy.   I hope so too. :c   That's cause ponies rule, but you already knew this!

    Yeah. At least I got Gone Airborune, for example, right? ^_^ 

    Rarity needs to appear for Christmas. :)


    And yes they do and yes I did Haven. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Are you all caught up? 

    Berry I finished reading it 2 days ago. I thought I mentioned that already. :lol: I read the newest post a little while ago. It's been a long time since I spent 11 hours total in two days to finish reading something. Worth every hour of the day. Especially with good music. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  13. The only real book I can recommend to read is "State of Mind" by John Katzenbach. That's a definitely good book if I've seen any, IMO. (Although I haven't read that much on book material. My sister is the avid reader).


    And if you've seen the movie Eragon (first book in the series) for the love of all things sacred, do NOT use to judge the series.

    I watched the movie, loved it, and it's one of the reasons I'm still waiting to read that saga itself, especially because I love dragons as a plus. I feel like the only one on that regard. ^_^

  14. I don't like that idea at all. 

    I imagined you were going to say that but...you know...that be my writer's mind. ^_^


    After all, imagine this. We would have:


    Daylight. Nicest guy in the Equestria. But also with a job that involves being suspiscious of people, even adorable fillies, and especially after last night's events.


    Key Gear. Recently had one hell of a dangerous situation and a heck of a bad nightmare. But with a strong sense of paranoia and suspiciousness as well. Needless to say, she'd much more confused on what to do than Daylight, probably.


    Ambrosia. Is part of the staff of the train, with a sixth sense of little children, and also a somewhat motherly nature. But also has the responsibility of telling Vim of findings of this nature.


    And let's not forget that, for all we know, Springer might as well follow Ambrosia for reasons unknown (maybe of untrust and to make sure nothing wrong in his plans happens), and I wouldn't put that past him.


    Reading this RP puts my writer gears to full speed. ^_^

    • Brohoof 3
  15. Hola, Arcy!

    Its raining where I am again, so that cancels out work for me again.

    Sadly, that also makes my check this week a crapload smaller. :/


    And I'm sure there are lots of people like the one who made that and would create something similar, but for a different fandom. Of course, it wouldn't be in the form of a pony, but you know what I mean.

    And again, every single time someone says something in Spanish, my initial reaction is "HE CAN SPANISH! WOOO!" Until I remember. :lol:


    And aw crap...I hope that your boss decides to be like Rarity for this Christmas. :(


    And I'm sure of that as well...but pony got it first. :P

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Ah Jesus...my comp computer derped last night which is why I couldn't even say goodnight. Buck my comp. <_<


    Anyway, hi guys! What's up? :)




    I've given you an entrance for Asteria, my friend.


    Yo, Scootacool! (I feel that the more I read, the more ideas I get...which might be bad and get annoying). Is it possible that Key and Bolt both look at Ambrosia heading to the baggage car, which would in theory make Key's suspiciousness and try to follow s the mind set would be "Why would she be going to the baggage car?" Or maybe even Daylight as he has been quite fond of Ambrosia and would wonder why is she going to the same car, and therefore, follow her as well? I don't know why, but I want the finding of Asteria as crowded as possible...of course without Lapis even knowing of her yet. ^_^




    Heh... I have a feeling I'm gonna love Asteria...


    You and me both brother. :mellow:



    This fandom is weird



    No. This fandom is different. Pure and simple. Cause there's no way in hell anyone else would create THAT from the Sonic fandom or similar for sure! :P  On the plus side, we have been weird for some time now it's not even surprising anymore. :lol:



    I do know, and it shall be revealed... Not in the current RP though and maybe not in the next, but certainly in the third.


    The fact it will become a series is so damn cool! I haven't read something similar to a saga in a LONG time! :D


    @, Also, damn you Scoots. You're MAKING ME WANT TO HUG MY SCREEN AGAIN! I don't want my screen to be terrified of me! That would be bad! But...I...can't...help it...Key Gear...so damn cute...as much as RD/Scoots cuddle...GAH! :wub:

    • Brohoof 3
  17. I'm not too knowledgeable about firearms myself, but any gun that fires a .357 round is rather powerful. 'Tis why it's popular for self-defense.


    It might not even be .357 though, it could be .38 or something. I've only seen the gun once...

    I see...


    Although I still don't understand how there could be THAT much of a size difference within a .357 and a .38. Unless I don't really know about the size measuring, which would be the truth.

  18. I'm sure you know what you-know-who would do with those remains...



    > Implying.


    Woah Bolt, woah... 

    Do I even want to know what the implication is?




    Hopefully neither.


    I'll still have the .357 nearby, though. I've always wanted to try it out...

    Yeah. But where in the world did you get a .357? Isn't that, like, a really powerful gun? :blink: (I'm Argentinian and I also know nothing about guns).




    *gulp* Unless I'm wearing a green hat and tunic and the Kokiri Sword, I'm moonbound.

    I have no idea what moonbound means because I never played a LoZ game ever. But regardless, pray to good that a local tailorist and a blacksmith aren't too busy now.


    @, You know, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I just told Berry, just because. In the RP, why don't you make Ambrosia and Key find Asteria at the same time? It would surely make one hell of situation and conversation IMO.

    • Brohoof 3
  19. She's known him for two years. Shouldn't be too hard for her to predict what he'd say.


    It will be entertaining to see them interact.


    Well, we'll see when I write it. Lapis is much more patient with Asteria.


    I dunno.

    Yes, and it shall be fun. She is a bit different from Lapis Lazuli.

    Touche, but there's always that possibility of not knowing what to expect anyway.


    Also, I just had an idea. Why not make both Key and Ambrosia get to the baggage car at the same time, also finding Asteria at the same time?


    And I know he's more patient with Asteria but...I dunno...maybe I make him in my mind that he's much more of a big brother than he probably would act like, whether he feels like it or not. I shall see.


    Oh my

    Popcorn would be a good idea yes. :D 


    I already downed twice the normal dosage, and it's still hurting like murder.

    Ouch... :( 






    • Brohoof 1
  20. Hello Nascar. Welcome to the GCT. This is the beach where my rotting chicken remains wash up on at the end of each day. :lol:

    Given that you can let your insanity out in this place, the GCT is always a good place. :mellow:


    I was also hoping to comment on whatever you just said about the RP...but you left me thoughtless...

    • Brohoof 3
  21. Yeah, if you would have an interest in turning left in a Chevrolet for four hours in the first place, so be it.


    And I don't think so, she would have her moon threatening to crush the earth to worry about initially.

    Well, making rolls and rolls in an out of control NASCAR car seems like an interesting entrance to me. How to survive? MAGIC! :lol:


    Oh, that's what I meant. By playing MM you're setting the moon to crush...and after that's solved, Luna would look for a reason why. Guess who's next target? ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
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