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  1. Zygen's post in Can I change to pegasus was marked as the answer   
    No, you aren't able to freely change your ranking badge, it is simply determined by post counts, you can check those post count numbers by clicking on any ranking badge(like mine for instance) and you'll see the menu with all the post count requirements for each rank.
    If you are a subscriber you can change your title, which appears above your avatar, but your actual ranking badge cannot be altered forwards or backwards in terms of ranks. So for instance, I cannot change back to any of the previous ranks before unicorn. You simply have whatever rank fits your current post count.
    Hope that explains things!
  2. Zygen's post in Posting ranks in order was marked as the answer   
    Well, all of them are able to be seen if you click on anyones ranking badge besides your own(Or maybe it works on your own, I forget.
    But the ranks and posts associated are.
    Blank flank, 0
    Muffin, 5
    Cupcake, 40
    Parasprite, 100
    Butterfly, 200
    Squirrel, 300
    Bunny, 400
    Bird, 600
    Phoenix, 800
    Dragon, 1000
    Changeling, 1200
    Pony, 1500
    Crystal Pony, 3000
    Pegasus, 5000
    And Unicorn, 7000
    Then they have Alicorn for Admins, and Royal Guard for Moderators.
    Hope that explains things.
  3. Zygen's post in Answering Poll Questions was marked as the answer   
    I don't think you can make it so you don't have to answer a question. The best you can do I think is make a poll option for something like "I don't want to answer" or whatever works for you.
    That's the only method I'm aware of though.
  4. Zygen's post in Most online: November 2013 was marked as the answer   
    Hmm.. I can't recall anything off the top of my head.
    Maybe it wasn't directly the premiere of season 4, but just the whole buildup discussion.
    Infact, a lot of members are much less active here until it nears the next season, so maybe it just so happened alot of members decided to start getting involved in discussions that day.
    That's my only real theory i've got, maybe the reason it wasn't on the date of the premiere is because a bunch of people were busy watching or something?
    Yeah that's all I got, that's my super random, i just made this theory right now, theory thing...
  5. Zygen's post in RPs as a Muffin? Do posts count toward post count? was marked as the answer   
    The rank requirements are all basically for preventing any trolls to just walk in and mess with those areas of the forums.
    There could easily be a group of anti-bronies or something of that nature who could do such a thing, the ranks allow mods and or admins to ban out these people before they annoy others.
    Other than that ranks don't really affect much of anything else though.
    And yes, every post you make goes towards post count, unless the forum section specifies otherwise( such as places like forum games).
    Otherwise any topics you create count as one post, and anytime you reply to a topic in any way counts as 1 post.
    Things like status updates and blogs do not count towards post counts by the way.
    And I think that's about it. If you need any other information, feel free to PM me or something.
  6. Zygen's post in Search System. was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, i think the search system can be a little hard to work with at times, you just kinda have to be picky enough without being to picky that it won't show up at all, then search a few pages real quick, and then post the topic.
    Thats what i do, and normally the topic doesn't already exist. 
    And i believe you can narrow down the keywords to only be searched in the title however if you are in advanced search and change where it says "Match" to "Only search in titles" then your keywords should only be searched for within the title.
    Hopefully that will help some.
  7. Zygen's post in Character Minimum Issue on Mobile site was marked as the answer   
    Its simply a graphical problem, i believe that the problem may even be present in other places from other character min changes.
    Regardless the new character min not updating on mobiles is purely cosmetic, you are still able to make posts of 20 characters min on all the boards that are changed.
    If you need to know which ones are affected by this change, then its every-board basically except for the Roleplay board (200 min still) Advanced roleplay board(500 min) and Debate Pit board(100 min).
    everything else is 20 characters, except for stuff like forum games, which should still be 10 characters min if i recall.
    But this issue is purely cosmetic as i already have tested it once before on my own mobile.
  8. Zygen's post in I cant change my signature now. was marked as the answer   
    Well, its hard to say the exact issue, does it give you some type of error message? And when does it do this? Because i'm not entirely sure what it is.
    I will say that the signature thing does sometimes give me random trouble saying mine contains to many lines of text when it doesn't and stuff like that.
    But again its hard to say without knowing what error it gives and when exactly.
  9. Zygen's post in Posts was marked as the answer   
    Basically what the others have said, you can post a thread, so i assume your confused about replying to topics.
    That is done by going to do the bottom of the page on a topic while logged in(Make sure your logged in, that could be a possible problem, unlikely, but who knows.) and look for the little box where you can type that has post and stuff, type your message, and hit post and that should work.
    You can also hit quote on another post which will bring you to the same reply box. And have the persons post in special quoted BBCode. It will send a notification to the person who made the post you quoted when you post aswell.
    As far as if your maybe asking how does your post counter go up, it goes up when you make posts, anywhere besides forum games, forum lounge, and I think thats it actually. 
    Everywhere else will add your posts accumulatively. 
    Hopefully that sheds some light on your issue!
  10. Zygen's post in Mobile character limit! was marked as the answer   
    Yeah, I use my iPod and have noticed this multiple times, however it's only for the places that changed in the most recent reduction to 20 on most of the forums, however like you said welcome plazas has the 50 limit which is I think old two, but still.
    I actually have never tested if I can post less then 100 though, I might have to check somewheres, would check here but I don't wanna spam .
    I'd just like to update that I tried to make a post under 100 characters and was able to, so this issue is only a visual issue in nature then it appears.
  11. Zygen's post in ok this might ound redicusly stupid but...How do I delete a thread/rename? was marked as the answer   
    in order to delete a thread you need to report your own thread, state the reason why you want it deleted and a mod or admin will get around to removing it by your request. Assuming it is a good and valid one.
    As for renaming all you need to do is go to your first post in the thread and hit edit, then hit go to full edit, you will see your thread title in the top box in the full edit menu and be able edit it there. Then hit save changes and vola, your thread name is changed!
    Hope that answers all your questions!
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