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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. I can't really contribute because I sadly don't make music, and any ideas that could be useful have already been said or I can't generate. :( But I think I can help out on something.


    You know Feld0, since this will be an exclusive MLP:FIM music place for downloading, why don't you start promoting to big places like Equestria Daily, Derpy Hooves News, The Round Stable, etc? I know you're still on the alpha stages, but it is certainly something people might get interested in.


    And another idea is to comment it on the My Little Remix page, which is pretty much the biggest place to get informed on pony music as it is quite the big forum, and as a plus, you might also get influx from people to get to MLPForums from an early stage. I think that, while still barely reaching alpha, at least to one place or two it will start getting interested and see how it evolves, you might get more people to participate, and maybe even get some help. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Alright since I happened to belong to the less strong-willed people that watched the episode (I feel bad...but a pony episodes is a pony episode!), why not write before I forget? :lol:


    First things first, Pinkie...was...HILARIOUS! But also, it shows more development to the relationship between her and Dash, which was part of the relationships I wanted more explored (even if as little as it was), after Griffon the Brush-Off and, if you wish, the fact the scenes in Too Many Pinkie Pies stayed more with Pinkie and Rainbow. And Pinkie being so worried about RD hits me a lot. I think that was pretty cute. :) Given everything, I love how she stays in the mail the same way she stayed for the Marzipan cake (I'm NOT going to write the full name, ok? XD). Overexaggerating things is one of the things Pinkie normally does after all, IMO. (Plus, her blowing the FRIGGIN MOUNTAINS was pretty hilarious).


    Then came the fact that this was going to be a Merriwether Williams episode. I didn't know before if she was going to make another pony episode, but when I saw the name, and on a Rainbow Dash episode, my first thought was "Oh boy here we go". Not because I hate The Mysterious Mare Do Well (in fact, despite the fact I don't dislike any pony episode, I rather liked TMMDW both, like I said before, analytically and normally), but because I knew the majority DOES dislike TMMDW. So I thought "Okay Ms. Williams. Let's see what you got". And boy many haters of Dash AND Merriwether might as well have recovered faith in both of them due to this episode for sure!


    So far, in all the episodes that Dash has been a major protagonist, we've seen different sides from her. Let's see:


    -We got Fall Weather Friends which, alongside Applejack, explores the competitive side of Rainbow Dash, which is complemented with the little things in The Crystal Empire.


    -Then, Sonic Rainboom, which, while it shows Rainbow's worry for her wish to impress the Wonderbolts, it's more about her insecurities on herself.


    -The next three episodes explored, in one way or another, the face of Dash that worries about her image (and if you realize, she does this almost as much as Rarity). May the Best Pet Win was about her getting the coolest pet that "complemented" with her "coolness" (which she realizes that the best pet was the one who was the most loyal even if not the most "cool" ever), The Mysterious Mare Do Well, which is all about how she loves her image as "savior" of Ponyville and being the fastest of all and such, and Read It and Weap, which is her worrying about the image of how she looks in front of others.


    -While not technically a protagonist, Hurricane Fluttershy showed the side of the cyan-colored pegasus that respected her friends, especially one as close as Fluttershy. While being her in-character persistent personality she respected Fluttershy, even though she felt disappointed. Ironically, aside from showing Fluttershy's determination, it showed her loyalty to her friend, rather than the other way around.


    -Once more, while not technically a protagonist, Griffon the Brush-Off showed the side of Rainbow that is is loyal to her true friends. She realized who was the friends she should care about, not a jerky one like Gilda.


    And finally we get this episode. This is Rainbow and loyalty to the fullest. But I don't think this was so much as to her friends. Rather, herself. Being loyal to your own morals. She realized what was going on with Lightning Dust, and the line was getting crossed more and more. It was when the tornado created by them that almost killed her friends that the line got crossed. Enough was enough. Somepony got mad, and she went as far as sacrificing her ultimate dream to not let her morals feel like they were going to be tweaked. Pushing yourself is one thing. Ignoring any other consecuences? Heh, sorry, ain't gonna happen. And as a plus, it IS true that if Spitfire had something to say, RD didn't really gave her time before to say it. She was willing to abandon her dream not only because it would be against her morals, but also because she lost faith in one of the ponies she admires the most. Spitfire then reinvindicated the train of thought Dash had, and with her faith in her probably soon-to-be mentor and the fact that she realized her morals weren't going to be destroyed by staying in the academy, RD's brain lit up like a Christmas tree and of course, accepted the Lead Pony position. And finally, the humble face that RD showed by not voicing her disgust at being Wing Pony, simply, because at the moment it still meant working with Lightning Dust, and also, that she recognized LD had been more bold than she had (even if in the end, this proved to be LD's downfall and mistake).


    This is, what I think, learning on the side of Dash and continuity on the evolution of her character. She now showed that she is not going to ignore the rest of the consecuences as much as she might have done before. No. This time is different. This is of course, still Rainbow Dash the one we're talking about. The only one who beats her tactlessness is Spike. This is why I also believe that Merriwether did a wonderful job of exploring this side of Rainbow Dash. If anything, she might as well have this planned from before. And her writing Dash as a complete egotistical pony and then as her super loyal personality is something I see as intended to start showing the different faces of Rainbow Dash.


    Like Dark Qiviut said, I too believe that RD is the most difficult character to write. And if I put together all that I have seen from her, I think they have done an excellent job so far.


    Then we got Lightning Dust. She's like Rainbow Dash but without the good traits of that rainbow-maned pegasus. Pushing herself as much as she could...without giving a single care to whoever was in the way. Her last face when exiting the academy still avoids my garsp however. Was it a face of remorse...or was it the face that asked for a second chance? If she got booted out so quickly, I'm inclined to believe that it was the latter, but I'm not entirely sure.


    And then we got Spitfire. First things first, dem classy sunglasses. Nuff said. Second, her voice DID seem a little different to me, but I didn't give it any further thought, simply, because this is the Spitfire that has to, you know, show that completely serious face as if part of the mmilatry force, which technically, she is a part of. Spitfire is probably laidback, but this is the academy that shows her, as probable captain of the Wonderbolts, who has material to be a Wonderbolt. And I'm pretty sure it has to be the best of the best of the best. Not only you have to be a good entertainer, but also being under the orders of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna themselves. That alone means something really, really big. You have to have charisma, skill, speed, agility, determination, confidence, willing to push your limits, teamworking skill, heart, leadership, respect for others, coordination. All that in a single pony. And I'm also sure, that all those things in just one pony isn't something you normally come by. And as a plus, like any teacher or authority figure of sorts, you have to be imparcial, every time and anytime even if you happen to know a pony more personally, like RD. past relationships don't matter when testing yourself. Only what you show is what matters.


    I've also seen things about giving LD a second chance, like Trixie. Well, there's a problem. Trixie WAS kind of corrupted by the amulet (although she wasn't in Boast Busters), and second, the apology came as a personal thing with Twilight. That and she DID show remorse. With Lightning, I can't really tell if she did show any remorse, and as a plus, this was an academy, so think of it like school. If any person/pony had almost willingly avoided the safety of others and almost KILLED five people/ponies and almost severely hurt others...yeah, I think that would require expulsion regardless of how one might feel.


    And then we have the little things. First, the return of the OMGOMGOMGOMG, which I thought was awesome and cute, the return of Snowflake and Cloud Chaser (and of course, "Snowy" was hilarious as always ^_^ ), the lightning trail that LD left, the return of the balloon, the great animation for the "dizzy machine" (can't remember the name if it had one), the interesting place that was the Wonderbolt Academy, Pinkie moving mountains with her megaphone which makes me wonder if Luna and her Royal Canterlot voice would pretty much tear them apart with it, and AJ mentioning Twilight learning spells from Celestia.


    Finally, like others said, the academy was supposed to go on for just a week. In other words, this is like the test to prove who has potential for Wonderbolt, and who does not. But I'm guessing there will be an actual test for that when it happens...if it happens, that of RD becoming a Wonderbolt.


    Last thought (I liked this episode like any pony episode, AKA a lot :) )......................if Applejack's "IT'S A TWISTER!" is NOT  a reference to the movie "Twister" I will personally watch that movie to confirm it. :ph34r:




    Officially-the-Only-Brony-Who-Was-Not-Bothered-By-RD's Characterization-In-The Mysterious Mare Do Well.

    Let me correct you right there, because you're NOT the only one. I also belong to the species that actually liked The Mysterious Mare Do Well, both analytically and normally. :)


    AJ needs some sort of Feeling Pinkie Keen sort of episode naow.

    Next episode will be Apple Family Reunion, AKA an Applejack episode. And if the synopsis tells me something, I think we'll see some more development from AJ. :) Besides, Feeling Pinkie Keen was wrote by Dave Polsky (or is it that she's your favorite writer?)


    I don't know if it's just me but Lighting Dust seems like a slight sociopath.
    I agree, Lightning Dust seemed quite sociopathic to me. No real conscience of any kind, no concern for anyone besides herself, that was my interpretation as well


    I don't think Lightning Dust reaches the level of a sociopath. Blinded by her dreams and desires? Sure, but not quite a sociopath. I think she would have to be more reserved and quiet and less of a social person for that, EVEN if she wasn't that remorseful. She would have to be WAY less emotional, IMO. However, another factor is, that I still have no idea what her face at the end represents. To me, it's either "Please...give me another chance" or "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" I honestly can't put my finger on it.

    • Brohoof 5
  3. I think this is a great idea! But i think the problem is, that I don't know what axactly could you use that helps the forum and the community AND can be done as an optional thing.


    I thought about people maybe asking for a temporary moderator job until the warning points disappear or the user stopped being one (whichever comes first). But then I thought about it, and I think there are a bit more of cons than pros, plus the fact it might be more counterproductive than productive or helpful (but I'll leave the staff to correct me or agree with me).


    The only section that I think counts as "being able to help people out" is either on creative resources, comissions or Life Advice or maybe even wishing someone a happy birthday (taking out critique on fan art and such). But I don't see how could you calculate the warning points taken off or such, plus the fact that the sections would be better if it was by voluntary thought rather than just a way out to get warning points down.


    The last thing I thought of was maybe of promoting the forums somehow, but I don't think you can shave off warning points for something you don't know if the person did or not.


    Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. :unsure:

  4. One does not simply get bored of 4chan.

    4chan is overrated...says the guy who never entered. :P And I never will.


    Anyway, it's late here guys, so I better go to sleep. See y'all and goodnight! :)

  5. Looks great! Kinda jealous you have a good art for your OC

    Thank you!  :D


    And also, I'm lucky I have a friend who knows a thing or two about art. ^_^ Maybe i could ask him to do art of your OC if you wished and he is willing.

  6. Hola, Arcy!

    I'm doing ok. A little hungry and with another mild headache again, but i do have food so one problem is partially solved.


    How are you?

    Kind of tired, after making my OC character sheet and tennis class and editing a chapter of a story that I am an editor of, but ok!


    Outrageously pissed from the episode leaks. We supposedly have the entire week to bask ourselves in the finally canon Scootalove :c

    Interestingly enough, I haven't even seen NEWS for the leaks yet. And I don't plan to watch them anyway. I have learned to strengthen myself. :P 


    Also, I believe this is of relevance to you two.




    Besides the fact that I feel rather good with it, it's also Berry approved. :D  


    just like the end of the internet... it has Molestia...and if you're lucky (like a choose your own adventure book) she's the tumblr style and not the sadist style...


    I totally have to write a choose your own adventure book around that concept, which Molestia will you run into

    Since the tumblr one can lead to fun times with Gamer Luna, I'll take being with her any day. Oh, and cute Derpy. That's a nice plus. 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. WHOA! You're right! *_* Wow! I loooooove Tara Strong. She inspires me. :) Thanks! I appreciate it!

    On hindsight, now you could pose yourself as Tara Strong. And it fits because then all people around would say "Oh my Celestia...Twilight DID a time trip...EHRMAHGERD CELESTIA SAVE US ALL!"...and you're welcome. ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  8. It seems I only got a few photos from when I was blonde in high school. I'm thinking of going blonde again during summer.... any thoughts???? :P (My hair has gotten quite a bit longer since then..... so it will be long. :P)

    ...So...you kind of look like a younger Tara Strong...AKA, the VA for Twilight Sparkle...and then my mind was all "MINDBLOWN!"...and you look cute! :)

    • Brohoof 2
  9.  I need to make sure things are safe for poor Lapis. I love both my OCs very dearly.

    I know Berry. That I do. :) 


    Ah shoot I forgot that :x Welp, at least I will know where to asks when I need a cloud cover

    Ah. But be careful. Arcanel is not fond of helping criminals. Or pranksters. :P 


    Anyway, Guys. Gotta go. That's the sun coming out. Which means I should prolly go to sleep. See ya guys and goodnight! :)  

    • Brohoof 2
  10. When it's done you must post the linky here! Unicorn/Pegasus/Earthling?

    Will do my friend. I just hope I do okay. :) 


    And also, didn't Berry mention it before? Arcanel is a good ol' pegasus. 27-year old brown-maned white pegasus to be exact. ^_^

  11. I love this song, along with the other one. It's kind of evil.

    Guess what, I never played either of the Portal games, but I know the song. :lol: I WANT to play the games but...never had the money to buy the games.


    @,@, Also, have I mentioned how much I laugh when you guys turn this thread into almost the other OOC thread from the RP? :P

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Yeah, better use a normal, your everyday, down-to-earth, mortal pony before you try anything fancy. So, how's your OC going?

    Aye. I just started anyway. Only a hardcore RPer would go to "Dante Must Die" mode when starting. :P 


    And I think it's going good. By tomorrow, I should have the OC character sheet ready to be checked by Berry, and with luck, posted. 

    • Brohoof 2
  13. Berry, you are either a genius or naturally gifted at figuring out my machinations.

    According to Berry, I'm supposed to be good at analyzing. Maybe so, but when an RP comes up, back the hell down, HERE COMEs BERRY PIE! 

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Ok, then, id have to! :lol:

    And I would gladly help you. :) Plus you probably wouldn't have that much trouble fitting in. I always tend to think that Argentina is kind of the USA of South America, but with less money, more stupid, and smaller in size.


    @@Arcanel, You overthinking the whole roleplay thing.... 

    Haha, don't worry Berry. I overthink EVERYTHING. This shouldn't surprise you. :lol: But worry not Berry-sensei. If I use my skills when roleplaying, it shall as I KNOW I should use them. I'll be good with my mind, I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

  15. Many have tried, countless have fallen U44KB.png


    A good Mary Sue is a Mary Sue that never really use its traits


    Now that's kinda unusual... I never see things like that before.


    So, you planned to use this plan in your 1st RP? lEJ9q.png




    What n3WKz.png

    I could guess enough. Making a good Mary Sue is an art.


    Also, wait, is it possible for a Mary Sue not to act as a Mary Sue? I mean I could understand a Mary Sue not wanting to be a Mary Sue, but is anyway, but isn't a Mary Sue supposed to act like Mary Sue, regardless of everything, otherwise it stops being a Mary Sue?


    And of course it's unusual, nobody dares. :ph34r: But I don't blame anybody. It'd be nice to see stuff like the things I mentioned well done, but then again, the one who dares must have some serious confidence and skills.


    And HELL NO! I'm not about to go all kamikaze! :P I'm just discussing posibilities. If I actually were tyo do it myself, then it will be when I have enough confidence in my skills and the gall to do it. Which I don't think will happen in a GOOD while. Plus, first timer with a Mary Sue?


    While I am insane, I'm not THAT insane, and I'd rather keep whatever sanity I have, left intact.



    And also, think about it. Making an RP imgining people who are making an RP, therefore you're making a story of storymakers and the story of the storymakers. :ph34r:

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Nah, ill be fine without. Thanks for the offer though. :)

    And suddenly, you're trapped in Argentina. What do? :P


    But you're welcome. :)


    Mary Sue past is one-ticket way to ruin a good character imo. If an OC needs a terrible past to be awesome, instead of be awesome in the present, then it's ain't awesome. Writing a Mary Sue character without driving other roleplayers run screaming is very tricky... You know nobody enjoys to be used as a cheerleader for the Mary Sue :x I might be wrong though. Until now I never really see a good Mary Sue roleplayer.

    I understand all that you said. In fact, that should be an advanced exam of a roleplayer.


    Make a situation where a Mary Sue character could enter and not cause trouble and/or create  Mary Sue character that is not annoying. I have the feeling few would pass. ^_^


    It really depends on how you make it. If an RP is comedic enough to allow it, a Mary Sue character could initiate laughhs galore should the others decide to take action INSIDE the RP due to how annoying the character is. A "Mary Sue past" chracter could be allowed should the transition of a "Fall from Grace" style is well done (that's what I meant by the way. Having being LIKE  a Mary Sue in the past, but not afterwards), and the amount of identity and self-hate that one could have because of how much one DESPISES hving the traits of what would be considered a Mary Sue. Ironically, you could make an RP about an RP and you'd be set...

  17. Mary Sue is a Mary Sue regardless if the character wants it or not. But to be fair, Mary Sue can't really be described in simple manner :x

    I see...you know the reason I ask is, not because I "defend" the characters, but because I'd like to see an RP and/or story that was good and had a Mary Sue. And I think that you CAN use one if it is either, for comedic purposes, or the character doesn't want to be a Mary Sue or maybe even one that had a "Mary Sue past", so to speak.

  18. @,@@Jinx, When suddenly, in the ads that appear in the forum, A WILD SPANISH LESSONS AD APPEARS!

    "I'll never speak Spanish" that's what I used to think. Until this. FREE SPANISH LESSONS.


    You can imagine how hard I was trying not to laugh given that it is 3:41AM over here. :lol:  

    • Brohoof 1
  19. @,@, @@Starshine, Yo guys! I wanted to ask, what I hope is not an annoying question.


    If a Mary Sue doesn't desire to have the traits of a Mary Sue, is he/she still a Mary Sue?




    Butt crack is nice VnCRQ.png

    The more mythical the butt, the merrier


    Why am I not surprised of you saying that? :P

    • Brohoof 1
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