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Posts posted by Arcanel

  1. You're doing good! :3 Honestly we have to wait until your OC is involved further in the shit before I can say anything.

    Eeee thanks! Glad to hear that! :D


    He's already involved somehow and he just came up. :lol: That'swheneverythingwentwrong.jpg


    Still, my next post might take a small while due to what it needs me to do.

    I went to bed around 09:00 just the other day.

    Maybe so, but I know you already HAVE a night life Sugar Plum! :P

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Everypony is crazy, nuff said :3  

    Oh, it was because of the lack of oxygen. There was an actual explanation, you know? :lol: 


    But seriously, how do you think I'm doing so far Star...anything to comment? *is hoping for response* 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. >Arcanel's first task >Crazy Springer (who the fuck locked him there in the 1st place??)   Dis_gonna_be_gud.jpg

    I agree. :mellow: Oh yeah, hi Star! :D 


    And also you do know why Springer was crazy, right?


    And...how am I doing, by the way...? 


    As always, Asteria is damn cute
    One sentence: you goddamn magnificent bastard

    Agreed to both those statements. :mellow: 


    Scootacool might get inspired. Bad stuff happens when he get inspired.

    Scoots is ALWAYS inspired. Which is bad for the OC's around his. :lol:  

    • Brohoof 3
  4. While I believe that completely, my parents are going to require proof from a "reliable source" (news, scientists, etc.) in order to even humor the idea. So if you can find a source, I'd be forever in debt to you.




    I have tried that, but they tend to just brush it off as nothing after I tell them a brony made it and it was MLP inspired.

    I'm afraid to say that I don't have any of the sort. :( I mean, lots of important newspapers from the world have put the spotlight on us and actually weren't bad on how they portrayed us, and evena political group in Germany requests "Ponytime", which is like a break in which they watch pony episodes to calm the mood down, from time to time, but the amount is never revelead. Only bronies probably have tried doing the calculations. Sorry. :( Or what Savato gave you, which I hope works for something.


    And if your parents are willing to void something that they might like because it's related to ponies...well...I feel sorry for them. I feel very, very sorry for them.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. The way you put it. Spike doesn't like that much assisting Twilight at the library, yet he does a good job it, but when he really wants to help, he messes up.   Sorry but I don't agree.   Assisting Twilight is more than a job for Spike, is the only way he knows to get appreciation and love. Remember in the Owl episode when he freaked out at the thought of being replaced? If being Twilight's assistant was just "another job" for Spike, he wouldn't have gotten jealous, in fact, he would have been pretty cool with it.

    Oh, I'm not saying that he doesn't enjoy being Twilight's assistant. Far from it. But he has shown how bothered he is when has to make ALL the chores from inside the library. As much as he loves Twilight, it's not something he would like to do forever and ever, UNLESS it was the bidding of Twilight, where the two love the other a lot.


    I understand the logic of Spike messing up because he was trying too hard. But I didn't buy it here because he messes things up from the very start he tries to help. I would have believed that if Spike does a great job in the farm at first, but he gets worse and worse the more overzealous he gets at trying to help.

    Well, the thing is he WAS, VERY overzealous from the start. And that overzealousness carried through all his tasks. 


    Another thing could be if the difference lies in that Spike does the chores of Twilight for it being a different kind of obligation and connection. With Twilight...well...º1 assistant, almost mother figure, has been with her his whole life, etc, etc. With Applejack is the fact he actiavated his Dragon Code which sounds like a different reason altogether, and therefore, enables a different mindset.


    I'm pretty sure I could actually be wrong, but I think that is a firm theory, IMO. Please correct me if there's something that doesn't really make sense. Or is repeated. :huh:

  6. I can honestly understand the parents that care about how you're growing up but...after the "If your friends aren't doing it..." this is deserving of my catchphrase.


    In the name of everything that is holy, pure, right lawful fair and sane and for the love of all that is Celestial, Lunar, Nightmarish and Discorded...WHAT THE HELL?!


    I mean seriously! It's one thing to change jus t a small habit or so, but to literally stop doing a hobby that does you no harm AT ALL, and even wanting to change your way of being? Well...that's just more extreme than Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom. And you how extreme THAT was.


    I frankly can't give you other advise that the reast haven't given you so far. There's a time to fear the results...and there's a time to make the leap of faith. And like others said. IT'S. A. SHOW. How could it possibly do you any harm? It's not like you're watching something that will corrupt your mind so badly you'll be unrecognizable! Besides there are MILLIONS OF BRONIES in the world. Not just a few. MILLIONS. We have art. We have music. We have stories. We have our own animations. We. Have. Done. A. LOT. And nobody can take it from us. NOBODY. 


    Nd if your father is by any chance a Star Trek fan, then show exactly how much John de Lancie, the everlasting character "Q" in the series, which, oh coincidence, happened to be brought in the form of Discord to FiM, defends us, ESPECIALLY WITH THE FRIGGIN DOCUMENTARY, WHICH TARA STRONG AND LAUREN FAUST, two HIGHLY recognized people in the world, are doing so as well. Hell, the entire crew is filled with people that everyone would deem perfectly normal, and yet, they defend US. Let's see how much his heart DROPS when he hears THAT. And I normally don't wish bad upon anybdoy at all, but sometimes you need your world shaken to realize things.


    Oh, and one more thing. Apparently, your parents forget you can like more than one thing. I like cars. I like explosions. I like kicking asses in Marvel vs Capcom. I like Counter-Strike. But oh, I like ponies too. Welcome to the real world! Where people can like several things and not be discriminated for them!


    (Sigh) I normally wouldn't be that aggressive but...this seems too much. It doesn't even make LOGICAL sense. So yeah...good luck with all this, and I hope your parents enter in reason. Or that at least they become more lenient. Maybe the pony heroes AND villains help you throught this. Because I feel you'll need all the help you can for this. You can also try using things that completely break the whole stereotype, like music, and some of the animations out there, which would probably help a lot.


    Oh and as for episodes, try Return of Harmony, Magic Duel, Wonderbolts Academy, and maybe even A Canterlot Wedding.


    Hope I helped for something. :)

    • Brohoof 2
  7. AAAAAAlright! Finally one of my 4 favorite favorite characters got an episode! And it is Spike! Which reminds me...


    like all AJ episodes

    THIS WAS A SPIKE EPISODE YOU DAMN FOOL! :angry: But you know, it is true. Or if anything one that has shared protagonism. Like we've seen plenty of times done with just two characters. :P


    But anyway, yes, I might as well be slightly biased due to being a Spike fan, so I guess you could say to take what I think with a small grain of salt, but that's up to whoever.


    First things first, the timberwolves.......I must admit that the first thing I thought was NONE of the other things the rest thought of. Instead, I was brought back to old cartoons. Nickelodeon's cartoons to be exact. As back as Nickelodeon not even shorting its name yet.


    Rugrats and The Thornberries.


    You might be wondering "Wut...", but I honestly gave me the same feel. I remember that one of the first cartoons that I saw that had different style of animation was both of them, because if I'm not mistaken, both cartoons actually showed in a few episodes the same animation style that FiM used with the timberwolves. I'm not completely sure but...it just brought so many memories...so I can't say I didn't like them in the slightest. And plus, if you take out the fact that the timberwolves were controlled by magic, to me, it would have felt like something that came out of The Thornberries.


    Then staying with the same subject...I had seen the preview, so I was wondering "What...there must be something else..." and they revived. Three times. So I got silightly surprised you could say. ^_^ And as for the big timberwolf getting destroyed with just a pebble...I think I have a theory for that.


    There might be a reason for the timberwolves having such bad breath. They obviously seemed to have come to life thanks to some strange magic provenient from the Everfree Forest. So that magic is kind of what's their breath. Their lungs. And they probably need an exit for that magic. So, basically, the pebble clogged the magic exit, ergo, "ARGH...*falls* *CRASH!* Did it seem anticlimatic? Maybe so, but since Applejack saved Spike with pebbles, I think it stands to follow the...er..."symbolism", so to speak, of that to carry to the next time they seem to be out for good when Spike saves Applejack. Besides, it's like he could think he can take out the gigantic timberwolf with his fire, let alone think of using it, when all he could think was:


    1. Save Applejack.

    2. Fear.


    And as a plus, we don't know if the fire would have worked on the timberwolves anyway. For all we know, being from the Everfree Forest, they might as well be fire resistant.


    Then, Kyronea, and others have put in show the great interactions of the mane 6, and I completely agree. Every gag they used was BRILLIANT! Plus.


    Applejack- Unfinished novel.

    Rainbow Dash- Finished story.


    I was probably not the only one who laughed his/her flank off when this things were heard. Especially Applejack's face. Applejack...Rainbow Dash...writing...try to get yourselves with THAT train of thought without letting your headcanon invade. Wow. THAT. WAS. MARVELOUS. Seriously. And also Rarity's self-sacrifice. And Twilight's OCD and over concentration. And Pinkie's plan. *thumbs up*


    I must also admit I raised my eyebrows when I saw the Polsky/Merriwether combination. I could only think how interesting it was. And I think I could see elements from both writers. Polsky definitely had a hand at the disaster master part. And I realized Merriwether wrote this when Fluttershy had her "If she needed help, I think she would realize" THAT, cracked me up. Personally, I don't think this went wrong at all. Although I knew there were going to be a few "Oh lord no...please no..." in the crowd. ^_^


    Then, we have some of the things Spike did. Let's deal with the small ones first. Spike smelling his feet? Well...that seems like the typical boy thing they would put in any other cartoon for sure. :lol: Besides, I think his sigh was more of "Oh...Celestia...why haven't I washed them yet...?" or something similar. The drama over asking Twilight for her permission...well...this is kind of a combination of things. For one, he probably knew that Twilight knew about the code, ergo that's one thing. Then he also remembered how occupied she was for theHUGE amount amount of books she had to read. He probably felt better not to interrupt her than do so, EVEN THOUGH, it was an important thing. Maybe that shows then amount of respect and love he has for her.


    And then one of the huge things. Spike being, as I said, master disaster. I think I can actually explain this one, by diving his parts into two completely different things.


    Job and duty.


    Yes, I know that sounds almost silly and even the same thing, but follow me. The chores he does for Twilight are more of his job than anything he'd like to do. Yes, he'd them anyway because it's Twilight the one who asks him for it. But he WAS happy when he was relieved of his tasks. That's the job part.


    The duty part comes one what he WANTED to do. He felt he needed, wanted, to do any chore available no matter how small or silly it was. The difference lies in that these two things would probably put someone in the different mindset.


    Doing things when you don't want to, but you know ponies are gonna get mad if you don't do them well (Twilight), and then trying to help out as much as you can because you WANT to do it, but in that mindset become oblivious to your surroundings. I might be wrong on the used words, but I hope I explained it better.


    My thought is that Spike wanted to help so much that he lost focus in what he was doing, even when they are chores he should know how to do.


    And as for the mane 6 and their not so foolproof plan...well...what else could they have done? Rainbow Dash's growl was simply and purely AWESOME. So they were safe on that part. But they can't exactly replicate a timberwolf now can they? And they had to do it in an as controlled environment as possible. This is Spike. As much as they respect the little guy, NONE of the mane 6 will be willing to put his safety in jeopardy. Yes, it probably was something they expected Spike to be oblivious enough...but I think it was the best they could do. Plus, Applejack is, along with Rainbow Dash, are probably the worst actors. :lol:


    AS the Dragon Code thing...well... my own theory would imply that he made probably some time after Dragon Quest and I also like the theory that was used before that it was to differentiate himself from from other dragons. And that the reason it wasn't used before was because of the heat of the moment. Main two "saved my flank" moments were when RD and 'Shy saved Spike and Rarity...right after the guy was about to confess to RARITY AND became a gigantic dragon that almost destroyed Ponyville...I don't know about you but I wouldn't pull off any code there. And the other moment was with Princess Cadence...right when King Sombra was being destroyed, the fact Cadence is a princess, the whole Crystal Princess of the Crystal Empire thing as well...yeah, I wouldn't bring my code out there too. However, even I admit after reading the comments and opinions that the reason for it to work would be slightly too complicated for it to be acceptable, and even I think it was pulled a bit out of nowhere.


    What I don't understand is the people complaining about "overused plot"...um...WHEN have we NOT seen an overused plot? I'm serious! People say "overused this and that" but honestly, I give writers a loooot of credit, but even they can be allowed to use plots that have been IN THE CARTOONS FOR YEARS NOW. The importance of it, is how well it is executed. Whether you like it or not, that's a completely different story and you can like it or dislike it. But it seems a bit unfair that the episode had an overused plot and that that was a bad thing. Because otherwise, we would be having to write to every single show that did the same thing. It would probably take a long while.


    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the episode, like I always do. It's not "HOLY HELL THIS IS THE HOLY GRAIL!" episode to me, but it's not that below in my favorite episode ranks. And I liked this Merriwether/Polsky combination. Not bad at all. :)


    And as for Celestia sending that much books....welll........either Twilight Sparkle is Spencer Reid from Criminal minds who reads 10,000 words per minute, or this is the "up the ante" tests for something that is upcoming. :huh:



    Oh and, Spike.... It's a bit creepy when you tell someone in front of them they look good while they're chewing...

    Given how creepy Spike is sometimes when showing his love for Rarity...I wasn't even surprised. :P



    Shouldn't that hot air balloon be tied down more securely by more than one rope? It seems like if Spike hadn't bumped into the post, the hot air balloon would have untied itself sooner or later. Furthermore, if Spike or Applejack were riding in the hot air balloon, it would have enough lifting power to keep them afloat, so how can either of them individually keep it held down on the ground?

    The reason for either of the to hold it down, was because of the force each could actually put below. Maybe it actually HAD some weights in it? I wouldn't really know to be honest and the same thing would apply for the rope, so I can't say I would have an answer for this. :huh:



    Then again, I suppose that comes with the territory as the forum's official Merriwether Williams Appreciator.

    Haha, I'm not exactly a Merriwether Williams Appreciator, but I support her fully, you know?  ;)



    Are we supposed to giggle at Spike's sudden obsession with fulfilling life debts, or is this an indelible part of his character that was somehow overlooked in the midst of previous life-threatening instances?

    I don't think we're going to get that question answered unless a similar situation happens in the future that would require the Dragon Code to activate. But that's a good question. Especially if the Dragon Code doesn't come back. It could be that we were told that only Twilight and Spike would know the severity of it but...with the knowledge afterwards, it doesn't seem that great to laugh at the poor guy's "till the end" attitude. I'm not sure. :huh:

    • Brohoof 1
  8. *snip*

    What? That was the best that I could come up that was evil without overdoing it with violence! :P




    and to think all of this inside the entity of one cutebox.

    Interesting isn't it? :mellow:




    ohai, Arcy!

    Hai Haven! :D

    • Brohoof 1

    And nice to know Sugar Plum is back! :D


    Hah, I had feeling this would be your reaction. Don't worry you silly filly. *pats head*


    I still know that deep inside you thousands of souls are trapped inside you as you corrupt them to the furthest point possible, while giving them the maximum torture that the Universe might as well even allow you to do, while in your mind you plan the destruction and possible conquering of every single world that has been existance, all at the same time. :3

  10. I know this is something that has been spoken a lot and such but...I just thought...maybe the pegasi race tend to be more independant with each other in the family sense? :huh:


    Either that or the long explanation for each character of to why their families haven't shown yet, IMO.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. It really wasn't supposed to be successful.  :P


    I would never actually steal somebody's name. That'd be mean.

    Haha! :lol: When I went as The Gemmed Stare, I literally created the name. I trickedf some people over here. B) If I were to make an impersonation...that'd be more difficult because of the title thingy. :mellow:

  12. Like many others have said, Rarity has certainly got a nice supporting role so far....and mainly just comic reliefs as well. There's still a couple episodes that haven't been revealed yet, so there's still a chance for a Rarity episode. But I DO believe that they are balancing the screentime as much as they can as well from previous seasons, especially because this is just a 13 episode season. But I'm not that worried and what Rarity has appeared so far, was greatly enjoyable. And I'm speaking as a Rarity fan here, by the way. ^_^ I'm not gonna go crazy if she doesn't appear a lot more in the episodes that are left.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. You know what sucks? I'm out of name changes. So now I'm stuck like this.

    Your a donor, so impersonations get slightly difficult. :lol: Why do you think I got successful when I passed as The Gemmed Stare, back in Halloween? ^_^



    Another spike episode!?   *punches self*

    To be fair, Spike at Your Service seems more of a shared protagonism of Applejack and Spike than a centric of his own. Plus...


    PETS! :D Now that I think about it, we did have a scene from that episode.


    Something caught fire. I and everyone here had to put it out. Now I'm covered in soot. Fuck washing, I need to sit and check my PM box

    Oh my, what caught on fire?! :(

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Although I like Season 3 a lot and I disagree that there has been pandering and stuff in it, I respect your opinion because it IS somewhat complicated to see if there was pandering or not. AKA, if they have looked from bronies and put it there. However, please look this thread.



    Not because I want to change your opinion or anything, but maybe see how the ones who disagree with you explain themselves might give you a different point of view.


    As for the pandering that I'd have to object myself, I would only tell you two things.


    1. Most of the episodes that we see now have been planned since the start of 2011, when the fandom barely even existed back then. And


    2. If the writers have anything now that they know what kind of audience they also have, is freedom. They can more than they may have been allowed to. And I'd also not like to discredit the writers AT ALL.


    So...yeah. Though if anything, pandering or not, this season was great in my honest opinion. And to be completely frank, not liking the season because of that seems...well...slightly silly. :unsure:

    • Brohoof 2
  15. I've been a brony for over a year now. Since October of 2011, EVEN THOUGH, I had noticed the pics of FIm since July of that year, but didn't get curious enough to watch until October ^_^ . Not exactly old, but not recent as well. I honestly didn't really realize the full growth of the whole fandom until I started writing fanfics, back in March this year. That's when through pages like EQD and such I was more directed too.


    Holy mother of the growing fans.


    I did NOT expect myself getting 3/4 of my cell phone's music to be pony, to write pony fanfics, to speak with other bronies, etc, etc. And all I see now is growth, growth, and more growth. Let's look at some of the highlights shall we?


    -Summer BroNYcon got more than 4000 attendees. Biggest ponycon so far, without mentioning other big ones like EQLA, Everfree Northwest, Canterlot Gardens, and small ones like Midwestria, Trotcon, etc.


    -Next year will have even MORE ponycons than this year, the number capping at 33...so far.


    -Archie V, one of the famous brony musicians if I'm not mistaken, got a label for his music.


    -Mandopony, another of the famous brony musicians GOT HIRED BY THE FIM CREW THEMSELVES.


    -Fighting is Magic, probably the most expected pony games out there, got famous enough to get their own section in the Indie part of EVO 2012, the biggest tournament of fighting games of ALL USA, and actually succeeded in getting lots of people to play it and is also ongoing on getting completed.


    -Plans for Double Rainboom, the first fan-made episode of FIM, have been created and are ongoing.


    -Plans for the Bronycon documentary (now renamed by the way) were made and funded with MORE THAN ENOUGH money that they expanded themselves and will be showed at actual movie prize receivers, like Cannes and similar next year.


    -Plans for the My Little Dashie movie have been made and are ongoing.


    -Some of the PMV's and ponified trailers have been recognized by the very creators of the ponified things, greatest examples being, for example, Top Gear and a ponified parody of a certain episode, and the creator of Shaun of the Dead and it's ponified trailer.


    -Let's not forget all the fancontent that was recognized by the FIM crew themselves. Daniel Ingram, main song composer for FIM has recognized several songs, for example.


    -Past Sins and Fallout: Equestria, two of the most knwon pony fanfictions out there, got their oen versions as BOOKS. Tabitha St. Germain, Voice Actor for Rarity, Princess Luna, Granny Smith, and others, got a copy of Fallout: Equestria herself.


    And I'm probably forgetting many others.


    Plus, whether you like or not Season 3 is up to subjective opinion. But I don't think there are a lot who say "IT'S GETTING WORSE OMG WHY?!". Just that they didn't like it or similar. But honestly? I think they have improved in a lot of aspects. Whether you like or not...that's a completely different thing. :)




    Missing the golden days? Nah, I think that it is TOO soon to start speaking about the golden days. Right now, the fandom is going through it's biggest stage of growth.... so far. The early days involved 4chan, as far as I know, and even though I never went there, I haven't exactly heard good things of the stuff that happened on that site. So...yeah...I don't think you missed anything pal.


    The game is just beginning. ;)

    • Brohoof 2
  16. I want to believe the best of Lightning Dust, but for me it doesn't help that she didn't show any signs of sadness or remorse until she was punished. It makes it hard to believe that she has learned anything yet and that she regrets her actions for reasons other than that they led to her downfall. I won't completely write off other explanations, but I will say that I think it is more likely that if she returns, it will be as a villain.

    Know that feel. Although I don't see her as a villain in the future. Just... neutral perhaps. She isn't bad after all. Or she wasn't bad, at least. But it is a possibilty. Maybe Trixie played Twilight and she may be a villain yet again. And then we see an LD/Trixie combo.


    Woah... that wouldn't be that good.........waaaaaaaaaait...



    Lightning Dust/Rainbow Dash


    Those are opposites within the characters' strengths...oh...something deeper might be going down with all this... :ph34r:

  17. Ooh... Maybe she will return with her own acrobatic team to challenge Wonderbolts? So much want

    I actually hadn't thought of that, but that's actually cool! :D My thought was that she did a good deed.........for her own needs to get the Wonderbolts get the eye on her once more, which wouldn't be surprising. But like I said, I can't pinpoint the feeling of her face in the last part. I can't tell if it's remorse, or just the sadness of her getting expelled. :huh: 


    We still have Flim&Flam, Iron Will, and those teens dragons. Not sure about the forgiveness theme though.

    I know, but I'm not saying more returning characters though. AS for the forgiveness...let's see...Pinkie saying sorry for the problems her clones might have caused. Redeem of Trixie. Redeem of Babs Seed. And Applejack saying sorry for the troubles she caused in Apple Family Reunion.

    I'd say that's enough for me.


    And you did hear about "Keep Calm and Flutter On" right? And oh, they released a new title today as well.

    • Brohoof 1
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