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Everything posted by Flareon
@ Solar watched as Renegade walked off and went to help the new mare that brought her wounded companion in. She then whistled and a black unicorn mare wearing loose black armor stepped out. "Yes my lady?" "I want you to keep an eye on the two new ponies that managed to find our castle. But as always please be very decrepit about it would you." The black mare vanished instantly into the shadows, she wanted to trust them but right now the only ones she knew she could trust for sure were the ones that Shadow brought in.
@@Aurora Lights, @@Pat.Rio.T. Solar listed to the mares tale of what happened, and it bothered her not the fact that they had managed to find her stronghold, but more so the fact that the military was getting gutsier and more adventurous into the Dark Valley. "Shhh be calm we'll take good care of him and make sure that he's treated you have my word. If you'd like you can wait in the room over in that hall, and I'll have a guard come tend to you when he's able. If you'll excuse me." Solar excused herself and motioned for Renegade to step outside with her. "You seem to know that mare Renegade there wouldn't have been a reason for you to pull me aside unless it was important so what's this about?" (Sorry for being so late guys my jobs been really up and down in terms of hours lately working a lot of mornings and mid shifts.)
@@Pat.Rio.T. Solar was walking back towards her room when she heard the pounding on the door a few guards were ready with their spears. Solar used her magic to open the door slowly, gasping when she saw the sight before her. "Dear Celestia...guards get that pony to the medical wing right away." One of the unicorn guards levitated him away and into surgery right away. "Please come in and calm yourself we'll do what we can for him. Can I ask who you are and how you found this place?" Solar was being as nice as possible but hidden under her cloak was a small enchanted dagger ready. She didn't know who these ponies were but they could be useful if need be, and disposable if they proved a problem.
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Sugarcube Corner
private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Delernil Shadow nodded and started heading back with the Princess towards their castle. He had to do everything to make sure that she was calm and at peace with herself. Shadow had been noticing that she had been getting agitated with things easier than normal. Shadow looked at the princess and smiled, he would gladly do anything to make her happy. Tonight would be good for him, he would definately have a good night sleep and the fact that he was off duty tomorrow was good as well. Shadow made it back to the small castle that had been erected in just the few months. "It was an honor my lady, thank you for the chance to spend some time with you." -
@@WhiteGuardian Shadow smiled and made his way back into the castle getting around before making it to Firelight and Sky. "Hey you guys. Looking for a place to sleep as well?" The guard looked a the the group and pointed down the hall. "Come on guys let's get some sleep." Shadow started walking down the hall before finding some wooden doors that littered the hallway. Shadow bid goodnight to Firelight and Sky before heading inside one of the rooms. It was a really basic room but with a rather comfy looking bed and dresser, Shadow undid his armor and weapons on a rack and hopped into bed hoping to get some sleep for once in the last few days.
@@Aurora Lights The medical pony took Renegade into the treatment room and started to work on patching him up. They made sure to stitch any internal injuries before sewing up the wound and bandaging it up. "There you go, you should be ok now just make sure to take it easy for a few days." Shadow was still in the garden with Solar having just made a fool of himself in front of her, all he could was start laughing. It was suddenly silenced when he looked up to see Solar right in front of him. "Perhaps while you're here we can get to know each other better. For now why don't you go get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning ok Shadow." Solar excused herself brushing her tail under Shadow's chin making his legs shake. When she finally reached her room she was stopped by a guard. "Your highness you didn't tell them about..." Solar silenced him. "I told you not to call me that, and I haven't told them yet because I need to see that their loyalties are true...even Shadow's. Now if you'll excuse me I'm tired and need my rest for the night." With that the guard moved aside and let her into her room but not before having a rank removed for questioning her judgement.
private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Delernil Shadow couldn't believe the taste that came with the muffin, it was sweet but not overly sweet and the blueberries in it were delicious. Once Shadow had finished his muffin he nodded in agreement. "Of course my lady. It would be an honor." Shadow started walking with Luna, detouring through the park, Shadow stopped once the reached a hill that was a little ways out from where everypony normally would go. Shadow moved some bushes aside revealing a garden of white star like flowers that were glowing in the darkness. "They're called Moon Flowers my lady. From the intel that I could gather, somepony created them long ago my guess is that they loved your night so much that they wanted to show it somehow." Reference: -
Solar smiled when she saw the mare embrace the Stallion, it was a welcome sight to see so much love in the room. She looked over a Shadow and gave a small smile, she had been staring at him mot of the time they'd been here. "I'll let you inform her of what's going on and please stay here you'll be safe. Those of you that need medical treatment should head through the door over there." Solar pointed to a door on her right and to the left of everypony else. Shadow had noticed how olar hadn't taken her gaze off of him and the same could be said for him. "Make yourselves comfortable, there are bedrooms just down the hall on your right and the kitchen at the end. We're well stocked on food and water. Shadow if you'll follow me I'll get you your payment." Solar dismissed herself and headed past the group. Shadow followed quickly behind her, they continued walking before exiting the castle and into a beautiful garden. Shadow couldn't believe his eyes, the sheer beauty of it was unimaginable. "You know I don't really need to get paid for this...if it means rebuilding Equestria I'll do what ever I can to help." Solar turned and smiled warmly at Shadow. "Thank you Shadow that means a lot to me that you want to see Equestria in it's beauty like this again." Shadow nodded. "Well these flowers aren't the only thing beautiful out here." Solar raised an eyebrow at that, and started giggling before going into a fit of laughter. Shadow just blushed in embarrassment, he couldn't believe he used such a line on a beautiful mare. "You don't talk to many mares do you? Heh heh it's ok I don't really get complimented very often...besides it's nice to be around a stallion that thinks your pretty rather than look past you with seriousness all the time."
private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Shadow followed closely with Luna, he might've been off duty but that didn't mean that he was going to let her out of his sights. Shadow had never been to this restaurant but from what he could see it was a quaint little bakery. Shadow gave the a kind smile to the cashier. "This is a very nice little bakery, I would've never thought to come here." Shadow couldn't wait to dig into the muffins. "Would you care to sit outside and eat them? I know of a spot in the park that not many ponies go to anymore." Shadow didn't want to stand on formalities since she probably didn't want the attention. He walked back to the door and held it open hoping Luna would follow him outside. -
private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Shadow raised an eyebrow at her proposal. On the outside Shadow kept his composure but on the inside he was jumping around like a giddy young colt. "It would be my pleasure princess." Shadow walked to the door with Luna nodding to the other guards. Shadow followed her out, her beautiful moon shined down on her subjects. Shadow could only imagine that just the site of the moon made Celestia's blood boil. Shadow drew himself back to his princess and gave a warm smile, something he didn't do very often. "Did you have anywhere particular you'd like to go my lady?" -
private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Shadow nodded when Luna thanked him before shaking his head. "No my lady, unless you had something that needs done I'll go back to my rounds as usual once this is over." Shadow was one of the few that kept the peace most of them were either on the battlefield or stationed withing the hold or in another area of the quarter. Shadow knew his place in the ranks but that didn't mean that he would give his life to protect his princess...even from another princess. -
private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Delernil Shadow turned to his side showing off his blades. "I find armor constricting when in combat. Wearing only a light leather chest piece allows me to be quick and limber." Upon the words quick and limber he drew his swords and danced them from one hoof to another gracefully before sheathing them. "Standard armor is bulky and makes noise as well, with this I'm able to stay hidden and strike from the shadows as you would command me princess." Shadow gave a bow, he was always more keen on Luna's way of thinking growing up and being able to protect her was a dream come true. "If you have any more questions for me your Highness please don't hesitate to ask I will answer all your questions with honesty." -
private Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance] RP (SLOTS STILL OPEN!)
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Delernil Shadow stood there by the door as Luna opened the letter. He had been found by the princess of the night when he was holding his own against a group of Celestia's guards when the country split. Shadow was very greatfull to be a knight for her, in his eyes what she was trying to accomplish was worth dying for. Shadow could see that his princes was quite stressed, using his magic he pulled out a small flask from his gear. Shadow wasn't one for wearing armor, the most he would wear was a leather chest guard to keep his mobility, this piece though had Luna's crescent moon on the front. One of the lower guards raised an eyebrow at the flask. "What it's just tea...standing in one place can make one thirsty." Shadow then offered it to Luna hoping it would help sooth her nerves a bit. -
searching What are we fighting for?
Flareon replied to WhiteGuardian's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I haven't done any teleportation since I used my blades to get us around the mountain and that was some time ago. Right now were in a castle within a Mountain in the Dark Valley that's about it. -
searching Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance]
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Can somebody tell me what's happened so far and what's going on in the Luna quarter so far if anything? -
searching What are we fighting for?
Flareon replied to WhiteGuardian's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@ Oour group is at the castle right now we can have it be that you fell behind and just now arrive. -
Solar showed a caring smile when she saw Sky smile. "Yes it's true that the Elements are gone...but as far as the Nature elements they could be of some use. But you Firelight...that wasn't the reason that I had Shadow rescue you, I had him rescue because I need ponies with the heart and courage to fight to restore Equestria to it's former glory." Solar looked at one of the stained glass pictures, that of the fall of the princesses to Discord. "The elements of harmony will find their new masters one day but for now they slumber. We've relied on them for too long. In order for Equestria to become what it once was we need to remove the current government...although that would mean that all of you would be committing treason. Would you follow me blindly into the fray of this to see Equestria rebuilt."
searching Bring it Back! [Adventure/Action/Survival/Romance]
Flareon replied to Courageous Thunder Dash's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Can I join with my OC Shadow Fire and be in Luna's quarter please? If I can just an FYI I'm at work so I won't be starting till after then. OC link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-fire-r5645 -
Shadow heard Firelight's question and it caused Shadow to start to intervene only to be stopped by the pony. "I can understand your caution Firelight. You may call me Solar Starlight." Shadow could tell just from the voice that his contact was female. At the mention of her name she removed her cloak revealing a golden yellow made with a fire red and orange mane and tail. "The last pony alive with Royal blood tied to the princesses. I wish to bring Equestria back to the shining utopia that it once was and bring harmony back to everypony." (curses no color text for this while on my phone grrrr)
@@WhiteGuardian, @@Aurora Lights, @ Shadow walked inside the throne room. It was beautifully decorated for being a run down castle, at the end was a chair with a cloaked pony sitting and waiting. Once Shadow made it close enough a hoof came up by one of the guards. Shadow noted that they were indeed wearing royal armor which had vanished after the princesses were defeated. "You asked for a job to be done and I took care of it. All be it with some bumps but I've also brought others that could aid you in your cause." Shadow saw the pony stand up upon seeing everypony else walking in.
One of the royal guards looked back at the group. "Please follow me if you will." The pegasus walked inside the castle, Shadow following closely and hoping the others weren't so enamored by the beauty that they too were following. The castle on the inside was very elaborate and well decorated with royal tapestries and pictures of the Royal sisters. There were even pictures of Princess Twilight and Cadance decorating the walls. It was then that they stopped in front of a large door, the guard standing to the side and motioned for them to head on through. What awaited them on the other side was a mystery to them all.
The pegasus flew them withing the mountain, in the center of the mountain was a damaged castle. But it was what was around the castle that caught Shadow's eyes and made his heart beat faster. Greenery honest to Celestia real plant life. Shadow couldn't believe it, nopony had really seen anything like this in years. There were trees and beautiful flowers everywhere and birds real birds. Once they landed Shadow started searching the guards finding a shard on him he quickly crushed it. The castle was in bad shape but still had excellent defenses. @ ( OK I'm calling you on this one leave the dragon to me to control I brought it in so I'll control it your character is way to OP as it is.)
@@WhiteGuardian, @@Aurora Lights, @ Shadow didn't know what to do now they had to keep the girls safe and make sure they could deal with these weird ponies. On top of that a rift opened up and the dragon that had been sucked away returned. Things weren't looking good for Firelight and the rest of the group. "Heh well if this is where we die then so be it." Suddenly a blast of bright light hit the area blinding all and burning the Dragon forcing it to retreat for the time being. The only thing Shadow could hear were the sounds of wings before he was lifted up into the sky, Firelight and Renegade had the same happen. A white pegasus wearing old royal guard armor flew over to Sky. "Please my lady follow us to safety." With that they were gone in a brilliant flash.
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona blushed and shuffled her hooves a little. "S...Sorry Sterling I just wanted to make sure. The last time a stallion said he would be there for me showed up with another mare." Corona gave a warm smile and hugged Sterling deeply, she didn't want it to end but she knew it had to. "I have to go to practice now Sterling but I'll see you later for our after school practice ok." Corona flew off towards the back of the school, she was so excited to be starting her first game tomorrow.