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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. I'mma go sleepy in my beddy, so g'nighty :3

    Night Jay Bee! (And again, take my prayers to you, and know that your dad is happy up there, ok? Christmas definitely shouldn't be about sadness. :) ).

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Okay, so...I realized three things.


    One, it took me a while to realize that in my previous big post, I wrote "Scootaloo" instead of "Scootacool"...........failed act is failed. ^_^


    Two, THIS. IS. QUITE. GOOD. And it deserves a mention in EQD and more views that it does.




    And three, I got accepted into the Trixie Train RP. And that now Berry, Scootacool, and FELD0 brohoofed my character. Joy. Joy everywhere. :D



    You need to check here more often :3

    Problem was that I was away all day. Curse my timing to be away all day (although to be fair, it was a brony meeting, so it was worth it :) ). 


    You've been accepted. The other individual that wanted in has characters that lack much material for me to figure out how the character could fit, so I've asked them if they could provide more details. I would've replied earlier, but I was... Distracted by Skype calls and fainting when I got back from work.

    I see...hope that DD can make provide more details. :) And thank you again for accepting me Scoots. Seriously. I appreciate your trust in my OC and me. :) 


    And dude, the reason I didn't ask you before was because I know how busy you usually are. :mellow:  

    • Brohoof 4
  3. Arcanel, I have read over your character's backstory several times at this point, and I am happy that you have made the decision to join in. Your character is a perfect fit, and your backstory is magnificent. My apologies for the late, late reply to both of you. I've been distracted by many butterflies today.

    I am quite glad that I my OC was good enough for you and that you considered me and I thank you for the words. :) I know this is my first RP, but I'll absolutely do my best to make my OC interesting in the story for everyone!


    And don't worry: Butterflies are the worst type of distraction due to how easy they can distract you, amrite? ^_^  

    • Brohoof 3
  4. According to that site, I'm a emerald dragon :V Google can be weird at times

    It's Google, what should we expect? ^_^ But still, apparently, Antonio is how they normally shorten the city of San Antonio, so half the things were related to the city. :lol:


    The built in microphone that the webcam has, requires me to get REALLY close to it and scream to actually get well herd. So all I could really do is at least use my voice to present myself and from then on, write instead of talking. (Sigh)

  5. You really should. The cult meet irregularly, so you need to be like ready and stuff. We shall tear down the wall of oppression and let our mistress Nyarlathotep rain pain upon our foes! 

    :lol: The bad thing though, is that I'd had to pretty much act like Wile E. Coyote. :(

  6. But you haven't seen Feld0 post some chicken jokes here yet

    True. I wouldn't have needed that if Feld0 was going to sing due to the Christmas thingy, but alas, it is not happening.


    Also, thanks a lot Starshine. That Googlism thing made me freak out that my username is EXACTLY what the OC I took from is, and that I saw lots of "WTF?!" stuff with my own name. Though it did say I was a god for some bizaarre reason. ^_^

  7. @@Starshine, For the record, now I understand what you meant by "scary" in your status. :lol: You brought a mod storm over here Star. Good job. :mellow: Now I can die happy seeing all those mods posting over here in one page. ^_^ 


    Nah. We shall eat fruit pastries!

    I have yet to be able to create my own Skype account, sadly. :(  

  8. I looked for my username.


    arcanel is following
    arcanel is a lean but muscular dragon with silver scales


    Fun fact: The name of my username is the name of an OC I once saw in a Spyro fanfiction. The OC is a dragon, probably more fit for flying, with silver scales. I'm more than impressed right now. :blink:

  9. OK so, let me get this straight. I miss the time where Evilshy, Tom the Rock, Chaotic Discord, Scootacool, New Calamity, Vexx3 AND Zoop post IN THE SAME PAGE OF THE GCT, which probably makes it the biggest amount of moderators we'd had in a LOOOOOONG time in a same page, considering that TTR, Evil and Vexx almost NEVER post here nowadays, not counting the fact it was all started by a support ticket from Star that got apparent "WTF?!" answers?...................


    OH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    As always, my timing seems to be more than impeccable nowadays. Buck me. <_<



    Anyway, hi guys! :)




    >made a support ticket about blood because I don't want to be warned in the future >6 replies, 4 of them are about happy holidays


    For some bizarre reason, that kind of responses don't seem that surprising to me. :lol:




    I mean, ffs, I know I'm ranting here, but I can only take so much of a person's BS and pretend I'm okay with it.


    I MYSELF would do something similar if I were you, and I'm a pretty nice, tolerating guy. Trust me. One can completely understand you. :mellow:




    Without going into too much detail, my dad passed away on Christmas Day in 2008, and I was just having a brief moment of "I miss my dad, so I'mma go cry."


    May your dad rest in peace and that he knows up there that you're enjoying life. *hugs* :)




    Oh, but they don't seem to be working together. My theory is that they are working completely separate from each other, and may or may not be aware of the other's true intentions.


    Oh, I know. What I mean by a team is, that they are both mysterious and mischievous. And have mindsets that are probably not quite normal. And seem to know each other somehow. I wouldn't be surprised if somehow, both crossed paths.



    Yes, but I'll have to betray him at some point, or at least help someone who'd defeat him, thus betraying him anyway.



    I know. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Of course, given recent things, I don't know who exactly will be the bad guy here. Not yet anyway.



     That would be funny to see.


    Haha, so do I. ^_^



    Must be one of his weaknesses.



    Probably. And to be fair, I CAN imagine Dusky being somewhat narcicistic. 




    Well, set up a space for a narrow-gauge engine in my backyard with Cranky Doodle. One problem. My backyard probably doesn't have enough space for whatever a that thing is. :P And Cranky probably would be okay in his current state. :)





    Me, Big Macintosh and Gilda go on a quest to defeat a dragon. On the bad side, the social side would be slightly awkward and not so good. On the good side, fighting related, we're probably totes okay. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 3
  10. Dusky is the one who blends with the shadows and stalks ponies...


    If you say so. Lapis was very strong with his beliefs, and it seemed to prove his worth to the creepy unicorn.

    Both do. Dusky is the silent one. Springer also stalks, but is much more expressive. Which is why it's quite a dangerous team. :mellow:


    Exactly, Dusky admires the passion in the own beliefs, and if they so happen to be put out with such conviccion, that's when you acquire somewhat of his trust. At least that's how I see Dusky.



    Well see... I am about to drop a massive plot twist regarding Springer. Soo.... Don't be afraid. :3

    :ph34r: But don't use Vim. I want to interact with him (and Berry Nut by interruption) first. :ph34r:


    Oh. Gosh... Look, we totally didn't plan on that whole sequence happening, it just happened. And, the whole time, I was like this:   D:

    I know. That's what makes it even MORE hilarious. :P I didn't want to say before because I wanted it to be implied somehow. After Bolt's post? Hoo boy, I'd hate to be Electro right now. ^_^


    Yup, Dusky respects those that can express themselves well... Regardless of whether or not he agrees with them. To him, intelligence and good communication skills are also a type of strength. Well, then he just kinda loves the sound of his own voice as well. So, ponies that are good listeners and can speak well my find themselves with a fairly friendly Dusky.

    So he is kind of narcicistic as well?....Interesting...

    • Brohoof 3
  11. Anyway guys, I'm heading to sleep. I can't wait for Scots sign of approval in the OOC and my first post as a roleplayer! :D

    See you guys tomorrow when the meteorites fall down! :lol: Goodnight everyone! :)

  12. You may have to help me a little with that one.

    Well, Springer is kind of like the offcial lurker of the train. And with Arcanel thinking out loud of things that may be happening in the train, Arc might as well turn in an unvoluntary ally of Springer.



    Even the ridiculously analytical Lapis almost stepped on the Dusky's proverbial spring trap, Arcanel will need all luck in the world for that Can't wait to see your 1st post!

    I know, but Lapis also said the truth. IF the morals of Arcy don't clash with the main moral and belief of Dusky, he should be in safe ground.


    And thanks! :blush:

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Then I may need to protect him, eh? That would be funny. Lapis and Asteria could stumble upon him musing to himself, and Lapis will offer curt helpful advise, and Asteria will try to make it seem kind. 

    Haha, that would be funny yeah! But I?m also thinking that this particular trait of Arcanel could be interesting becuse of another character. Springer. You can imagine why.




    Well, I'm looking forward to seeing how Arcanel works in the RP... But for now, I must go to bed... Good night you crazy GCTers :P

    Well, thank you for the support Bolt! :) Goodnight! :D


    20 bits says that she will be Dusky's pawn before the week ends :V

    You need to sleep too Star. You're already calling Arcanel a she. :P But oh, trust me. He may be innocent, but he's no fool. He isn't going to let himself be used that easily... :ph34r:

  14. And in just two minutes, you'll never be able to understand Spanish again. (Unless you already did...)   (Word association... Meh...)


    Dude, there's Gabriel Iglesias, there's Enrique Iglesias, and there's Julio Iglesias. I'm pretty damn sure someone would imply the connection after some time, although they aren't related at all.  ^_^ Plus, Gabriel Iglesias is a comedian. The thing about the song comes from this:




    But from him, one of my favorite jokes is this one:




    Never thought I'd see the phrase "Evolution of life" and "beer" somehow related. ^_^ Star, you should probably watch.



    I could only wish :x





    Hm... You should totally absolutely worry about your performance in the Trixie Train. Dozens of eyes will monitor each of your every moves. For every mistakes you will be dragged one inch closer to your doom. There is no salvation, only broken tears and dashed hopes


    For every eye, a tiny piece of my sanity is lost. For every word, a tiny piece of mind breaks. For every thought, a tiny piece of my brain disappears. Until nothing is left but sorrow and despair.


    Okay, that kind of things coming out of my head USUALLY tell me it's time to go to sleep. ^_^


    I wonder how the character will fair. What will Arcanel the pegasus do as his first few moves in this chess game? 


    The interesting thing about Arc is, that he's not a sort of analyzer of the current situation. And since for the most part he is pretty innocent, Arcanel could turn out to be very manipulated. And one more fact. He thinks out loud. A lot. :ph34r:

    • Brohoof 4
  15. 179468__safe_sweetie-belle_human_hands_n


    If Celestia really do smite any terribad roleplayers, we will lost at least 30% of current roleplayer JUDV1.png


    You will do just fine, don't worry about it.

    Awwww...fine, you'll be The Grinch then. :P


    And don't you think you're exaggerating a little bit? ^_^


    And frankly, every time people say "don't worry" it doesn't work. At all. That's one of the many disadvantages of being me. The only way I make my worry go away is by focusing because I forget. After that, my mind is all "Dammit, what are we going to do...WHAT THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO DO?!" or similar...aw crap...


    What'cha gonna do

    What'cha gonna do

    What'cha gonna do when they come for you.


    Bad Boys Bad Boys~




    Celestia damn you Gabriel Iglesias...

    • Brohoof 1
  16. I have the literal doom cannon here, Pinkie Pie ain't got shit

    Ah, but at least Pinkie's party cannon doesn't require sacrifice to inflict injury. :P


    And birthday is overrated anyway :V

    Birthday is birthday. It can't be overrated nor underrated. Now get your silly mind out of that thought and let me give you a hug *hugs*  :)

    I wonder what you did to get him to do that.

    Well, honestly, I just want to see how you'll do. Just try your best. Unless the Apocalypse happens, you have plenty of time.

    Maybe Arcanel is the type of character he likes? But I really don't know. I should probably ask Scoots for that.


    And I know. I will. May Celestia strike me with a bolt if I tarnish the good name of the Roleplayers. :mellow:

    • Brohoof 1
  17. did you know that Feld0 has brohoofed your OC?

    Yes I did. I realized today actually. I totally freaked out over here. :D 


    The test is for you, not me. You asked for a test, and I provided. You asked me to teach you all that i know, so I did. Although it does add more people willing to roleplay, it also helps the people learning to become the best they can be as a writer or something.

    I know. But you know, it's also an important matter to me. I HATE it when people do things for me and I can't repay them somehow. And it's a matter of myself to trust that  will also do what I was tasked with. Mix it all together and you get a worried and determined 19 year old guy. I know I shouldn't make it that big of a deal, but trust me, it really is to me. :)

  18. Electrobolt.....................Scootacool......................


    Both initiated a chain reaction that somehow ended in one pony maybe finding out and misunderstanding what one may think was an act of almost incest.


    You. Are. GODS.

    • Brohoof 2
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