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Yuna Crescent

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Status Replies posted by Yuna Crescent

  1. Just heard about a code lyoko MMORPG coming soon? :D

  2. A collab with ToonKritic:

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      that was awesome!! best parts were the digimon references :D whats your fav digimon? mines Gatomon :3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. New magic lesson up!

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      that ending was hilarious!! XD

  4. well i had the most boring day ever at work...

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      it was boring because we had a power outage for 5 and a half hours

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Whoever forced Mandy to change her name without her consent is dead to me. I'm the one who gave her her name. This is just mean and now she's afraid to go on the forums due to embarassment.

  6. Turns out my Uncle is famous now XD. Has a story posted about him on ITV news

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      wow really? o.o

  7. I am a Lion now :3

  8. If i could vote then i would vote the Monster raving loony party :3

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      off topic, but what is your avatar at the moment? @ Lapis

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. And got another lesson up:

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      geez blissy...why does all this bad stuff happen to you? O.o

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. wish me luck on my drivers permit test thingy

  11. omg that was the best episde i've seen so far

    1. Yuna Crescent

      Yuna Crescent

      the episode honestly felt like a birthday present for me, because today is my birthday :3

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

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