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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. Seriously, is the apocalypse going to happen on 20 or 21?

    I never actually thought of the time differences....


    Still, I get slightly mad when people completely misunderstand the Mayans' prediction.




    I'll say the same thing that I said in the OOC of my RP:

    Well, crap. Think Electrobolt knows a thing or two about making a flahlight work without batteries? Or Gem?

  2. Yes... Yes... Feel the force flow through you... Cross over to the dark side...



    Yes...I'm feeling it...I'M FEELING IT!


    Lapis Lazuli: "Now now Arcanel, what did I tell you about feeling strange sources from outside? And besides, you don't want to make Berry angry, do you?"






    You kinda answered your own question :x


    He's a mailpony, of course he would have to be allowed to hop on any train to deliver the mails.

    I would agree with you, if it weren't for the fact this is Vim we're talking about. He's a nice pony for sure, but when it comes to his train, you better make sure you convince him you're a nice pony or he sure as hell wouldn't let you in. I would have to hope that Arcanel irradiated as much kindness as Daylight does, and that's pretty much impossible. If I were the conductor of an important train, for a LOOOONG time, AND with as much strange stuff as it had happened on that trip, I wouldn't let anyone in so easily, even a desperated mailpony.




    I'll inform Arc to bring a flashlight.

    Got any AA batteries?

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Distance ain't mean shit in gathering up Roleplaying img-1009908-1-lEJ9q.png


    As Scootacool said, just have him travelling somewhere and coincidentally Arcanel saw the Horror Express


    I hope you can do it img-1009908-2-AhGSr.png


    But still... Are you totally sure? because the last thing we want here is you pushing yourself too far and ends up tiring yourself up. We still have the planned GCT RP

    On hindsight...what I said earlier seems a bit more difficult. The easier thing would be...OH OF COURSE, I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!


    Arcanel is a mailcolt. While most of his deliveries are done only inside Vanhoover, since he has worked for quite a few years in the post office, a mail to give in another city might be plausible that left with that and with the end of the day. Then while in Ponyville after delivering his mail, the train makes the stop. Which would beg the question..how would he get in? After all, tickets should have been all sold, right?


    And thank you for the support! :D


    And no Star, I'm not sure. But given how I spent around 11 hours between eysterday and today to read the whole RP and its OOC, given that I have spent more than 5 hours to write a +10000 words chapter in the past, and given that I'm known to be a thinker despite the moments of the day...nah, getting tired would be the less of my worries. ^_^





    I'm starting to think more of the RP than my test...Berry is going to kill me...

    • Brohoof 4
  4. Whoa whoa, are you positively sure about that?

    Well, I did say that I was going to impress Berry. I'm probably going to back off if I don't or not cause a good impresssion. Test comes first. And believe, with what he gave me, if I can make a good impression, I'll be more than happy. :) Plus, I think a character such as Arcanel would give that other innocence part that Flow gave as well...which might be rather interesting, IMO. But I'll only do it if I feel confident enough, of course.


    You can get your OC is on a vacation or on his way to do something. Your OC doesn't have to be restrained in his hometown.

    Oh that's not the problem. The problem is the distance. If you look at the official map, Vanhoover is quite a ways away from Ponyville. Maybe by train, but I don't really know how big Ponyville's station would be.

    You have to write it in, filly! He took a train from Vanhoover and he was waiting in the station to his connecting to Canterlot. Instead... He sees the Express and he decides to get on that instead. Make up a reason why - just make sure that it is true to character.

    The problem would be that the train doesn't pass through Vanhoover.


    Nah, I would have to make it so that he probably thought he was late, but then somehow got himself informed about the train making a stop in Ponyville, then he would take the train from Vanhoover to Ponyville. The rest would be easy, as Arcanel would be more than oblivious to the whole Trixie thing, and a magic show would certainly be of his ihnterest. Just a couple days off from the post office and he'd be set.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Nice to have you here RB and welcome to the ever great MLPForums! :D


    Hmmm...so your character can jump very, very high huh? interesting...I must admit that's a rather interesting talent (You have no idea how much that can helpful in plenty of situations *eeyup*). I hope you enjoy your stay here! :)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. @, Scootacool, I just finished reading the RP and its OOC. I swear to Celestia and Luna that I'll do mybest to make quick haste on Berry's test (but of course, doing it WELL), impress him, and then ask if my OC can enter your RP. :D


    Though the only problem would be then, how in the world do I make Arcanel travel all the way from Vanhoover to Ponyville?



    @@Jonke, As a Rarity fan, I can't say I dislike that avvi at all...

    • Brohoof 3
  7. In response to your test: "I'm out. Im going to drop this class right now. Nope Good day, sir/madame." Holy crap that's a lot! May God have mercy on Arcy's soul!

    I asked Berry to give me his best shot. He didn't. He gavbe me his golden shot. Period.


    You already passed the test. I went easier on you. Arcanel will not have that luxury.... 


    He is a writer. He will manage. I have full confidence in his abilities.   He just has to pass the test....

    And I appreciate you trusting my abilities. :)



    Because Berry sure as hell won't.

    And again. Eeeeeeeeeenope.


    I like it, something out of the box that will push Arcy.

    Heh, my mind will be pushed to limits I probably didn't even know existed. ^_^


    Well, from some of the posts of his, i believe he can do it. *Cue Twilights 'I wasnt ready for this' song*

    Why thank you! :D


    Definitely, it's hard not to notice that. It's specifically crafted for Arcy beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    Yep, that's exactly it. Why? Because I sure as hell NEVER formed thoughts of mine of an EXPERIENCED SPACE NAVY OFFICER. Space things on themselves isn't something I'm used to nor that I know. Add that that I have to write as a military man... my mind is all:




    While my conscience is all:


    "Okay...we can do this...we can do this...now, where the friggin hell is that LSD and my scotch? I'm gonna need some strong stuff for this"


    With any luck, it won't be like that. :lol:



    @,Yo Haven! Good news for you! Next episode, it is confirmed that we will have APPLEJACK SONG! :D  


    @, Soooo sorry I haven't appeared at all, but literally I spent all day doing:


    -An English exam at the morning

    -Played Virtua Tennis 4

    -Read and finished Trixie Train RP

    -Read and finished Trixie Train RP OOC

    (Let it be noted, those two being done while hearing on repeat the Past Sins fan made soundtrack, which was like 7 times total)

    -Watched an Indiana Jones movie


    Aaaaand..that's it. This has been very productive. :lol: But, I will shortly ask some questions regarding RP and my test. :)

    • Brohoof 4
  8. Regarding my whiteness: 

    Technically my natural skin colour is 'albino'.

    I remember buying face make-up and even the lightest shade they sold was too dark for my skin. 

    You could see my veins though my skin and when I'd work-out my legs would turn blueish purple (not attractive).

    I was teased for being so white endlessly.

    I decided to give myself a 'perm tan' which is a nice way of saying I tan all year round so I keep a healthy glow.

    But in my natural form, I'm crazy white.


    Also yes the first picture as a white 'tone' over it :P


    To be fair, I'm not THAT white, but whenever I bath, I always look at my arms and see that my veins in each form two distinct forms.


    Left arm has a sort of heart with an arrow (vein) crossing it. And the right arm has a wavery T.


    Why have tattoos when you have your natural ones? :P




    it's ironic to hear to this kind of sentence don't you think? 



    Well you know how bratty kids can be.

    Will pick-on anyone for anything.

    At least I learnt how wrong racism was at an early age.


    Well, the good part now is, if someone so much as dares to be racist to her, Shank's hubby will tear the person to pieces, I think. ^_^


    But by the way Shankveld, isn't your skin, like, super sensitive to sunlight and all? :unsure:

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Extra white for Christmas Spirit?

    It's thanks to you Miss Shankveld, that I remind myself that there are other people that are ghostly white in the skin like myself! :lol:


    Seriously. Everywhere I go: "Dude you need to take more sun" "Are you half vampire?" or some such. Although to be fair, I AM half vampire when going to the beach. Unless I go swimming...with sunblock FPS 50 of course. ^_^

    • Brohoof 2
  10. @@~Chaotic Discord~,@@NewCalamity,


    Yo, CD! Tou said that you can't conjoin to create destruction together right? HAH! Watch this! I'll even throw a couple more members!


    In the country of Equestria, everything stands at disarray, all caused by forces ponies were never able to understand. The chaotic discord that ruled them all. Meanwhile, in the world of griffons, avians are enslaved and being slaughtered. All under the iron hand of the new calamity that striked them. And in the land of dragons, the reptiles can't stand the fire no longer. They are being burned beyond belief. The apocalyptic chaos that swept them was too much for them. All of this destruction. All of this evil. All in pure harmony. But not just normal harmony. Rather a different kind of harmony.


    Chaotic harmony.






    Okay, now I SERIOUSLY need to go to sleep if I'm writing this things. :lol:

    • Brohoof 3
  11. New Calamity. 'New'. Their chaos is bad chaos. Only Discord chaos can reign :3 Me paired with Calamity would nullify all existence, not cause more of the same.


    'There's only one crown, baby, let the one king rule'.

    ............ :ph34r: ...........fine, I'll let you go, but only beacuse I'm tired, it's 3:08AM, I'm supposed to be waking up within 4 and a half hours, and because of that ERB reference (Still you gotta admit, I'd like to see you and NC causing some destruction here and there. Would be pretty damn awesome and hilarious. :P)

    • Brohoof 1
  12. What in the world? I did not receive this mention.


    Anyways, perhaps it did. It was probably a month ago. But he looks huggable in my avatar.


    Also, your test is ready....

    Oh, I'm not saying Lapis isn't huggable. But I think it woudl have still made you smile. ^_^


    If I were to show Star or Haven what you just wrote to me, I have the slight feeling they'd pale. :lol: Still, I'm gonna break my damn mind doing something worthy of the test. I Pinkie Promise I will break my mind doing my best. I can't Pinkie Promise it will end well. ^_^




    The mentioning is wonky right now. All of the notifications are. I'm looking into it, but one fire drill at a time. 




    Key and Electrobolt... Intense feels, man. Intense feels. :)




    Her time in the limelight is wonderfully short.




    Magicon has a moment of extreme awesomeness and badflankery. 




    Yay! Somepony wubs Key Gear.  :wub:

    At least we know that you know about he mentioning. :P


    I just finished reading page 4 (Wow...4 pages in one day...YAHOO!). And I have the feeling this is gonna get good. And to be fair, I somewhat misjudged Magicon. The only time he becomes a not-so-likeable self is probably when being so outright blunt and even that's not so bad. But after that, he's actually a nice pony. :) He just becomes serious when magic comes into play, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I can't see Indices changing though. And I must say the little interactions happening are more than just interesting. :D Also, Scootacool...you're a damn genius, you know? I have no idea how many droppings of bombs were done, but mix that with Dave's and I swear, I could hear the bombs exploding outside my friggin door.


    And yes Scootacool, I totally wub Key.  :wub:


    Anyway, this is my call to leave for the day. I WILL continue to read that awesome RP tomorrow, but I also need to prepare for my test. Guys, know this. Berry's tests can be as tough as any college test you might have had. Period. Goodnight everypony! :)

    • Brohoof 3
  13. @, Damn you Scootacool. And damn Electrobolt too. You're making me want to hug the screen with little talk of Key and Bolt in page 3. :wub:


    And by the way, I must admit that, the more I read the RP, the more I love the characters (I still kind of hate Indices though ^_^ At least Magicon has the decency of not being outright arrogant). And when I was reading that little speech from Key...I remembered that she was 15 years old. You forget taht fact sometimes given how suspicious she normally is of people, but that breakdown...seriously. I wub her. :)






    Despite his excessive formality, he seemed soft, almost huggable.

    Admit it. That phrase from Ambrosia made you smile IRL. :P

    • Brohoof 2
  14. That's how they were designed. I was lazy in creating their OC profiles. I only gave them but the barest of details. Their true merits can only be found within an actual roleplay. 


    It has to hit me like a truck or something.




    Like that. Reading helps.


    Really? Care to tell me about it?


     I've been getting a maybe 75% (rough estimate) of yours. That big post a couple of pages back did not give me a notification.


    I don't know how I did it myself.

    Seems like a interesting thing to do, IMO.


    And yes, I understand the need for a truck-style hit of inspiration. Reading definitely helps.


    Well, given how the soundtrack has as a total different feelings throughout it, it can get very in tone with the RP or sometimes just give that music ambient taht is nice when readindg. That's my thought though.


    Scoots...get back to the notificationhs please...


    And for some reason, that doesn't surprise me. ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  15. This is so true. We are talking about a pony that somehow managed to pierce a heart frozen solid... Lapis impresses me.

    I can't wait to see how does that happen. :D


    Also, you know Scootacool, try reading the RP with the fan made Past Sins soundtrack. It is quite an interesting experience for me so far, even if I have to repeat. ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  16. You summarized me.... Just replace Asteria with friends.


    Yes, very good. Lapis is me, and Asteria is metaphor.




    Give me a moment. Inspiration has to strike. I'll be sure to make it as difficult as I can manage. You will definitely be writing outside yourself. Hopefully it will be something you cannot relate to at all.

    Haha, well, you did tell me that Lapis and Asteria were somewhat parts of yourself. But at least I'm glad I got the characters correctly. :) Also, interesting to note. I ahven't read any other's OC character sheets. I'm literally learning stuff just by reading the posts..


    And very well. Although you shouldn't have to look very hard in theory . ^_^


    Also, as another note, I'm reading the RP with the fan made Past Sins soundtrack, which lasts at least a good hour or so, so far. IT's an interesting experience.


    (and for some reason, I'm not getting your quote notifications :wacko: ).

  17. I don't understand...




    Oh! You want 'the test'? I didn't want to give you it because I know you're a writer. But if you really want to, I'll see if I can come up with something very, very difficult.


    Well, unless you don't feel ready. Honestly it's up to my imagination. It's the boss when it comes to creativity. I can give you something similar to what I gave Haven if you want.

    I'm not saying that Lapis doesn't enjoy social interactions. But...Lapis is someone who'd rather be learning or reading instead of, well, opening up to other ponies that aren't Asteria for the most part. And unless he finds someone who he thinks he could relate to in some form, either to himself or Asteria, I think he has a bit of a hard time when speaking up. But that's how I see him, correct me if I'm wrong please. :)


    And why not? If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to take "the test", whatever that is. ^_^ Hit me with your best shot Berry! (If it's not too much of a trouble, of course).

    • Brohoof 1
  18. i failed three of my four college classes this semester

    Ouch...ummm..I can't do anything but give a hug...sorry. :( *hugs*




    You give him less credit than he deserves. He just needs to warm up. After that, he can get along well enough. Read further and you shall see.


    What would you want me to have you do?

    Yeah, I probably do. But you know, since Lapis is much more interested in the learning and the peace than something that would disrrupt either...we...I think I'd make that call... :unsure:


    And I dunno...maybe something similar to what you asked for Haven, maybe?

  19. Regain your trust in your curiosity? 3lnNF.png


    Did something bad happened in the past?




    Just wing it :V

    It was meant as a joke actually. ^_^ But...let's just say that sometimes, I wish I wasn't that curious to begin with. It HAS lead me to...stuff.


    And what do you mean by wing it? :P

  20. I'm glad you got interested in the Roleplay world

    My curiosity got me to ponies, it got me to fanfics, it got me to writing, which lead me to friends and MLPForums, it got me to tulpas and it lead me to Roleplay. Little by little, I regain trust in my curiosity. :)


    Hopefully we can start practising what you and Haven have learned before some shit happening

    So do I. Maybe I should already ask Berry to give me more tasks, given everything. 

    • Brohoof 2
  21. Because the first page is very overwhelming, and you didn't know anything about it before you read about it in here?

    Pffft, the wall of texts wasn't the bad thing. It would have to be something with +10.000 WORDS to get me overwhelmed. But truth be told, I hadn't showed interest in RP's until now. I guess you could say Berry eventually brought me in, and with you, Scoots and Berry talking so much about the RP, I would have read it. :)

    • Brohoof 3
  22. The exception which could be raised to your point about Pinkie is that her pranks always kept the target's feelings well in mind. "Griffon the Brush-Off" is the standard for displaying Pinkie's willingness to prank another person. Even Gilda did not earn Pinkie's "warth," so to speak, even though she was a bully and a thief. Pinkie is not one to try and "teach" other characters a lesson through pranking and deception.


    As for Rarity, I don't think the objection is so much to her using her charms but rather to her apparent willingness in "Putting Your Hoof Down" to manipulate others. Nobody would really question Rarity's occasional social ploys; but the scene in the market implied Rarity is more than willing to hoodwink complete strangers (who hadn't necessarily done anything wrong) in order to get her way.


    The overarching objection is that Pinkie and Rarity's assertiveness lessons boil down to fooling people and leaving them high and dry.

    Touche on Pinkie, but I also think that they wre separate lessons on what to do to help Fluttershy. Pinkie did what she does best sometimes. Confusing somepony to oblivion. The difference lies in that she KNEW that the stuff shouldn't be that high. And as a plus, it IS a bargain. That alone should justify some things, I think.


    Although I have nothing for Rarity. I'm willing to believe she was just showing Fluttershy how to be assertive, rather than the scene showing she would do that elsewhere anyway, but I don't think I have a counterstatement for that. From there, it's about how you think Rarity would normally be.


    The thing about leaving ponis high and dry, was the fact that was EXACTLY what was happening to Fluttershy. But the problem is, I think both Pinkie and Rarity underestimated how shy could Fluttershy be to at least TRY to be more assertive, even through pretty explicit methods. But I'm willing to believe that both at least KNEW that Fluttershy wasn't going to do exactly that, as she's too nice to do so. Just at least do it once to have the little pegasus gain some confidence in the end which, at that moment, failed.

    • Brohoof 2
  23. 0_x Why am I always late to understand this stuff?!!

    You're not the only one my friend. You're not the only one. :mellow:



    If you want to join, just join. There is still time, and I'm pretty sure your character is ready. Give it a shot. I need a pony whose human I know...

    @,Okay so, I was reading from page 1. To get the feels back and all and I have a few things to say when I finished.


    1. Sorry Berry, but I think it might take me longer to finish the RP than I thought. I think I could finish up to midway page 3 this night, but I'm not sure. I'll try to read page 2 entirely though. :)

    2. Never did I find myself in a decision take on whether I rejoice or cry that the next page was shorter...until this RP at least.

    3. I am afraid that the only pony I'll be able to hit it off with is Detective Daylight...and hopefully flow. After that, Arcanel would be royally screwed. ^_^

    4. These are my thoughts from random to serious.


    "I got ther baddest fists of fury that the world ever saw,

    defeated whole karate schools and motherfuckers with claws"


    I think I thought of the Bruce Lee vs Clint Eastwood epic rap battle of history when I read Key Gear's and Daylight's first post...because I remember Scoots you mentining tons of stuff about Key Gear....*shrug*


    "AHHHHHHHH! IT'S GODZILLAAAAAAAA!" I think I thouight of this after reading Indices' post? Don't know why...probably because she doesn't mind killing ponies at all......again *shrug*.


    And then I saw how much I would be able to relate with Arcanel to the rest, so far.


    With Key Gear: I think it'd be okay so long as he doesn't get on her bad side. Otherwise he'll end robbed AND thrown to the floor. Badly. Initial thought? "Ok, so she's stealing from a thief...wait..."Ladron que roba a un ladron no tiene perdon" meaning "Thief that steals from a thief has no forgive" or something like that....uh oh....


    With Daylight: When can he met him?! :lol: Initial thought? "Um...Daylight...trust me, Key doesn't need protection, I assure you..."


    With Water Opal: He'd be fine so long as I dont mention Trixie, I think. Initial thought? "Well, great. Revenge guy. Who can cook...assault him with cake?"


    With Flow: She'd be the only other I'd think he could get on well with easily. :) Initial thought? "Wee, I found the cheery one!"


    With Indices: This requires a special thing. "And now if you look at your left, you'll see an unchanging cloud of dust in the form of a pony, said to be from somepony named Arcanel who was running away from a mare. Legend has it, that Pinkie Floyd's song "Run Like Hell" was playing in that moment, even though, there were no loudspeakers that could play sound" Initial thought? "FEMME FATALE DANGER! Great, a pony who's just as cold blooded as Kill Bill with good looks...mercy..."


    With Lock Heart: Um...I don't think LF would like Arcanel a lot... Initial thought? "Hate from one who is hated? That's a different type of hate"


    With Lapis Lazuli: Considering everything, I think he'd get on well with Lapis as well, minus the fact both don't exactly excel at social conversations, but just get something of common interest and it should break the barrier. Initial thought? "Well Lapis, time to have your to do list. 1. Not get too grumpy so I can tell Asteria the truth when I say it wasn't boring or something and I actually talked"


    With Timeshift: Would work too, but Timeshift is definitely more impatient than Arc.......and the fact Time murdered someone...yeeeeeah, that might be slightly tough. Initial thought? "Killed a guy...short term memory...ADHD...well that's a combination you don't see every day. I LOVE IT!"


    With Electrobolt: Normal pony at last! :P But seriously though, Arc would get on fine with him too. Initial thought? "Guy with a indifference towards Trixie after her incidences in Ponyville...intriguing..."


    With Steel Forest: Same thing as with Electrobolt! Initial thought? "Farmer wishing to see son in a train that will have mystery. That right there is innovation"


    With Magicon: Um...same thing as with Lock Heart... Initial thought? "Pony obssessed with magic to fulfill an apparent revenge...no wonder his name is Magicon...again, mercy..."


    With Clarity: I THINK it could work...so long as I don't mention Ponyville and break the mood. Good thing Arcanel's from Vanhoover  :lol: Initial thought? "Girl you gotta appreciate other types of art...although no bits at all MIGHT change one's mind..."


    De Aequitate: Well, if Arc's not silly, yeah. After that................. Initial thought? "Pony who hates silly, too happy stuff, yet has to do it to get in a train after a shady deal from a shady pony?...Alright, that's almost hilarious! XD"




    And finally my resume from page 1: So we got a filly who's capable of kicking your flank and has stealth like friggin Solid Snake wanting to get Trixie for something she stole with the plus of maybe finding her family after money given, a detective who definitely follows his namesake personality wise, a cold blooded killer/femme fatale, a cook with wanton of revenge for Trixie, an innocent filly who probably ignores a lot of stuff from Trixie, a "I don't give a damn" hated guy, a travelling scholar with lack of social skills for the most part, a pony who has killed, can lose memory and can't concentrate as well as being impatient, a pony with thoughts of indifference but with hope, a farmer with hope to have a good time with his son, a pony obssessed with magic to fulfill an apparent shady desire, a pony who is an aristocrat to all the definitions, only without that much money currently, and a guy brought to a train due to shady pony, for pure gold, into things he'd rather never involve himself in.



    And then I ask myself: "WHY DIDN'T I READ THIS EARLIER?!"

    • Brohoof 4
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