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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. You are right def. I was just stoping by for a bit...


    Ill be online more come next week but its always nice to chat here :)

    Will do bro, and glad you like it! The more the chat, the more the fun!




    I couldn't even do the basics. :x


    You dont even know the half of it....


    Aah, thanks for le clarification!


    I'm not Bravo. :c

    And I also for some reason see this happening, and again, I'm sorry my language caused you trouble.


    And no prob! Although I should say that technically, a Spanish person is obviously a Spanish-speaking person, hence why there could be confusion, but just be sure that Any perons that speaks Spanish, is a Spanish-speaking person, which would be anyone from Spain or (I should have corrected myself before) Hispanic America. There. NOW it's the correct explanation.


    No, but you sure have traits that would make him proud. :P




    No real trouble, it's an easy language to learn. It's got less rules than English does at least.

    It depends on what rules. What always tell people is difficult is the fact we have like, 19 something verb times that spread around 3 modes of conjugation. THAT could throw people off.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Uuuuuh....Egypts in Africa?....

    I mean, seriously, i have no idea. Geography isn't my strong suit. It's vidja games and being a beast at Gears.



    Speaking of Gears.... I made someone ragequit earlier today. I laughed and danced heartily on his grave shortly afterwards.

    What has school and your mind retained? :P Nah, just kidding.


    Making someone ragequit sounds like fun. ^_^




    I took Spanish for 2 years in high school, I took 2 Spanish classes in college. It's just one of those things where if you don't use it, you lose it. I can do basic things, but I'd have to look up some of the conjugation rules if I tried anything past that right now.

    I can clearly see this happening, and I'm sorry my language has caused your trouble.

  3. I find your lack of butt crack disturbing :V

    I find your talk about butt crack, disturbing. :blink: 



    I tried learning Spanish once.

    Worst idea ever. Never again.

    There's a difference? :wacko:

    And no, but it works in this situation. :lol:

    Too difficult I presume?


    And yes. One is the Spanish person, AKA person from Spain. And there's the Spanish-speaking person, which is pretty much all of Latin America, AKA, almost all of America.


    And I still see you're Johnny Bravo. :ph34r:

    • Brohoof 2
  4. Yeah Puerto Rico has gotten really bad I was telling haven today about how bad it has gotten down there. I used to go there every summer when i was younger to visit family and such. But now I don't want to go now because of how bad it has gotten :(

    And look at Mexico and all the problem with the drug dealers and stuff...(sigh). But seriously though, let's not talk about this, because both of us will get quickly depressed. All need to do is mention "economy" and I will tell how much it sucks here nowadays. Let's not count the idiotic government, the insecurity, etc, etc. :(


    Let's talk about the good stuff, shall we? :)


    Oh, and did I ever tell you how cute your avvi and siggy are? :wub:

    • Brohoof 1
  5. ponies' fur can shook off sands easily, as long as the pony is dry of course

    Beach...sand...not getting wet...good luck with that. :P But even then, the I still thin it would be much, much more difficult to take out.




    Silly ponies, who goes to the beach to avoid the water? I don't see the point of a pony going to the beach to get a tan.

    Being the guy who normally avoids the sun but goes to the water, I correlate with this entirely. :mellow:

  6. Puerto Ricans are awesome

    (Sigh) Everyone in the Caribbean is awesome. I compare it to Argentina and it sounds really better than others. Maybe I'm just jealous because some really bad stuff happens around and I'd be a bad person if I just went and ignored that. (You guys are probably still better than us though). 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Beaches suck balls. The sands get everywhere, even to your butt crack :c
    This guy gets it. 

    Mares, please. I'd LOVE to be in the places where you guys are! At least, the water near you is probably warmer than mine. And probably cleaner. And probably better altogether. I've been to my beaches enough to know this. I went to Brazil and it was a DAMN PARADISE. So...sorry, ain't gonna agree here. Afraid you're gonna get sand in your uncomfortable places? Suck it up and enjoy anyway. :P


    No thank you.

    Awwww. :( 


    That name you said. Clearly you made it up, right?

    Hah hah, not at all my delicious pastry! That's the island of Florianopolis in Brazil. In fact, I went there around 5 years ago and it was GREAT!


    Honestly, hurricanes haven't caused me much problems over the past few years. They never choose to do any damage to my area. The last one to cause lasting problems was a very long time ago. I'm a lucky boy.

    Well, that's probably because you're not close enough to the southest part of the stat3e, nor that close enough to the beach, if I could say a reason.


    Maybe beaches would be better if you have thick fur and walks on four hooves?

    er, but wouldn't the sand get stuck in FUR, which would be even MORE difficult to wash? 

  8. It's a fact of life. Too bad I never learned... Also, my best friend is Puerto Rican.


    Surely you jest.

    Yeah, old people. Yup, it's mostly just old people and people who speak Spanish. 

    You know, I could teach if you wanted. Me, Sparky or probably Gone Airbourne could. :)


    Uh...in which sense would I be jesting?


    I was gonna say "and hurricanes" but that's just wrong.




    I can tell you lots of Spanish people are there. Good lord. But with them, fine mamacitas can also be found near by.

    Correction: Spanish-speaking people. I'm pretty sure there aren't that many Spanish people there. And who the hell are you? Johnny Bravo? :P

    • Brohoof 1
  9. That first one needs to be animated. No fun otherwise.


    The second was great though.

    Pffft, I don't need no animation when I hear those voices! SERIOUSLY! Blackgryph0n, the maker of the "-licious" videos among others TOTALLY sounds like Iron Will! And the other one, Eilemonty....she HAS to act in an Egyptian role! Aggressive Egytian voice for Zecora? Like with Berry, HELL TO THE BUCKING YEAH! But I hope it is somewhere along the way. By the way, Have you seen the other EPRBoE videos?


    And eeyup. ERB is definitely making some great stuff. I can't even choose who won!

  10. Silly fun.

    You know, I was kind of expecting someone with a voice close to Zecora's...but aggressive Egyptian voice? HELL TO THE BUCKING YEAH! B)



    Uhhh, maybe? People go to the beach. A lot. Like, it's something you need to do at least once to consider yourself a true Floridian. Or at least, if you live near the coast. No idea how land locked people who live in the center of Florida are like.


    Probably. I've lived here for 19 years, and I can't name one thing about this place that sticks out. Maybe because I have no idea what goes on elsewhere to compare...

    What did I miss? 

    Seems like it. You guys are like "To the beach...I GO!" a lot for what I can see. Although for hat my parents told me, lots of people speak Spanish there, which I almost find hilarious. ^_^


    And surely there is. It's a big enough state, why wouldn't there be. At I'd like to say that your beaches stand out the same the ones in Mexico or Brazil are. Bring me Florianopolis, Cancun and Miami and I'd definitely have a hard choice picking one. But I'm sure there's something else other than "BEACHES MAN. BEEEEEACHESSSSSSSSS!" :lol:

  11. Okay, a few more random thoughts that I have about Luna's dream-entering power, then I will be done.


    First, are the ponies of Equestria actually aware that Luna has this power? Allow me to reproduce some of the dialogue from the episode, when Luna introduces herself to Scootaloo in her dream:


    SCOOTALOO:  You are so, so much better than the Headless Horse! But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Canterlot?

    LUNA: I am the princess of the night. Thus it is my duty to come into your dreams.

    SCOOTALOO: Oh, yeah... (while looking sideways with her hoof to her chin) Wait, this is just a dream? But it feels so real!


    The question in my mind is, was Scootaloo's "Oh, yeah..." more of an "Oh, yeah, now I remember learning that that is one of Luna's duties" or was it more of an "Oh, yeah, I never knew that before but it makes sense since Luna is the princess of the night and all"?


    If the ponies of Equestria are NOT aware that Luna has this power, then why not? Don't the ponies of Equestria deserve to know that Luna might enter their dreams? Wouldn't it be beneficial for ponies to know that Luna might enter their dreams and that they should be sure to seek her out and listen to her advice? Even if Princess Luna doesn't make some kind of worldwide declaration that she does this, wouldn't the ponies which have had Luna visit their dreams tell others and spread the word?


    The questions about invasion of privacy and handing too much power to an authority figure basically boil down to: do the ponies of Equestria trust Luna to use her dream-entering power wisely and judiciously? Maybe in the fantastical world of Equestria, Luna and Celestia are wholly benevolent rulers who can always be trusted to use their great powers only in the interest of their subjects. In the real world, though, authority figures can rarely (if ever) be always trusted not to abuse powers given to them. This is why we have inalienable rights which are (supposedly) protected by law. Thus the show seems unrealistic to me in that the rulers of Equestria apparently can be and are trusted not to abuse their enormous powers.


    Along that same train of thought, though, we do have to consider that the intended audience of the show is supposed to be little kids. To some extent, little kids do have to be taught to trust and obey authority figures (parents, teachers, etc.). However, at some point, those same kids also should be taught to think for themselves and not to just believe or do anything that an authoritative figure tells them. While it may be comforting to believe that authority figures will always be looking out for you and your best interests, that will not always be the case. With those things in mind, is the portrayal in the show of total trust in Celestia and Luna that I explained above appropriate?

    You're gonna kill me man!...Nah, just kidding. :P


    Anyway, I don't think Scootaloo had enough time to wonder either of the choices you mentioned until the part of her brain that went "Wait, what?" on that it was a dream and not reality.


    As for your other questions, Luna and Celstia probably have countless spells nobody knew they could do. Dreamwalking could easily be one of them regardless of how powerful it actually is. As for it being beneficial, sure, but I think only Luna would know if their nightmare is the result of something scary, or something far deeper, as she's the one able to "see through" the dream, so to speak.  And also, Luna would be FILLED with people looking for help, and I don't think our dear Princess of the Night could handle that, and she might as well not have all the answers. And finally, the ponies might as well not remember their dreams. And as plus, I'm sure some of them would anyway, as it would happen regardless of anything else, but we don't really know enough to make such an assumption.


    The trust issue with Luna is something yet to be seen. I'd like to think they would, but I can't really tell for sure. However, if she keeps on doing good things that spread a good word for her, she'll be fine, as they already trust fully in Celestia. And also, watch out when you say authority figures, because a LOT of them can be trusted. Maybe not so much in politics, but that's another thing entirely.


    Finally, I believe that Celestia has been benevolent enough and protector of Equestria that ponies trusting her isn't really surprising. Luna still probably has to mend some things here and there, but she's making it. The authority thing however, is something much more subjective, and each individual can trust whatever THEY think is right to do, and how they can handle it.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. He's a writer. Of course he can write. But it takes something else to roleplay. You must act and react! Nothing you learn as a writer truly prepares you for that.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly, aside from what I just wrote. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 1
  13. I find that picture particularly apt because it's wonderful how impressed Twilight is with what Pinkie's brought together. Pinkie's outdone herself on the preparations this time.

    ...Not sure if joking...or just being Kyro. :ph34r: Eh, chalk it up to my head being weird. I think I disconnected to an intention somewhere in the midst. *shrug* 


    Dayum. *insert your avvy here* All that from the top of your head? Please, again, tell me why you need RP lessons?

    *clears throat* *puts on glasses* While I possess the imagination that could be useful  for participating and/or creating RP's, Roleplaying requires a different structure that I'm not used to nor have ever used, not forgetting the fact that RP'ing also involves a lot of change between 3rd person and 1st person, having a story where you're interacting with other members and their own OC's, having to acknowledge every sub-story that happens around you, never forgetting the personalities of each OC, and also the fact that participating or creating an RP involves doing something that the rest of the members will appreciate and can work with, as well as establishing and/or following the rules done and/or created by the DM, whether this be me or someone else. And finally, I'd rather not insult the good RP players by doing something I could at least asked about. If gona learn, better do it right. I'd ratlher make Berry proud of me and I intend not to get cocky right now. Plus, if we all get our GCT RP and all of us can do this well, then you, me, Star and Berry will have a nice experience. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Yer weird.


    I have moose tracks ice cream.

    And you realize this now, after almost 2500 posts of me here? :P


    Moose tracks...er...my mind does not know AND compute that.



    Dude, play Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit if you haven't. Just DO IT! 

  15. Corrupting? I see no corruption here.

    There isn't...yet. :P Nah, I'm just joking. Besides, if there WAS corruption, I'd think that's when my mind has gone too dark, and I would likely recur to the mind bleach. I am, however, still laughing my flank off.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. I hope I didn't actually post this earlier. It was goofing up, the posting system was.

    Oh don't worry Kyro. It's okay if you had posted it earlier before anyway. The impact is the same. Laughing your flank off at something that ends up corrupting your mind forevermore, amen.

  17. God, I have the worst headache right now. I believe it has something to do with me not eating anything all day.   I need food.

    I bring the cart food. Everything's for free, help yourself. :) 


    Psychopath, eh? I really wanna see this one day.

    Pffft, you don't need to. I can already write like as if I was a psycopath. Check this out.


    "So...I see that you're going to arrest me, aren't you?...Well, that IS very nice and all, but aren't you forgetting that I LIKE to be handcuffed? That I'll be screaming so loud how horny I am and to take me right then and there? And that when you get tired, I will kick you, and start deforming your face so much it won't be recognized? And that then, I will eat your flesh, piece by piece, organ by organ, inch by inch, until there's not a single drop of blood left? Until not a speck of bone dust is left? You are entitled to forget all this but...you know...maybe killing me wouldn't be so bad? Don't you think? Don't you wanna pull that a gun and put a bullet in my head? Come on...that's it...slowly lift your gun and kill me..yes...that's it...kill me...KILL ME...KILL ME LIKE THE BASTARD I KNOW YOU ARE! KILL ME LIKE YOU ENJOY IT LIKE I KNOW YOU DO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


    And trust me, I can pull a creepy enough voice for that. :ph34r:

    • Brohoof 1
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