Years ago:
Deep inside the White Tail Woods a small group of fillies and colts of varying ages stood in awe of the ruins of a castle long since forgotten. This group had won a contest to spend personal time with the princesses of Day and Night. Celestia and Luna walked the broken ruins until they reached what would’ve been the garden and stopped at what seemed to be statues of ponies at one point.
“Would you kids like to hear a story?” Celestia questioned, watching the fillies and colts shake their heads eagerly.
“Long ago, there was a beautiful kingdom that stood as a guardian for the land. Ruled by a mighty queen and her two daughters.”
“It was a prosperous land filled with green forests, tall mountains, and peace.”
“But one day a mare of great evil appeared and wanted the kingdom for herself.”
“With her power at her hooves, she spread her darkness across the land and battled the queen.”
“But the queen could not stop the evil mare, and when all hope seemed lost and the queen and princesses end seemed at hoof…”
“…Six ponies appeared as if from nowhere to fight the dark mare.”
“Wielding strange magic and wearing strange armor, they came to the aid of the queen, the princesses, and the kingdom.”
“Using their strange magic they vanquished the dark mare and left only a shining white tree in wake.”
“Nopony knew who they were or where they came from, and just as quick as they arrived they vanished.”
“The legend was passed down and the statues were built to honor them.”
“But soon another foul wind blew across the lands of the kingdom.”
“A new evil known as the draconequess had risen to take the land from the mighty queen and make it their playground.”
“The queen fought bravely against their strange and foreboding magic.”
“The ponies believed that the ones that stopped the dark mare would return to save them again.”
“But the ponies, did not appear…”
“Faced with the onslaught of evil the queen did the only thing she could…”
“…Using all of her magic she took all the Draconequess and herself into the void to save everypony.”
“In their last hour the kingdom watched a wounded queen shine bright, before vanishing along with all the Draconequess.”
“What became of the queen? Nopony knows.”
“The kingdom vanished but it’s legend survives and is a story for all the children of Equestria. And with the Elements of Harmony guarding our fair lands nothing shall be able to stop our beauty.”
“These Statues remain as a sign that we shall never forget the sacrifice and honor that was shown by these brave and unknown ponies….”
“…And that we will remain vigilant for the darkness that would take away our lands beauty.”
the children sat in awe of the story that Celestia had weaved, wondering if it was true or not. Little did they know that their fates were all tied to a bigger event that would happen later in their lives.
Present Time:
Nightmare Moon had returned and gotten control of Luna's body and powers by completely devouring her soul. Using the aid of Sombra and Chrysalis she raised a formidable army to take over Equestria. Luckily Celestia's efforts to hold them at Canterlot succeeded but at the cost of Twilight's friends being captured. In a last ditch attempt to save them before Nightmare could use her new time portal, Celestia played right into her hoof and launched an all out offensive. Sh sacrificed many to get to the center of the battle to fight the three dark magic wielders only to end in defeat.
Shining Armor, sat quietly, tears running down his cheeks and muzzle while his wife sobbed uncontrollably into his armor. He just sat there staring at his little sister’s lifeless body, after having been skewered by Sombra’s Scyth. Twilight had tried so hard to rescue her friends from their painful death as their life force was drained from them to power Nightmare Moons time machine. The last thing she said still ran through his mind, as well as the countless ways he should’ve protected her.
“D….did I save them BBBFF?”
“Y….yeah you did Twily they’re just asleep right now is all.”
Celestia had also cracked under the weight of the current situation, having lost her own little sister before this and now her once faithful student. The Elements were gone and wouldn’t appear again for who knows how long and Nightmare Moons power would be more than enough to take over the past. Even Sunset Shimmer who’d come back to help had fallen in battle, along with countless others she knew. Celestia cried her heart out along with Cadence, the death of Chrysalis was a small prize compared to what had been lost. Celestia looked back at the closed portal and her eyes narrowed, standing she started towards the machine and to her last captain. “Captain Chrysteel, gather a small group of ponies and be ready to go through the portal.” An intense look of determination had appeared on the princesses face and she wasn’t about to let anything stop her.