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Everything posted by Flareon
Thanks I'll be waiting anxiously to see what you come up with. Now all I need to do is fully flush out the plot for the stories and I should be fine.
planning Hearth Warming Rp?
Flareon replied to Jolt-Thunderbolt's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Actually since I can see that there are no mares in this rp yet I'll play one of my other oc's Melody -
So I'm thinking of starting up a RP that's mostly adventure and action. The main plot surrounding this RP will be as follows. Twilight while while learning magic in her filly years and under the guidance of Celestia one day happened to stumble upon an old tome in the forbidden section. Upon inspecting the tome found that it was riddled with dark magic, but being the ever curious filly decided to practice said magic. In doing so released a being into her that had been sealed away since the day the first Element of Harmony wielders showed themselves. This being has slowly been feeding on Twilight's magic over the years regaining strength, now the time is right and Twilight's mind is best to attack to gain control for release. I would prefer no OC's for this since it's going to mainly focused around the Mane 6, Luna, and Celestia. So far the main villain is called Dark Matter his former name was Lavere, who was a magic researcher long ago. Once I get things set up I'll work on changing this to a searching stage. If anypony interested has any questions or suggestions please let me know I'm keeping most of the plot hidden so that the villains plan doesn't get revealed yet.
Yeah I'm having a little trouble with their names too, but mainly what they will look like. I would prefer them to be both female and seperated by only 2 years. This was the closest thing I could come to finding a base for the changelings.
planning Hearth Warming Rp?
Flareon replied to Jolt-Thunderbolt's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Here's my character submission: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rai-r7644 THis is his current form: -
planning Hearth Warming Rp?
Flareon replied to Jolt-Thunderbolt's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Jolt-Thunderbolt Hey if I was wondering if I could join? Not right this now but maybe once I get off work and get home to make a new OC? I was thinking of making a changeling for this if you'd allow it. Please let me know. -
Hey everpony I'm currently having trouble coming up with a look for what the children of my two OC's. I'm currently working on a story for them that I'll be posting on FiMFiction eventually. I'm not too well versed on the changeling hybrids mainly cause there's so little lore about them. If anyone can give me any help in this department I'm more than willing to listen and bounce idea's around. So far I know that I'm wanting there to be at least two foals separated by at least a year or two. I'm also planning on making the older one more pony like and the younger one be pretty much all changeling. This is as far as I've gotten, if anyone has any advise or is willing to help that would be great. Left: Aura(Lieutenant in guard) Right: Teki (Formerly Chrysalis's second in command.)
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona smiled as she followed Sterling into their first class of the day and took a seat next to him. The class went on like normal and when she would need help Corona went right to Sterling for it. Corona was so happy to be with Sterling and it just made everything better for her, even the dull parts of school for her. Once the bell rang for the end of class Corona said her goodbyes to Sterling and headed for her home-ec class. Once she got there she was excited to get started, it was then that Corona saw Star limp into class and her heart sank. Corona went running over to Star with panic on her face. "Dear Celestia what happened to you Star!?" Star smiled weakly at Corona, doing her best to hide her most serious bodily injuries with her wings. "It's nothing really just hit a rough patch of wind while doing some flying yesterday. I couldn't recover before I hit the ground yesterday." -
Well after tonight I'll be hit or miss on here for the next 5 days. Heading up to Sandusky OH for Colossalcon and boy am I excited.
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona giggled when she saw Sterling fidgiting around cause of her wing. She took this opportunity to use her other wing and tickle him on his other side. "Oh you're ticklish huh, well now that I know I'll use that to my advantage." Corona giggled, playfully tickling Sterling in the halls. Slowly she relented watching his tears of humor run from his eyes, it was then that the school bell rang and Corona knew that they had to get to class now. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona stopped walking with Sterling in the halls just before the entrance to their first class of the day together. She then walked in front of Sterling and placed her head against his looking deep into his eyes at that point. "Sterling it's ok, I know you wouldn't lash out at somepony unless they kinda deserve it or push you into a corner. I'm not worried about you doing the same thing to me cause I know that it would never happen, cause we're both connected here." Corona's wing touched Sterling's side near his heart. Corona knew that Sterling would never yell at her unless it was something really bad but she made a promise that she would never let that happen to them. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona was shocked at the sudden burst of authority that he was showing all of a sudden. She wasn't about to complain or say that he shouldn't be like that. Corona felt that when it came to ponies like that they kinda deserved it. Corona and Sterling walked past a slack-jawed Ruby as well as a few other ponies that had heard Sterling's outburst. "Wow Sterling that was sooo brave of you to stand up for us like that." Corona beamed brightly with a smile, making sure to hold Sterling close to her. Ruby on the other hoof was left standing there unsure of what had just happened. Once she snapped out of her stupor she turned and looked back at the two walking away. Ruby gave a wicked glare and watched them trot away with their tails woven together. Oh you think you're sooo special and a tough pony. Just you wait Sterling I'll make your precious love boat sink so fast you won't have time to recover from it. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona blushed a very deep crimson at Sterling's compliment's and his expression of how he felt about her. "I'm....I'm not that good. I'm nothing like Vincent Van Hoof." Corona stayed with Sterling as they walked into school together. She was so excited to have a coltfriend that cared about her. So much so that she didn't even notice the other ponies snickering at her dark grey paint splotches all over her body. Ruby was walking through the halls, in all her glamor and making quite the show about it too. She ended up passing Star who was limping towards her first class of the day. Giving a sly smirk she cleverly tripped Star making her fall seem like an accident before moving along. It was then that she saw Sterling and Corona together and it made her see red. She couldn't understand how she could be here and let alone with that stallion. Star stepped in front of the couple halting their progress. "And just where do you two think you're going? Huh?" -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona blushed deeply at Sterling's interest in what she had to offer. Reaching into her saddlebag Corona carefully pulled out her drawing of her and Sterling. Corona slowly gave it to Sterling. "Um h...h...here Sterling I made this for you, I hope you like it." The picture that Corona had drawn showed Sterling and herself sitting on a hill. The sun was setting in front of them and with a few clouds in the sky. The two of them were sitting under a tree on the hill with a field of flowers at the bottom. Corona also had her wing around Sterling and their tails were intertwined. The last little bit of detail on the picture was a heart etched into the tree with a C+SC inside of it. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona giggled as she watched the pair walking nervously into the school and it made her heart jump with excitement. Corona started towards the school looking for Sterling. It was then that she ended up finding Sterling walking towards the school. Corona hurried to go meet up with Sterling, her heart beating faster from the thought of being around him. "Hi Sterling, I was hoping to see you before class started. I...um...I made something for you...if you'd like to see it?" Corona shuffled her wings trying to hide her nervousness. Star managed to pick herself up and continued on into the school and towards her first class. Limping the entire way to the class, Star was stopped by one of her teachers who saw her bruises. Asking her what had happened Star just simply gave the easiest answer she could. "No I'm fine I just had a flight issue yesterday is all." -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona started sketching quickly finishing off the background first before heading onto working on the main portion of the picture which was Pink and Erlen. Corona kept making glances back at the two and it made her heart jump just looking at them. The sight made her think of her and Sterling together, she just only wished that there were two of her so that she could sketch it and be a part of it at the same time. Corona was making the final sketch of the two adding a little bit of her own tastes to the picture. Corona stopped once she was done and satisfied with what she'd drawn she tucked it away in her bag and gave them the ok to move. "Ok you two you can move. I'll have to work on this when I get home and get the linework done but I should have it done by tomorrow morning ok." Corona said with a smile. Star finally made it to the school and limped her way around to the front of the school passing by Corona and the others. Star made sure that she wasn't noticed by anypony she knew. That was until she saw Sterling making a b-line towards her, but he seemed to be looking for somepony. It was then that her leg sent a sharp seering pain through her and dropped her to the ground. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona looked around and noticed a blooming tree in the schoolyard and got the best idea. Without saying a word Corona extended her wings and ushered the couple towards the tree. Corona set motioned for them to sit down looking towards each other. "Ok now I just need you guys to look at each other and put your heads together. You can keep your eyes closed or open it's up to you, also I want you guys to cross your hooves. Erlen for you that would be your left and Pink your right." Corona pulled out her sketchbook and took a seat a ways away from them and started sketching the background first waiting to work on them until they were ready. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona backed off a little bit when she saw Pink's look, but blushed ever so slightly at the Stallions comment. "I...uh...I didn't mean anything by it Pink really. Your friend is right I was talking about drawing you and him together...I mean if that's ok with you." Corona didn't know what to make of this situation. She knew that Pink had feelings for Sterling or maybe at least until now, she wasn't sure if things had changed in the last day or not. It was then that Corona realized that she hadn't introduced herself to the other pony. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Corona." Unknown to Corona and the others Star was limping to school that morning. She had taken the long way to school so that nopony would see her, she didn't want to be seen right now. She knew that somepnoy would notice eventually she only hoped that it wasn't today. Star had a bruise on her left side under her wing and a few on her back left leg, luckily for her she could hide them. She could hide the bruise on her side with her wing and she was wearing socks to cover up the one on her leg. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona landed at Hoofstomp and while she received some snickers and saw some ponies talking about her off to the side. She did hide herself for a little bit but once she found a nice little spot to settle down until Sterling arrived. Corona pulled out her sketchbook and started sketching out the schoolyard with all of the different ponies around. It was then that Corona saw Pink Heart walking into the schoolyard with a stallion. Corona's ear's perked up and when she came up with a great idea. Putting her sketchbook back in her saddlebag, Corona trotted over to Pink with a smile. "Um hi Pink I was wondering...would you and your...friend let me draw you guys together?" -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona continued working on the sketch of Sterling, finally getting the line work done. Corona walked over to her desk and pulled out her colored pencils. Corona stared coloring in Sterling and was being very meticulous about it. She had drawn Sterling sitting on a hill looking out at a sunset and was quite proud of how it was turning out. Corona worked as long as she could, staying up until after 2 when her mom forced her to bed. Luckily for Corona she had managed to finish it just before her mom made her go to bed. The next morning Corona grabbed the sketch after she got her bath and finished getting ready. Corona took off towards the school with the picture in her saddlebag. I hope Sterling likes this...I can't wait to give it to him. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona blushed heavily, she could even feel her hooves shaking. She loved being around Sterling and she'd never felt a sensation like this before. Corona looked back at the door and then back to Sterling, floating up off the ground she gave him a short loving kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow Sterling...again I'm sorry if I've been so forward with you." Corona smiled and flew off towards her house. Once she was home she told her parents what had happened and then headed upstairs to her room. Pulling out her journal she put down her thoughts and what her heart was telling her and started working on the sketch that she'd started of Sterling a week ago. -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Corona giggled watching Sterling get all flustered. Corona and Sterling started towards his house, enjoying the time that they were spending minus the fact that Sterling didn't get to apologize to Pink Heart. It didn't take long for them to get to Sterling's house, once there she stopped Sterling in the pathway. "Sterling I just wanted to say that I know I'm being forward about this and all but...you're the only stallion to ever really care. I've never felt this way with anypony else, and with you it's well...special. I know that I can trust you and know that you don't care that my coat is grey because of my condition. I love you so much Sterling and I can't just not let you know about it...and...I'm sorry if I'm being too forward about this." -
private Hoofstomp High (SOL and Romance!)
Flareon replied to Inactive01's topic in Everfree Roleplays
"Well then that's where we'll star looking first for her." Corona walked with Sterling holding him close to her, she didn't care who would see them together. Corona only cared about how happy they were together, and right now nothing could do anything to spoil it. Corona and Sterling walked through most of the park. Unfortunately from the looks of it, it didn't seem like they were in the park anymore. "Hm well, we might not be able to find her tonight but we'll see her at school tomorrow hopefully. C'mon Sterling I'll walk with you back to your house if you'd like?" Corona questioned giving Sterling a short loving nuzzle.