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Saw Godzilla last night and I must say that movies was pure awesomeness!!! I've always been a diehard fan of the series. I was quite worried about this movie but they pulled it of wonderfully and I'll have to give it a 9/10. It wasn't perfect but it was really close to it in my eyes. I encourage all to go and see it wether you're a diehard fan like me or new to the series it's a great movie.
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star's eyes widened when she heard Sterling thank her, it was something she wasn't expecting from him so soon. Star smiled at seeing the young couple back together. "You're welcome Sterling, I'm happy that you two made up. Now you just need to go find Pink Heart and fix things with her." Corona smiled and headed out the door with Sterling, Corona was sticking close to Sterling and walking with him. Corona didn't know where they should start looking so she looked to Sterling. "Where did you last see Pink Heart last Sterling?" Corona questioned, making sure that they were well out of eyesight of her house Corona got as close as possible to Sterling and put her wing over his back and draped the end over his side. Star said her goodbyes and left Corona's house and headed towards her house, unaware of the trouble that was waiting for her at home. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona nuzzled against Sterling and smiled. "Well why don't we go and look for her together, we can start in the last place that you saw her. She might not have gone far. Plus I can fly around and look for her, we need to find her Sterling." Corona started towards her door and headed downstairs hearing a gasp of shock from Star who was still here. Corona Saw her father's questionable stare, his left eyebrow raised at her. "Everything's okay dad me and Sterling talked it out...well more like I blabbed and cried at him. Anyway we're going to head to the park to try and find another mare that tried to help." Flower smiled warmly at her daughter, seeing the happiness that Sterling brought to her made everything worth it. Flower looked at the young couple and gave an approving nod. "Ok you two but just be careful ok." -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona's wings shifted with happiness when she heard Sterling forgive her. When he told her about another mare that was trying to help Corona knew it had to have been the Pink mare from a week or so ago. Corona placed a wing on Sterling's side and gave him a warm and caring smile. "If you're that upset about it Sterling then you need to go talk to her. She was probably just trying to help you, just at the wrong time." Corona nuzzled against Sterling. Corona knew that if her parents caught them nuzzling like this they would question just how innocent their relationship was. "You go talk to her and get things straightened out. But you have to promise me that you'll walk with me to school tomorrow ok." Corona gave Sterling a happy smile. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
The sudden kiss to her neck made Corona blush a deep red, but when Sterling started to nuzzle her it made her heart skyrocket. She could feel her heart beating faster and faster. The fact that he was showing her this much love in return practically made her start crying again. Corona nuzzled him back showing as much love as she could, she didn't want to ever let him go. Corona slowly felt the embrace starting to end as they both pulled away. "Thank you Sterling, you're the best Coltfriend I've ever had. I love you so much. Can you ever forgive me for how I acted?" Corona looked at Sterling, placing her hoof on his. Her sapphire eyes looking into Sterling's, her heart beat heavy in her chest awaiting his answer. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona sat there in silence until she turned wondering why Sterling hadn't answered her yet. What she saw made her giggle, the sight of Sterling passed out on her bed no doubt from the kiss made her happy. Corona slowly tapped him on his cheeks trying to wake him up so that they could continue talking. Corona could hear the distant sound of laughing and who she assumed was Star Shine coming from downstairs. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona felt Sterling start to stroke her mane the feel of his hoof made her heart beat faster inside. The fact that he was staying made her start to feel more and more relaxed and at ease with everything. Her tears started to slowly dry up and before she knew it she wasn't even crying any more. What Corona did next surprised even her. Corona suddenly turned her head to look at Sterling to say something to him, but ended up kissing him right on the lips. Corona didn't shy away at first, still overcome with the initial shock until she realized what had happened. Once she noticed what was going on she pulled away quickly, her face turning a deep red see able even through the paint on her face. "I....I um....heh...well that was um....new. A...anyway Sterling thank you, you're the best coltfriend that I've ever had and I don't want to loose you. Can you forgive me for acting so cold to you?" -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona slowly started to sit up letting the blanket start to slide off of her. "You were right to be mad...I was soo mean to you and I knew deep down that you didn't do this to me. I just...I lashed out at you cause there was nopony else to blame...and I...I. Dear Celestia I'm such a horrible mare, can you ever forgive me?" Corona asked sitting up and looking at Sterling's eyes, the tears running down her cheeks. It was then that she realized that her blanket had fallen off showing her paint coated fur, mane, and tail. Corona panicked in embarrassment trying to get the blanket back on her but quickly ended up throwing it on the floor and sat and sat there sniffling. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona felt her bed move and slowly poked her head out of the covers and saw Sterling sitting on her bed. She looked up at him with her blue saphire eyes, her blue and orange mane now covered in spots of dark grey paint. Corona shifted closer to Sterling and pressed her head against his side. Tears ran down her cheeks, but these were tears of joy. The fact that he hadn't left made her happy inside and want to just explode but she managed to control it. "Th....thank you for not leaving Sterling...really....thank you." Corona's voice cracked as she spoke, letting her heart do the talking. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't have let my mind go like that...you're the best thing in my life in years." Corona cried into Sterling's side. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona finally slowly started to stop crying when she heard a knock on her door. Corona turned and looked to see a maroon hoof poking through the door. Corona quickly buried herself under the covers of her bed, watching the door open and Sterling enter. "S....Sterling...h...hi." Corona raised the blankets up just enough to see out from under it, she felt her heart beat when he entered. Unfortunately it sank when she realized that he probably hated her for what she did. "You don't have to be here I...I can understand if you never want to be seen with me again. Especially for how I treated you and also how ugly I look now." Corona sniffled, curling back under the covers. She could only hope that she hadn't destroyed their relationship completely, all she wanted was for him to embrace her and tell her everything would be okay and that things could go back to before this stupid incident. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Flower sat down next to Sterling and gave him a warm and caring smile. "Look Sterling, we know that you didn't do this to Corona. But what we do know is that she needs you right now. She wont listen to either of us, and she keeps believing that you don't want anything to do with her." Feather Point then walked into the room, sitting down with a newspaper he began reading what he'd missed earlier. "Yes Sterling you need to go and talk to our daughter you both need to air this out and get it all settled." Feather Point said this all without once taking his eyes off of the newspaper. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star took to the air flying low to the ground as she guided Sterling towards Corona's house. She stopped at the front door and gave Sterling a concerned look. Star knocked on the door and Flower answered the door, looking at Star and then at Sterling. "Hello Sterling, Corona told us what happened on the way home. But we believe that she's wrong this time in saying what you did to her. She's been upstairs crying since we got home, I've even heard her mumbling that she wants to make things right." Flower stepped to the side and motioned for him to enter. "Please come in, I think it will do you both some good to talk this out." -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star stomped her hoof into the ground leaving a deep impression. "Don't you dare start that blame game with me Sterling! I if anything kept you from having Corona tear into you and crush your heart all together. I said what I did to protect you." Star paced around Sterling never once taking her eyes off him for a second. "Pink Heart you should deffinately go apologize to since you were so mean to her. She was just trying to help and wanted to be your friend and you pushed her away. Corona feels awful for the way she treated you and the fact that she even thought that you would do something like this to her." Star extended her hoof pointing in the direction of her house. "She needs you right now Sterling, and it's your obligation to go comfort her, not make her feel WORSE! The longer you wait the more her heart breaks apart." Star then gave a low sigh. "I'm working on finding out who did this to her and if you can tell me anything please let me know, but right now Corona needs you." -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star had seen enough and flew out of the tree landing next to Sterling. "That's enough Sterling!!" Star shouted, she was tired of both parties being too stubborn to do anything. She had to fix this, and she had to bring the responsible party to light. "You need to go and talk to Corona. She thinks you're the one that did this to her, she doesn't know the whole thing. I know that somepony was behind all of this and I don't plan on leaving until you leave to go talk to her." Star Stood her ground, she wasn't going to let a younger student tell her what she should be doing especially when it comes to true love. Meanwhile back at the school Star's friend managed to find the paint can and the thread that was used to commit the cruel joke. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star shook her head as she watched Corona head into her house. Star took off, there was obviously nothing that she could say to Corona at this point to change her mind on the subject but maybe just maybe Sterling would listen to reason. Star caught sight of Sterling and another pony down at the park and flew down as quietly as she could. Landing softly in a tree so that she could wait until the right time to show up. It wasn't the best tactic but considering that there was another mare with him it would probably be best to wait and see how things transpired first. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star took off in the direction of Corona and her parents as fast as she could. It wasn't as hard to track Corona as she originally thought since she could still see some drops of paint on the ground. Star found them trotting towards a house and made a B-line to the ground in front of them landing hard and sending a blast of wind out. "I'm sorry to bother you all but I'm Star Shine and I'm a upperclasspony that's aid for new students. I'd like to talk to Corona." Corona's parents glared at Star until Corona gave the okay and they headed on inside. Corona sniffled and whipped some tears from her eyes. "There's nothing to talk about Star, Sterling did this to me he was even there to gloat at my misery." Star stood over her shaking her head. "Corona just think about it, it doesn't even make sense for him to do such a thing. What would he have to gain from it anyway, he loves you with all of his heart I know. You need to go and talk to him." Corona stood there thinking it over. It didn't really make sense but she was still really hurt that it was him, she just wanted to slam her head into her pillow and scream while she cried. She'd been so mean to him and he really didn't deserve it, Corona felt even worse about everything. She just walked past Star and into the house and did what she wanted hoping that Sterling could only forgive her for what she had done. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star took off after her small confrontation with Ruby, she knew Sterling and Corona had to work this out but in Corona's emotional state she would likely punch Sterling without really thinking it through. Star wanted to help the couple through this but it was best for her keep them from each other till they cooled down a bit more. Star met up with one of her friends that was in a few classes with Ruby and her friends. What she found out would definitely help Corona and Sterling, but giving both of their states it would be best to wait. I don't what I should do. I can't confront Ruby with this and nopony will do anything if I tell the principle. Oh Celestia what do I do? Star decided it was best to go and see Corona and try to help her cope with everything that went down just a short moment ago. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Star walked Corona out to her parents who were quickly questioning her about what was going on and what happened. "Sterling...it's all his fault. He lied to me and did this to me. I just want to go home." Corona and her parents started towards home, her father not very keen on seeing Sterling again at this moment. Unknown to Corona, as skilled as Shadow was at the game since he didn't play as a team the Feather Falcons ended up loosing their first game of the season. Star watched from the school as Corona and her parents headed home. It was then that Ruby stepped out of the shadows. "Wow I can't believe that happened to her Star. I wonder who'd even want to do something like that to her." Star whipped around and glared at Ruby. "I don't know how you did this Ruby but I know it's you. I'll bring the truth to light here just you wait." -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona continued to cry into Star, she was in pure shock as to why Sterling would do what he had done. Corona got up and started walking with Star towards the exit. All Corona wanted to do right now was go home and try to figure out a way to fix this stupid mess. As they walked out of the changing room it was then that they saw Sterling waiting for them. Star used her wing to cover Corona and keep her close, watching as it seemed like he was going to say something. Corona shot him a evil stare. "I think you've done enough for one day Sterling. Go home, Corona does want to see you right now." Star spoke as they walked past Sterling and out to meet her parents. Corona left crying unaware that it was Ruby and Diamond that had planned the whole thing. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona was in the showers crying uncontrollably, she was trying to get as much of the paint out as she could. Frantically her hooves ran through her mane and tail, even the fur of her coat. The paint that was used was a darker color of grey so that it would show even on her body. Star had seen everything as she had raced towards the field after the event had happened, she knew that she had to do something to help Corona. Star made it to the locker room and could hear Corona crying in the showers. Making her way into the large shower room she could see Corona curled up in a ball. Her mane, tail, and body had had dark grey patches all over her. "Oh dear Celestia! Corona what happened are you all right?" "No Star! He did this to me...Sterling gave me my gear with the paint in it. He...he...lied to me." Corona cried into Star, what little paint was washing away now was only on her tail now. Sterling didn't know that he was walking right into a bad situation. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona quickly changed as fast as she could and headed to join the team. The game started like normal and Corona led the team out into the fray. The game went without a hitch, the Feather Falcons were on a roll with Corona's leadership in the field. They kept scoring and scoring and it was looking like it was going to be a easy win. It was during a scuffle that one of the opponents spiraled out of control right towards Corona. Nothing really to worry too much about with the padding they had on depending on where he collided with her would be nothing at all. The pegasus tried hard to regain control but he couldn't and slammed right into Corona's left side, knocking the wind from her for a second. Ruby on the other hoof was in the stands with an evil smile when she saw this happening. Ruby watch as the two collided and then as set the sacks of ink popped inside her gear, soaking Corona in grey paint. The sudden surprise sent Corona spinning down to the ground with the other pegasus dripping in paint. The ref called a time out, Coach Dust raced out onto the field to help. Before Dust could say anything Corona ran into the locker room in tears. "Shadow you're in for Corona. Go!" -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona flew back into the changing rooms and started looking one last time. Hoping to find it she started looking frantically for it, until she happened to see Sterling come into the locker room. "Sterling what are you doing her you shouldn't....be. Sweet Celestia is that my gear Sterling!? Where did you find it???" Corona didn't really give much thought to it, quickly grabbing her gear and flying into the changing room after giving Sterling a kiss on the cheek. Corona came out with her gear on and a big smile on her face. "You should go back to your seat Sterling the game will be starting here soon, and I'll be leading us to a win." Unknown to both of them, that once hit with the ball or anything the paint would coat her beautiful mane and shake their growing relationship. -
Meghan McCarthy officially strikes down Sparity
Flareon replied to Dattebayo's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Sooo glad to see that get shot down. I was never a big fan of Sparity it didn't seem to match up right for me. I'm more personal to Spikebloom. I for some reason love that ship and ship it hard. I think that those two would be perfect for each other but sadly unless my memory fails me there's been no kind of sign that he's even into her. Oh well all aboard the shipping boat. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona was flying around the school in a fit of panic, she'd somehow misplaced her wingball gear. No no no no no this can't happen not today. I'm team captain and I need to be there for my team. Where could it be at I know that I left it in the locker room. Corona continued looking for her gear in panic practically turning the school upside down. Unknown to her Silver thread was making the final touches before concealing it with her magic. Silver trotted off towards the stands looking for the maroon stallion named Sterling, it wasn't hard to find him since he was sitting in the front row. "Excuse me Sterling, I heard Corona's been looking for her gear someone misplaced it and I happened to find it. You should probably take it to her." Silver levitated the gear carefully over to Sterling, in the trees in the distance Ruby sat on a branch and grinned mischievously as she watched everything unfold. -
private My Little Time Lord: Timey Wimy Whooves (Actn/Advn/Rom)
Flareon replied to Flareon's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, @@Kulstor, @@The Ponyville Critic, @@LunaFlower226 (First off sorry everypony for making you wait so long for me to respond. I've been busy with work and other personal issues that have been eating up my time. But now I'm back and ready to keep this going.) Feather smiled and blushed when the she heard the mare apologize, feeling quite embarrassed about letting that happen but more so that she thought her and the Doctor were together. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea. We could cover more ground that way and find out what's really going on around here. Is there something specific that we should be looking for Mr. *ahem* Smith?" Feather looked back at the doctor before back to the new pony. "I'm sorry I never introduced myself, I'm Feather Wind." Snow paced back and forth for a few seconds before looking at the pony and the changeling. "All I need to know is why you two were spying on us? Cause right now you two are now probably in just as much danger as the rest of our little group now." Snow wasn't even mad he was more concerned about the safety of everypony. Snow then pulled out the wooden object that attacked them and showed it to the others. "We're looking for anything like this that would be suspicious. We believe that whatever is here in Ponyville is in the market so we need to find it and stop it."