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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Flareon

  1. @@The Ponyville Critic, @@Kulstor, @, @@LunaFlower226 Snow raised an eyebrow when the Doctor said that they looked shifty to him. "I don't think they're spies maybe just overly curious pair of ponies." Shifty might've been too strong of a word, maybe odd or questionable. But Snow wasn't one to really question something, especially if that something was technically spying on them. "Sure thing Doctor I'll keep an eye on them. Just take care of Feather and make sure that you guys come back here if anything goes wrong ok." Snow watched as Feather left with Rakon and the Doctor before turning his attention to the two who were spying on them. "Ok you two take a seat on the couch and let's talk this out." Feather trotted alongside the Doctor beaming brightly with excitement. Feather was leading the way into the center of town, having fun with the Doctor but also keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Feather finally got them to the Summer festival, it was a grand display of rides and games. But what most ponies came here for were the odds and ends that got sold here. Rare and interesting things from all over the world could be found here at this festival. Feather was in so much focus that she didn't see the light blue mare walking around the corner and bumped right into her. "Oh my I'm so sorry I didn't even see you."
  2. @@The Ponyville Critic, @, @@Kulstor Feather was getting more and more excited with every passing moment. She had never thought that her normal day would turn into meeting an alien and seeing a space ship, even less that she would be involved in an alien attack. "I'm glad that you're going to stay. I don't know if the Elements of Harmony would be able to stop whatever is after us." Feather flew into the bedroom and came out with some sunglasses already wearing them. "Ok I'm ready let's get to adventuring." The Sunglasses were bright yellow flowers with the center of them being the shaded part. Snow entered with the two ponies that were listening in from outside. He'd entered just when Feather made her last statement wearing those cheesy sunglasses causing him to facehoof. "Doctor I don't mean to interrupt this relaxing moment, but I found these two listening in on us outside. I fear they may be in just as much danger now as the rest of us."
  3. Yeah I'll add you to the list and you can start posting whenever you're ready ok.
  4. You know I've been on FB a lot here recently and posting in some of the Pony pages and have seen that a lot of the members have become jaded and hateful to others. It's odd for me to see since two people can like the same thing. I've seen people ask for what people think of their OC's and get called names and other things just for asking somepony what if anything could be changed. Also I've seen that if someone mentions "Love and tolerance" at all it's an all out gang attack. I see it as horrid that just because you follow something that has become new doesn't mean you should be hated on for it. Yes I realize that this is a part of society and that it's been around for years. But I mean really? From what I've seen it's now just those that call themselves bronies that are too far stuck in the way the fandom first started to move ahead and try to see others view on things. Even I've been called a fag and a newfag and well even autistic for asking for advice or help. Not really anything that bothers me since I find it funny when somepony tries to goad me into a stupid argument, I just find it sad that the some of the fandom not all has come to this. *Rant Over*
  5. @@The Ponyville Critic, @@Kulstor, @ Feather was both curious and excited with everything that was going on right now. "Oh don't worry I'm sure that Snow and Rakon can keep us safe if those things come back for us. Speaking of which where is Snow?" Feather looked around the house not noticing him at all. She remembered him saying that he was going outside, but she knew that he should've been back by now. Snow looked at the two as they lowered their heads. It was obvious from what Snow had seen that the smaller of the two was a Changeling. Snow raised an eyebrow, he wasn't the most trusting Changelings but they weren't all that bad and this one didn't seem evil at all. "Hmm...well that being the case you guys are probably in just as much danger as the rest of us so why don't you come inside and meet the rest of the group."
  6. Well....here I am again asking for help again. If someone could vector my new OC Ember Star for me in a standing flight pose that would be great. I literally just finished making him so he has no cutie mark yet, bit it's a white star with blue flames on the points of the star. I'm planning on using him in an upcoming FimFiction where he becomes a love interest for one of my favorite background ponies...Flitter.
  7. @@The Ponyville Critic, @@Kulstor, @ Snow looked dumbfounded at what he was hearing, this talk of things called humanoids concerned him. "You guys keep figuring this thing out I'm going to take a quick look to make sure there aren't anymore of those things waiting for us." Snow trotted outside and started looking around the house. He flew up into the air and looked around the top of their house not finding anything so far. Suddenly he looked down and saw some figures by the house who seemed to be listening in through a window. Snow flew down quietly and landed behind the pony before clearing his throat. "Can I help you with something." Feather was so intrigued by the wooden device that the Doctor was messing with. "So these things will be looking for us now and trying to kill us I presume yes? Oh this is so exciting, best day ever." Feather looked at the odd little device and twisted upside down letting her mane hang low. "So what exactly is that little thingy you've got there Doctor it makes such odd noises and why doesn't it work on wood?"
  8. Corona started doing some practice laps around the flight track, she had a little bit of time before her next class. The rest of the team soon joined in and they started running over the plays a few more times. It was during one of the more difficult plays that the announcement came out letting all the students know that it was time for the next class. Corona flew inside and to her locker grabbing her books and started towards her next class. Ruby was ready to take care of Corona and make sure that she would regret ever coming to this school. "Shadow you know what to do right? Get the gear and get it to Silver Thread so that she can get it all set up, then she'll get it to Diamond so that she can give it to the maroon stallion." Shadow nodded and flew off in a hurry and towards the locker room for the team. There he had found the gear that they'd been fitted for last week and quickly found Corona's. With a sinister grin he picked up her gear and trotted off to find Silver Thread.
  9. @@The Ponyville Critic, @@Kulstor Snow and Feather panicked at first not sure what happened and not sure what to do with it happening so fast. Snow kept watch not sure what to expect next. Feather on the hand was flying around the house, freaking out with excitement about what was going on in the house. "Oh my gosh...it's true! I told you Snow, he's an alien you guys! I told you so, wow wait till I tell Fluttershy she'll be so excited! Hey Doctor what exactly is that thing you've got there?" Snow sighed when he saw how excited she was getting.
  10. @@The Ponyville Critic, @@Kulstor, @ Feather and Snow both looked at Rakon and then to each other, nodding slightly in agreement. "Yeah there's a hospital not to far from us here in Ponyville. They should be able to help." Feather suddenly came to a startling realization. "We can't take him anywhere you two. Let's say he is well an alien...if we take him to the hospital and they figure it out they'll just want to dissect him or worse." Feather stood next to the Doctor her feathers rubbing gently on his nose while she made her case. Snow gave out a low sigh. "Fine we give him a few more hours to see if he wakes up but then we're taking him to the hospital got it. He might just as well be an alien...I've never seen anypony do that before anyway."
  11. She seems ok so I'll go and add her to the list when I get a second and some free time to post again. Not sure if I'll be able to post again till late afternoon since I work really early tomorrow.
  12. @@The Ponyville Critic, @@Kulstor, @ Snow and the others made it to their house and gently placed him on their couch, unaware that there was somepony watching them. "Snow you don't think he's got some terrible medical condition? Or....is it possible that he's.....an alien?" Snow just started laughing at the last question, practically falling onto the floor in the fit of laughter. "Sorry Feather, I seriously doubt that he's an alien. I'd suspect that it's more on the first question. Either way we should probably get him to the hospital just to be on the safe side. What do you think Rakon?" (Sorry for not posting until now been busy all day and finally got some free time.)
  13. @@The Ponyville Critic Snow and Feather panicked when they saw the Doctor hit the ground. Snow quickly picked the Doctor up and started back towards their home. "Come on we can all head back to our house and see how he's doing." Feather nodded, keeping up with Snow and looking back to see if Rakon was behind them.
  14. @@The Ponyville Critic Snow scratched his head with a hoof and thought for a moment. "Hmmm nothing really the only thing that's going on later today is the summer market that comes to Ponyville. It's where all the big buyers and traders from Equestria come and sell all their odd little things and popular stuff. It's really quite normal." Feather nodded in excitement, before flying in front of the doctor but kept moving along with the group. "Yeah it's just a little thing that happens once a year, it's really fun cause you see all sorts of things that you wouldn't normally see....like you and your box." Feather started to ponder the name for a moment and then what she'd sort of seen inside before it exploded. "You know your box did look pretty beaten up on the inside, maybe you're here to relax and take a break from whatever it was you were doing."
  15. @@The Ponyville Critic Feather giggled as she watched the Doctor trotting towards town, his hoofwork was clumsy and she couldn't seem to understand why. Snow flew over finally and joined his marefriend after hearing that she was his assistant. "Um...hi I'm Snow and just what exactly do you mean by YOUR assistant?" Feather gave Snow a nudge as she flew alongside of him. "Snow don't be rude his box thingy is amazing it's way bigger on the inside. It's gotta be a space displacement effect or something right Mr. um.....I don't think I caught your name."
  16. @@The Ponyville Critic Feather stared in surprise at first before shaking her head. "Of course I can talk you silly filly, all ponies can talk even you. You're a pony and you're talking and I don't find that strange." Feather smiled, her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the inside of the TARDIS and her eyes grew bigger before she let out a squeal of excitement. "Oh my gosh how is your box thingy bigger on the inside?" Feather flew inside quicker than Snow had ever seen. *Gasp* "Is it a spacial distortion to make it seem smaller on the outside when in fact it's really a giant space ship on the inside????" Feather asked poking her head out of the doors of the TARDIS, giving a big cheesy smile in the process. (I'm going to take like a 2-3 hour recharge nap and then I'll be back on to continue.)
  17. I was going to post but then realized that the basketball was on speaking of I'm missing the UK Wisconsin game chow for the night.
  18. @@The Ponyville Critic Snow and Feather continued eating their lunch before packing up and going for a walk. It was then that they both noticed a young dragon and two other ponies near some strange object. "Hey Snow what's that over there? It looks like some kind of box, we should go take a look." Snow looked at feather and simply raised an eyebrow, he would've objected but he knew he wouldn't win this one. With a chuckle they started down the small hill and to the field. Once closer they could see a pony standing outside the strange box, a light brown stallion standing and holding some odd looking device. Feather took it upon herself to fly right into the fray, landing at least two ponies distance away from the new stallion. "Hi there, I'm Feather Wind. I don't think I've seen you around here before, and what is that boxy thing behind you?"
  19. If you can provide me with a character link I'll consider adding you. Dyslexia doesn't mean much as long as we've got a general idea of what your saying and your post isn't missing like tons of words you're fine. If youremstill interested please reply back with an OC link.
  20. no it will be in the same rp thread i just re posted my first post a while ago so it's up to whoever to post next.
  21. It was another peaceful day in Equestria the birds were chirping and the bee's were buzzing about. Snow slowly woke up from his deep sleep, looking over to his left he could see the love of his life laying next to him, Feather Wind. Slowly he woke Feather up and they proceeded about their morning of eating breakfast and getting ready for the day. Slowly walking outside their house, Snow looked up at the sky. "Ah such a nice day, why don't we head over to the park and enjoy ourselves since we're both off work today." Feather smiled, nuzzling up against Snow and stared into the sky with him. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. It's just a shame that nothing really interesting happens here anymore now that the princesses have Harmony over the land." Snow contemplated this thought and then gave a concerned look back to Feather as they entered the park. "Are you saying you'd rather have Equestria in danger all the time?" Feather giggled at Snow's question, laying down on the blanket that he laid out for them. "No I'm just saying that I'd like to see something interesting happen in Equestria again. It's getting so dull and it's just the same thing over and over again. I guess what I'm saying is that I want adventure in our lives, something exciting." Little did Snow and Feather know it but that was exactly what was going to be coming to Equestria, and in the form of a blue police box that's bigger on the inside. (Restart post)
  22. Ok then 4 votes for starting over then if you include mine so we'll start over. We'll still use the thread starting post and go from there. I'll post maybe later tonight if not then tomorrow but I'll leave it in your capable hooves guys.Let's make this RP even better now.
  23. Hmmm maybe it might be a good thing to start over in this case it did seem like the RP got right into the action fairly quickly. Hmmm perhaps it is a good idea to start over, I'll let you think about it and figure it out and I'd suggest posting sometime tomorrow. @, @@Kulstor, @,@, @@Dargent We have a new Doctor in play everypony so more than likely are going to be starting over but we'll see where The Ponyville Critic takes it. Can you say excited more.
  24. @@The Ponyville Critic Ok well I'll let you figure out how you want to continue from where we left off and I'll add you to the list. Welcome to the roleplay.
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