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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. Basically its you going over stuff you already learned in school previously that you didn't pick up like you should have. Something along those lines.


    Aah. :lol:

    Such a silly pony you are. X3

    The hell? Anything I read that had "remedial" I would insta associate with anything with "remedy". This is why, people start learning English over at Argentina, I think. Because you guys make so many words that just mean something completely different and they have ANOTHER meaning...and it just confuses the hell out of someone. :P


    And yes, yes I am. Good thing I like to be silly. ^_^ (on hindsight, if you were to ask me to act, I can make two good roles. I'm a pretty good silly person, but I can also be a pretty good psycopath...not even joking).

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Remedial lesson... 

    Aye. Although, I have no idea what remedial means, :P




    I'm not quite sure how that relates, but I meant "site". :lol:

    In my mind, I somehow formed the thought that the site had suddenly gone too red and/or green, therefore kind of merssing up your vision. Ignore the silly colt behind the curtain, for he right now appears to be high on NFS, regardless of that being impossible to happen. ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Not much. The site kinda bugged on my end

    Not much to me, but oh well.



    I'm ok. Would be better if the sight didn't keep dropping at such a time.



    Also, puruser just means they go looking for. FYI. ;)

    Considering you're R/G colorblind, I don't know whether you mean sight or site. :ph34r:


    Awesome, then it is almost time. I shall host my first RP, and hopefully you two will learn a thing or two.

    If I did, then I'll be very happy. If I don't...time for Winter/Summer lessons. 

  4. Good evening GCT! How's everyone doing? And...


    I AM ALIVE! :lol:


    For the love of Luna, I missed so much...then again, I always miss the interesting things when I'm not here so I shouldn't be surprised XD. Let's see...RP talk, crusading talk, Kyro somehow putting in the same sentences the words "puruser" and "pony pr0n", and making me wonder if wanna know if puruser means "that uses" or "that looks for", more Christmas avvis, Jinx making cute OC, apprently new non-brony member who might join the GCT, and guy who apprently will marry Twilight Sparkle which makes sad as all hell. Oh, and CD, NewCalamity and Scootacool came by. And Sparky played therapist recently in the same way I would have done, and Haven met Gone Airbourne, which makes me really happy =).


    In my defense, my parents just came back from their 2 week half holiday-half work thingy this Monday (and no I didn't go with them, so they left me and my sister by ourselves in out house) and brought me plenty of nice stuff, the best being, a black shirt that has Darth Vader playing drums with the light sabers, Wonka candies, and a little bunch of games. One of them being Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit.


    THAT. GAME. TOTALLY. ROCKS! I never thought I'd see the day where I could drive a Koeniggsegg Agera, and then drive a Bugatti Veyron...made for cops! The last 15 hours in two days spent in that game are totally worth it, even though i'm almost about to finish it XD.


    Also, Berry I swear, I will rork with RP stuff and my OC within this hours. Celestia stike me with the friendship cannon if I don't.



    ...so...my little rant aside...how's everyone doing?

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Welp, here's me again. It may look like I'm deep in thought, but I'm actually just having a major headache.

    I think what you'd be wondering there is "What the hell am I doing crouching in the grass?" :P



    Heck, I look too ridiculously Asian.

    Buck that, you look ridiculously cute. That is all.


    Is today "wear a skirt and show your nipple" day?

    No, this is the day we wear things we would never, EVER wear normally while making stupid faces.






    This is what happens when in a school project, you happen to be the only guy in the group, and you're also very good at acting. ^_^


    Since I also want to retain my dignity have this.





    See the guy with the classy as hell smoking? That be me.  B)

    • Brohoof 5
  6. You're too busy ogling on ponies

    Maybe, but I know it's late when you see the sun coming out. Chatting takes more time of your day than I thought. Go figurel. Oh well, food for the soul.

    Ya know, once it passes somewhere after 5:00 its not considered late anymore, but early. :lol:

    FCE? :wacko:
    You should tell me what that is when you return.

    And yes, that more than likely is the sun~



    FCE= First Certificate in English.


    Basically, the exam that and certificate that allows you to work on other places outside yours when you're a non-natural English speaker. Me and a friend took between two days ago and yesterday. And I believe we did well!...Umm...too tired to use emotes. Will do more later.


    I just wanted to pass by. Goodni...er...morning? I dont even know.

  7. Posting ponies. Duh.

    Normally, I'd agree, and I also normally say hi, but the fact it's so late I can already hear the birds of the morning, probably tells me that it's too damn late.


    I should also say, that I'll return to tulpa thinking, RP learning, and GCT camping tomo-...er...later, since I have now finished the FCE...agh, my eyes...wait a minute...IS THAT THE SUN!?

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I'm gonna!!! o_O


    when you right click, there should be an option of your browser to copy the URL of the image, try that way! D:

    But I had already tried it and it didn't work either! I think the forum doesn't allow any Facebook image whatsoever. :(

  9. Again, 'whether we see the scooter again or not'. I don't mind it returning either and I imagine it might, since Scoots isn't suddenly going to be able to fly in the next episode we see her in (or at least I hope that wouldn't be the case), was just making a point, and it was made. She may learn to fly thanks to Dash one day, and find that her cutie mark may end up being something relating to her scootering abilities, after she had expected it to be something related to flying.   --   If the episode writers bothered making Luna capable of invading dreams in the first place, and put her in this episode to try and teach Scootaloo to overcome her fear of Rainbow Dash's rejection, then I'd think it makes a lot more sense, and also makes everything a lot more interesting if Luna was aware of the danger, and got Rainbow to wake up on purpose.   After all, if one of the others had woken up, noticed Scootaloo was gone, and awoken Dash to inform her, I wouldn't think they'd be like 'Oh, hey Rainbow, you go look for the lost filly who could be in danger. I'll go back to sleep.' No, they would have gone with Rainbow to assist in trying to locate Scootaloo. The climactic and adorable ending might not have happened then, since it wouldn't have just been Dash and Scoots. However, if we look at the 'Luna woke Dash and Dash alone' scenario, things would have been working in her favor, because Luna would have known that this moment had to be a heart-to-heart between just the two of them, and no one else.   Luna came into the moon at just the right moment, and then later, she winked to Scootaloo in the fillies' dream after Raindream Dash the Big Sister came to her rescue. To me that just further hints to the idea that Luna had been kinda orchestrating this to turn out the way it did.   Thus, I think Luna woke Dash through her own dreams :3

    Well,if all that you said happens, she starts flying making tricks alongside Rainbow Dash, and on the ground, becomes like Eliza Streamer in the real world, I'm gonna be a VERY happy man. :D


    And, to defend my own theory, Dash IS the fastest of ponies on the searching manner because she can fly faster than anyone, and she's the only one who could have flown. That alone gives her a very huge edge on speed. Or, between waiting for Rarity and Sweetie Belle, or viceversa or similar, RD could have already flown on her own.


    HOWEVER, given that one of my theories is that Luna can sense when a pony could use some help in the nightmares and/or is able to enter a sort of Collective Conscious a la Psychonauts that allows her to enter the dreams of other ponies, your theory is also awesome, so I can agree :3.


    The thing that gets me about the campfires is that the creators deliberately chose to show not one, but two major inaccuracies. The first is the incorrect use of the bow drill, and the second is the pathetically small amount of firewood used. I understand that it may not have been very realistic to show ponies using matches, and maybe the creators didn't want to show kids how to light matches for safety reasons. I think that if they wanted to show the campfires being lit, they could have shown Applejack using the bow drill (still incorrectly) to light some tinder surrounded by kindling and logs. I can't think of a good reason why they didn't show that a campfire consists of more than 3-4 sticks, or that at the very least, a bow drill is used to light tinder and not used directly on the campfire fuel.    Besides, It was not even necessary to show the campfires being lit in either case - it was not essential to the plot and would not be particularly interesting except for the inaccuracies. With some minor edits, the campfire scenes could have just cut to the characters sitting around an already-lit campfire. Yet instead, the creators chose to show the campfires being lit with the two major inaccuracies.

    The use of the bow drill I could chalk it up to the way it's used. They HAVE to create a different way to use the bow drill since they are, well, ponies (although I might be misunderstanding something you said). As for the rest, sorry, here's when I throw my "It's a fantasy show, this is as good as it gets" card XD.


    However, the writers did say they wanted to keep on explaining the world of Equestria, so making us learn how they would light a campfire seems like a nice thing IMO. The more they can tell us how the ponies do things we'd normally do, the more we can understand how they live and stuff.


    Right now, I can think of three problems I have with Luna's new ability to enter into dreams. One is that it has the potential to be abused as a deus ex machina plot device or cheap explanation to cover inconsistencies later.    Second is that I think Luna's ability to do this is a significant invasion of privacy. Did the ponies of Equestria agree that Luna should be doing this? Can individuals or parents on behalf of their children choose to opt out? That is, can they say "I can handle my/my child's nightmares myself, I don't want Luna to invade the private dreams of me/my child"? Even if ponies could opt out, what guarantee could there be that Luna wouldn't riffle through their dreams anyway? Is there any redress of grievances if Luna gives someone bad advice, or gives a child advice that contradicts what his or her parents are trying to teach? If someone ignores Luna's advice, does she keep coming back and insisting that he or she take her advice until they do?   Third is just that I am uncomfortable with Celestia and Luna becoming too God-like in their powers. In part this is because of my first point - basically the writers being able to give the two of them any necessary powers to advance the plot. Furthermore, Celestia and Luna being too powerful might make them less believable and relatable as characters. But also (this is my individualistic philosophy showing), I don't like authority figures with massive power (with massive potential for abuse) over millions of individuals being portrayed as entirely benevolent and deserving of trust and adoration.

    Well, Luna would only use her power to help out ponies rather than anything else. I don't think there are many situations where dreamwalking would have an opportunity to be used as a deux ex machina. If it was the mind, then that's another story. But Luna can only enter dreams, not minds, it seems.


    Plus, as much as it is a sort of privacy invasion, Luna probably only uses her power when she sees that the pony in question would not feel intruded, rather aleviated to see her. A random use of it doesn't seem like something Luna would do. I'd rather like to believe that she'd use her power ONLY when she feels she's not being an intrusion nor insulting anypony at all. I don't think she'd enter a filly's/colt's dreams unless she thought her/his parents aren't capable to see it, or the child won't talk about it. Luna was already at loose terms with Equestrians, the last thing she wants to do is do something bad. Again.


    I don't think that Luna and Celestia have become WAY too powerful. Sure they are very, very powerful, but I don't think it has reached that level just yet. Look at the villains. They had to use the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord, they had to work together to banish King Sombra and Celestia wasn't able to defeat Chrysalis. That goes to show that they aren't too powerful, and that very powerful creatures out there that are evil exist as well. And I don't think the writers would pull a "HERE COMES CELESTIA/LUNA!" and everything is already fine and dandy. Oh no. They are going to do it long and hard, that's for sure.


    I'm disappointed that RD was still Uber-Swag from the very first second of the show to the last. It's like she's got some learning disabilities that counter everything she was supposed to develop in Season 2, and the worst part is Scootaloo aspires to become like that and succeeding at it.

    I'm gonna have to disagree here. The thing about RD is that she doesn't stay out of character, and her flaunting is STILL her own personality. And, she's also very oblivious and tactless when it comes to some things. However, when Scootaloo came, she becomes the pony Scoots wants to see. She was already willing to down her ego just to make Scootaloo feel better. She also realizes how much Scoots idolizes her, which is why, as well as seeing the potential Scootaloo has, she took the filly under her wing with no second thought. And the way she hugged her and helped her fly...that was enough to show me that Dash has a caring side. Plus, Scootaloo strives to become like Rainbow Dash...in her skills. Considering how the filly can't fly yet and Dash is the best pegasus in Ponyville, it's OBVIOUS she wants to be just as good as her. And as another plus, Scoots has a behavior already similar to Rainbow Dash, so even more the connection. If Scootaloo presents a personality like RD, I think it will be because she would have already become like that, not because of RD. And I don't think said cyan-colored pegasus is a bad enough role model to note teach the filly when to and when NOT to show the kind of pride RD shows.


    Maybe the writers don't like her that much.


    -Had a good amount of screen time in The Crystal Empire.

    -Represented the mother figure in One Bad Apple.

    -Had enough screen time in Sleepless in Ponyville.

    -Already has a centric chapter of herself, called Apple Family Reunion.


    I think we would notice if the writers didn't like AJ XD. Besides, the thing about AJ being is that, being the most mature, developing things with her isn't as easy as others. And if the premise of her centric episode is something, and the fact Meghan McCarthy herself said "There will be more crazy pony episodes"...I have the feeling this her centric episode will be it...

    • Brohoof 1
  10. And now, I stop being an idiot an actually write something.


    So...we finally got a Scootaloo episode. She may not be my fav pony, but I sure as hell wasn't going to mind this one! Finally all the CMC got their solo episode! Interestingly enogh, I thought this was going to be a Luna episode...what they did pleased me just as much.


    First...Scootaloo being the daredevil and just kicking flanks with her scooter. And then we're presented with the first gag. And of course my first laugh! It wasn't until later that they showed that this new episode was going to be from the new writer Corey Powell. And so I said "Alright Miss Powell...time to see how you do this". 


    We are shown the really push-and-pull relationship Rarity and Sweetie Belle have. Sweetie just outright BLACKMAILED Rarity into coming into the camp trip and said fashionist returns favors by putting her sister in charge of the TONS of...er..."camp supplies" according to Rarity she needed. See? This is how a comedic relationship of sisters is done. XD. But that aside, they love each other to death as it shows.  The one thing I have is...Sweetie looked completely used to carrying so much...is she a slave? *SLAPPED* Like many others said, this was probably for comedic effect. And besides, like others said, this shows Sweetie be to strong as hell! XD. Nonetheless, the strains of this relationship tend to be quite interesting for the eye in my opinion, and makes for a good relationship of sisters to be shown, considering how the other sister relationships of the CMC are different, and that shows variety and thought on behalf of the writers, which is completely great.


    Then we have Applejack and Applebloom. Like we have seen, these two have a GREAT relationship between each other, and it was quite cute as well.


    But to be fair, THE WHOLE FRIGGIN EPISODE was cute. The animators had a field day for all the ones who liked cute stuff XD.


    And then the main point of the episode, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. Of course, the latter being the tactless pegasus we have come to know. Madeleine also had a field day in here. Seriously. HOW MANY of us have been wanting to see RD and Scoots like sisters? I myself was wanting that, and it showed a lot. As a plus, we got hugs. Lots and lots of hugs and cuddles. Ahhh, food for the soul. Regardless, now RD is also the mentor of Scootaloo, which would be more or less the first time this has been shown in the show, which I believe is great.


    All with the great pen/pencil of Corey Powell. As far as I can tell, she has done something that I would deem similar to Amy Keating Rogers, but those who know her chapters better are welcome to throw this statement down the stairs. The amount of gags used were something worthy of friggin Tom & Jerry. Specially the sleepwaking. Seriously. SLEEPWALKING. USING A FRIGGIN TREE TRUNK AS THE CONSTRUCTION PIPES THAT ARE NORMALLY USED. Right thereand there, she gained my absolute trust. Let's not forget the AWESOME way Rainbow cut down the trunks (Flying straight at them...HOLY MOTHER OF CELESTIA!), the chicken sound when Scootaloo tried to play it cool and failed utterly (I swear, I feel guilty of thinking that the writers clearly have seen the Chickenloo jokes that are so played around, but still, I couldn't help it! To be fair however, this WAS about Scootaloo getting scared...which then the chicken noises almost make sense), the SUPER snoring RD. the friggin HOTEL Rarity pulled off in a camp (why am I not surprised...), Scootaloo going kamikaze to get the wood for fire, the VERY clever instrument used to set fire to the wood *shot*, and of course the singing Sweetie Belle and MUCH more! And let's also not forget the reference to Sonic Rainboom, the scary tree trunks which I don't remember  seeing again before and are from ep 1 and 2 season 1 (correct me if they actually appeared again), AND what I think was a The Best Night Ever gag when Scootaloo said almost the exact same words!


    In short, I trink Miss Powell made it great on her show debut, and will probably be tried to be hugged plenty of times if she goes to a ponycon XD.


    And of course, LUNA TO THE RESCUE! Seriously, who in the world expected that? Who? Now she is shown to be able to enter other's dreams. And frankly, her job could suit her more IMO. She can help ponies on a differnt way than Celestia, which is rather nice as well. It is now my belief that she lurks in the night looking for other ponies who might need help with their nightmares, and make them discover their real fears.


    All in all, I absolutely loved the episode, and like I said before, I can't wait for more!


    I should also say that any RD haters CRINGED XD. Seriously. We KNOW that Rainbow is oblivious and tactless as hell, but that's something that can happen to anybody. However, when the moment of truth came, she not only stayed in character, BUT, she also treated Scootaloo in the best way we could have hoped for. I already like RD a lot, but I think this reinforced that love =).



    Sweetie Belle is now horrible singer, and Scootaloo (as of Bad Seed) is now awesome singer. What happened? 

    For one, we finally saw Madelaine not force her voice to make it ridiculously bad, and two, I think we just saw how Claire, and not Michelle, sang, which makes sense on hwo they were just goofying around (Which I think was what Sweetie Belle was thinking).


    Long explanation for Sweetie? This time it was a different environment and the smoke from the bonfire did NOT help her sing well...but that's probably a botched theory somehow XD.



    Whether we see the scooter again in the future or not, it is still visually representative. She lost the scooter, a make-shift substitute for her inability to fly and to also be like the pony she always wanted to be, and gained that said pony who is teaching her to fly, in it's place. Fate/the writers are literally giving us a clever wink and saying, 'She's moving forward'.

    Well, I agree that would be a wonderful thing, but, you know, she could also use the scooter because it is fun, you know? Aside from the fact she obviously wants to fly, look at all the things she can do with her scooter. I want to see Scoots fly, but I also want her to be the Friggin Tony Hawk from FiM as well XD.


    And how did Rainbow know to rescue Scootaloo from falling, if she had earplugs in, and Scootaloo was pretty far away and down a cliff where the sound couldn't travel as well?

    For all we know, someone at the camp woke up in the middle of the night (which with RD's snores, that would be completely plausible XD), and saw that Scootaloo was gone, woke up Rainbow, and then the rest.



    P.S.  As a side note, I'm fairly certain that this was actually the first episode that Twilight has never even appeared in!!!  I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, maybe she showed up at some point in the beginning of the episode, but I don't think I saw her once.  That's pretty interesting indeed, and it just goes to show how fantastic the cast of characters in this show is, considering at this point it is apparent that not every episode hinges upon the main character making an appearance ("Bad Seed" similarly proved it in that Twilight didn't speak once, but she did appear in that episode at least).

    Er, didn't Twilight not appear in Sisterhooves Social?



    I find it kind of funny that many people here are saying that they loved the episode mostly based on the 2-3 minutes of Luna/Scootaloo interaction and Rainbow Dash/Scootaloo interaction near the end of the episode. I thought the rest of the episode before that was really no better or worse than the standard episode.   Some thoughts/observations of mine:   Rarity forcing Sweetie Belle to do all of her work was a little annoying to watch. There have been plenty of times where my older brother asked me to do things and I did them, but in my case, it was more of a trade-off; the things I was asked to do would benefit both of us, or my older brother would implicitly or explicitly do things for me in exchange for my doing things for him. That kind of dynamic did not seem to be present in the episode; it seemed very one-sided, although we don't know whether Rarity did anything for Sweetie Belle off-screen.   Some of the things Scootaloo said/did to impress Rainbow Dash were a little ridiculous, but I understand what the creators were getting at. I know I have done my fair share of cringe-worthy attempts to impress my older brother, other siblings, and people at school.   Why does Rarity still wear what I presume are sunglasses even while lounging by the campfire at night?   I like how the "campfires" they had consisted of 3-4 sticks which would only produce a very small flame and burn out in a matter of seconds. Also, Applejack is not using the bow drill correctly; the idea is to create a single ember from a fireboard (i.e. not the kindling or fuel itself) which is placed in highly flammable tinder and carefully built up into a flame. I guess she couldn't just use matches or a lighter.   Would Scootaloo really be able to ride and power her scooter while asleep? I guess ponies could theoretically sleep while standing (humans obviously can't), but I thought that they had to be in a specific position so as to be able not to use any muscle power while doing so. And obviously if Scootaloo is asleep, why does she continue to flap her wings and power the scooter?   If Scootaloo needed an excuse for why she didn't want to go to sleep, she could have said that she couldn't sleep very well in her sleeping bag laying on the ground. One of the least pleasant parts of camping for me is trying to sleep; I almost always wake up in some uncomfortable position 5 or 6 times during the night, which never happens when I'm sleeping in bed.   If Scootaloo thought the Headless Horse was in the cave and that it was dangerous, it was really nice of her to run away and leave her friends behind to deal with whatever the Headless Horse would do to them. Yep, I noticed that too, although I suppose the first time she lost it, she could have gone back to get it.  Good catch! Very true, especially given how the noise of the rushing water around and over the waterfall might have drowned out Scootaloo's screaming. Rainbow Dash doesn't even have the deus ex machina "Pinkie sense" as a fallback explanation, either!   Finally, I was a little put off by the large expansion of Luna's power in this episode. I do understand that it is nice to see Luna getting more screen time, taking a larger role in-world, having unique powers to differentiate her from Celestia, and making her more likable. However, Luna's ability to enter into ponies' dreams seems a bit beyond anything which ponies were able to do in-world previously, contributes to the overtones that Celestia and Luna are the Equestria equivalent of God, and raises MANY questions.   How does Luna riffle through everyone's dreams to find and put a stop to bad ones, considering the sheer number of ponies there would be in the whole world? Assuming Equestria has a day/night cycle like Earth where daytime in one part of the world is nighttime in another part, wouldn't Luna be on duty stopping bad dreams constantly? Also, take note that Luna says that it is her DUTY to come into ponies' dreams. Did the ponies of Equestria give her this duty and willingly surrender the privacy of their dreams to do so? Why can't the ponies of Equestria handle their nightmares themselves? Her statement about this being her duty could also be interpreted as Luna saying that she is doing this because it is her job, not because she cares particularly deeply about Scootaloo's well-being (at least not more than she does about anyone else).

    Sweetie Belle also almost blackmailed Rarity into coming to the camp. They kind of returned favors if you wish XD. However, she did pose as a good sister when promising to defend Sweetie Belle for anything that may come (plus, the cuddles were just TOO CUTE!)


    Rarity likes to be stylish at ALL times. That in itself we know. Even if she has to use sunglasses at night just so they match the dress she wears. And as a plus, they might as well be good for blocking the light when sleeping.


    the campfire thing might be true (but hey, we don't know how Equestria works right? XD), but using matches would be SEVERLY dangerous when done with the mouth, and I don't think lighters even exist in Equestria.


    I don't know about the standing, but I know that the brain is technically awake if just recently asleep. The wing flapping and Scootaloo maintaining her frip on the scooter might as well be subconscious reactions to keep from her getting hurt if the brain somehow knows this could happen, which might as well be if the scooter is still moving (and letting go would be bad), but also the speed so far maintained her OK, so the wings kept on flapping.


    Scootaloo probably wasn't quite aware of what she was saying. Just trying to keep herself awake being the main point. And besides, she hadn't really complained about her sleeping bad before, doing so afterwards might be suspicious, and she might as well not have controlled herself and panicked before telling her fear that started from the stories and her nightmares.


    And of course with how TERRIFIED she was of the headless horse, naturally her first instinct is going to be to run away, adding to the fact she's just a filly.


    And like I said before, someone could have woken up and saw that Scootaloo was gone, told Rainbow, and found her. Plus, Rainbow would be looking from the sky. I'm sure that a suspiciously familiar orange and purple dot in the river might have been a visual enough alert.


    And why Luna COULDN'T have those kind of powers? Celestia was able to null a spell as if it was absolutely nothing back in Lesson Zero, and if anything the only reason, I think, she lost against Chrysalis was because said queen changeling was super powered up. Plus, she with Luna are able to banish a pony in the arctic. I think that goes to show how really powerful they are.


    There's already a thread to discuss how Luna would be able to see sense when a pony could need her help in a nightmare, but for me, she either can enter a world where she can check on every dream and gets an alert where there might be trouble, or she can sense when a pony is in danger and goes to use magic to enter said pony's dreamscape. Plus, Luna had already entered Scootaloo's dream before her definite apprearance, which leads me to believe she stays in one dream as well to confirm if a pony is in truly in need of some help or not. Someone could consider something their duty even if not officially proclaimed. How many times have we heard that kind of phrases in shows, cartoons, animes, etc? She definitely wants to help and gain some recognition from the ponies and she probably thinks that she is helping this way. Plus, for all we know, she did this WAY before she even became Nightmare Moon.



    Something else I have been thinking about after this episode and "One Bad Apple" is: how good of friends are each of the Mane Six with the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Has there been much in the show to answer that question?   In particular, how much has Rainbow Dash gotten to know Scootaloo prior to agreeing to being her "big sister"? If you think about it, Scootaloo is three steps removed from Rainbow Dash: Scootaloo is the friend...of two of the younger sisters...of two of Rainbow Dash's friends. It's hard for me to imagine my being good friends with my friend's younger sister's friend - that seems a little too far removed unless I knew that particular person for other reasons. Agreeing to be Scootaloo's "big sister" seems like a big commitment  for Rainbow Dash to make if they didn't already know each other fairly well to begin with.   I thought of this in "One Bad Apple" when Sweetie Belle suggested going to Twilight for help with their bullying problem. I thought it was interesting and maybe a little out-of-place to suggest going to Twilight for help, since I didn't think that Twilight knew them particularly well (and because Twilight was not really in a position of authority over Babs anyway).

    That's a very good question! (Should use for a thread IMO).  But as for Scootaloo and RD, it's CLEARLY obvious that Scoots idolizes Rainbow Dash, even if the latter tends to be oblivious as hell. And besides, she did also agree to be her mentor as well, which is something different. She saw the potential Scootaloo has. I don't think it's weird at all that she instantly agreed.

    • Brohoof 3
  11. I shoudl be analyzing this chapter...buuuuuuut, my cousin showed me a Jingle Bells parody of Sherlock, so I bring you my feelings resumed like this. XD


    I'm waiting at my home,

    and sat by my PC,

    because I was very giddy,

    at the whole new episode.


    I was so excited,

    and all I saw was red,

    because my eyes were not okay,

    and they stung like that hell.




    Jingle Bells, oh my lord,

    that was oh so cute!

    it's a hugs and hugs galore

    with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo!




    Jingle Bells, Rarity,

    and young Sweetie Belle!

    I never thought I'd see the day of

    a literal push-and-pull!


    And then Princess Luna,

    who showed she's not so mean,

    because she helped a filly

    from the nightmares in her dreams.


    And then there was AJ,

    with sister young AB,

    and they are the best sisters one,

    could ever hope they'd be.




    Jingle Bells, Miss Powell,

    you did a wondrous job!

    Cause you smacked some silly fillies,

    and showed them that bad you're not!.




    Jingle Bells, DHX,

    and good old Hasbro!

    You're doing such a good job,

    that I just can't wait for more!







    I was inspired today XD.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Well, i decided to post another pic of miine...but much more recent and of my birthday back on the 24th November!  From left to right it's my dad, me, my sister who's three years older than me and my mom. :)




    Rarity shirt FOR THE WIN! :D


    Sorry guys I can't post the image, but "The extension is not allowed" or something like that. :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Celly disguising himself

    And then you used Prince Solaris XD. Anyway, sleep is what I need, gotta go to bed, today's episode was very nice, and before I forget HAPPY BIRTHDAY ds8! :)

    • Brohoof 2
  14. A man can dream...

    Well, to be fair, she was accompanied with Lyra in Magic Duel, so that's something. :lol:



    Absolutely. RD has become higher up there over the months since I love Scootalove.

    Nice! Plus, I'm expecting this episode because it seems like it will develop her character more AND show more of the Wonderbolts and how she may do...AT THE SAME TIME! :D


    Also, since my top list is this:


    1. Rarity.

    2. Fluttershy.

    3. Spike/Princess Celestia.

    4. Rest of Mane 6 + Trixie.


    I've gotta say, my grin and laughter spreaded all the way to the Philippines when Spike saved the day PLUS a wife-javelin throw by Shining Armor. XD. I'm super looking forward to the Spike episode, and the RD and AJ are also good because more development. And then there's the mystery episodes...






    I have no fixed list. My top ponies are the Royal Sisters, Twilie, CMC, Fluttershy, Trixie, and Bon Bon. You can sort them however you like G16t5.png


    Well, we're not getting a Bon Bon episode, that's for sure. :lol: ), one Trixie/Twilight episode, one CMC episode, and one episode with important involvement of Luna......we have one RD, one AJ and one Spike/AJ episode so far revealed...the rest we don't know...but I'm still hoping for a Rarity or Fluttershy or Celestia episode (and if it's a story one of Celestia AND Luna and their relationship, super plus).


    This is my list (from my "About Me"):

    1. Scootaloo

    2. Sweetie Belle

    3. Rainbow Dash

    4. Luna

    5. Rest of Mane 6

    Then you're probably also expecting next episode, right? Given that it will be an RD episode. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Dreamwalker Woona is fucking CANON


    I couldn't be happier this day 7XSwH.png


    Well, maybe if somepony cooked me a pancake.

    Originally, I was expecting this episode to be a Luna one...and somehow, they managed to include in something totally makes sense. Again, total props to Corey in this one. Loved it to death. New writer is approved. :mellow:


    And I thought that you would have been happy as hell. :lol: By the way, Star, can't you pester Jonke into changing into Dreamwalker again? ^_^


    And I would cook you one, but I don't know how. :(





    Wait, you didn't think I was 30, did you?


    Dear god... Someone set me up for a penis joke, quick.

    Well...not quite. It was a possibility, but it was my firm belief that you were AT LEAST past 20 years... still can't believe how wrong I was. :P


    Freaking added!

    I have no idea, why someone decided to put ALL the qualities good for a politician...but hate politics entirely. :angry: But thank you! ^_^

    • Brohoof 2
  17. @@Arcanel,


    I never thought my age would become a subject here, and awkward how?

    And this being the GCT surprises you how? :lol: And it's awkward, because I always believe that at least you and Trace were like...either 23 or 24, or 30 or 31...I somewhat guessed you, and I totally failed on Bluetrace. :blink:



    And something epic?...Hmmm...



    • Brohoof 3






    I've occasionally been told I act somewhat older than my age, but I can't see how. I don't feel like I act older than I am.



    But my cold and empty heart can't take it...

    Awwww...at least I can hug you *hugs*


    And you actually do Trace. Fewer people at least around here would tell you that you act like you're 18. Trust me. You don't seem like that in the slightest. or at least not in the "common norm", so to speak. (This is not an insult by the way. :) ).


    And OH COME ON YOU GRINCH! Don't make me bring out the carols! And I'll sing even if I SUCK! ^_^

  19. I feel the need to say something here, as I am guilty of wondering when the things that had been suggested would be chosen to be put in or not EVEN when I know that Scootacool and Feld0 are busy as HELL! In fact, so busy, that they'd make  damn scientist ashamed of their own times of works. And those work in the lab 25/7. You guys work 27/7, those extra hours that should be considered part of the My Little Pony Forums: Overworking is Magic


    But jokes aside, I KNOW that you people work every day. Scoots may be dedicated mostly here, but with personal life and having a whole site for himself to check, his poor hooves are probably GLUED to the keyboard, which is bad with his RSI and all that.


    And as for Feld0, let's see..all of the sites he created that are inside his Feldian Network. PLUS MLPforums. PLUS the recent launch of Pony.Fm. PLUS the recent charity thing. PLUS the thing about the space elevator which i'm sure was never exactly left aside, but I don't really know. PLUS the fact that, even if he likes something, he still has to decide firmly if whether the suggestion can be implemented or not, despite the likeability of the idea. PLUS the fact if it could be inmediately OR should wait a little longer before coming to fruition. PLUS how hard implementing something in the forum can be.


    Add all that, and I'm pretty sure that is as HARD AS THE CONGLOMERATION OF ALL TWILIGHT'S MAGIC to give something as fast as one wanted. Ergo, why I feel sorry whenever I wonder/sin in my impatience (umm...sorry...really sorry about that guys... :blush:). If anything I could at least TRY to talk with Feld0 or Scoots if I could help or anything of the sort or try if I can make my ideas more easy to formulate within the forum, but the problem is, I know ZERO about tech stuff, and henceforth I am condemned to wait like silly little filly and nothing more, while I wait for people that I really admire on how committed they are to their "jobs" per se like an spoiled kid.


    So...yeah...I'm gonna be impatient...but...I'd rather hit myself against the wall before voicing that impatience. Just...keep on guys, you're making a hell of a good job, Luna send me to the moon, then Celestia to the sun, and Discord sent me to the unknown 5th wall if it ain't so. :)

    • Brohoof 1
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