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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. (Typical entrance)



    For the record, if I could enter like taht and still be safe and sound, I'd totally do it.




    Oi, I hate being on Chirstmas break this early because most of the internet is asleep at this hour. Thankfully, there is still that 1%...

    Star is going to be awake probably, don't worry. ^_^




    Well the last 10 minutes of my life were interesting...

    How so?




    Oh...yeah...that. I think I will be playing a certain Zelda game 24 hours from now.

    Wouldn't that make Luna mad and worried? :P

  2. Basically, discussion about Scoots' RP, something about groups and mindsets, and... I can't think of what else there would be...

    I would have seriously made a whole wall of text, Arcanel style, about the RP, but then I realized, I lacked the will power to do it. ^_^ 


    Breakdown? The worst thing she could get is a small scolding and told to teleport back. She have this freepass of run away in her horn :3

    Ah, but she doesn't really know what could be Lapis' reaction, now does she?


    it's getting better, I just downed two times the normal dose.   Scootie is still trying to fix it iirc.

    Glad to know! To both things. :) 


    Say... i didn't really pay any attention to this small details, but is there any unmentioned Train's worker?

    You have Dusky, Vim, Springer and Ambrosia. There shouldn't be anypony else as far as I know.


    Ambrosia it is then. Just have to wait for Scootacool.

    For the record, I might be underestimating Key's social skills with someone like Ambrosia though, especially after last events.


    Well, from Asteria's end, she'd walk right up to him, smile on her face and say, "Hiya Lapis. How have you been? I stowed away on board so I could come too!" And he would respond as such, "What in the... Asteria, didn't I tell you to go home? For goodness sakes, this is akin to stealing. Well, not much I can do about it now. Hopefully I can convince Vim to let you stay. Are you alright though? Where were you hiding exactly?"   And I may wish to cut myself short, because I might just write a story and use up all my creativity. You know, Asteria's character is actually unfinished. I don't use her all that often, and honestly, this roleplay has allowed my to fully realize Lapis's character.

    To completely honest, I always expected him to act slightly different than normally when speaking with Asteria. I guess not that much, according to you.


    Doing a creativity kamikaze, you mean?


    And you probably didn't have enough uses of Asteria to realize her full character. After all, you said it yourself. You gained more of their personalities the more you roleplayed with them. You've definitely used Lapis more than Asteria, so hopefully, if Asteria does get in, it will make you realize better her character. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Er, well maybe inspiration of a high level will strike when the time comes.


    Lapis is a logical pony. He won't be too mad. He'll basically shrug it off. Of course, he'd feel bad since technically stowing away aboard a train is stealing... 

    You have lots of inspiration, so I'm not even worried about that. :D


    But yes, I know he's a logical pony, but he definitely worries about Asteria. If there's one pony that makes his mind less stoic, it's definitely Asteria. And like you wrote, he feels Asteria as the littls sister he never knew he wanted. I would expect him to get mad as the older brother he never knew he would be. ^_^

  4. I was told she'd find Ambrosia or Key Gear first.


    She has a tendency to do what she thinks is best. She is still just a filly. Children don't always follow orders.

    Intriguing...Ambrosia has that sixth sense with children according to Scoots, but he also said about her having a sort of motherly nature. Key on the other hand might get slightly thrown off by Asteria's cheeriness, as she probably shows it more than Flow. Either way, it could end in Key deciding to leave her alone or Asteria asking to see if she knows someone called Lapis, to which Key probably doesn't know and go on her merry way.


    Or, Ambrosia who mi8ght be slightly suspicious at first, even if protective, and probably ponder if to tell Vim or not about her, or Asteria asking about Lapis, to which Ambrosia DOES know and might get things better.



    And I know, but like I told Star, the wonder of Asteria would whether she thinks Lapis would be mad at her more than happy, or the other way around, orders aside. I think that's quite intriguing IMO.

  5. I'm liking this idea   Too bad the girl in question is away


    Glad that you do. :) But I have that slight feeling that Libby would get a boot to my face anyway. ^_^



    Teens have a hard time weighing the good and the risk, she could easily do it if it means that she will be together with Lapis.   Everything depends on Berry Pie, though


    I know. But that's why it's so interesting to wonder. Asteria respects Lapis a LOT. We know this much. So, the potential breakdown of her wondering if getting in or not is something fic worthy IMO. :)


    Also, I'm not getting your quote notifications nor Berry's...dammit!


    And how is the throat and nose coming along?

    • Brohoof 1
  6. if you had the power to group the memebers of the GCT into specific groups, what would they be?

    Most of what you said, except to the "stoic" group of P_M, Trace and Jinx, I'd add Libby too. Then me and Berry as we're kind of like the nice guys. Then you and One, because I think you're kind of similar in some way by your posts. Then me and Sparky because he's my hubby :3. Then Berry, JayBee, Haven, and Jonke, because siggy and avvi making abilities. Then Star and Ds8 because Lunatics. Then Libby and Trace beacuse related. Then Libby and Star because BFF's. And I think that's it.


    Well, it is scary   Are you still in the progress writing that?

    Yeah...but that's the point right? I say *crackles fingers* TIME TO WRITE!


    And I was away from the computer almost all day, so I barely had time to do anything at all sadly. :( 


    That all sounds far too complicated...   I don't know, you just do it. And Vim will gladly allow Asteria to stay. There ARE unoccupied rooms.

    Yeah...I think it kind of is now that I think about it.


    And it's that I'm worried about, as I read before. But suppose Lapis doesn't find Asteria, but rather Vim? First thought would be about what in the workd is the filly doing there...and of course try to look for her parents. He WOULD be worried about the safety of Asteria, and with all the crazy stuff that has happened, and that chance that they are on Ponyville for a stop...yeah, he might as well drop her there, just for her safety. Although now that I think about it, She could tell Vim about Lapis and make him the responsible one.


    But then there's the thing of "Would Asteria be willing to disobey Lapis, even though it would mean being with him?" 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I think this one came out a bit better.





    It's best not to question his methods...

    You know, now you're avvi looks totes better. And your sig is also classy as hell. I approve.


    Hi Trace! And meh, I never question anyone's methods but my own. ^_^




    But I decided on stowing her aboard the train. She was there the whole time....

      Well, if you don't think you have to.

    Yes, that is a very good idea. 

    I know. The reason I said that was, that since Arc is a mailpony, he could have made a delivery of a letter from Asteria to Lapis, to be delivered at Los Pegasus. Since he'd also land in Ponyville, he'd get a chance to maybe see Lapis. And since Arcy also tends to think out loud, Lapis might hear his name and see what's the thing about. While Arcy wouldn't trust initially someone calling himself Lapis Lazuli so casually, same pony CAN prove that he's THAT Lapis Lazuli, or maybe Arc had a description. And as a plus, After reading the letter (which would have been made by you, of course), his mind would start deviating more to Asteria within the train. Since a great connection of he to Dusky had somehow happened through Asteria, maybe that would cause more nostalgia from both ponies, maybe effectively engaging on more conversation.


    And Berry, WHEN have I ever analyzed something out of need? :lol: You know, I thought that there were two troubles with Asteria getting in the train. Vim...and Asteria herself.


    And I'm glad you agree. :)

  8. Because you seem to fit well with every other group, I called you a wildcard because you could, in theory, fit in with anything.


    Just avoid Viscra..

    Ah. That's...great! :D


    And what do you think I've been doing? I love Viscra to death, but I'm NOT getting my bottom touched or with something that shouldn't really belong there, nor that is prefered.



    I wanted to believe you weren't going to react like that. Good job Berry, you scared even Star. ^_^


    Also, hi guys! How are y'all doing? :) (And by the way Star, I hope you feel better soon :( )



    Oh, but she's not in Ponyville. I sent her back home. No amount of creativity will bring her on that train. Lapis has no way of reaching her, and even if he did, she'd have to walk to the train station, which is a whiles away from her little village. Her teleport spell only takes her home.

    Why Berry...why did you have to give such an idea, that my OC could actually help with, at least in essence...? 



    Yes. Maybe we can get Arcanel to analyze it and expand upon it.

    Is there anything I can actually help expand by this moment? :huh:



    Arcanel's the wildcard here...

    Help me out here Ganny. How do I interpret this? 



    Is that really all I get?

    I almost expected us in one of those connections being how we are both the nice guys, in theory. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  10. It was a lot more when I was a kid,

    but tanning oil and sunscreen help.

    Besides I don't just lay in sun all day.

    I do segments and flips :P


    Now that I'm older it seems my skin is getting use to it.

    My sister tans really well too, it's the dutch blood.


    You're Canadian with Dutch blood?....THAT'S AWESOME! ^_^


    And I see. Good to know! I was just wondering since, you know, even little time below the sun can really burn for people with really white skin. I never tan though. I like my ghost white. Even if it means literally using that 50 FPS sunblock. And then I become a mummy. :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Wow...this looks really nice Jinx! An really cute too! :D I can agree that it's your best work as I can see so far. :)


    But just two nitpicks of mine, if you don't mind. The reason I call them nitpicks, is because I don't know if they were on purpose or not. First, the lines that make the mouth, mark the nose, and mark the ear, I think are too...thin. As in, I think they lack substance. It took me some squiting to realize where the mouth was. Maybe a slightly darker color for them? Like I said, I'm not sure.


    And the other is that, for some reason, I see the hair spikes on the left side of the tail are too little in comparison to the right side, but that's probably just me.

  12. Well, hope you can finish that thing before christmas

    I'm actually hoping to finish the thing by this weekend or maybe even before, so yeah, so do I.  :)



    Using magic?

    Yeah. I'm not totally sure how it would work though. 


    Anyway guys, I'm going to sleep. I have been awake for almost 20 hours now. I need some nice zzzz. ^_^ Goodnight everypony! :) And I hope you all get your Christmas bonus! :D

    • Brohoof 3
  13. If he can do that much, it would feels like I'm the newbie here


    Do what I may be able to do, I'm still the newbie, as I'm just starting in this RP thing my friend. :)

  14. What in the fuck ExokU.png

    He actually expect you to write that far? Damn...


    At least half of the current non-advanced roleplayers in this forum would run away from that kind of assignment

    Well, that's because Berry knows that I don't lack imagination as a writer. In this case, I have to imagine a quite opposite character from who I am, in an ambient I'm not even familiar with. I'm pretty sure most roleplayers didn't have experience in writing before, unlike me, and Berry has seen what type of posts I can do. I'm pretty sure something simple would be too easy, probably. :huh:


    I'll admit I'm both nervous, and excited. :ph34r:


    Would you take the test Star?




    Why did you call Pinkie Pie a male?


    I warned him that what I would come up with would be difficult.

    I really want to blame that on it being 2:22AM...I really do...


    And yes you did, and you didn't pull any punches. I'm actually grateful for that. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 2
  15. She'd probably have some means of charging up a battery...

    Or maybe suimply give the flashlight an electric charge in such a way that acts like a battery. Something like that.




    The Golden Gun is one shot, one kill. Be careful, Arcy.

    I will. I'll have to put up my shield. And how well my post is will define if the shield is made of wood and plastic, or metal and kevlar.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Some new ski gear, it can be expensive, but it's still fun. (Except when you land yourself in the hospital)

    You know, I went snowboarding last year in my graduation trip. While I wasn't that good, it was still funny to see me fall over and over. Best part was when I went so fast I couldn't stop and hit the protecting net. I was okay, but two girls came down to ask if I was okay. I couldn't help but laugh. :lol:


    So I can definitely agree that it's fun.

  17. How did my character get in here?

    *shrugs* Beats me. Maybe Asteria met Pinkie and he taught her some neat tricks about the 4th wall which of course would have more than intrigued Lapis, I think. ^_^


    I believe I haven't   Care to post it here?

    Sure can! Berry had posted it before, but I'm guessing you're not willing to back pages, so I'll just re-post it. :P 


    Imagine all this in a PM from Berry.



    It is time for your test. This will analyze all of your abilities. And you must prove that you can react as well as act. You may write as much as you feel is necessary. And knowing you, I may receive an entire story... But if I become bored while reading it, then you've already failed. You must balance length with appeal. That is the number one objective of this little exercise. Haven's was just so I could see if he could write. I know you can write, but can you roleplay? Can you hold my attention, an animal that refuses to obey?


    Try to make this as out of character as you can. You seem the peaceful sort, given to intellectual studies. You analyze everything and think far too deeply. Let's see what happens when I make you a member of the armed forces. Yes, that is what I shall have you write about.


    Writing prompt:


    You are Lieutenant Douglas Wilhelm. You have served with the Naval Space Command for several years now. You know all the ins and outs of space battle. You have seen the worst, and the best, of mankind. Nothing surprises you anymore. Your current assignment is aboard the USS United Way. I shall briefly play as Captain Arnold Svelter. He shall give you your orders. Take it from there, playing as anyone you may encounter. The outline of this test begins from when you receive your orders up until you die at the hands of a horrible space mutant.


    Test Start:


    "Lieutenant Wilhelm, you are a good man, and a valuable member of the crew. Today we will be leaving port to begin diplomatic negotiations with the Yardiac people of the outer star systems. Unfortunately, there have been sightings of Rogget space raiders." At that point, Captain Svelter took a look out his space viewer.


    Luna's full face was able to be seen in all its majesty. Its pure white luminescence was exceptionally beautiful. A battle cruiser passed by slowly in the viewer, most likely on its way to the far reaches to defend the spice outposts. The captain signed softly. He never wanted this. To be away from home for months at a time. Unlike the young lieutenant, Svelter was never comfortable about war. And despite being the captain of a diplomatic starship, he and the USS United Way had faced their fair share of opposition and battle. Even the smallest of science exploration vessels was equipped with forward mounted laser cannons just as a precaution. These were certainly dark times.


    It was actually unusual that Wilhelm was on board the United Way. He had originally been assigned to the USS Empiric, which of course was an 'A' class star-destroyer. Why the lieutenant had been reassigned, Svelter didn't know. But either way, he had proven his worth time and time again.


    "As you can guess, we will be taking along at least two spearheads. They will act as our eyes and ears. Our top priority is making it safely to the home world of the Yards. If any Roggs appear, it will be up to the spearheads to engage them. At no point are we to take offensive action. Is that clear?" the captain said without wavering his intense gaze. "Now, I want you to take your place on the bridge. I will follow shortly. For the time being, give the order to launch the ship. We are to head out immediately."


    Final Notes:


    Okay, as you can see, this is just the very beginning. Once you leave his quarters, you are to follow the captain's orders. From there, make it up as you go along. Use your imagination. You know how it ends, but how do you get there? Do the raiders attack before you make it to your destination? When you get there? Or perhaps after the negotiations are completed? And any and all other variables. I hope what you write enthralls me.


    But before you begin, I will allow you to ask questions. If you feel like you need more to go on, please say so. Or any other questions you may have. Ask as many as you want. I want you to succeed. And remember, this character is to be completely your opposite within the confines of a naval fleet officer.


     I said it once and I'll say it again. I asked Berry to give me his best shot. Instead of that, he used the golden shot.

    • Brohoof 3
  18. May the Dice Gods be with you So, how's about the final task thing between you and Berry?

    Thank you.  :)


    And well, I had a few last things to ask him before starting. Say, did you read the test I was given?




    She can. It's called a candle.

    ... <_< I should have known you were going to say that. :mellow:


    That's what I'm expecting to happen.   I dunno how many rounds we have though...

    Well, you should have enough to survive for a day: After that, use fire extintor. After that, shovel. After that expensive stuff. Not necvessarily, but preferably in that order. ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Since any mayor is off-screen, you can have them do whatever you want or need. You don't have to worry about the legitimacy, the mayor is yours to exploit


    You will need to work at that a lot VnCRQ.png

    Since you already knows most of the shit happening, it can be rather hard to not include the knowledge of dangers in your roleplay posts.


    Try Emma Watson or Robert Pattinson, and you will know it's not exclusive to our fandom :3

    True, but I want it have logic. I want it legit. AND SO IT SHALL BE. ^_^


    Hehe, but what you forget my friend is, when writing fics, you already know the plot of the story. You just have to contain yourself and let your character discover the dangers for himself. Arcanel can be a pretty oblivious pony sometimes. Maybe saying "Okay...something's wrong over here" but he will always prefer not to voice his concern until ABSOLUTELY sure for fear of being embarrased. Kind of like Daylight, only Arc isn't a detective. That's one of the good points of a good writer. You know nothing...until it comes into paper. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  20. Just wing it :V


    What really matters is not the entry, but how well Arcanel can survive inside without having to consult your knowledge about everything on the train :3

    Problem, Arcanel is a very legit. He'd rather throw himself off a cliff than do things non-legit like so...yeah...I better make sure everything is nice and clean. ^_^


    And also, the fact about Arcanel is, if he would get in, he would be completely clueless about all the stuff that happened in the train, the only pony that didn't have a lot of interaction and is still active is Water Opal, but I don't think Arcanel would initially go to him or cross him. And I would LOVE to control a pony who is clueless about TONS of events. :D


    Then for the most part, I'm saved. ^_^

  21. What really matters right now is the modern interpretation. The calculation maybe botched, but the panic and paranoia can be a very real threat

    Can't disagree with that.




    That's why I'm going to sit in my living room with a gun the night before. I'm afraid I'm gonna get looted or something...



    Trace: "Well, good thing I brought the gun. Now where did I put the bullets for reload?"

    • Brohoof 1
  22. Get some legitimate papers from the mayor that simply orders you to board the train to deliver a very valuable mail to <insert Train's destination here>, done :3

    Well...I don't know if Vim would trust anything that isn't directly from Los Pegasus or Canterlot, or even Ponyville, just in case (plus with the paranoia of the events within the train). I COULD have the mayor of Vanhoover make some letters to one of these other mayors to give Arcanel the ability to ride the Los Pegasus Express in case he wasn't able to make the delivery on time, as it's a difficult travel to make, something could happen in the meanwhile, it's an important delivery and Arcanel isn't the fastest of all pegasi. With that, it SHOULD brake Vim's suspicion and at least gain entrance into the train, where hopefully, Arcanel would demonstrate that he would not be a strange and dangerous character like Trixie, for example.

    • Brohoof 2
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